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===Assault Rifle===
===Assault Rifle===
These powerful weapons generally have a range bracket between Long and Short and usually a damage bonus as well.
These powerful weapons generally have a range bracket between Long and Short and usually a damage bonus as well.
'''Plan1088''' (¥?)<br>
The Plan1088 was used by the Lian dynasty during the last leg of the Sixty Years War period for provincial and regional troops, levies from the periphery, and various underequipped mercenary and irregular forces. These troops were considered less reliable and thus issued second tier weapons. The Plan1088 is designed to be cheap and very simple to use and maintain. They fire semi-automatic only but does have a pistol grip and high accuracy.
'''Type 88''' (¥?)<br>
The Type 88 is a standby of the Dominion of Amahara and was one of the first assault rifles. It saw service through to the end of the war and as a result is reasonably common worldwide and especially so in this region. Although inaccurate and heavy by modern standards, it is reliable and hits quite hard due to its big bullet.


Revision as of 10:42, 5 February 2012

Otome Row
Otome Row: System


Melee is used to hit or block things using martial arts, melee weapons or plain old brawliness. It is an important combat attribute at Close and Too Close range where guns can potentially be inconvenient and also serves as part of your health pool. Even gunslingers will find it very useful when caught up close. It can also stand in for strength or be used to break things in addition to people if fire or explosions aren't practical for the job.

Physique determines what a person can do with their body and how well tuned it is to do things usual or unusual. It is most important in dodging bullets and moving about but also forms part of your health pool, initiative, and can be used to throw things. Countless tasks that require physical reflexes often use or can use Physique as do ones that require precision (assuming Tech isn't more suitable).

Shoot is the common person's superpower provided, of course, that you have a gun. It is the dominant offensive combat attribute from Short to Long range and usually works just fine up Close as well. Owing to cinematics, reloading is generally automatic.

Charm is the subtle aspect of social interaction that is useful for getting what you want without giving away what it is or who wants it. Seduction, subterfuge and trickery converge here. It can also stand in for Smarts for perception in a social context, though results may return as feelings of what to do rather than anything specific.

Presence covers performance, leadership and overall social forcefulness. Whether it is fast-talk, extracting favors from contacts, intimidating folks into a protection racket or defeating zombies with rock'n'roll, the target of a presence roll usually realises what is going on. Remember, respect is everything. Having a strong presence also lets you be stubborn as a brick.

This is your perception, mental dexerity, quickness, cleverness and natural intelligence stat. It is also half of your initiative rating alongside Physique and the main contribution to one's social defenses.

This stat in practice will probably be mostly technology but can apply for any learned field with ivory tower potential, from mechanics to computer hacking to religious and occult literature. Many of the tasks related to it will have very high thresholds (such as aforementioned occult literature) when attempted without a supporting skill.

Example Skills

These are only examples. You can make up your own so long as they fall into the same level of specificity. Note that arranging this stuff under stats is largely artificial - you can roll any skill with any stat in the right situation.


Fencing (<style>)
Jujutsu – A skill that originated from the close combat techniques of samurai. It is a soft martial art that allows grapples and throws.
Kagura – A martial art derived from the shrine maidens' sacred dance. It is a hard martial art centered around acrobatics and kicks and allows the fighter to dart in and out of range.
Karate – A fighting skill born right here in Ryunan. Karate allows the fighter to deal a lot of damage and break things, mostly with their bare hands.
Pro Wrestling – Unlike in real life, this shit actually works for some reason.


Biker – The kind with a motor on it, naturally.
Blowpipe – Why the fuck not?
Parkourist – The art of quickly traversing urban terrain on hand and foot. Actually called a traceur but nobody knows that.
Throwing Knives


Machine Pistols
Assault Rifles
Rocket Launcher
Sniper Rifles


Animal Friendship – You never know when you'll need to calm a tiger in the back seat.
Art Sense (<type>)
Musical Sense


Fast Talk
Gang Signs
Performer (<type>)


Art Sense (<type>)
Investigator (<type>)


Car Chopper
Chemist - A euphemism, naturally.
Heavy Weapons
Particle Physicist - Never know when an understanding of the Vatican Large Hadron Collider will come in handy!
Software Engineer

Example Fate Tags

  • Action Girl
  • Addict
  • Arranged Marriage
  • Brutal
  • But Grandma Kana always said that...!
  • Coldblooded
  • Cool and Collected
  • Dark Secret
  • Descendant of Leizen-Eld
  • Drunkard
  • Ecchi is bad!
  • Everything is better with more ecchi!
  • Fae Beauty
  • For the lulz.
  • <insert> the Flash
  • Gardener
  • Honest
  • Hotblooded
  • Iron Maiden
  • Ivory Tower
  • Just as planned.
  • Leeroy Jenkins
  • Meganekko
  • Mother Bear
  • Motorhead
  • Murder Time, Fun Time
  • Mysterious Hidden Power
  • Nun
  • Oops? :(
  • Pai-check!
  • Patron of the Arts
  • Queen of Mahjong
  • Queen of Rock
  • Queen of <insert>
  • Rabid Fangirl
  • Raging libertarian
  • Respect is everything.
  • Sexy
  • Some asshole's in my pool.
  • Straight to Berlin
  • Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
  • Today's Experiment
  • Trained by Kana
  • Tsundere
  • Two Hands
  • Un-Ethical
  • Wrench Wench
  • You and how many of your...
  • You'll never take me alive!


  • The cost of raising any stat by 1 is 1000x exp where x is the current level of the stat.
  • The exp cost of buying a skill is 200y where y is the number of skills you currently have.
  • Buying a fate tag increases the fate pool by 1 each time but requires an appropriate point in the story as well as consistent roleplaying. The exp cost is 400z where z is the number of tags you currently have. If you need to go into debt, you may immediately do so but cannot buy anything else until it is paid off.
  • Like tags, social links are primarily acquired through roleplaying, getting progressively more demanding to improve as they intensify. The costs for this are provisional. I may make them vary case by case instead.
D rank: 1000
D to C rank: 2000
C to B rank: 4000

Gaining Experience

Generally this is how it goes subject to rebalancing if shit gets nutty. For each of the following, you get 100 exp:

Being here.
Learning something significant through the course of the session. Please record these on your character page in chronological order, a date or whatever.
Roleplaying point. Voted upon by secret ballot unless only two people had significant involvement in which case I'll just assign it. One person only.
Lending a helping hand to your mate. This is defined as a case where you played the primary supporting role in achieving a partner's aims. One person only.

The following are worth variable amounts per session:

Awesome actions. Managing to come up with a dangerous, very unlikely or insane course of physical or antagonistic social action and managing to execute it.
Subtle success. Managing to advance your goals without shooting or killing your way towards it, making peace with potentially hostile NPCs, or some other similar situation.
Success. Contributing to and achieving overall success within the session. Not necessarily assigned to everyone, especially if someone takes a leadership role throughout the session and pulled it off.

The following are cumulative 1.1x multipliers.

Danger. Assigned when there's some serious genuine danger.
Consistent non-irritating roleplaying of one's character throughout the session.
Having tags compelled during the session and never avoiding them through any means.
Finishing a story arc resulting in overall success. Maybe go beyond 1.1x


Gear is broad in Otome Row and can be anything but most items fall into key, gang-critical areas of guns, cars and rocking attire. Each piece of gear can have abilities or tags attached to it (some of which aren't necessarily listed and considered whenever they come up), though the effect is mostly not huge for PC's. Speaking generally, guns have relatively little effect on PCs and skilled gunslingers can therefore kill shit with almost whatever they like. Cars have a bit more effect as anyone can benefit from a fast car though even that depends on location. (Specifically some subjectively cool vehicles like GT's and muscle cars have more limited utility in the Megalopolis due to lack of space but that's getting into gribbly details.) On the other hand, good gear makes a great deal of difference for mooks who become significantly more competent when equipped with big weapons, fast cars and sexy armour.

Gear is now listed with a nominal cost.



Shotguns function at Close and Short range. Shooting one step on either side of that bracket requires at least one sux worth of stunt for which the tag Sawn Off is popular if the gun can accept that mod. While inside that bracket, shotguns usually have some sort of easy mode to assist unskilled shooters, making it the weapon of choice for dedicated brainy or social types.

Artaria C.C. (¥100,000)
The Artaria Close Combat is an old pump action military surplus of the Holy Dominion Army, the Albish Garda and various paramilitary and police forces across Rose Europe. It is a robust gun, built to last and superbly reliable but otherwise unspecial.

+2 Shotgun Shooting to anyone shooting with it.

MacUspaig Langley (¥120,000)
This classic double-barreled "frontier gun" from the Albish Union is famously advertised as capable of knocking out werewolves, with the disclaimer that werewolves might not exist or live in Iris America even if they did. Frequently seen (or concealed) in sawn off version due to its lack of mechanism or magazine.

+2 Shotgun Shooting to anyone shooting with it.
Alphastrike: 2x Damage
No Magazine


Pistols function at Short, Close and Too Close but many models have the trait Hand Cannon which allows stunting to shoot into Medium, though this does consume the free success.

.38 Wendel (¥100,000)
An anemic police revolver mainly around so that it can be outshot by all sorts of other guns that criminals have but low end police don't because they're silly fuzz.

No Minimum Damage

Tonelico M1934 (¥140,000)
The Tonelico model 1934 is a compact semi-automatic pistol once issued as a service firearm of certain foreign countries. While not powerful, it is small enough to be hidden in a handbag.

No Minimum Damage

Tonelico 92F/FS (¥260,000)
The Tonelico 92/FS is the 9mm pistol of the fashionable gangsters all over the world since the 80's, becoming an iconic weapon in film and media despite being neither the most common of pistols nor securing law enforcement contracts anywhere in the world. They are sometimes referred to as "John Woo's" in the underworld.

Werec 544 (¥220,000)
A very common 9mm pistol with a less fashionable look. It has a noticeably different, arguably quieter sound to it.

Machine Pistols

Machine Pistols are small submachine guns that emphasize portability over power and (usually) tacticool. They predominantly resemble ordinary semi-automatic pistols and are much more practical to dual wield than a full size SMG. Despite this, they default to only Short and Close ranges; most cannot function at Too Close range like regular pistols can unless they are Small.

Werec R41 (¥440,000)
The R41 heavily resembles a slightly upsized 544. It has a limited clip and shoots in (spammable) burst mode only but is small enough to be carried as an ordinary pistol.


MacUspaig REAPR (¥360,000)
The Reaper is a heavy metal bullet hose with a reputation for jamming up in its haste.

+1 vs. Mooks

Artaria Magic Girl (¥660,000)
The Magic Girl is marketed to ladies or elderly who might have need of immediate automatic firepower while "walking one's dog, taking out the garbage, or making a trip to the post office." A variety of body kits allow it to be disguised as different objects.

+2 Hide Magic Girl to anyone trying to conceal it.
+1 vs. Mooks
No Minimum Damage

Submachine Gun

Full size submachine guns are often able to hit Medium range but are generally not dual wielded like pistols or machine pistols and cannot be hidden.

Assault Rifle

These powerful weapons generally have a range bracket between Long and Short and usually a damage bonus as well.

Plan1088 (¥?)
The Plan1088 was used by the Lian dynasty during the last leg of the Sixty Years War period for provincial and regional troops, levies from the periphery, and various underequipped mercenary and irregular forces. These troops were considered less reliable and thus issued second tier weapons. The Plan1088 is designed to be cheap and very simple to use and maintain. They fire semi-automatic only but does have a pistol grip and high accuracy.


Type 88 (¥?)
The Type 88 is a standby of the Dominion of Amahara and was one of the first assault rifles. It saw service through to the end of the war and as a result is reasonably common worldwide and especially so in this region. Although inaccurate and heavy by modern standards, it is reliable and hits quite hard due to its big bullet.




Comrade (¥100,000)
Small, slow, minimalist scooter originating from the RPR. Dirt cheap foot replacement with a "satisfying vibration" that likely won't ever actually break down before something runs it over.

No.06 Vehicle Manufacturing Division

Flamberge (¥250,000)
A large, sleek-bodied scooter with an order of magnitude more displacement than the communist one, allowing it to actually go on a motorway without getting run over. The backrest can be turned into a second seat or replaced with a grocery basket. It has been known to ignite if left running too long on a hot day.


Gay Borg (¥200,000+)
Gay Borg is a generic term for a "chopper" motorcycle intended to recall the aesthetics of the classic MacRumia Gae Bolg from the roads of mid-century Albish Union. The quality of such choppers usually range from shabby through to dangerous but some dedicated mechanics produce virtual replicas or professional grade machines with performance parts.

Ulam (¥1,000,000)
The Universal Lotus Asian Motorcycle refers to entry level motorcycles with virtual copies produced by various makers of the region. It is a respectable ride to have out of the box unless you're in a specifically bike-themed gang in which case you need to chop things off and lower the seat until it scrapes the asphault.

Light Cruiser (¥1,200,000)


Progress (¥450,000)
An aging 4-seat design that has been in constant manufacture for three decades. They rarely break; most of the earliest ones still work if you put gas them. Comes with lights (usually) and spinning wheels.

No.06 Vehicle Manufacturing Division

Tanuki (¥1,000,000)
Discontinued in the late 90's, the Tanuki was an emblem of Amaharan budget motoring before three million yen became the entry toll to the world. Available in a variety of configurations, it is most commonly seen around Jura Megalopolis as an antiquated hatchback.

  • Highly flammable

Ethica (¥3,000,000)
A small, trendy economy 4-seater with futuristic angular lines and a reputation for being able to run on air if the gas tank empties.


Sabreur (¥3,200,000)
Very sleek, better appointed and faster than other cars of its class. Known for getting stuck wipers as well as "certain mechanical issues" in a few production runs upon pushing the engine to max power too often.


Heavy Vehicles

Kitty MacDowell
The Kitty MacDowell is an armoured vehicle used to transport valuables and money between locations - it is typically sold to banks. As a heavy duty security vehicle, it can usually take a great deal of punishment and adverse conditions before anything terrible happens. Understandably, it is not very agile or fast.

