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Diplomatic Actions

Diplomatic Actions are significant interactions that happen between PC states and NPC states. In order to streamline these interactions, a PC may opt to use Diplomatic Action Points to make the NPC in question automatically accept the offer. This represents a nation's diplomatic corp calling on treaty commitments, holding meetings, etc. If a nation has insufficient DAP, wishes a different action not listed below or would prefer to keep the deal(s) secret they may instead speak to the GM directly. Note that particularly large deals will require a GM's interaction and in all cases a GM may void any transaction.

A nation may only take one Diplomatic Action per month and a nation may store up to 10 times its monthly DAP 'production'.

Increase Helium Deliveries - 2 DAP per 20 He3 (or part thereof) This requests a one-month increase of up to 25% of your Helium-3 allocation. Because of the added paperwork and special couriers, every 5 points of Helium-3 costs 1 Wealth. May only be targeted at the H.E.C.

Helium Party - 10 DAP per 80 He3 (or part thereof) This requests a one-month increase of up to 100% of your Helium-3 allocation. Because of the added paperwork and special couriers, every 5 points of Helium-3 costs 1 Wealth. May only be targeted at the H.E.C.

Foreign Aid - 1 DAP per 25 W (or part thereof) This grants approval by a friendly power to extend a loan to the submitting nation. It has a standardized interest of 10% quarterly. Particularly large loans will need GM approval.

Export Approval - 1 DAP per 25 W final cost (or part thereof) This grants approval by a friendly power to sell military merchandise. Note that this only grants approval; hard currency must be used to actually close the purchase. See Jane's for available military units.

Military Aid - 1 DAP per 50 W final cost (or part thereof) This calls on an NPC ally to deploy forces under nominal PC control. The standard term is 6 months, though this can vary depending on circumstances. PC states must pay all maintenance/upkeep costs for the duration. See Jane's for available military units.

Strategic Materiels - Variable (see [) This grants approval by a friendly power to sell strategic resources. Note that this only grants approval; hard currency must be used to actually close the purchase. See the section below for specifics of what is available.

Reloccees - +5 DAP for 6 months
- Temporarily Removed

Strategic Resource Availability

Strategic Materiels have a base cost of 2 W per point, save Precious materiels which have a base cost of 4 W per point.
Common resources require 6 DAP per 50 W final cost
Uncommon resources require 6 DAP per 30 W final cost
Rare resources require 6 DAP per 20 W final cost
Precious resources require 8 DAP per 20 W final cost

Pac-Am states

Common - Delta Dust
Uncommon - Condensates, ß-Titanium
Rare - Sakuradite, Metamateriels, Hyper-Glions
Precious - Drexlers

EU States

Uncommon - Delta Dust, Rhenium, ß-Titanium
Rare - Condensates, Iotimoline
Precious - Drexlers

Sino-Russian states

Uncommon - Delta Dust, Hepatizon, Rhenium
Rare - Computronium, Metamateriels, Protoplasma
Precious - Drexlers

ZOCU states

Common (4 base DAP) - Sakuradite
Uncommon - Delta Dust, Condensates, ß-Titanium
Rare - Iotimoline, Hyper-Glions
Precious (6 base DAP) - Drexlers

Rim states

(4 base DAP)
Uncommon - Delta Dust
Rare - All L1 Strategic Materiels
Precious - Drexlers

Status modifiers

All powers start as Allied to their aligned bloc/Patron. Affable states move up one position for all nations. States that are Crossing the Line replace their original patron with their new patron. Twisted Patron states move down three positions relative to their patron and one position for any powers Friendly or better with their Patron.

United: 50% diplomatic cost. Purchase multiplier is x1.0, may access Exclusive equipment
Allied: 75% diplomatic cost. Purchase multiplier is x1.2, may access Exclusive equipment
Friendly: Normal diplomatic cost. Purchase multiplier is x1.3, may access Limited equipment
Warm: 150% diplomatic cost. Purchase multiplier is x1.4, may access Limited equipment
Neutral: All diplomatic costs are doubled. Purchase multiplier is x1.5
Cold: All diplomatic costs are tripled. Purchase multiplier is x2
Unfriendly: All diplomatic costs are quadrupled. Purchase multiplier is x3
Hostile: All diplomatic costs are quintupled. Purchase multiplier is x5
At War: No diplomatic points may be used.

-Pac-Am states are Neutral to the EU and Sino-Russian Arm and the Rim. They are Cold towards ZOCU.
-EU States are Neutral towards the Pac-Am arm, Sino-Russian arm and the Rim. They are Unfriendly towards ZOCU.
-Sino-Russian states are Neutral towards the Pac-Am arm, the EU and the Rim. They are Cold towards ZOCU and Unfriendly towards their counterpart in the Sino-Russian arm (China for Russians and vice-versa)
-ZOCU states are Neutral towards the Rim. They are Cold towards the Pac-Am states and the Sino-Russian states. They are Unfriendly towards the EU.
-Rim states are Neutral towards all non-Rim states.
-Rim States with the Treaty of Sirius are Warm towards ZOCU. They are Cold towards the Pac-Am states, the EU and the Sino-Russian states.

The Treaty of Sirius

The Treaty of Sirius is the wide-ranging agreement signed to end the war of 2187. Recognizing that the ZOCU worlds had legitimate greivances, it specifically enumerated their freedoms and independence. However, as the instigators of the conflict the treaty also imposes significant limits on the military forces that the ZOCU states were allowed to possess.

In 2195 continued growth in a number of neighboring power's warship fleets tripped the Sirius 'Escalation Clause', allowing states limited by the Treaty of Sirius to increase their heavy warship hull counts.

- Warship limit of: 12 cruisers or the equivalent
- Every battleship hull counts as 3 cruisers
- No carrier hulls or hulls with equivalent carrying capacity may be built or used
- No stealth technology may be used on any aerospace craft or starship.

Official Secrets

A polity may start with a certain amount (Default = 10%) of its total SD as a secret. This could be military assets, infrastructure, even traits. Use common sense when determining just what can be kept as an Official Secret. PCs and NPCs can attempt to penetrate these secret installations and black budgets.

During play, a power may hide a percent of its IP production equal to its Official Secrets rating. Of course astute observers will not know what is being built, but mass expenditures into secret projects will suggest something is up.

Any infrastructure that is Hidden does not count towards the amount of He3 received monthly - the HEC cannot supply what it does not know about. However, everything hidden infrastructure produces is automatically Hidden. Of course it's much more difficult to hide an entire factory complex than a lone battleship, so spying missions are more likely to uncover hidden infrastructure.

All Official Secrets must be fully disclosed (privately) to the GM on a regular basis and failure to do so can result in heavy punitive actions. Expectations would include yearly updates, plus updates whenever significant changes happen and/or on request.

All Hidden Infrastructure costs 50% more W to build during game. This does not apply to starting infrastructure.

Sphere Rules
Government Nation Creation Traits Infrastructure Conversion Rules Old Rules
Industry Production Added Capabilities Slot-Free Added Capabilities Externals Support
Military Ground Battalions Aerospace Craft Warships Orbital Fortifications Military Doctrines
Trade Travel Diplomacy Merchant Marines Civilian Shipping