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==Aspect Soldier==
Hi Gang, i want to launch Crystal Ambitions again. Sometime this June. Read the main page and read CA powers to get an idea want im looking for as to theme and what you need to write up to join.  
:An Aspect Soldier are the superweapons of the world. Soldiers imbuned with Crystals directly into their bodies, they are superhuman entities capable of amazing feats. They are used as Special Forces and Elite shock troops.
::Training Cost: ??? Wealth, ?? Materia
::Upkeep Cost: ?? 


====Artillery Knight====
Hope you join up, i don't want to start a thread until i have half the PCs set up.
Artillery Knights have a basic repetoire of abilities, further focused by materia.
Black Type
:This magic ranges from personal fireballs to lightning strikes, it is offensive magic that focuses on attacking the enemy.
::Cost: 6 Materia, or 4 Black Materia
White Type
:Curative, defensive and support, White Types focus on supporting their accompanying armies and allies.
::Cost: 6 Materia, or 4 Black Materia
Mystic Type
:These focus on using their magical abilities to support themselves as classical melee warriors, wading into battle with huge swords or axes that can cleave tanks in half.
::Cost: 6 Materia, or 4 Black Materia
====Avatar Knight====
All Aspects have an Avatar, the physical manifestation of their crystal. Avatar Knights take this further, focusing it into intricate technomagical equipment, featuring advanced power armour and an array of weaponry, the higher level Aspects equip themselves virtually in battlesuits, wielding incredible forces of destruction.
Infiltrator Type
:Focusing their avatar into a advanced technomagic stealth suit, this type are stealthy, nimble and deadly.
::Cost: 6 Materia, or 4 Red Materia
Vanguard Type
:Decked out in technomagical gear, including power armour and armed with an array of materialised weaponry, this type rule the battlefield.
::Cost: 6 Materia, or 4 Red Materia
Assault Type
:A supportive type, these aspects provide sheer firepower, focusing on attacking heavier equipment and vehicles.
::Cost: 6 Materia, or 4 Red Materia
==== Esper Knights ====
Masters of material projection, these channelers create magitech servants to fight for them, to support them, or to carry them into battle.Esper Knights’ conjured creatures are build with a series of traits, similar to how Mutants are built. Each Knight creates one summoned being, or eidolon, but they may have several ‘modes’ or Forms it can transform into. More experienced Knights have stronger Eidolons, who in turn have more Forms. Forms are often distinct in capacity, allowing an Eidolon tactical flexibility around a core body of traits.
If an Eidolon is killed, the trauma to the Knight is considerable, but the entity can be resummoned after its conjuror’s energies have replenished. With a tremendous effort of will, a Knight can even ‘resurrect’ their Eidolon mid-battle, though this is extremely dangerous, especially for inexperienced Knights.
:Uses Mutations from the Beast list, as well as some unique traits (possibly)
:Can manifest 1 Form at 1st level, increased at increments (TBD)
::Cost: 6 materia, or 4 blue materia
==== Monster Knights ====
These warriors rely on their protean flesh in combat, manifesting strange and horrifying biotech devices from their materia-saturated flesh. A Monster Knight is built much in the same way as an Esper Knight’s eidolons are built, except that these traits apply to the Knight itself, not some conjured creature.
Unlike Eidolons, Monster Knights manifest individual Mutations in any combination they want, depending on situation. Many are extremely resilient and have natural healing factors (if only because their flesh folds and rearranges itself to seal the wounds), but have a higher risk of mental problems due to their literally constant-shifting worldview. Monster Knights can gain new mutations through absorbing the genetic materials of other creatures, either by absorbing part of them (by whatever means available), or by being exposed to their quality in some way (including being attacked by it).
:Uses Mutations from the Beast list, as well as some unique traits (possibly)
:Can manifest individual mutations for energy cost (TBD)
::Cost: 6 materia, or 4 green materia
== Mutations ==
These traits are used for the creation of Beast Units, Eidolons, and Monster Knights. They represent alterations of the flesh through mutations or natural qualities of the species
=== Beasts ===
These are for natural and materia-enhanced traits, and therefore are suitable for all thee types.
==== Fast Movement ====
Your legs are altered, or you’re some kind of cavalry beast (or have the lower body of one). You move a lot faster in tactical movement.
==== Aquatic ====
Swim like a fish! You can move underwater using fins, tentacles, rotors, intakes, or other fun protrusions.
==== Armoured ====
Carapaces, scales, or shells. Protects your vital bits.
==== Regeneration ====
You just grow it back if it gets blown off. Doesn’t really help if you’re incinerated or blown to shapeless bits (the shapeless bits might grow back into bigger shapeless bits)
==== Natural Flight ====
You can Fly! You fly about as fast as a large bird.
==== Materia Flight ====
Requires – Natural Flight <br>
Your wings have been enhanced by material exposure, allowing you to fly at unnaturally fast speeds.
==== Vitriolic Blast ====
You can spit some kind of caustic or poisonous chemical at an enemy, tainting their body. In addition, damaging you is a dangerous prospect in melee.
==== Etheric Blast ====
Requires – Vitriolic Blast <br>
You have magically-enhanced spit weapons, like elemental breath or some other weirdness. Good against armoured foes and vehicles. You probably explode if you die.
==== Burrowing ====
You can burrow under the ground to hide or to tunnel towards an enemy, ambushing them or damaging supports. This is not just normal digging, but preternatural movement that allows you move underground at unusual speeds. You may either leave a tunnel behind you or collapse excess dirt to seal your path.
=== Eidolons ===
These are available for Eidolons only.
==== Materia Boosters ====
You channel Mako energy to your locomotive functions, generating increased movement. Enhances whatever other modes of travel an Eidolon has.
==== Extension Bits ====
Your Eidolon can create lesser entities that detach from it, fighting on its behalf. These creatures have offensive power similar to a common infantry, but rely on speed to survive and can be easily destroyed if hit.
==== Familiar Bits ====
Your Eidolon is not quite one creature, but is rather composed of several (or several dozen) pieces linked together all at once. In battle, the Eidolon can split itself apart, attacking from multiple angles. All pieces are part of the same being and are capable of perfect coordination, but are akin to powered armour troops in all other regards.
=== Monster Knights ===
These are available for Monster Knights only.
==== Infiltrator ====
You are able to reshape yourself to look like anyone else, altering your physical proportions and features to mimick other people.
==== Kaiju ====
You can grow huge in combat, to about the size of a mecha. You're stronger and tougher, but you take more hits - hope you have armour!
==== Mitosis ====
You can create copies of yourself in battle. Only a handful if you're a newbie, 25 around veteran level, or a company's worth if you're an elite. They're pretty expendable, but it takes a lot of you and you lose mako to keep them from dissolving (though there is no 'original', so you can't die unless all the multiples are slain.)
===Foot Soldiers===
'''Guerillas Batallion'''<br>
:Guerillas are soldiers who have learned, whether by training or brutal evolutionary pressures, how to fight unconventionally, moving light and striking hard. With their skillset in living off the land, scavenging equipment, and stealthy operation, guerillas are critical to winning unconventional wars. Dependent on the type of manpower and equipment given, these can be anything from ragtag tribal militias to extremely elite special forces.
"The guerrilla must move amongst the people as a fish swims in the sea."
First Hand Airis Yesirn
::Training Cost: 5 Wealth
::Upkeep Cost: 0 Wealth
::Cargo Points: 1000
'''Infantry Battalion'''<br>
:Standard infantrymen are better armed and equipped but conversely are less stealthy and require a larger logistics trail. Ranging from poorly trained conscripts to elite direct-action assault forces, infantrymen are a solid backbone upon which the entire army builds. Even though they might be equipped with powered armor and use smart weapons, even with their UAV and UGV support, their role and their tactics are still eminently recognizable.
"The infantry doesn't change. We're the only arm of the military where the weapon is the man himself."
Legion Brigadier Juno Short
::Training Cost: 45 Wealth
::Upkeep Cost: 5 Wealth
::Cargo Points: 1000
Infantry units have assumed equipment, usually body armour and rifles, usually advanced forms of chemical projectile weapons
Powered Armour
:A powered Armour is a powered mobile machine consisting primarily of an exoskeleton-like framework worn by a person and a power supply that supplies at least part of the activation-energy for limb movement. They provide armoured protection and superior strength to infantry units.
::Cost: Wealth, Materia
::Upkeep: Wealth
Sapient Esper Engine
:Integral to automated combat units, SEEs are functional Artificial Intelligences for use on the battlefield, with the same tactical and cognitive depth as any human.
::Cost: Wealth, Materia
::Upkeep: Wealth
Light Blasters
:Blasters are technomagical weaponry, firing magical energy beams, much more powerful than standard weaponry employed by most armies.
::Cost: Wealth, Materia
::Upkeep: Wealth
Gauss Blasters
:Gauss Blasters use gauss technology to accelerate projectiles to high speeds and are considered highly effective weapons, able to pose danger to light vehicles.
::Cost: Wealth, Materia
::Upkeep: Wealth
Materia Gauntlet
:Materia Gauntlets let standard soldiers harness magic normally used only by Aspects, giving them small scale personal magic and abilities. Materia Gauntlets can be configured to broadly match any of the Aspect Types, effectively making the soldiers in question, 'light aspects', it remains a controversial magi-technology.
::Cost: Wealth, Materia
::Upkeep: Wealth
:A signature weapon of Vanguard and Mystic Type aspects, soldiers with Materia Gauntlets can wield weaker versions of these iconic weapons.
::Requirement: Materia Gauntlet
::Cost: Wealth, Materia
::Upkeep: Wealth
===Ground Vehicles===
Transport units are assigned to infantry battalions on a 1:1 basis. Helicopters are also included, despite being air units.
'''Truck Battalion'''<br>
:Trucks are standard civilian vehicles with robust engines, able to haul infantry units across most terrain, though offering no personal protection against anything other than the elements <br>
::Cost: 45 Wealth
::Upkeep Cost: 5 Wealth
Cargo Size: 5,000<br>
'''APC Battalion'''<br>
:An armoured personnel carrier (APC) is an armoured fighting vehicle designed to transport infantry to the battlefield. By default, they are wheeled or tracked<br>
::Cost: 45 Wealth
::Upkeep Cost: 5 Wealth
::Cargo Points: 5,000
'''IFV Battalion'''<br>
:An infantry fighting vehicle (IFV, also known as (mechanized) infantry combat vehicle, (M)ICV) is a type of armoured fighting vehicle (AFV) used to carry infantry into battle and provide fire support for them.<br>
::Cost: 45 Wealth
::Upkeep Cost: 5 Wealth
::Cargo Points: 5,000<br>
'''Helicopter Battalion'''<br>
:The helicopter is a tactically mobile unit. Usually only models lightly armed with defensive weapons, Military transport helicopters are used in places where the use of conventional aircraft is impossible. By default they use rotors.<br>
::Cost: 45 Wealth
::Upkeep Cost: 5 Wealth
::Deckage: 40<br>
::Cargo Points (stowed): 10,000<br>
'''Light Tank Battalion'''<br>
:Light tanks are small, highly mobile air transportable armoured vehicles used in difficult terrain, for fast deployment or as recon units.<br>
::Cost: <br>
::Upkeep: <br>
::Cargo Size: 5,000<br>
'''Tank Battalion'''<br>
:A tank is a tracked, armoured fighting vehicle designed for front-line combat which combines operational mobility and tactical offensive and defensive capabilities.<br>
::Cost: <br>
::Upkeep: <br>
::Cargo Size: 10,000<br>
'''Artillery Battery'''<br>
Self-propelled artillery can deliver precise strikes and heavy bombardments in support of units kilometers away.
Required Traits: None
::Cost: <br>
::Upkeep: <br>
::Cargo Size: 10,000<br>
===Air Vehicles===
====Recon & Combat====
'''UAV Squadron'''<br>
UAV are unmanned aircraft, seeing use as recon units, with long loiter times, minimal manning due to their autonomous nature. Some see use as assassination drones, delivering precision munitions to remote areas.<br>
::Cost: 45 Wealth
::Upkeep Cost: 5 Wealth
::Deckage: 40<br>
::Cargo Points (stowed): 10,000<br>
'''Gunship Squadron'''<br>
An Gunship is a military VTOL aircraft specifically designed and built to carry weapons for attacking targets on the ground, such as enemy infantry, armored vehicles and structures<br>
::Cost: 45 Wealth
::Upkeep Cost: 5 Wealth
::Deckage: 40<br>
::Cargo Points (stowed): 10,000<br>
'''Fighter Squadron'''<br>
A fighter aircraft is a military aircraft designed primarily for air-to-air combat with other aircraft. Fighters are small, fast, and maneuverable and for the most part, advanced propellor designs still dominate.<br>
::Cost: 45 Wealth
::Upkeep Cost: 5 Wealth
::Deckage: 40<br>
::Cargo Points (stowed): 10,000<br>
'''Strike Fighter Squadron'''<br>
A Strike Fighter, sometimes called a Close Air Support (CAS) aircraft or fighter-bomber (a moniker it often shares with multi-role fighters), is an aircraft optimized for delivering ordnance against ground or naval targets. It is most often used for close support of other forces (tank busting is a speciality of some) and while slower than most fighters tends to be fairly nimble and so can serve as a second line fighter in a pinch.<br>
::Cost: 45 Wealth
::Upkeep Cost: 5 Wealth
::Deckage: 40<br>
::Cargo Points (stowed): 10,000<br>
'''Superfighter Squadron'''<br>
Faster, more agile and more powerful than any regular fighter, superfighters are the pinnacle of aircraft performance.<br>
::Cost: 45 Wealth
::Upkeep Cost: 5 Wealth
::Deckage: 40<br>
::Cargo Points (stowed): 10,000<br>
'''Bomber Squadron'''<br>
Far larger than any attack aircraft, bombers can deliver tens of tons of ordnance across long distances. While much too large to effectively engage other aircraft they mount powerful defenses to protect themselves from defensive fire.<br>
::Cost: 45 Wealth
::Upkeep Cost: 5 Wealth
::Deckage: 40<br>
::Cargo Points (stowed): 10,000<br>
'''Super Bomber Squadron'''<br>
The Super Strategic Bomber is for if you find that 'normal' bombers don't cut it.  They posses both powerful anti-naval and anti-ground capabilities as well as lethal anti-air weapons.  For their size they can also be surprisingly agile, though mostly they rely on speed and power.<br>
::Cost: 45 Wealth
::Upkeep Cost: 5 Wealth
::Deckage: 40<br>
::Cargo Points (stowed): 10,000<br>
'''Light Airlift Transports'''<br>
These are small aircraft, capable carrying a couple platoons of men or a single vehicle.  Large executive and businessjets fall into this category.  Like all Airlift Types they are naturally unarmed, and are not combat aircraft.
::Cost: 45 Wealth
::Upkeep Cost: 5 Wealth
::Deckage: 40<br>
::Cargo Capacity: X
::Cargo Points (stowed): 10,000<br>
'''Medium Airlift Transports'''<br>
These are Medium aircraft, capable carrying a several vehicles of larger amounts of men. C-17's Fall into this class
::Cost: 45 Wealth
::Upkeep Cost: 5 Wealth
::Deckage: 40<br>
::Cargo Capacity: X
::Cargo Points (stowed): 10,000<br>
'''Heavy Airlift Transports'''<br>
The biggest airlift transport normally seen, these giant aircraft carry immense amounts of men and materiel across long distances. Aircraft like the C5 Galaxy and the An-140 are examples of this type.
::Cost: 45 Wealth
::Upkeep Cost: 5 Wealth
::Deckage: 40<br>
::Cargo Capacity: X
::Cargo Points (stowed): 10,000<br>
'''Super Airlift Transport'''<br>
An immense aircraft, capable of carrying an entire company of tanks, men or platoons of Mecha.  Due to their massive size they can take an incredible amount of punishment and still fly. The Airlift craft from Final Fantasy 7 fall into this category.
::Cost: 45 Wealth
::Upkeep Cost: 5 Wealth
::Deckage: 40<br>
::Cargo Capacity: X
::Cargo Points (stowed): 10,000<br>
===Naval Vehicles===
==== Destroyer ====
The small and fast end of the aquatic scale, these ships are used for escorts and for patrol. They excel a quick, nimble strikes.
==== Cruiser ====
Larger escorts, these ships have greater firepower than destroyers, but less speed. They make good support for larger ships.
==== Battleship ====
The big guns of the sea. Heavy firepower, heavy armour, heavy load; just 'heavy' in all respects. The core of any naval fleet.
==== Carrier ====
Giant flat-topped ships, these mobile airfields are designed to carry and launch aircraft from the sea. Such mobile platforms are only mildy armed aside from their planes, and need escorts to defend them and their grounded charges.
==== Submarine ====
Resembling a long metal tube, this fully-sealed ship is designed to submerge and operate underwater for near-indefinite periods of time. The true stealth craft of the ocean, these vessels carry out sneak attacks with propelled torpedoes, and serve as a launching pad for strategic or tactical missiles.
==== Sea Fortress ====
Using materia technology and advanced metallurgy, these ships skew the line between 'vessel' and 'fortification'. They're effectively artillery-laden defenses that can move around and submerge. Not very fast, but good if you're trying to defend miles of coastline and don't know where to build that coastal fortress.
===Technomagical Units===
'''Esper Jet'''<br>
:Using materia, an esper is morphed into a exoskeletal lift unit wearable by infantry, giving significant personal mobility<br>
::Cost: Wealth, Materia<br>
::Upkeep: Wealth<br>
::Cargo Points: 1,000, 0 if attached to an infantry Battalion
'''Mecha Battalion'''<br>
:Mecha are technomagical machines, up-sized versions of powered armour which combine the resiliance and firepower of tanks, with the versatility and manoeuvrability of infantry. <br>
::Cost: Wealth, Materia<br>
::Upkeep: Wealth<br>
::Cargo Points: 10,000, 0 if attached to an infantry Battalion
:Airships are flying vessels, using materia to power a levitation core, they are versatile aerial warships, cargo vessels and command ships depending on configuration. They range from medium size warships, or cargo vessels, to giant lumbering sky fortresses.
::Cost: Wealth, Materia<br>
::Upkeep: Wealth<br>
::Deckage: 50
::Cargo Capacity: 500
Airships are highly modular machines, made up of a series of modifications. Airships without modules, are medium sized vessels, with basic weaponry.
====Airship Modules====
Each Module adds 10 Deckage to the vessel, due to increased size.
Standard Weaponry
:This modification upgrades the weaponry systems, adding a balanced amount naval cannons, anti-fighter protection etc.
::Cost: X per level
Aerial Artillery
:This modification upgrades the weaponry systems, focusing on adding air to ground systems
::Cost: X Per Level
:This represents armour plating, energy shielding, and point-defense systems, used to protect your ship from offensive weapons.
::Cost X Per Level
:This represents thrusters, aerodynamics, and repulsion technology, allowing your airships to fly faster and farther.
::Is affected by other modules
::Cost X Per Level
Cargo Capacity
:These increases the cargoholds within the vessel.
::Provides X Capacity
Troop Capacity
:This is a specialised increase in cargo capacity, it increases the amount of soldiers and equipment a airship can comfortably hold. Not only does it provide cargo space for their equipment, it provides quarters for their crews, allowing airships to carry around permanent forces within affecting their readiness.
::Provides X Capacity
:This represents life-support systems and special shielding to allow the ship to function in areas normally unsuited for an airship - namely, underwater or outer space. Higher levels represent greater distances into said environments, or possible the ability to weather another harsh area (like materia-tainted storms or tremendous heat).

Latest revision as of 10:15, 19 June 2012

Hi Gang, i want to launch Crystal Ambitions again. Sometime this June. Read the main page and read CA powers to get an idea want im looking for as to theme and what you need to write up to join.

Hope you join up, i don't want to start a thread until i have half the PCs set up.