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All manpower isn't equal. As a power wishes to improve the quality of its soldiers, it must necessarily seperate the wheat from the chaff, necessitating ever-more expensive and intensive training that provides ever-decreasing results. Therefore, it costs more and more to gain a certain amount of manpower to
All manpower isn't equal. As a power wishes to improve the quality of its soldiers, it must necessarily seperate the wheat from the chaff, necessitating ever-more expensive and intensive training that provides ever-decreasing results.

AI may be a mitigator, but so far no-one save the posthumans have successfully created an artificial intellect by any method other than brute-force emulation of human thought processes. Given that the creation of a true sentient AI heralded the fall of the posthuman nations, nobody really wants to do any sort of research into building a sentient AI. In the end, although unskilled labor can be replaced by drones, and most soldiers will have support by non-sentient AI, in the end you still need manpower, whether human, bioengineered, or cybernetic.
AI may be a mitigator, but so far no-one save the posthumans have successfully created an artificial intellect by any method other than brute-force emulation of human thought processes. Given that the creation of a true sentient AI heralded the fall of the posthumans, nobody really wants to do any sort of research into building a sentient AI. In the end, although unskilled labor can be replaced by drones, and most soldiers will have support by non-sentient AI, in the end you still need manpower, whether human, bioengineered, or cybernetic.

Manpower comes in several types-Untrained, Green, Regular, Hardened, Elite, and Specialized.
Manpower comes in several types-Untrained, Green, Regular, Hardened, Elite, and Specialized.

Untrained manpower is freely available but entirely ineffective. Untrained manpower gets you units of rough quality equivalent to the worst of African militiamen. Not even the best of equipment can make up for that level of inferiority in tactics-although if used callously, in human wave attacks, they can maintain reasonable effectiveness. Untrained manpower does not cost draft.
Green manpower is marginally trained and similarly, marginally effective. Green soldiers and pilots are equivalent to reservists, people who train very occasionally to keep their skills fresh, if not honed. However, they are cheap and easy to train, and can fare quite well in a defensive or rear-echelon role.<br>
0.5X Cost multiplier<br>

Green manpower is marginally trained and similarly, marginally effective. Green soldiers and pilots are equivalent to reservists, people who train very occasionally to keep their skills fresh, if not honed. However, they are cheap and easy to train, and can fare quite well in a defensive or rear-echelon role. After all, how good do your truck drivers really have to be with their guns? Green manpower costs 1/4th as much as normal.
Regulars are the backbone of most militaries, professionals who are well-trained and disciplined. They are cost-effective, unlikely to break, and competent enough that they can handle all but the most specialized gear. The vast majority of combat soldiers end up at this level of competence.<br>
1X Cost multiplier(no change)<br>

Regulars are the backbone of most militaries, professionals who are well-trained and disciplined. They are cost-effective, unlikely to break, and competent enough that they can handle all but the most specialized gear. The vast majority of combat soldiers end up at this level of competence. Regulars cost normal amounts of manpower to train.
Elites are Rangers, Marines, hardcore types who are often trained in specialized operations, whether it's amphibious operations, orbital drop, or NBC warfare. Although cost-inefficient on a grand scale a few elite units are extraordinarily potent force multipliers.<br>
2X Cost multiplier<br>

Elites are Rangers, Marines, hardcore types who are often trained in specialized operations, whether it's amphibious operations, orbital drop, or NBC warfare. Although cost-inefficient on a grand scale a few elite units are extraordinarily potent force multipliers. Elites have a manpower cost that is four times higher than normal.
Specialized troops have even more extensive training and are often seen with the most advanced equipment and the largest egos. In general, only special forces, ace squadrons, or special forces support units will have this level of training, as the screening and training necessary for it is highly cost-ineffective, often washing out 80% or more of the people who qualify.<br>
4X Cost multiplier<br>

Specialized troops have even more extensive training and are often seen with the most advanced equipment and the largest egos. In general, only special forces, ace squadrons, or special forces support units will have this level of training, as the screening and training necessary for it is highly cost-ineffective, often washing out 80% or more of the people who qualify. Specialists have manpower costs twenty times higher than normal.
=Planetoid Military Units=
All units listed below are generic archetypes-each battalion can be outfitted with different equipment, from weapons to armor to other specialist equipment as according to your needs.
=Planetary Military Units=
==Foot Soldiers==

These units are (primarily) for major operations on the surfaces of major planetoids, or large habitats. Despite the extensive use of drones and other automated war fighting equipment, AI remained more or less the purview of the posthumans and as such, the human brain and the soldier lies at the heart of military operations.


The backbone of any military, infantry are most effective when you have someone you want to fight but don't particularly want to destroy everything they have. Cheap, highly effective in built-up terrain, and versatile, foot soldiers run the gamut from poorly trained militia to elite special forces.
The backbone of any military, infantry are most effective when you have someone you want to fight but don't particularly want to destroy everything they have. Cheap, highly effective in built-up terrain, and versatile, foot soldiers run the gamut from poorly trained militia to elite special forces.

'''Guerillas Batallion'''<br>
Guerillas are soldiers who have learned, whether by training or brutal evolutionary pressures, how to fight unconventionally, moving light and striking hard. With their skillset in living off the land, scavenging equipment, and stealthy operation, guerillas are critical to winning unconventional wars. Dependent on the type of manpower and equipment given, these can be anything from ragtag tribal militias to extremely elite special forces.
:Guerillas are soldiers who have learned, whether by training or brutal selective pressures, how to fight unconventionally, moving light and striking hard. With their skillset in living off the land, scavenging equipment, hacking security software, and stealthy operation, guerrillas are critical to winning unconventional wars. They are suited to arenas with high number of civilians or dense rural terrain.

"The guerrilla must move amongst the people as a fish swims in the sea."
"The guerrilla must move amongst the people as a fish swims in the sea."
Mao Zedong
Mao Zedong
::Cost: 1 Point

'''Infantry Battalion'''<br>
Standard infantrymen are better armed and equipped but conversely are less stealthy and require a larger logistics trail. Ranging from poorly trained conscripts to elite direct-action assault forces, infantrymen are a solid backbone upon which the entire army builds. After all, the end goal of most ground operations is to capture enemy assets instead of merely rendering them unusable-there are orbital strikes and nuclear weapons for that. Even though they might be equipped with powered armor and use smart weapons, even with their UAV and UGV support, their role and their tactics are still eminently recognizable.
:Ranging from under-equipped conscripts to elite direct-action assault forces, infantrymen are a solid backbone upon which the entire army builds. Even though they are equipped with powered armor and use smart weapons, operate in theaters as diverse as terrestrial combat and space habitat assault, their role and tactics are still eminently recognizable.

"The infantry doesn't change. We're the only arm of the military where the weapon is the man himself."
"The infantry doesn't change. We're the only arm of the military where the weapon is the man himself."
Maj Gen C. T. Shortis
Major General C.T. Shortis
::Cost: 1 Point

Shock Troops:<br>
''''Storm Troopers'''<br>
I.e. Mobile Infantry or Gears, Shock Troops are soldiers who sacrifice size and flexibility for firepower, speed, and armor. Clad in extremely large and heavy powered armors often standing two or more meters tall, shock troops stride the border between infantry and vehicle, devasting urban combat specialists which are at home in the chaos and violence of street-fighting.
:Mobile Infantry or Gears, Storm Troopers are soldiers who sacrifice flexibility for firepower, speed, and armor. Clad in extremely large and heavy powered armors often standing two or more meters tall, shock troops stride the border between infantry and vehicle, devastating urban combat specialists which are at home in the chaos and violence of street-fighting.

"I,ve never liked the term shock troops, we don't shock, we conquer." <br>
"The Geebeeps were holed up in Renos City pretty well, we took the maglev lines into the city, but the streets were too narrow for our armour and the dome prevented air and heavy artillery strikes, they were too dug in to be taken by infantry. It took a week but reinforcements arrived, Patrolman Gears. Geebeeps broke in a day, they'd poured everything into preventing adequate beachheads and lacked a defence in depth. Renos city fell within the week." <br>
Lt Colonel A. Brook, 22nd Aerospace Marine Division.
Lt Colonel A. Brook, 22nd Infantry Division.
::Cost: 2 Point

==Ground Vehicles==
==Ground Vehicles==

Ever since the 20th century soldiers have been supported by vehicles, and today is no different-vehicle support is critical to a modern military. Light vehicles are generally from 1-10 tons, medium ones from 15-40, and heavy ones 40 tons or above. Superheavy ones are generally 500 tons or more.
Infantry units are assumed by default to have either APC or VTOL transport capabilities. The following units represent significantly upgraded capabilties.
'''IFV Battalion'''<br>
:An infantry fighting vehicle (IFV, also known as (mechanized) infantry combat vehicle, (MICV) is a type of armoured fighting vehicle (AFV) used to carry infantry into battle and provide fire support for them, either on the ground or from the air.<br>
::Cost: 1 Point

Light Vehicles:<br>
Ranging from unarmored and lightly armed Humvees and supply trucks to armored and armed LAVs like the Wiesel, light vehicles are fast, maneuverable, and easy to transport, but are also vulnerable and poorly armed compared to heavier units. Even hard-kill active defenses and ECM systems cannot completely make up for a lack of armor.
Armour can be tanks or Mecha.

Medium Vehicles:<br>
'''Light Armoured Battalion'''<br>
Various units like the Stryker, most IFVs and APCs, and various other specialist units fit in this category. With the potential for better armor and cargo capacity they are often used for specialist units, like artillery tracks, IFVs, APCs, and more.
:Light Armour are small, highly mobile air transportable armoured vehicles used in difficult terrain, for fast deployment or as recon units. <br>
::Cost: 1 Points

Heavy Vehicles:<br>
'''Armoured Battalion'''<br>
Almost exclusively the domain of the MBT, only certain types of heavy artillery or combat engineering vehicle are found in this category alongside it. Blisteringly fast for their size, armored with layer upon layer of advanced composite, and armed with the largest weapons one can mount on the chassis, the titular MBT is the first example of a heavy vehicle that comes to mind. Although difficult to transport strategically, and often fuel and maintenance hogs, a battalion of heavy combat units can easily smash their way through all but the most potent defenses.
:Armour are armoured fighting vehicles designed for front-line combat which combines operational mobility and tactical offensive and defensive capabilities.<br>
::Cost: 2 Points

'''Heavy Armoured Battalion'''<br>
Superheavies are rare as their chassises are inefficient and expensive to produce, and transporting them is nigh-impossible without Apex technology. However, there are a few specialist roles which require a chassis of this size-in general, most of them involve mounting anti-orbital lasers or particle beams on a semi-mobile frame. There are a few sufficiently insane nations which have tooled them up as tanks, but their lack of speed and high cost makes this rare.
:HEavy Armoured vehicles are large tanks designed to break through heavily defended fortifications or endure heavy urban fighting (if they fit)
::Cost 4 Points
'''Artillery Battery Battalion'''<br>
:Self-propelled artillery can deliver precise strikes and heavy bombardments in support of units kilometers away. Note: Mark as either Surface to Surface, Surface to Air or Ground to Space<br>
::Cost: 1 points
'''Heavy Artillery Battalion'''<br>
:Heavy self propelled MRLS, or giant cannons remain popular with many armies to take fire deep into the enemy rear or attack enemy aircraft hundreds of kilometers away. Mark either Surface to Surface, or Surface to Air, or Ground to Space<br>
::Cost: 2 points

==Air Vehicles==
==Air Vehicles==

Similarly air support plays a critical, if slightly diminished role because of the existence of spaceforces. However, although most ships can reach down through the atmosphere and swat at targets, it is difficult to maintain accuracy on moving targets without the use of nuclear ordinance, while lasers and particle beams suffer from atmospheric attenuation and other difficulties which make them hard to use as weapons against mobile ground targets.
Similarly air support plays a critical, if slightly diminished role because of the existence of space forces. However, although most ships can reach down through the atmosphere and swat at targets, most popularly using railguns, it requires specialist systems and is it often cheaper and more effective to just get closer using aircraft or ground units rather than invest in a orbital strike ship.

'''UAVs Squadron'''<br>
Most UAVs are tiny designs, incapable of housing a pilot or a complex tactical AI and massing only a few tons at most. With only simple programming and low payload space they make poor units for dogfights but their extremely low cost and space requirements make them useful and expendable scouts. They can also be armed with smart missiles or other weapons that allow them some capacity to perform air support, in which case their long loiter time makes them a godsend to ground units in the vicinity.
Most UAVs are tiny designs, incapable of housing a pilot or a complex tactical AI and massing only a few tons at most. With only simple programming and low payload space they make poor units for dogfights but their extremely low cost and space requirements make them useful and expendable scouts. They can also be armed with smart missiles or other weapons that allow them some capacity to perform air support, in which case their long loiter time makes them a godsend to ground units in the vicinity.
::Cost 1 points

Tactical Air:<br>
'''Tactical Air Squadron'''<br>
Depending on armament and protective devices, tactical aircraft can be anything from fighters, to interceptors, to tactical bombers or even heavy gunships or transport VTOLs. Universally useful, tactical air units are by far the most common type of air support. Often deployed from space, only a few rare designs have any capacity to claw their way back, so the vast majority are equipped with VTOL systems so they can land on even makeshift airstrips.
Depending on armament and protective devices, tactical aircraft can be anything from fighters, to interceptors, to tactical bombers or even heavy gunships or transport VTOLs. Universally useful, tactical air units are by far the most common type of air support. Often deployed from space, only a few rare designs have any capacity to claw their way back, so the vast majority are equipped with VTOL systems so they can land on even makeshift airstrips.
::Cost 2 points

Strategic Air:<br>
'''Strategic Air Squadron'''<br>
Commonly either found as dropships or heavy bombers, strategic air are larger and more expensive, and often equipped with engines that allow them to fly from ground to orbit, to take on a new load of supplies or soldiers, strategic airpower is a critical component in any offensive military action. Being capable of lifting heavier vehicles, unlike tactical transport VTOLs, strategic airpower is also a vital component for a defender who does not wish to face down main battle tanks with merely infantry-launched missiles and prayers.
Commonly either found as dropships or heavy bombers, strategic air are larger and more expensive, and often equipped with engines that allow them to fly from ground to orbit, to take on a new load of supplies or soldiers, strategic airpower is a critical component in any offensive military action. Being capable of lifting heavier vehicles, unlike tactical transport VTOLs, strategic airpower is also a vital component for a defender who does not wish to face down main battle tanks with merely infantry-launched missiles and prayers.
::Cost 4 points

=Spaceborne Military Units=
=Spaceborne Military Units=

==Spacecraft Hulls==
Light Hull<br>
1 Drive<br>
4 Modules
Medium Hull<br>
2 Drive<br>
6 Modules
Heavy Hull<br>
3 Drive<br>
8 Modules
Superheavy Hull<br>
4 Drive<br>
10 Modules
==Combat Wasps==
Combat is primarily fought with Combat Wasps, large remote piloted or autononous drones, with their own small independant drives, submunitions of various types.
Combat wasps are able to perform both Attack and Defense roles.  Combat wasps can either be programmed to lock-on to and target a specific ship or object, or to engage enemy targets at will. They are a variety of types, listed below.
X Beam Weapon: These expensive drones are armed with powerful Beam Weapons (Particle  Beams or Energy  Beams) and are basically flying guns. Very short ranged weapons, they are nevertheless useful as at close range they can easily punch through the hull of a starship. At longer ranges they will cause minor damage. These weapons can be placed in a defensive role to pick off any hostile wasps before they get to close to any friendly ships.
X Kinetic Missile Wasp : These drones are armed with a series of tubes containing pieces hardened matter shaped into a spear or harpoon shape. These harpoons are launched from the wasp and accelerated to a very very high velocity. If they are able to strike a target, the resulting kinetic force that is released will severely damage the target.
X Electronic Warfare Wasps : Although most wasps will have some sort of inbuilt ECM (Electronic Counter Measure) device or decoy chaff dispensers, this particular wasp if specially designed for this role. On the space battle field, it's role is to confuse enemy wasps into targeting decoys and sensor ghosts, or making them explode at the wrong time.
X Thermo-Nuclear Wasp: These wasps are armed with a thermo-nuclear warhead and are the most common form of wasp. Designed to get in close, before unleashing their submunition of bombs or nuclear torpedoes they are highly devastating.
==Spacecraft Added Caps==
+X Electronic Warfare Module
+X Combat Wasp Rack Module
+X Point Defence Module
+X Armour Module
+1 Crew Recovery Module
+X Cargo Module(Define as Inert/Fuel/Living)
+X Command Module
+X Detachable Drive Module
+X Mobility Module
+X Enhanced Deploy and Recover Module
+1 Posthuman Technological Interface

==Spacecraft Reactor Caps==
'''Espatier Battalion''' <br>
:Espatiers are 'space infantry' and are the space-borne version of terrestrial marines. While standard infantry are frequently used to occupy larger space stations and habitats, smaller space stations, zero-gee environments and asteroids require more specialised infantry. Equipped in vacuum capable power armor and armed with a variety of weapons from low-penetrative slugthrowers to heavier railguns Espatiers are trained to assault a variety of space targets.

+X Nuclear Fission Reactor
"Espatiers are not space marines. Space isn't a ocean, it's a three dimensional environment which requires a complex understanding of physics and inertia. The 3rd Republic recruits almost exclusively from spacers because it cuts the training time in half. Don't compare us to marines unless they start fighting underwater"
Lt Psyllus, 2nd Espatier Division of the 3rd Jupiter Republic
::Cost: 2 Point

+X Nuclear Fission Reactor Tier 3 Only

+X Nuclear Fusion Reactor Tier 4 Only
Military spacecraft in Heaven's Wake rely on salvaged hulls and apex technology from the golden era, as many polities are unable to produce the required components and superstructure for warfighting vessels. These come from vast graveyards of derelict vessels, some tombs others hastily abandoned when the apex technology underpinning vital functions failed to function, or stranded by non-functioning t-gates.

+X Apex Fusion Reactor Apex Tech Only
Spacecraft have hardpoints for weapons, generic modules are various abilities and engineering modules for either reactors or drives. Every ship needs at least one reactor and drive. Why pick one over the other? Reactors allow for more sustained acceleration burns, while having more drives allows for higher accelerations. It's the difference between endurance and 'speed'.

===== Frigate =====
Fast and versatile, frigates are the workhorses of any fleet. They excel in reconnaissance, patrol, and support roles.

==Drive Types==
Primary Weapon System
+XNuclear Saltwater Torch:
Secondary Weapon System
Mission Module System
Reactor System
Drive System

+XNuclear Liquid Core Torch:
'''Cost:''' 10 IC
===== Destroyer =====
Destroyers are designed for fleet screening and independent action. They pack a punch while maintaining good speed and maneuverability.

Primary Weapon System
Secondary Weapon System
+XOrion Drive:
Mission Module System
Reactor System
=Equipment and Training=
Drive System
All units have four added capability slots for free. Typically these will be used to add defenses, weapons, mobility, and additional electronics to a unit-as a unit without any added capabilities in an area has only very minimal capabilities in one. A Shock Infantry unit without added capabilities is merely a powerloader, a heavy hydraulic exoskeleton that is good for little more than dockloading, while an infantryman without any is a soldier with a fragmentation-proof armor jacket, an assault rifle, and little else.
Adding further capability to a unit is possible, but becomes ever more expensive. Each additional four beyond the first four doubles the cost of the unit in question-round up any cost multipliers. You can have your F-22s and special forces, but they become rapidly cost-ineffective.
==Foot Soldiers==
+X Weapons <br>
Each level of weapons improves the broad capabilities of standard weapons.
+X Heavy Weapons <br>
Each level of Heavy Weapons contributes to a specialisation of the formation, making it more apt at targeting vehicles or fortifications.
+X Support Weapons <br>
Support weapons are weapons like heavy machine guns or automatic grenade launchers, powerful weapons that can easily wound light armored vehicles and mow down infantry but are bulky and require setup to use. Units with support weapons gain large bonuses in combat when they are allowed to dig in but have reduced speed.
+X Indirect Fire Weapons<br>
Each level of Indirect fire increases the unit’s indirect fire capability, at the expense of direct fire ability.
+1 Combat Engineer<br>
The infantry unit in question is equipped with demolitions and other engineering equipment, giving them a host of abilities from building bridges and capturing enemy facilities to demolishing buildings.
+1 Specialised Weaponry<br>
This specialises weaponry against a specific type of target, infantry, ground, air or space.
+X Armour<br>
This increases the protection of the unit, from basic flak jackets to full body armour.
+X Powered Armour<br>
Each level of Powered Armour increases the protection of a unit, with bonus’s to strength and mobility as well as NBC capability but increases upkeep.
+X Point Defense<br>
Backpack-carried laser or micromissile hard-kill units, as well as laser or particle beam based soft-kill units, do much to address the vulnerability of infantry to indirect fire and air support.
+X Mobility<br>
Generally speed-enhancing lower-body exoskeletons, additional mobility can reduce the vulnerability of infantry units to various threats as well as reducing the encumberance of support weaponry.
+X Electronics<br>
Electronics covers sensors, communications and information technology. Each level represents an increase in their abilities and a resistance to interference.
+X Stealth<br>
From ghillie suits to thermoptic camouflage systems, +Stealth renders infantry ever-more-difficult to detect.
+1/2 Terrain Adaptation <br>
Terrain Adaptation is consideration given to extreme environments, such as outer space, significant bodies of difficult terrain or extreme heat or cold. A further level specialises the unit at the expense of other environments.
+X Unconventional Warfare Training<br>
Generally found on special forces units this capability gives the unit more non-combat capability, from training friendly rebels to covert observation.
+1 NBC<br>
All modern units have basic NBC countermeasures such as environmental suits, simply because of the environments in which they may be required to fight. This represents additional capability, such as magnetic shielding and/or active detection of threats.
+1 Upkeep Efficient
This reduces the unit's upkeep in industry or fuel requirements.
==Ground Vehicles==

+X Weapons <br>
'''Cost:''' 15 IC
Each level of weapons improves the broad capabilities of standard weapons.
===== Cruiser =====
Cruisers are versatile ships capable of extended independent operations. They balance firepower, defense, and endurance.

+X Heavy Weapons <br>
Primary Weapon System
Each level of Heavy Weapons contributes to a specialisation of the formation, making it more apt at targeting vehicles or fortifications.
Secondary Weapon System
Mission Module System
Reactor System
Drive System

+X Indirect Fire Weapons<br>
'''Cost:''' 25 IC
Each level of Indirect fire increases the unit’s indirect fire capability, at the expense of direct fire ability.  
===== Battlecruiser =====
Battlecruisers combine the firepower of a battleship with the speed of a cruiser, sacrificing some armor for mobility.

+1 Specialised Weaponry<br>
Primary Weapon System
This specialises weaponry against a specific type of target, infantry, ground, air or space, often to the detriment of other types.
Secondary Weapon System
Mission Module System
Reactor System
Drive System

+X Armour<br>
'''Cost:''' 35 IC
Each layer increases the armour of the unit, adding to it’s protection, above +1 this can affect the unit’s mobility.
===== Battleship =====
The heaviest combat ships, battleships are floating fortresses with unmatched firepower and durability.

+X Mobility<br>
Primary Weapon System
This increases the mobility of the unit through more raw horsepower, more efficient suspension etc. Above +1 it increases fuel consumption by 50% per level.
Secondary Weapon System
Mission Module System
Reactor System
Drive System

+1 Hover Mobility<br>
'''Cost:''' 45 IC
This unit uses lifting skirts to hover above ground, making it only usable on worlds with an atmosphere. However speed and maneuverability are increased
===== Carrier =====
Carriers are mobile bases for squadrons of smaller craft, projecting power across vast distances and supporting fleet operations.

+1 Hover Jet Mobility<br>
Hangar Operations System
This unit uses miniaturised jet technology in order to provide incredible amounts of lift, independent of a significant atmosphere. The downside to this is hefty fuel consumption. 50% Extra fuel upkeep.
Secondary Weapon System
Mission Module System
Reactor System
Drive System

+X Stealth<br>
'''Cost:''' 50 IC
This increases the unit’s stealth each time it is taken and represents everything from a lower profile, to thermo-optical camouflage.

+X Electronics<br>
Electronics covers sensors, communications and information technology. Each level represents an increase in their abilities and a resistance to interference.

+1/2 Terrain Adaptation <br>
===Spacecraft Reactor Modules===
Terrain Adaptation is consideration given to extreme environments, such as outer space, significant bodies of difficult terrain or extreme heat or cold. A further level specialisations the unit at the expense of other environments.

+1 NBC<br>
''Reactors'' <br>
All modern units have basic NBC countermeasures, this represents more extensive abilities, such as magnetic shielding and/or active detection of threats.
Reactors power the ship, the better and more reactors you have, the more effective the ship is. Combat Wasps can be launched more frequently with better reactors, as you can charge them quicker. Drone carriers tend to prioritise reactors over propulsion <br>

+X Basic Nuclear Fission Reactor:

+X Armour<br>
+X Advanced Nuclear Fission Reactor
Aircraft can be armoured, though it greatly affects their lift ability and maneuverability. Each time it is taken it increases fuel upkeep by +1 and reduces the aircrafts agility.

+X Dogfight Weapons<br>
+X Basic Nuclear Fusion Reactor
Each level increases the amount of short ranged weapons carried by the aircraft, such as cannons and  dumbfire missiles.

+X Ranged Weapons<br>
+X Advanced Nuclear Fusion Reactor
This Added Capability increases the amount of ranged weaponry carried by the aircraft, such as beyond the horizon missiles etc.

+X Extended Range Weapons<br>
+X Apex Fusion Reactor (Apex Tech Only)
This Added Capability extends the range of the unit’s weapons.

+X Long Range Tanks<br>
''Propulsion'' <br>
This Added Capability allows an aircraft to greatly increase its operational range.
These determine the speed of your vessel in normal space.

+X Close Air Support Weapons
== Drive Types ==
Each level of this Added Capability increases the ability of the craft to engage ground targets such as infantry, vehicles or buildings.

+1 Anti-Shipping Weapons<br>
=== High Thrust, Moderate Endurance ===
This Added Capability optimizes their weapons for use against large vessels.
==== Advanced Nuclear Thermal Rocket (ANTR) ====

+X Defensive Weapons<br>
Evolution of the NERVA concept with improved materials and fuel
This Added Capability is available to all air units that would normally have limited anti-aircraft abilities, such as Bomber and Transport Aircraft. It increases the unit’s ability to engage other aerial threats.
Higher specific impulse and thrust than traditional NTRs
Suitable for rapid transit between planets

+X Electronics<br>
==== Fusion Pulse Propulsion ====
Electronics covers sensors, communications and information technology. Each level represents an increase in their abilities and a resistance to interference.

+X Cargo Capacity<br>
Based on concepts like Project Daedalus or Project Longshot
This Added Capability increases the amount of Cargo an aircraft can hold by 50%.
Uses small fusion explosions for propulsion
Very high thrust, capable of interstellar missions

+X Cargo Capacity (specialised): <br>
==== Antimatter-Catalyzed Nuclear Pulse Propulsion ====
This Added Capability can only be taken by aircraft with integral Cargo Capacity such as Cargo Planes. Each +1 Cargo Capacity (specialised) increases the total of one particular item that can be carried by 100% of the base amount.

+X Deck Capacity<br>
Theoretical concept using tiny amounts of antimatter to catalyze fission/fusion reactions
Some of the largest aircraft can carry their own smaller craft.
Extremely high thrust and efficiency
More controlled than pure antimatter propulsion

+X Compact<br>
=== Low Thrust, High Endurance ===
Compact allows for smaller units that take up less space and present smaller targets to enemy fire. Each +1 of Compact reduces the CP a unit takes up by half.
==== Magnetoplasmadynamic (MPD) Fusion Drive ====

+X Stealth<br>
Uses fusion reactor to power a large MPD thruster
Stealth can be anything from a radar reflective paint to more advanced anti-electromagnetic detection techniques. Each level increases the difficultly of detecting the craft, though beyond +1 this starts to impact upon the performance of the craft.
Higher thrust than traditional electric propulsion
Excellent for long-duration interplanetary missions

+X Speed<br>
==== Fusion-Driven Rocket (FDR) ====
As it says, Speed makes aircraft faster. Each Added Capability increases the rate at which aircraft travel from point to point by 50% over their base speed. It increases fuel upkeep by 1 each time it is taken.

+1 Orbital Insertion Craft
Concept developed by the University of Washington
This allows the unit to transit from space to atmosphere, useful for initial landings and invasions. Craft require alternative recovery back into space however.
Uses fusion reactions to heat propellant
Balance of good thrust and high efficiency

+X Agility<br>
==== Quantum Vacuum Plasma Thruster ====
Agility makes an aircraft more nimble, allowing it to avoid and dodge incoming fire, and making it more capable in a dogfight. This may be more refined ailerons or weight savings.

=Rebuild of Unit Design=
Highly theoretical concept
Exploits quantum vacuum fluctuations for propulsion
Potentially limitless specific impulse, but low thrust


[[Apex Technology]]
[[Apex Technology]]

[[Category: Legacy of Posthumanity]]
[[Category: Legacy of Posthumanity]]

Latest revision as of 18:02, 13 July 2024

Unit Types summary (tentative)


All manpower isn't equal. As a power wishes to improve the quality of its soldiers, it must necessarily seperate the wheat from the chaff, necessitating ever-more expensive and intensive training that provides ever-decreasing results.

AI may be a mitigator, but so far no-one save the posthumans have successfully created an artificial intellect by any method other than brute-force emulation of human thought processes. Given that the creation of a true sentient AI heralded the fall of the posthumans, nobody really wants to do any sort of research into building a sentient AI. In the end, although unskilled labor can be replaced by drones, and most soldiers will have support by non-sentient AI, in the end you still need manpower, whether human, bioengineered, or cybernetic.

Manpower comes in several types-Untrained, Green, Regular, Hardened, Elite, and Specialized.

Green manpower is marginally trained and similarly, marginally effective. Green soldiers and pilots are equivalent to reservists, people who train very occasionally to keep their skills fresh, if not honed. However, they are cheap and easy to train, and can fare quite well in a defensive or rear-echelon role.
0.5X Cost multiplier

Regulars are the backbone of most militaries, professionals who are well-trained and disciplined. They are cost-effective, unlikely to break, and competent enough that they can handle all but the most specialized gear. The vast majority of combat soldiers end up at this level of competence.
1X Cost multiplier(no change)

Elites are Rangers, Marines, hardcore types who are often trained in specialized operations, whether it's amphibious operations, orbital drop, or NBC warfare. Although cost-inefficient on a grand scale a few elite units are extraordinarily potent force multipliers.
2X Cost multiplier

Specialized troops have even more extensive training and are often seen with the most advanced equipment and the largest egos. In general, only special forces, ace squadrons, or special forces support units will have this level of training, as the screening and training necessary for it is highly cost-ineffective, often washing out 80% or more of the people who qualify.
4X Cost multiplier

Planetoid Military Units

These units are (primarily) for major operations on the surfaces of major planetoids, or large habitats. Despite the extensive use of drones and other automated war fighting equipment, AI remained more or less the purview of the posthumans and as such, the human brain and the soldier lies at the heart of military operations.


The backbone of any military, infantry are most effective when you have someone you want to fight but don't particularly want to destroy everything they have. Cheap, highly effective in built-up terrain, and versatile, foot soldiers run the gamut from poorly trained militia to elite special forces.

Guerillas Batallion

Guerillas are soldiers who have learned, whether by training or brutal selective pressures, how to fight unconventionally, moving light and striking hard. With their skillset in living off the land, scavenging equipment, hacking security software, and stealthy operation, guerrillas are critical to winning unconventional wars. They are suited to arenas with high number of civilians or dense rural terrain.

"The guerrilla must move amongst the people as a fish swims in the sea." Mao Zedong

Cost: 1 Point

Infantry Battalion

Ranging from under-equipped conscripts to elite direct-action assault forces, infantrymen are a solid backbone upon which the entire army builds. Even though they are equipped with powered armor and use smart weapons, operate in theaters as diverse as terrestrial combat and space habitat assault, their role and tactics are still eminently recognizable.

"The infantry doesn't change. We're the only arm of the military where the weapon is the man himself." Major General C.T. Shortis

Cost: 1 Point

'Storm Troopers

Mobile Infantry or Gears, Storm Troopers are soldiers who sacrifice flexibility for firepower, speed, and armor. Clad in extremely large and heavy powered armors often standing two or more meters tall, shock troops stride the border between infantry and vehicle, devastating urban combat specialists which are at home in the chaos and violence of street-fighting.

"The Geebeeps were holed up in Renos City pretty well, we took the maglev lines into the city, but the streets were too narrow for our armour and the dome prevented air and heavy artillery strikes, they were too dug in to be taken by infantry. It took a week but reinforcements arrived, Patrolman Gears. Geebeeps broke in a day, they'd poured everything into preventing adequate beachheads and lacked a defence in depth. Renos city fell within the week."
Lt Colonel A. Brook, 22nd Infantry Division.

Cost: 2 Point

Ground Vehicles


Infantry units are assumed by default to have either APC or VTOL transport capabilities. The following units represent significantly upgraded capabilties.

IFV Battalion

An infantry fighting vehicle (IFV, also known as (mechanized) infantry combat vehicle, (MICV) is a type of armoured fighting vehicle (AFV) used to carry infantry into battle and provide fire support for them, either on the ground or from the air.
Cost: 1 Point


Armour can be tanks or Mecha.

Light Armoured Battalion

Light Armour are small, highly mobile air transportable armoured vehicles used in difficult terrain, for fast deployment or as recon units.
Cost: 1 Points

Armoured Battalion

Armour are armoured fighting vehicles designed for front-line combat which combines operational mobility and tactical offensive and defensive capabilities.
Cost: 2 Points

Heavy Armoured Battalion

HEavy Armoured vehicles are large tanks designed to break through heavily defended fortifications or endure heavy urban fighting (if they fit)
Cost 4 Points


Artillery Battery Battalion

Self-propelled artillery can deliver precise strikes and heavy bombardments in support of units kilometers away. Note: Mark as either Surface to Surface, Surface to Air or Ground to Space
Cost: 1 points

Heavy Artillery Battalion

Heavy self propelled MRLS, or giant cannons remain popular with many armies to take fire deep into the enemy rear or attack enemy aircraft hundreds of kilometers away. Mark either Surface to Surface, or Surface to Air, or Ground to Space
Cost: 2 points

Air Vehicles

Similarly air support plays a critical, if slightly diminished role because of the existence of space forces. However, although most ships can reach down through the atmosphere and swat at targets, most popularly using railguns, it requires specialist systems and is it often cheaper and more effective to just get closer using aircraft or ground units rather than invest in a orbital strike ship.

UAVs Squadron
Most UAVs are tiny designs, incapable of housing a pilot or a complex tactical AI and massing only a few tons at most. With only simple programming and low payload space they make poor units for dogfights but their extremely low cost and space requirements make them useful and expendable scouts. They can also be armed with smart missiles or other weapons that allow them some capacity to perform air support, in which case their long loiter time makes them a godsend to ground units in the vicinity.

Cost 1 points

Tactical Air Squadron
Depending on armament and protective devices, tactical aircraft can be anything from fighters, to interceptors, to tactical bombers or even heavy gunships or transport VTOLs. Universally useful, tactical air units are by far the most common type of air support. Often deployed from space, only a few rare designs have any capacity to claw their way back, so the vast majority are equipped with VTOL systems so they can land on even makeshift airstrips.

Cost 2 points

Strategic Air Squadron
Commonly either found as dropships or heavy bombers, strategic air are larger and more expensive, and often equipped with engines that allow them to fly from ground to orbit, to take on a new load of supplies or soldiers, strategic airpower is a critical component in any offensive military action. Being capable of lifting heavier vehicles, unlike tactical transport VTOLs, strategic airpower is also a vital component for a defender who does not wish to face down main battle tanks with merely infantry-launched missiles and prayers.

Cost 4 points

Spaceborne Military Units


Espatier Battalion

Espatiers are 'space infantry' and are the space-borne version of terrestrial marines. While standard infantry are frequently used to occupy larger space stations and habitats, smaller space stations, zero-gee environments and asteroids require more specialised infantry. Equipped in vacuum capable power armor and armed with a variety of weapons from low-penetrative slugthrowers to heavier railguns Espatiers are trained to assault a variety of space targets.

"Espatiers are not space marines. Space isn't a ocean, it's a three dimensional environment which requires a complex understanding of physics and inertia. The 3rd Republic recruits almost exclusively from spacers because it cuts the training time in half. Don't compare us to marines unless they start fighting underwater" Lt Psyllus, 2nd Espatier Division of the 3rd Jupiter Republic

Cost: 2 Point


Military spacecraft in Heaven's Wake rely on salvaged hulls and apex technology from the golden era, as many polities are unable to produce the required components and superstructure for warfighting vessels. These come from vast graveyards of derelict vessels, some tombs others hastily abandoned when the apex technology underpinning vital functions failed to function, or stranded by non-functioning t-gates.

Spacecraft have hardpoints for weapons, generic modules are various abilities and engineering modules for either reactors or drives. Every ship needs at least one reactor and drive. Why pick one over the other? Reactors allow for more sustained acceleration burns, while having more drives allows for higher accelerations. It's the difference between endurance and 'speed'.


Fast and versatile, frigates are the workhorses of any fleet. They excel in reconnaissance, patrol, and support roles.

Primary Weapon System Secondary Weapon System Mission Module System Reactor System Drive System

Cost: 10 IC


Destroyers are designed for fleet screening and independent action. They pack a punch while maintaining good speed and maneuverability.

Primary Weapon System Secondary Weapon System Mission Module System Reactor System Drive System

Cost: 15 IC


Cruisers are versatile ships capable of extended independent operations. They balance firepower, defense, and endurance.

Primary Weapon System Secondary Weapon System Mission Module System Reactor System Drive System

Cost: 25 IC


Battlecruisers combine the firepower of a battleship with the speed of a cruiser, sacrificing some armor for mobility.

Primary Weapon System Secondary Weapon System Mission Module System Reactor System Drive System

Cost: 35 IC


The heaviest combat ships, battleships are floating fortresses with unmatched firepower and durability.

Primary Weapon System Secondary Weapon System Mission Module System Reactor System Drive System

Cost: 45 IC


Carriers are mobile bases for squadrons of smaller craft, projecting power across vast distances and supporting fleet operations.

Hangar Operations System Secondary Weapon System Mission Module System Reactor System Drive System

Cost: 50 IC

Spacecraft Reactor Modules

Reactors power the ship, the better and more reactors you have, the more effective the ship is. Combat Wasps can be launched more frequently with better reactors, as you can charge them quicker. Drone carriers tend to prioritise reactors over propulsion

+X Basic Nuclear Fission Reactor:

+X Advanced Nuclear Fission Reactor

+X Basic Nuclear Fusion Reactor

+X Advanced Nuclear Fusion Reactor

+X Apex Fusion Reactor (Apex Tech Only)

These determine the speed of your vessel in normal space.

Drive Types

High Thrust, Moderate Endurance

Advanced Nuclear Thermal Rocket (ANTR)

Evolution of the NERVA concept with improved materials and fuel Higher specific impulse and thrust than traditional NTRs Suitable for rapid transit between planets

Fusion Pulse Propulsion

Based on concepts like Project Daedalus or Project Longshot Uses small fusion explosions for propulsion Very high thrust, capable of interstellar missions

Antimatter-Catalyzed Nuclear Pulse Propulsion

Theoretical concept using tiny amounts of antimatter to catalyze fission/fusion reactions Extremely high thrust and efficiency More controlled than pure antimatter propulsion

Low Thrust, High Endurance

Magnetoplasmadynamic (MPD) Fusion Drive

Uses fusion reactor to power a large MPD thruster Higher thrust than traditional electric propulsion Excellent for long-duration interplanetary missions

Fusion-Driven Rocket (FDR)

Concept developed by the University of Washington Uses fusion reactions to heat propellant Balance of good thrust and high efficiency

Quantum Vacuum Plasma Thruster

Highly theoretical concept Exploits quantum vacuum fluctuations for propulsion Potentially limitless specific impulse, but low thrust

Apex Technology