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== Background ==
== Background ==

'''Name:''' Moonstone Ruin Child
'''Name:''' Moonstone Ruin Child <br>
'''Type:''' Fair Folk Xia (Warrior/Entertainer)
'''Type:''' Fair Folk Xia (Warrior/Entertainer)

Latest revision as of 13:54, 26 July 2009


Name: Moonstone Ruin Child
Type: Fair Folk Xia (Warrior/Entertainer)

Moonstone Ruin Child is an oath-child, a Fae that came into being through a binding oath between a Fair Folk and a partner, in her case some Guild traders. With their usual tact and humour, the Raksha left the symbolic representation of the oath in the care of the traders, handing over a gaudy pink bottle and keeping quiet about the newborn Fae slumbering within. When she finally got hungry and popped out of the bottle, the merchants were rather surprised and at a loss about what to do with her. Getting rid of Moonstone was out of the question, as killing her would break the oath and put an end to a very lucrative business relationship. They finally opted to leave her in the care of a dragonblooded on their payroll, in the hopes that he could handle her if she proved to be violent.

Serpent-and-Owl Dirge, a former Immaculate Monk, took the task of teaching the young Fae how to behave amongst mortals very seriously, raising her much as he would raise a mortal child. In the hopes that the strict discipline required for martial arts training would help his ward curb the worst excesses of her chaotic nature, the old master started her instruction at an early age. So far, his plan seems to be working, and Moonstone Ruin Child has grown into a pleasant young woman, who turned out to be a particularly talented artisan, aside from also being a highly decorative asset at official functions.

The Fae currently lives at her mentor's house in the city. She is fairly curious and compassionate, but unfortunately, most of her knowledge about mortal interaction comes from highly romanticised tales and stories. Her hobbies include reading, crafting interesting little trinkets, and sneaking out from under her mentor's watchful gaze in order to shirk her duties or to play at being a thief-catching vigilante, fighter for justice, or defender of the helpless (she doesn't stick with any one role for very long)


Quick Combat Stats

Willpower: 10
Essence: 5 (3 normal, +2 from always-on Charm)

Pool: 50 motes
Uncommitted: 27
10 to All-Consuming God-Monster Stance
10 to Bastion of the Self
3 to Soul-Carving Artifice with Leaf

Attacks: (Includes MA speciality)
Gossamer Glaive: Speed 6, Accuracy 18, Damage 12/2, Rate 4,O,R
Unarmed: Speed 5, Accuracy 17, Damage 4, Rate 3

PDV: 12, 14 with speciality, +2 with shield, +3 when Form is active
DDV: 15, +2 with shield
Subtract 5 from both DVs when attacked with cold iron

Soak: 5B/2L/0A

Health Levels: 0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/dying

Attributes, Abilities, and Backgrounds


Physical 4 Strength 7 Dexterity 5 Stamina

Social 7 Charisma 5 Manipulation 7 Appearance

Mental 5 Perception 4 Intelligence 5 Wits


(favoured abilities indicated with $, Caste abilities indicated with *)

Diplomat Caste
1 Linguistics
0 Occult
0 Ride
1 Socialise
0 Thrown

Entertainer Caste
1 Investigation*
1 Larceny*
0 Medicine
4 Performance*
0 Stealth

Warrior Caste
0 Archery
6 Athletics*
0 War
1 Melee
6 Presence*

Worker Caste
1 Bureaucracy
1 Lore
1 Integrity
7 Craft: Gossamer$
7 Martial Arts$ (3x Crimson Pentacle Blade Style)

Casteless Abilities
3 Awareness
7 Dodge$
0 Resistance
0 Sail
0 Survival



Experience and Bonus Points