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(New page: Caestus Pax<br> Concept: Egotistical Superman<br> Nature: Bravo<br> Motivation: Do good while looking good.<br> Attributes: 7/5/3 + 21 (Physical/Social/Mental)<br> Abilities: 23 + 18 Str...)
(No difference)

Revision as of 00:03, 31 May 2009

Caestus Pax
Concept: Egotistical Superman
Nature: Bravo
Motivation: Do good while looking good.

Attributes: 7/5/3 + 21 (Physical/Social/Mental)
Abilities: 23 + 18

Strength: 3 + 3 (Mighty)
Mega-Strength: 5 (Precision, Shockwave, Thunderclap)

Brawl 3 + 2
Might 3 + 2

Dexterity: 4 + 2 (Speedy)
Mega-Dexterity: 5 (Rapid Strike, Fast Tasks, Enhanced Movement)

Martial Arts 3 + 2 (While Flying + 1)
Athletics 3 + 2

Stamina: 3 + 3 (Unflagging)
Mega-Stamina: 4 (Durability, Hardbody, Adaptability, Regeneration, Resiliency x 2)

Endurance 5
Resistance 5

Charisma: 2 + 2 (Cool)
Mega-Charisma: 1 (Commanding Presence)

Command 1
Etiquette 0 + 1

Manipulation: 2 + 1

Streetwise 3

Appearance: 4 + 2 (Ripped)
Mega-Appearance: 1 (Awe-Inspiring)

Intimidation 3
Style 2 + 3

Perception: 2 + 3 (Intuitive)
Mega-Perception: 3 (High-End EM Scan)

Awareness 1 + 1

Intelligence: 2 + 1
Mega-Intelligence: 1 (Taint Resistance)

Science (Quantum Physics) 1
Linguistics 0 + 2 (English, Chinese, Arabic)

Wits: 2 + 4 (Cunning)
Mega-Wits: 2 (Quickness x 2)

Rapport 0 + 2
Biz 0 + 1

Willpower: 3 + 6

Backgrounds: 7 + 15

Eufiber 5
Node 3 (12 Q/Turn)
Resources 4
Backing (T2M) 5
Influence 5

Bonus Points (15)

2 Quantum (-14)
1 Specialty (-1)

Taint: 5 (+2 from Q6)

Aberrations: Hairless, Overconfidence

Nova Points (225 + 6)

-15 NP: Quantum +3
-3 NP: 15 Background Pts
-3 NP: 6 Willpower Dots
-3 NP: 18 Ability Dots
-7 NP: 21 Attribute Dots
-69 NP: 23 Mega-Attribute Dots (M-Str 5, M-Dex 5, M-Sta 5, M-Cha 1, M-App 1, M-Per 3, M-Wits 2, M-Int 1)
-30 NP 10 Enhancements
-42 NP: Kinetic Mastery 6 (Telekinesis, Kinetic Burst (Sphere), Propel (Flying), Kinetic Bolt (Blast), Shield, Kinetic Strike (Claws)) (Mastery 1)
-9 NP: Armor 3
-15 NP: Invulnerability (Kinetic Energy) 3
-18 NP: Hypermovement (Flight) 6
-1 NP: Psychic Shield 1
-8 NP: 10 Extra Maimed HLs, 3 extra Bruised HLs
-8 NP: +8 Quantum Pool

Soak: 12B/6L (Sta 6) + 10B/6L (M-Sta 5) + 9B/9L (Armor 3) + 5B/5L (Eufiber 5) = 36B/26L
+24B/24L Shield
+18B/18L/18A vs. Kinetic Energy

Quantum: 6

Quantum Pool: 40


Kinetic Strike- +12L damage to all melee attacks, turns attack damage lethal
Kinetic Burst- Range 120 km, Area 360m, Damage 36B, Die Pool 12 + [5]
Kinetic Bolt- Range 120 km, Damage [24] + 24L/36B, Die Pool 12 + [5]
Shield- +24B/24L soak
Telekinesis- Move lifted objects at 120 m/action, Damage [22] + 24B, Lift 6,400 tons
Propel-Move 64 m/action (w/o EM/Hypermovement), 384 m/action (w/EM), 424 m/action (w/Hypermovement), 2,544 m/action (w/EM & Hypermovement)
Hypermovement-Noncombat flight speed 2,500 km/h (Mach 2), 12,500 km/h (Mach 10) with EM
Psychic Shield-2 WP successes to resist mental powers

Health Levels:
Bruised (-0) x 7
Hurt (-1) x 1
Injured (-1) x 1
Wounded (-2) x 1
Maimed (-3) x 11
Crippled (-4) x 1
Incapacitated x 1