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==“The Sirius Quadrant” or “The Unitary”==
==“The Hallowed Enclave”==

“Homo Sapians were declared Critically Endangered in the year 2047. By 2067 only genetic samples remained. Humanity today would be dead if not for the brave mind-states who continued to fight when all hope seemed lost.”
“The Invention of teleportation technology marked the beginning of the largest loss of human life in history.”
-Historical Record provided by the Sirius Quadrant
-Historical Record provided by Hallowed Corps

The Sirius is a xenophobic transhumanist power deeply mistrustful of non-humans. Between the years 2037 and 2090 it fought a brutal war with alien invaders which wiped out every last man, woman and child on the planet. Only due to the recently developed uploading technology and the safeguarding of human genetic samples at considerable cost did humanity survive, using increasingly advanced technology post-humanity fought back and eliminated the alien threat without every truely understanding it. Deep scars remain in the psyche of every human being, uploaded or re-integrated.
After a decade of use, teleportation technology revealed itself to be innately dangerous. In the year before Reckoning, 2137 contact was lost with the outer colonies on Mars and the asteroid belt. Military vessels under the auspices of the supranational United National Nominate responded, they descended into a hellish nightmare, of citizens tearing each other apart, of aberrant creatures roaming the streets. They were unable to contain the violence and it appears the Portal Systems were to blame as hysteria spread to New York and other cities across the globe.  

In the year 2140 Humanity was united as the Unitary,  
The War for Earth had begun, cities were quarantined and attempts were made to disable or destroy the portals. Alien creatures emerged from the portals to wreck havoc on a completely deranged population. The war would last over a decade, as UNN forces attempted to contain the threat. Cities burned, nuclear warheads detonated across the globe to contain a tide of seemingly supernatural horror, as the dead walked the earth and demons stalked the skies.

After 12 years of conflict, the Earth lay bare, scarred and bleeding but victorious. The Alien


Population: Rank 1 (2; +1 growth potential)
:The Sirius Quadrant was a small part of the Unitary, comprising only several systems.

Transhumanism: Rank 4 (6)
:Reintegration takes many forms. One of the most known forms is a fist sized sphere with AG systems providing lift and a 'holoprojection' system which often displays the traditional bodyform of homo sapians. Using forcefields, these projections can interact with their environment. From this, bodyforms gradually take on more and more human charactertistics, until you reach Reintegration Level Zero, a completely biological homo sapien, usually with extensive upgrades to cognitive and physical abilities.

Infrastructure: Rank 4 (4)
:There's infrastructure.
Growth Potential: Rank 3 (1 + 2)
:The Sirius Quadrant is a fully developed system, exactly tailored for self-sufficiency under the guidance of it's Quadrant Supervisory Board.
Military Support: Rank 3 (3)
:Military support is maintained at a minimum 'safe' level, as the threat of invasion by human eating alien space crabs can never be entirely discounted.
Space Fleet: Rank 4 (2+2)
:The Quadrant was not a military sector, additional fleet resources have been constructed at a expediated rate.
Diplomacy: Rank 0
:Diplomatic relations remain difficult, the Sirius Quadrant is deeply mistrustful of outsiders and has a deeply intrinsic fear of xenomorphs.
Espionage: Rank 2  (2)
:The foes of the Human Phylum were completely alien intelligences, intelligence operations were limited to analysis of military movements and objectives.
General Advancement: Rank 2 (8)
Unique Technologies: Rank 3 (4 + 1)
Emergent Technologies: Rank 3 (6; +1 unique tech)
:Technically everyone in the Quadrant is a Artificial Intelligence, with the more advanced AI's running on subatomic quantum computing systems.
Magic: Rank 0 (0)

Latest revision as of 14:58, 21 May 2012

“The Hallowed Enclave”

“The Invention of teleportation technology marked the beginning of the largest loss of human life in history.” -Historical Record provided by Hallowed Corps

After a decade of use, teleportation technology revealed itself to be innately dangerous. In the year before Reckoning, 2137 contact was lost with the outer colonies on Mars and the asteroid belt. Military vessels under the auspices of the supranational United National Nominate responded, they descended into a hellish nightmare, of citizens tearing each other apart, of aberrant creatures roaming the streets. They were unable to contain the violence and it appears the Portal Systems were to blame as hysteria spread to New York and other cities across the globe.

The War for Earth had begun, cities were quarantined and attempts were made to disable or destroy the portals. Alien creatures emerged from the portals to wreck havoc on a completely deranged population. The war would last over a decade, as UNN forces attempted to contain the threat. Cities burned, nuclear warheads detonated across the globe to contain a tide of seemingly supernatural horror, as the dead walked the earth and demons stalked the skies.

After 12 years of conflict, the Earth lay bare, scarred and bleeding but victorious. The Alien
