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===The Paths===
==Chinese Breakdown Paths==
====Starting Amounts====
Break-4B)  Catapulted CIS Policies
Nothing!  All paths will add up to the equivalent total.
: The New Men (+40 Transgene, +100 Supersoldier, +7,500 Military, +4 Logistics, +Sneaky Stuff)
:: The enemy of your enemy is your friend-and the exhuman movement is the enemy of your enemy. You will be reborn, with augmentations and genetics tested in the fires of a dozen brushfire wars.
====Exploration Era====
Break-4C)  The New Taiwans
: The Phoenix Rises (+1 morale, +1 doctrines, +100 PIP, +4 Logistics, +12,500 military, -60 Pop)
Exp-1World Type
:: From the ashes of devastating civil war, a new and powerful nation arises.
:No Suitable World (Go to Exp-2)
: Five-Year Plan (+100 PIP, +100 CIP, +5 Logistics, +10,000 Military, -1 Morale)
::Unfortunately, sometimes a prime spot simply lacks a nice place to drop your cities down, or your FTL drive wandered off-course.  Time to build your own!
:: Hard decisions must be made to survive hard times. Oppression and autocracy are regrettable, but necessary. The dictator might even have stepped down after his presence was no longer necessary.
:Hell World (Go to Exp-3)
: The Dragon Dies Screaming (+1 Doctrines, +200 PIP, +4 Logistics +20,000 Military, -1 Morale, -200 Wealth, -2 Global Tech Level)
::Various reasons exist to land on hell worlds.  Habitability is not one of them.
:: The government fought. The government lost. Others stepped in, but none of them had the power or the legitimacy to suppress opposition. And the corpse of the Chinese dragon laid there for decades before someone won the brutal succession wars and took charge.
:Terraformable World (go to Exp-4)
: Exhuman Resurgence (+1 Doctrines, +12,500 Military, +5 Logistics, +40 Transgene ''OR'' +200 Supersoldier, -60 Pop, -100 Wealth)
::There is a finite number of garden worlds within easy reach of human starships, but many more marginal worlds that with a bit of work can become comfortable places to live.
:: Various exhuman insurgencies were often emboldened by the breakdown. Some of them even won the fights they picked over the course of decades of grinding war.
:Garden World (Go to Exp-5)
::The gems of any colonization effort, most garden worlds were seeded with life more than a hundred million years ago by the Precursors, the garden-gods of the Milky Way.
Exp-2)  No Suitable World (automatically change one dot of Ground doctrines for one dot of Fleet doctrines)
*Must choose 'None' in Precursor Relics.
:Adapt (Radical Morphological Change, +150 PIP, + 50 CIP)
::In a world with no up or down, the man with hands for feet is king.
:Build Our Own (+ 300 PIP)
::Gerald O'Neil gave us the plans, all we need is effort.
:On The Castles Of Gods (+ 100 CIP, + 100 dust, + 100 Applications)
::Some posthuman structures can be used as foundations for larger, human habitats.
Exp-3) Hell World
:Adapt (Radical Morphological Change, +100 CIP, + 100 PIP)
::A normal human won't survive Chernobyl Beta.  A ''normal'' human.
:Tough It Out (+ Morale, Balls, + 2,500 infantry, + logistics)
::We've defeated everything this world could throw at us.
:Make Do (Scraphunters, + 2500 vehicles/aircraft, + 100 PIP, + 1 SP)
::We're not where we wanted to be and there's no way back, so we need to use absolutely everything to its utmost.
:Thousand-Year Plan (+ 100 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth)
::We'll make this rock terra-compatible if it takes a thousand years!
Exp-4)  Terraformable World
*May not choose 'Extensive' in  Feral Drones.
:Get To Work (+ 90 pop, +150 PIP, + 1 SP)
::Once the terraforming efforts have begun, many worlds were opened up for additional waves of colonists.
:Artifact Rush (+ 100 CIP, +50 Wealth, + 100 dust, + 30 Pop)
::Sometimes artifacts of posthuman provenance are found, leading to a surge of investment in an effort to extract them.
:Fascinating Pharmaceuticals (+ 200 Wealth, +30 Pop, + 50 CIP, + 1 SP)
::Some worlds have biospheres that are not fully compatible with Earth-based biology but nonetheless have intriguing and valuable biomateriels.
:Terraforming Failure (Defensible, + 1 SP)
::The worst-case scenario is a chaotic destabilization of the planet's climate, often making things ''worse'' than when they started.
Exp-5)  Garden World
*Must chose 'None' in Feral Drones.
:Population Boom (+ 120 pop, - 100 wealth)
::With Earth's overpopulation causing significant ecological effects, efforts were made to move as many people off-world as reasonably possible.
:Cash Crop (+ 100 Wealth)
::Agriculture has been the base of Earth's economy for ten thousand years.  Who's to say it won't be in out in space?
:Xenomorphs (+ 2,500 military)
::This garden has snakes.
Exp-6)  Precursor Relics
:None (+20 SP, SP limit for options increased by +5, may not spend SP on dust)
::Some star systems were simply never touched by the Precursors.
:Limited (+ 150 dust, + 5 SP)
::Most worlds with complex biospheres were seeded in the distant past by the Precursors and now the ancient relics of their technologies lies locked in the rocks below.
:Extensive (+ 250 dust, - 50 PIP)
::A few worlds have an unexpected bounty of delta dust, be in greater density to start or fortutious geology.
Exp-7)  Feral Drones
:None (+ 60 population, + 100 Wealth)
::Feral drones generally left G-type stars alone.
:Limited (+ 30 population, +50 Wealth, +100 PIP)
::Some worlds nonetheless had local populations.
:Extensive (+ 2500 fleet, + 100 Fabers)
::Extensive drone hives were almost exclusively found around red M-type stars.
Exp-8)  Posthuman Footsteps
:Untouched (+20 SP, SP limit for options increased by +10)
::I guess this was just a really boring star system.
:Observation Posts (+ 100 CIP, + 10 SP, SP limit for options increased by +5)
::Posthuman seed-probes scattered all across known space and were often used as markers for development - or looted for resources.
:Nano-Factories (+ 100 Fabers, +100 PIP)
::Some elements of posthumanity was favorable to their baseline cousins, providing the access codes for various pieces of nanofabrication equipment.
:Data Core (+ 150 applications, +1 Global Tech Level)
::Accessing data cores was a surefire way to increase technological development.
:Hostile as ''fuck'' (+ 5,000 military)
::Nobody's quite sure what they're guarding, but they're really good at it.
:Industrialized Spacetime And Magic (+ 500 Theta, - 300 Dust, - 100 PIP)
::The posthumans reverse-engineered precursor dust and made shiny new copies.  '''Must''' take Dust to Dust additional option in Colonial era.
Exp-9)  Location
:Backwater (+ 100 PIP)
::Nice and quiet.
:Routed (+ 100 CIP)
::Along a major arm.
:Hub (+ 60 Population)
::What it says on the tin.
:Strategic (+ 2,500 military)
::Too important to lose.
===The Paths===
====Starting Amounts====
Nothing!  All paths will add up to the equivalent total.
====Exploration Era====
Exp-1)  World Type
:No Suitable World (Go to Exp-2)
::Unfortunately, sometimes a prime spot simply lacks a nice place to drop your cities down, or your FTL drive wandered off-course.  Time to build your own!
:Hell World (Go to Exp-3)
::Various reasons exist to land on hell worlds.  Habitability is not one of them.
:Terraformable World (go to Exp-4)
::There is a finite number of garden worlds within easy reach of human starships, but many more marginal worlds that with a bit of work can become comfortable places to live.
:Garden World (Go to Exp-5)
::The gems of any colonization effort, most garden worlds were seeded with life more than a hundred million years ago by the Precursors, the garden-gods of the Milky Way.
Exp-2)  No Suitable World (automatically change one dot of Ground doctrines for one dot of Fleet doctrines)
*Must choose 'None' in Precursor Relics.
:Adapt (Radical Morphological Change, +150 PIP, + 50 CIP)
::In a world with no up or down, the man with hands for feet is king.
:Build Our Own (+ 300 PIP)
::Gerald O'Neil gave us the plans, all we need is effort.
:On The Castles Of Gods (+ 100 CIP, + 100 dust, + 100 Applications)
::Some posthuman structures can be used as foundations for larger, human habitats.
Exp-3) Hell World
:Adapt (Radical Morphological Change, +100 CIP, + 100 PIP)
::A normal human won't survive Chernobyl Beta.  A ''normal'' human.
:Tough It Out (+ Morale, Balls, + 2,500 infantry, + logistics)
::We've defeated everything this world could throw at us.
:Make Do (Scraphunters, + 2500 vehicles/aircraft, + 100 PIP, + 1 SP)
::We're not where we wanted to be and there's no way back, so we need to use absolutely everything to its utmost.
:Thousand-Year Plan (+ 100 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth)
::We'll make this rock terra-compatible if it takes a thousand years!
Exp-4)  Terraformable World
*May not choose 'Extensive' in  Feral Drones.
:Get To Work (+ 90 pop, +150 PIP, + 1 SP)
::Once the terraforming efforts have begun, many worlds were opened up for additional waves of colonists.
:Artifact Rush (+ 100 CIP, +50 Wealth, + 100 dust, + 30 Pop)
::Sometimes artifacts of posthuman provenance are found, leading to a surge of investment in an effort to extract them.
:Fascinating Pharmaceuticals (+ 200 Wealth, +30 Pop, + 50 CIP, + 1 SP)
::Some worlds have biospheres that are not fully compatible with Earth-based biology but nonetheless have intriguing and valuable biomateriels.
:Terraforming Failure (Defensible, + 1 SP)
::The worst-case scenario is a chaotic destabilization of the planet's climate, often making things ''worse'' than when they started.
Exp-5)  Garden World
*Must chose 'None' in Feral Drones.
:Population Boom (+ 120 pop, - 100 wealth)
::With Earth's overpopulation causing significant ecological effects, efforts were made to move as many people off-world as reasonably possible.
:Cash Crop (+ 100 Wealth)
::Agriculture has been the base of Earth's economy for ten thousand years. Who's to say it won't be in out in space?
:Xenomorphs (+ 2,500 military)
::This garden has snakes.
Exp-6)  Precursor Relics
:None (+100 PIP, +10 SP, SP limit for options increased by +5, may not spend SP on dust)
::Some star systems were simply never touched by the Precursors.
:Limited (+ 150 dust, + 5 SP)
::Most worlds with complex biospheres were seeded in the distant past by the Precursors and now the ancient relics of their technologies lies locked in the rocks below.
:Extensive (+ 250 dust, - 50 PIP)
::A few worlds have an unexpected bounty of delta dust, be in greater density to start or fortutious geology.
Exp-7)  Feral Drones
:None (+ 60 population, + 100 Wealth)
::Feral drones generally left G-type stars alone.
:Limited (+ 30 population, +50 Wealth, +100 PIP)
::Some worlds nonetheless had local populations.
:Extensive (+ 2500 fleet, + 100 Fabers)
::Extensive drone hives were almost exclusively found around red M-type stars.
Exp-8)  Posthuman Footsteps
:Untouched (+20 SP, SP limit for options increased by +5)
::I guess this was just a really boring star system.
:Observation Posts (+ 100 CIP, + 10 SP, SP limit for options increased by +5)
::Posthuman seed-probes scattered all across known space and were often used as markers for development - or looted for resources.
:Nano-Factories (+ 100 Fabers, +100 PIP)
::Some elements of posthumanity was favorable to their baseline cousins, providing the access codes for various pieces of nanofabrication equipment.
:Data Core (+ 150 applications, +1 Global Tech Level)
::Accessing data cores was a surefire way to increase technological development.
:Hostile as ''fuck'' (+ 5,000 military)
::Nobody's quite sure what they're guarding, but they're really good at it.
:Industrialized Spacetime And Magic (+ 500 Theta, - 300 Dust, - 100 WEalth)
::The posthumans reverse-engineered precursor dust and made shiny new copies.  '''Must''' take Dust to Dust additional option in Colonial era.
Exp-9)  Location
:Backwater (+ 100 PIP)
::Nice and quiet.
:Routed (+ 10 SP)
::Along a major arm.
:Hub (+ 60 Population)
::What it says on the tin.
:Strategic (+ 2,500 military)
::Too important to lose.
====Colonization Era====
Col-1)  Axis Of Colonization
:PACT Arm (+5,000 military, + 200 CIP, + 100 Dust, go to Col-2)
:EU Arm (+5,000 military, + 100 CIP, + 100 PIP, + 100 Dust, go to Col-3)
:Chinese Arm (+7,500 military, + 200 PIP, go to Col-4)
:UN-Authorized (+2,500 military, +100 CIP, +100 PIP, +100 Dust, +10 SP, Go to Col-5)
:Longshot (+2,500 military, + 100 PIP, + 100 CIP +20 SP, +5 to SP limit go to Col-6)
:Busy Child (+ stuff)
*Go to Col-7 afterwards for Local Affairs
Col-2)  PACT Colonization Authority
:Inner System (+ 180 Population, + 200 Wealth, + 100 CIP, + logistics)
:Second Stage (+ 120 Population, + 150 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth, + logistics, + 10 Transgene)
:Outer Expanse (+ 120 Population, + 100 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth, + 10 SP, + 20 Transgene)
Col-2B)  PACT Transgenic Relations
:Our Blue And Pure World (+ 60 Pop, + 5 SP, -10 Transgene)
:Headcount Increase Exercise (+ 60 Pop)
:New Freedoms (+ 20 Transgene)
Col-2C)  PACT Colonial Economics
*Dust to Dust (+ 100 Wealth, - 300 Theta)
:Liberal Market Capitalism (+ 200 CIP, + 100 PIP, + 300 Wealth, + 60 Population)
:Primarily Primary Industry (+ 300 PIP, +200 Wealth, + 120 Population)
:Warring Economy (+ 200 PIP, + 200 CIP, +100 Wealth, ++ Logistics)
:Research Lab (+ 100 CIP, +200 Dust, + 200 applications, + 200 Wealth)
:Lingering Posthuman Help (+100 Theta, + 200 Fabs, + 100 applications, + 100 Wealth, +100 dust)
Col-2D)  PACT actions during the Eridanus Campaign
:Front Line State (+ 7,500 fleet)
:Logistics Support (+ 2,500 military, +1 logistics, + 100 PIP)
:Drone Deconstructors (+ 100 Fabs, + 100 Dust, + 100 CIP)
:Not My Problem (+ 60 Population, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth)
:GTFOing (+ 30 population, +150 PIP, + 2,500 military)
:Any Excuse For An Upgrade (+ 20 Transgene, +5,000 military)
Col-3)  EU Department Of Planetary Development
:Inner System (+ 180 Population, + 200 Wealth, + 100 CIP, + logistics)
:Second Stage (+ 120 Population, + 200 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth, + logistics)
:Outer Expanse (+ 120 Population, + 150 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth, + 10 SP, + 10 Transgene)
Col-3B)  EU Transgenic Relations
:Our Blue And Pure World (+ 60 Pop, + 5 SP, -10 Transgene)
:Headcount Increase Exercise (+ 60 Pop)
:New Freedoms (+ 20 Transgene)
Col-3C)  EU Colonial Economics
*Dust to Dust (+ 100 CIP, - 300 Theta)
:Liberal Market Capitalism (+ 100 CIP, + 200 PIP, + 300 Wealth, + 60 Population)
:Primarily Primary Industry (+ 300 PIP, +200 Wealth, + 120 Population)
:Warring Economy (+ 200 PIP, + 200 CIP, +100 Wealth, ++ Logistics)
:Regulated Market (+ 200 PIP, + 250 CIP, + 200 Wealth, + 90 Population, - 100 applications)
:Lingering Posthuman Help (+100 Theta, + 200 fabers, + 100 applications, + 150 Wealth, +100 dust)
Col-3D)  EU's Project PRISM
:Beyond The Aquila Rift (+ 7,500 fleet, +1 Logistics, - 100 Wealth)
:Logistics Support (+ 2,500 military, +1 logistics, + 100 PIP)
:Heart Of Darkness (+ 100 Fabs, + 100 Theta, + 100 Applications, + 100 CIP, - 60 Population, - 10 AI and Transgene tech index)
:Stayed Home (+ 60 Population, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth)
Col-4)  Shanghai Consensus For Colonization And Exploration
:Inner System (+ 240 Population, + 50 Wealth, + 100 CIP, + logistics, + 10 Transgene)
:Second Stage (+ 210 Population, + 50 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 50 Wealth, + logistics, + 10 Transgene)
:Outer Expanse (+ 180 Population, + 100 PIP, + 50 CIP, + 50 Wealth, + 10 SP, + 10 Transgene)
Col-4B)  Shanghai Consensus Transgenic Relations
:Our Blue And Pure World (+ 60 Pop, + 5 SP, -10 Transgene)
:Headcount Increase Exercise (+ 60 Pop)
:Control Them (+ 30 Pop, + 10 Transgene)
:New Freedoms (+ 20 Transgene)
Col-4C)  Shanghai Consensus Colonial Economics
*Dust to Dust (+ 50 CIP, + 50 Wealth, - 300 Theta)
:Liberal Market Capitalism (+150 CIP, + 150 PIP, +300 Wealth, +60 Population)
:Regulated Market (+ 300 PIP, + 150 CIP, + 200 Wealth, + 90 Population, - 100 applications)
:People Power (+ 240 Population, +100 PIP, + 250 Wealth, - 10 Transgene)
:Primarily Primary Industry (+ 300 PIP, +200 Wealth, + 120 Population)
:Warring Economy (+ 200 PIP, + 200 CIP, +100 Wealth, ++ Logistics)
:Emerging Exhuman Help (+ 200 fabers, + 100 applications, + 200 Wealth, +200 dust)
Col-4D)  Shanghai's Exhuman Insurgency
:They Don't Come Around Here (+ 60 Population, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth)
:Cut A Deal (+100 supersoldier, + 100 CIP, + 2,500 military)
:Successionism and Secrets (+ 100 PIP,  ++ secret stuffs)
:Uprising! (+7,500 military)
:Nodal Reaction Forces (+2,500 fleet, +1 logistics, + 100 PIP)
Col-5)  United Nations Civil Colonization Agency
:Inner System (+ 180 Population, +100 PIP, + 50 Wealth, + 100 CIP, + logistics, + 10 Transgene)
:Second Stage (+ 150 Population, + 100 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 50 Wealth, + logistics, + 20 Transgene)
:Outer Expanse (+ 120 Population, + 100 PIP, + 50 CIP, + 50 Wealth, + 10 SP, + logistics, + 20 Transgene)
:Inner Rim (+ 90 population, + 100 PIP, + 50 CIP, + 50 Wealth, +50 Dust, + 10 SP, + logistics, + 20 Transgene)
Col-5B)  UN Transgenic Relations
:Our Blue And Pure World (+ 60 Pop, + 10 SP, -20 Transgene)
:Genetic Tensions (+ 60 Pop, +5 SP, - 10 Transgene)
:Headcount Increase Exercise (+ 60 Pop)
:Control Them (+ 30 Pop, + 10 Transgene)
:New Freedoms (+ 20 Transgene)
Col-5C)  UN Managed Economics
*Dust to Dust (- 100 Theta)
:Liberal Market Capitalism (+150 CIP, + 150 PIP, +300 Wealth, +60 Population)
:Regulated Market (+ 300 PIP, + 150 CIP, + 200 Wealth, + 90 Population, - 100 applications)
:People Power (+ 240 Population, +100 PIP, + 250 Wealth, - 10 Transgene)
:Primarily Primary Industry (+ 300 PIP, +200 Wealth, + 120 Population)
:Warring Economy (+ 200 PIP, + 200 CIP, +100 Wealth, ++ Logistics)
:Never Gelled (+ 100 PIP, +200 Wealth, + 120 Population, + 7,500 Infantry, - morale)
:ARROWs Formation (+ 100 Theta, + 300 fabers, + 100 applications, +150 dust)
Col-5D)  UN Colonial Demographics
Go to Col-6D, -6E, and -6F
Col-6)  Leaving on a wormhole ship . . .
:Outer Expanse (+ 60 population, + 100 PIP, + 50 CIP, + 100 Faber, + 25 SP, + 20 transgene)
:Inner Rim (+ 30 population, + 150 PIP, + 50 CIP, + 100 Faber, + 25 SP, + 20 transgene)
:Deep Rim (+ 100 Faber, + 20 SP, + 20 transgene)
Col-6B)  Prides and Prejudices
:No Thank You!  (+ 60 Pop, + 10 SP, -20 Transgene)
:Headcount Increase Exercise (+ 60 Pop)
:Control Them (+ 30 Pop, + 10 Transgene)
:New Freedoms (+ 20 Transgene)
Col-6C)  Idealism, Meet Reality
*Dust to Dust (+ 100 Dust, + 10 SP, +5 to SP limit, - 200 Theta)
:Liberal Market Capitalism (+150 CIP, + 150 PIP, +300 Wealth, +60 Population)
:Regulated Market (+ 300 PIP, + 150 CIP, + 200 Wealth, + 90 Population, - 100 applications)
:People Power (+ 240 Population, +100 PIP, + 250 Wealth, - 10 Transgene)
:Pod People (+ 180 Population, + 300 Wealth, + 100 CIP)
:Primarily Primary Industry (+ 300 PIP, +200 Wealth, + 120 Population)
:Warring Economy (+ 200 PIP, + 200 CIP, +100 Wealth, ++ Logistics)
:Never Gelled (+ 100 PIP, +200 Wealth, + 120 Population, + 7,500 Infantry, - morale)
:Posthuman Guidance (+ 100 Theta, + 300 fabers, + 150 Wealth, +100 dust)
Col-6D)  Colonial Demographics
:Pioneers (+ 100 PIP)
::Some decided to go to space because it was there
:Idealists (+ morale)
::Some decided to go to space to make their dreams of a better society come true
:Separatists (+2,500 military)
::Some decided to go to space to get away from people on Earth
:Fortune Seekers (+100 Wealth)
::And some decided to go to space to get rich
Col-6E) Backing
:Ragged Refugees (+100 PIP)
::They could barely afford the price of the ticket
:Charitable Foundations (+100 CIP)
::Some Colonies were great works of philanthropy
:Corporate Sponsorship (+100 Wealth)
::Profit, not charity motivates your colonies backers
:Civilian Government Sponsored (+ 60 Pop)
::A government backed your effort to move into space
:Military Government Sponsored (+ 2,500 military)
::A government backed your effort to move into space
Col-6F) Colonists
:Fleeing Trangenes (+20 Transgenics)
::As the Brazilian miracle turned nightmare, many transgenes caught a boat
:Adventurers (+100 PIP)
::Many colonies were settled by adventurers, simply seeking to see new stars overhead. These tend to be hard working
:Specialists (+100 CIP)
::Some colonies were very picky about their selection, bringing only the best
:Whoever we could get (+60 pop)
::Lowering the bar sure did supply a lot of applicants though
:Outer Haven (+2,500 military)
::A world where the warrior will not be looked down upon!
Col-7A)  Local Affairs
:Quiet (+ 60 population, +100 Wealth, + 100 PIP, + 10 SP)
::Nothing like happiness and prosperity to keep a government stable
:Economic Crisis (+2,500 Stockpiles go to Col-7B)
::It appears the other school of economists were right
:Warfare! (+2,500 military, go to Col-7C)
::General Veers, deploy your men
:Political Crisis (+ 100 Wealth, go to Col-7D)
::Far from Earth, politics quickly became far more interesting
:Natural Disaster (+ morale, go to Col-7E)
::The fury of nature is not felt only on mother Gaia
Col-7B) Economic Crisis
: Miner Beatdown (+ 100 PIP, +100 Wealth, + 2500 military)
::An element in your society is probably dissatisfied but after a few bouts with the riot troops, works like they should.
:Banking Crisis (+2,500 stockpiles, + 200 Wealth, may not have more than - debt)
::I guess your subprime was substandard, but you've learned how to regulate
:Currency Crash (+200 PIP, +100 CIP)
::At least your exports are competitive
:Captive State (+ 300 Wealth, + 100 PIP, -morale)
::Your state has been captured by one or several corporations. It dances to their tune
:Continuing Depression (+5,000 military, +200 PIP,  -100 Wealth)
::You didn't solve it
Col-7C)  Warfare!
:Full Scale War (+5,000 military, + doctrines)
::Your people fought a full on war, local but fierce. It's no doubt something you won't shut up about. 
:Regime Changed (+5,000 military, +1 logistics +100 applications - morale, + 2 SP)
::An external power has swept in and replaced El Generalisimo with the Shah.
:Feral Drone Attack (+ 5,000 military +100 xenotech applications requires limited or more drone activity)
::Feral drones became a persistant and significant problem in the 20s and 30s, though attacks happened all through the years.
:Superpower Squabble (+ logistics, +military +100 military applications)
::One or more major powers squabbled over your world. You gained resources to house them and some sweet toys 
:Training Ground (++ doctrines, + Logistics )
::Various military forces chose exotic and interesting locales to train their troops.
Col-7D) Political Crisis
:Never Waste a Good Crisis (+ 200 Wealth, + Morale)
:Perpetual Revolution (+100 PIP, +5,000 military)
:Regime Changed (+2 logistics, +5,000 military, - morale)
:Resolved To Everyone's Satisfaction (+ 100 Wealth, + 100 CIP, + 100 PIP)
:Posthuman Involvement (+ 200 Dust, +100 CIP)
:Space Ethnic Homeland!  (+ 60 population, +100 Wealth, +100 applications, - relations)
== Russia War Era/Aftermath Factional Paths (from Kerrus) ==
Col-7E)  Natural Disaster
:Posthuman Involvement (+ 200 Dust, + 200 CIP, -2,500 military)
:Giant Fucking Rock (+ 200 PIP, + 100 CIP, + Bruce Willis)
:A Plague On Both Your Houses (+ 300 Wealth, + 100 application, - 60 pop)
:Terraforming Breakdown (+ 100 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth)
:Supervolcano (+ 200 PIP, + 100 Wealth)
:Na'vi Attack (+200 Wealth, + 2,500 military)
=== Political ===
====Breakdown Era====
We can rebuild him (++Supersoldier, +200 CIP, +1 Logistics, -China Relations)
Break-1)  Broken PACT
:<i>The lessons that the Exhumans taught us are many, the very least of which being how to make them in the first place.</i>
:Connection Never Dropped! (Go to Break-1B)
:Road Repairs (+ 100 PIP, +1 logistics, - 200 Wealth, Go to Break-1B)
:Cut Off (Go to Break-1C)
Return to the Stars! (+2 GTL, +100 PIP, +100 CIP, ++Morale, -Debt)
:<i>Refurbishing the Grand Star was expensive, but it was worth every penny in blood, sweat, and lessons learned.</i>
Break-1B)  Catapulted PACT Policies
Propaganda Paradigm Machine (++Morale, +Security, +200 PIP, +100 CIP, -60 Population, -Relations)
:Saved By The Catapult! (+ 60 Population, +5 logistics, + 100 Wealth, + 10,000 Military)
:<i>When everyone is an enemy, it becomes a simple matter to locate and dispose of traitors, spies, and malcontents.</i>
:Capital Flight (+ 200 PIP, +5 Logistics, + 15,000 Military, - 200 Wealth)
:Reconstruction (+ 200 CIP, + 200 applications, + 5 logistics, +5,000 military)
=== Economics ===
Break-1C)  Cut-Off PACT Policies
In Russia, Exhuman work for you! (++ supersoldier, +200 CIP, +100 Wealth, - China Relations)
*Negates Dust to Dust
:<i>With the exhuman wars over, many such individuals were at a loss as to what to do with themselves. Fortunately, Russia had an answer.</i>
:Fire Upon The Deep (+100 PIP, +5 Logistics, +12,500 military)
:Stand Alone Complex (+ 100 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth, + 4 Logistics, +10,000 Military)
:Posthuman Bootstraps (+ 200 applications, + 200 dust, + 4 logistics, +7,500 military) * may not have 'none' in Posthumans
:Shoot Your Way In (+ 250 Theta, +3 Logistics, + 200 Theta applications, + 7,500 military) * must have 'hostile' in Posthumans
Can you hear me now? (+100 Dust, +200 Wealth, +Morale, +Relations, -2500 Military)
:<i>The spread of an intra-system Hyperwave network was the first step to establishing Russian economic superiority in the Chinese arm.</i>
Break-2)  Broken EU
Stealing the Golden Emperor (+200 Wealth, +200 PIP, +100 Shipbuilding Application, +2500 Navy, --Chinese Relations)
:Connection Never Dropped! (Go to Break-2B)
:<i>The Golden Emperor was to be China's premier battleship, a lasting show of architectural superiority that would forever enshrine China as a naval superpower. If only they had put as much effort into security.</i>
:Road Repairs (+ 100 PIP, +1 logistics, - 200 Wealth, Go to Break-2B)
:Cut Off (Go to Break-2C)
=== Military ===
Break-2B)  Catapulted EU Policies
Totally not an F-X33 Ripoff (++Aircraft application, ++Air Doctrines)
:Saved By The Catapult! (+ 60 Population, +5 logistics, + 100 Wealth, + 10,000 Military)
:<i>Even in the 22nd century, Russia is not beyond profiting from American ideas.</i>
:Capital Flight (+ 200 PIP, +5 Logistics, + 15,000 Military, - 200 Wealth)
:Reconstruction (+ 200 CIP, + 200 applications, + 5 logistics, +5,000 military)
Break-2C)  Cut-Off EU Policies
First Gen Superiority (+4 Global Tech Level, ++Doctrines, +2500 Military, -Debt)
*Negates Dust to Dust
:<i>Never again will Russia play second runner to neighboring powers. Even if it takes the entire budget to do so.</i>
:Fire Upon The Deep (+ 100 PIP, +5 Logistics, +12,500 military)
:Stand Alone Complex (+ 100 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth, + 4 Logistics, +10,000 Military)
:Posthuman Bootstraps (+ 200 applications, + 200 dust, + 4 logistics, +7,500 military) * may not have 'none' in Posthumans
Break-3)  Broken Shanghai Consensus
:Russia is #1 On Catapults! (Go to Break-3B)
:Celestial Kingdom, Shattered (Go to Break-3C)
Break-3B)  Catapulted CIS Policies
:Saved By The Catapult! (+ 60 Population, +5 logistics, + 100 Wealth, + 10,000 Military)
:The Chinese are Coming - Probably (+ 200 PIP, +5 Logistics, + 15,000 Military, - 200 Wealth)
:Reconstruction (+ 200 CIP, + 200 applications, + 5 logistics, +5,000 military)
Break-3C)  The New Taiwans
*Negates Dust to Dust
:Fire Upon The Deep (+ 100 CIP, +5 Logistics, +12,500 military)
:The Chinese are Coming - Probably (+ 200 PIP, + 5 Logistics, + 15,000 Military, - 200 Wealth)
:Confucian Collapse (+ 60 Population, + 100 PIP, + 5 Logisics, + 12,500 military, - morale)
Break-4) Collapse of the UN Civil Colonization Agency
:Road Repairs (+ 100 PIP, +1 logistics, - 200 Wealth, Go to Break-4B)
:Cut Off (Go to Break-4C)
Break-4B)  Catapulted UN Policies
:Saved By The Catapult! (+ 60 Population, +5 logistics, + 100 Wealth, + 10,000 Military)
:Capital Flight (+ 200 PIP, +5 Logistics, + 15,000 Military, - 200 Wealth)
:Reconstruction (+ 200 CIP, + 200 applications, + 5 logistics, +5,000 military)
:Conflict Investment (+ 5 logistics, +20,000 military)
Break-4C)  Cut-Off UN Policies
*Negates Dust to Dust
:Fire Upon The Deep (+ 100 PIP, +5 Logistics, +12,500 military)
:Stand Alone Complex (+ 100 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth, + 4 Logistics, +10,000 Military)
:Strange Discovery (+ 200 Dust, +5 logistics, +10,000 military) * may not have 'none' in Posthumans
:Shoot Your Way In (+ 250 Theta, +3 Logistics, + 200 Theta applications, + 7,500 military) * must have 'hostile' in Posthumans
Break-5)  Longshots, Isolated Again
:Fire Upon The Deep (+ 100 CIP, +5 Logistics, +12,500 military)
:Stand Alone Complex (+ 100 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth, + 4 Logistics, +10,000 Military)
:Posthuman Bootstraps (+ 200 applications, + 200 dust, + 4 logistics, +7,500 military)
:I'M BEING EATEN BY DRONES!  (+ 200 PIP, +4 Logistics, + 12,500 military)
:Just Have More Kids (+ 60 pop, + 100 wealth, +5 logistics, 10,000 military)
:Refugees!  So Many Refugees!  (+ 120 Pop, + 200 PIP, + 200 Wealth, + 4 Logistics, + 5,000 military, - morale)
:Go Weird (+ 40 Transgene, + 100 CIP, +4 Logistics, 10,000 military)
:Strange Discovery (+ 200 Dust, +5 logistics, +10,000 military) * may not have 'none' in Posthumans
:Shoot Your Way In (+ 250 Theta, +3 Logistics, + 200 Theta applications, + 7,500 military) * must have 'hostile' in Posthumans
====War Era and Aftermath====
War-1)  Choose Your Side
:Sign The PACT (+ 200 CIP, +200 Wealth, +10,000 military, Go to War-2)  *Must be PACT arm
:The EU Includes Us (+ 200 PIP, +200 Wealth, +10,000 military, Go to War-3)  *Must be EU arm
:We'll Rebuild China (+ 60 Pop, +100 Wealth, +15,000 military, Go to War-4)  *Must be Chinese arm
:In Russia . . . (+100 CIP, +100 Wealth, +12,500 military, Go to War-5)  *Must be Chinese arm
:ZOCU Solidarity!  (+7,500 military, +100 Wealth, + 200 Dust, +100 Theta, Go to War-6)  *May not be Chinese arm
:Make My Own Bloc  (+100 Wealth, + 10,000 military, + 300 PIP, +1 logistics, Go to War-7)  *Must be UN or Longshot
:"I'm a Magnate!" (+100 CIP, + 15,000 military, +20 SP, Go to War-8)  *Must be Longshot
:Independence!  (+ 10,000 military, Go to War-9)  *Must be Broken Down factional, any UN or Longshot
War-2A)  PACT World Politics
:New American Millenium (+ 2,500 Military, + 200 Applications, + Morale, - Rim relations)
::Your colony has primarily exports freedom, democracy, and McDonalds to the Rim. Sadly the Rim doesn't seem to appreciate it.
:Hope and Change (+ 200 Wealth, + 60 Pop)
::Personal charm and promising change from the no-doubt unpopular former regime have gotten your power some additional immigration and revenues.
:American-Led Peacekeeping (+ 200 dust, + 10 SP, + 2 logistics, - morale, - 60 pop)
::Your colony is one of those places where freedom and democracy was exported to. It kinda sucks to be occupied by foreign forces but here, have a Big Mac and it'll be all better.
:Corporate State (+ 200 Wealth, + 100 application)
::Deregulation has helped boost your power's economy, as large interstellar corporations gain significant footholds in your colony both economically and politically.
:Transhumanize! (+ 20 transgene, +100 Wealth, + 100 CIP, + 100 application, - Morale)
::Recent human enhancement programs in your colony have increased human ability, as well as bringing with it advances in productivity and biotechnology, but strained relations between the enhanced and unenhanced are now a political problem.
War-2B)  PACT World Economics
:Ignore the War (+ 200 wealth, + 120 pop, - logistics)
::Do what America did best in the early 20th century by ignoring the wars going on in faraway lands.
:Center for Research (++ Techlevel, + 100 application, + 100 CIP, - 100 PIP)
::Government funding has been heavily invested into advanced industries and cutting-edge science. Sadly most of the discoveries haven't panned out but with a well-funded research base and lots of high-tech industry you're sure it's only a matter of time.
:Arms Production Center (+ 100 PIP, + 100 CIP, + weapon application)
::Economic stimulation via the act of making things that blow up sounded good on paper, but didn't work out in practice. On the other hand now you have plenty of things that make other things blow up, and you've gotten really good at making them.
:Postwar Depression (+ Logistics, + 2,500 military, + 100 CIP, + 200 PIP, - 200 Wealth)
::After the massive crash industrialization taken to fight in the ZOCU war, your nation was suddenly struck with the problem of not having any reason to keep all those people employed in the firearms factories.
:Blood for Dust (+ 250 Theta, ++ logistics, - morale, - dust)
::Invading someplace with active posthuman machinery and occupying it for years might have hit your government's popular support, but it secured a decent supply of Theta dust.
War-2C) PACT World Military
:Zoom and Boom (+ 2,500 military, + air doctrines, ++ aircraft application)
::Airpower wins wars. Your air force has seen a lot of funding increases, making it a large, well-trained, and advanced force.
:The Fleet does the Flying (+ 2,500 military, + 100 PIP, + fleet doctrines, + ship application)
::The Great White Fleet's back and it's all under your control.
:Send in the Marines (+ ground application, + 2,500 military, ++ ground doctrines)
::No matter how overwhelming your fleet is, or how through your air dominance is, you still need boots on the ground, and your military planners understand that.
:Rangers Lead The Way! (+++ Infiltration, + 100 CIP, ++ doctrines)
::In the ZOCU war, your contribution was measured in special forces. Your "wet works" units are skilled and numerous, and the infrastructure needed to build that high-tech gear has grown prodigiously.
:Area 52 (++ doctrines, + 200 application, - Wealth)
::DARPA (or some analogue) has set up a branch office wherever you are, dedicated to testing out any technology that doesn't break more than one law of physics, and is bringing very experienced friends over to help with that testing as well as with training your military.
:Once Tom Clancy Is Mass Produced... (+ stealth application, + 100 CIP, ++ aerospace application)
::If something can't be seen and flies really fast, it can't be hit, and everyone knows airpower wins battles. Military development has reflected that.
:Keep 'em Flying (++ Logistics, ++ Cargo)
::You might not be making cutting-edge advances, but in the end all that fancy gear is useless without supplies, which you can deliver to your troops in great quantity.
:Tin Soldiers (++ AI application, + ground doctrine, + air doctrines)
::People dying in wars is unpopular. The solution, of course, is to eliminate people from the battlefield with AI systems.
:Beta Carbon Samurai (+ Aerospace Doctrine, + Ground doctrine, + Mecha application, + Propulsion application)
::Giant Robots!
War-3A)  EU World Politics
:Bureaucracy as Usual (+ 60 Pop, +100 Wealth, + 100 PIP, + logistics, - debt)
::"Current government and public administration has served admirably well since the Union's off-world expansion and during the war. We see no reason to radically change the system just to humor the demands of a vocal minority of questionable intent." --Deputy Commissioner for Union Administrative Affairs Zdeňka Lucie, 2193.
:Credits to Society (+ 60 Pop, + 200 Wealth, + Morale, - military)
::For certain worlds immigration is booming, tax revenues are increasing without the tax rate increasing alongside combined with high levels of reported public satisfaction and support for government policies have clearly marked a number of worlds as the "success" stories for the Union.
:Fraying Patchwork (+ 20 transgene, +100 Wealth, + 2,500 military, +1  logistics, - morale)
::Some EU states suffered from either small loyalist populations, had barely suppressed revolts, or were outright pro-ZOCU colonies which saw their governments deposed by local EU garrisons or from invasion from the stars and remain... troublesome. On the up side General Foch military base has more tanks and laser rifles in stock then ever before. (Mostly tanks.)
:To Go Boldly (+ 100 CIP, + 100 Theta, +50 Wealth)
::This is a new age of exploration and development. In the fire of the war the straw and hay of the traitor, the corrupt, and the weak have been burned away to leave the gold and silver of the European spirit. The future belongs to the European Union.
:Light Into Darkness (+ 2,500 military, +100 Wealth, + 100 applications, + Morale, - Rim relations)
::The outworlds have languished under ignorance, barbarity and poverty for two generations.  Now is the time to bring the light of reason and civilization into the darkness.
:Outstretched Hand (+ 100 applications, +100 Wealth, + Morale, + Rim relations, + Intelligence, - 100 PIP)
::Together with those seperated by four decades and innumerable light-years, we can build a better future.
War-3B) EU World Economics
:Ignore the War (+ 200 wealth, + 120 Pop, - logistics)
::What war?
:Regulated Economic Market (+ 100 CIP, + 200 PIP, + Morale, - debt)
::Strict fiscal regulation and heavy investment in new start-up industries have encouraged a burst of economic growth to make up for the post-war demands in both internal EU markets and in exports; some might call it socialism while others call it "progress".
:Center for Research (+ 4 Global Techlevel, + 100 application, + 100 CIP, - PIP)
::With the failure of Operation Beanstalk the Aldebaran Research Facility remained open to herald in some of the advances that carried the Union to victory.
:Arms Production Center (+ 100 PIP, + 100 CIP, + weapon application)
::Increased and Increasing production of armaments, spare parts and even warships close to the front by war's end allowed the decisive concentration of forces which ultimately won the war for Europe. While some planets returned to a largely manufacturing or agricultural economies when the need for armaments declined, while retaining the technological and industrial experience, others found that they were uniquely... suited to the military-industrial complex.
:Postwar Depression (+ Logistics, + 2,500 military, + 100 CIP, + 200 PIP, -- Wealth)
::War debt, the somewhat sudden demobilization, and conversions back from either a full war-economy or a partial war-economy can and has hit some colonies and states rather hard. In other cases economic restructuring brought about by new economic factors, with or without wartime influences, have resulted in depressions and recessions of varying degrees of impact. As Union-wide economic programs and careful regulation have generally prevented outright collapses and have spurred on development of new industries and markets to solve the problem. It can be said that most "depression" states are in a phase of transition.... And it can equally be said that some colonies are truely depressed states of the horror-story sense.
:Neo-Luddite Movement (+ 60 Pop, + logistics, + 200 PIP, - CIP)
War-3C) EU World Military
:Drastic Military Reformation (++ Doctrines, + Technology, + 200 CIP, - 2,500 Military)
::Admiral Zweiker's 'Young Officer' clique innovated many new technologies and techniques during the war, though at both a political and military cost.
:New Golden Age (+ Naval Technology, + Naval Doctrine, ++ Warships, + logistics, - Ground Forces)
::The 'Old Guard' of the DSF still remains immense prestige after the decisive victory over Haraway's World, continuing the EU's proud tradition of powerful, effective warships into the 23rd century.
:Gundam Counterattack (+ ground doctrines, + air doctrines, + fleet doctrines, + mecha application)
::It was the EU's Doppelsöldner mobile suits that became the propaganda face of the war, turning ZOCU's weapons against them.  However, they flew in the face of all established theory and doctrine, and the 'Schrecklichekinder' remain marginalized.
:Foreign Legionnaires (+ ground application, + 2,500 military, + ground doctrines, + logistics)
::The Age of Nationalism swept away the Age of the Mercenary Army. Now with a European Union counting dozens of worlds and billions of people of varying "nationality" or ethnic origin, it is not unknown to find professional soldiers serving in militias and armies far from the country or colony of their birth honorably and loyally.
:The Special Aerospace Service (++ Infiltration, + Security, + 100 CIP, ++ doctrines)
::The SAS raid on Londinium or the daring rescue of top spy Code-name "Courage" are the thing of legend. For those that are cleared to know.
:The Silent Service (+ stealth technology, + 100 CIP, + 100 dust, + ship technology)
:Keep 'em Flying (++ Logistics, ++ Cargo)
::Amateurs study tactics. Professionals study logistics. Some armies are more professional then others.
:Tin Soldiers (++ AI application, + ground doctrine, + air doctrines)
::Heavy losses in the early battles of the ZOCU Rebellion eventually lead to certain EU worlds developing more effective automation technologies for usage in warships to reduce manpower needs. For worlds with smaller population bases or simply more unreliable bases the next step was the development, introduction and adoption of "Tin Soldiers"; robotic ground troops and robot aircraft as replacement warriors.
:NELSON Uplink (+++ Fleet Doctrines, ++ Secrecy, +1,250 Fleet)
::The EU's central strategic planning bureau known as 'NELSON' is shrouded in secrecy.  And within that secrecy lies the power to dominate the spaceways.
War-4A)  Chinese Politics
:Running Back into the Fold (+ 100 CIP, + 200 Wealth, + 60 Pop)
::The few colonies which came back under their own volition to the Chinese Colonial Authority were rewarded by extensive subsidies.
:Reconquista (+ 2,500 Military, + 100 Wealth, + 100 PIP, ++ Logistics, - Morale)
::There were those unwilling, but too close to the might of the People's Liberation Army to significantly resist "support" being granted to pro-reunification elements.
:Still Free (+ 2,500 Military, +100 PIP, + Logistics, +  Morale, + CIS relations, - Chinese Relations)
::Some colonies are particularly adamant about not bowing to the CCA again.
:One Nation, Twenty Systems (+ 60 Pop, + 2,500 Stockpiles, + 200 Wealth)
::Several colonies were strong enough to resist the PLAN but not strong enough or determined enough that it looked to be a good idea to try. In general these colonies found a way to retain great amounts of individuality in their government and society at the cost of reduced government assistance and working with the CCA.
:Send in the Blue-Helmets! (- 60 Pop, - 2 Global Tech Level, + 200 Fabers, + 2,500 Military, + Doctrines, +2 Logistics)
::A few colonies particularly hard-hit had to have significant amounts of the People's Liberation Army committed as well as fabricators for emergency aid, as they had devolved into war, looting, and self-destruction. Twenty years after the recontact they are functional but barely.
War-4B) Chinese Economics
:Former Trading Hub (+ Civilian application, + 120 Pop, + 100 Dust, - 100 Wealth)
::There were Chinese colonies heavily dependent on trade to and from Earth, and when the Breakdown hit their economies collapsed like a house of cards.
:Nationalized (+ 200 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 2,500 Military, - Debt)
::To survive the Breakdown many once-private industries were nationalized as factories for export and trade lay rusting, keeping the colony's economy going at great cost to the government.
:Financially Independent (+ 60 Pop, + 100 Wealth, + 100 PIP)
::A few particularly lucky colonies had prepared well, and did not suffer as much from the Breakdown.
:Brain Drain (+ 100 Dust, + 100 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth, + logistics -2 Global Techlevel, - 60 Pop)
::Some predominantly mining or manufacturing colonies did not have domestic technical staff at hand and stagnated or regressed technically during the Breakdown. Even with the recent reconnect, they still haven't quite gotten back up to speed.
:Outsystem Research Facility (+ 100 CIP, + Weapons application, + Common application)
::One or two colonies were ideally placed to become centers of learning and despite the hardships of the Breakdown, they managed to hold on to their educational and research infrastructures.
War-4C)  Chinese Military
:Supersoldier Factory (+ 100 application, + transgene, ++ supersoldiers)
::Strauss-Kaserism never took off in China or Russia, meaning that they are one of the few Core powers to still commonly use the heavily augmented in military roles. A few of China's colonies took that doctrine to heart.
:Got a PLAN (+ 2,500 military, + 100 PIP, + fleet doctrines, + ship application)
::With planets surrounded by space, it is no wonder that the first line of defense, and the best funded one for many colonies, is the navy.
:Long March Into Space (+ Navy, ++ Shipbuilding application, + Fleet Doctrines, + Logistics, - Debt)
::The PRC today has a significant amount of force projecting that several of her colonies wish to emulate, but without the PRC's economic powerhouse, such an attempt invaribly leads to swimming in debt.  May ''Only'' be taken by Running Back To The Fold powers.
:Crysis Situation (+ 200 Dust, + 100 application, +++ Infiltration)
::A handful of Sino-Russian arm colonies have been raided for their posthuman ruins, and to hold them have improved the size and sophistication of their special operations forces.
:Fist teams (++ Doctrine, + ground technology,  + 100 CIP)
::The Sino-Russian Arm has shorter logistical trails and a higher overall population compared to the other arms, meaning that the governments involved in colonizing it could afford to be both more selective with the quality of soldiers as well as equip them with more advanced technology compared to other powers.
:Steel Dragons (+ ground doctrines, + air doctrines, + fleet doctrines, + mecha application)
::The Sino-Russian arm was neutral as a whole during the ZOCU war, and took advantage of that stance to buy and reverse-engineer mecha technology, as well as take lessons from battle reports in their application.
:Fort Up (+ 2,500 military, + defensive stuff, + ground doctrines, + ground application)
::The best way to ensure a nation's survival is to become too difficult for any opponent to effectively conquer.
==From Peel==
War-5A)  CIS Politics
War-5A)  CIS Politics
:Tsar Putin III (+ 20 Transgene, + 100 Wealth, + 2,500 Military)
:Fourth Rome (+90 pop, +150 wealth)
::It's not like you're going to vote for the other guy.
::As the old world fades, new epicentres of culture and power will emerge.
:Sovetskiy Soyuz (+ 5000 Military, + 200 PIP, - China Relations)
:Welcome, Comrade (++intelligence, +100 wealth, +China breakaway relations)
::An iron curtain has been drawn across the stars.
::To bring the New Taiwans to their true home requires not just strong backs, but silver tongues.
:Whatever The Cost (+ 120 Pop, + Morale, + 20 Transgene, - 100 Wealth)
::Long eschewed from the ranks of the great powers, Russia is on the rise again.
:Fringe State (+ 200 Wealth, + Morale)
::The CIS has been working hard to lure a number of worlds from China's former control by offering something many of them have never had before: a choice. And a bribe.
War-5B)  CIS Economics
War-5B)  CIS Economics
:Industrial Heartlands (+ 200 PIP, + 100 CIP)
:Novaya Ekonomicheskaya Politika (+20 transgene, +100 CIP, +100 applications)
::This world has never relied on anyone else, and it never will.
::By embracing new methods we can reach beyond our former peers.
:Resurgent Economy (+ 200 Wealth, + Morale)  
:Trans-Siberian Spaceway (+200 PIP, +200 dust, -100 wealth)
::Not everyone's suffering over the broken back of China's trade empire.  Certainly not you.
::The CIS Catapult Chain was a miracle of engineering and elbow grease, and its legacy lives on.
:Bunker Mentality (+ 2500 Stockpiles, + 5000 Military)
:Systemic Failure (+120 pop, +100 PIP, +2,500 military, - morale)
::Enemies.  Everywhere.
::Better find some oligarchs.
:Infodump (++ application, + 100 Dust)
:Complex Military Industry (+100 PIP, +100 CIP, +5,000 military, -debt)
::Your capabilities won't begin to strain the imagination until your R&D budget does.
::No, I'm not a student of history. Why do you ask?
War-5C)  CIS Military
War-5C)  CIS Military
:Under The Radar (++ Infiltration, ++ Secrecy, +5% secrets, + Doctrines, + Stealth application)
:Groznyj Grad (+supersoldier, +200 applications, +2 GTL, +bees)
::Nobody saw what you did there.
::Screw-driven landships. Men covered in bees. You ask "Why?" I ask "Why not?"
:Strategic Missile Command (+ Logistics, + 2500 Military, + 100 CIP, + Starship application)
::Sometimes the simplest solution to a problem is just to bomb it flat.
:Where No Man Has Gone (+100 Theta, + 100 Dust, + Logistics, + FTL application)
::Standing on the shoulders of those who first touched space, so we shall go out into the stars.
:Big Gun Lobby (+ Shipbuilding, + Fleet Doctrines, + 2500 Military, + 100 PIP)
::Subtlety is for spies, tact is for politicians. 
:Military Surplus (+ 5000 Military, + 200 PIP, + Logistics, - 2 Global application)
::These missile cruisers are past their prime, but they were a ''fantastic'' deal.
:Soldier of the Future (++ Ground Doctrines, + Cybernetics, + Ground application)
::Can't keep a good man down.
War-6A)  ZOCU World Politics
:Put It Behind Us (+ 200 Wealth, + 60 Pop, + 2,500 stockpiles)
::While the war was bloody and damaging, ultimately the ZOCU worlds got the true sovereignity they were fighting for.  Now, the time is to rebuild those bridges that were destroyed.
:Never Forget (+100 PIP, + 2,500 military, + logistics, + doctrines)
::The war was won due to the fighting spirit of the ZOCU soldier and the lack of spirit in the Core.  If they ever chose to return, we must be prepared to fight.
:Guiding Star (+100 Wealth, + ZOCU relations, + 100 application, + morale, + transgene)
::There's a path to greatness and only you can show others where it lies.
:House of War (+ 2,500 military, + morale, + transgene, + ground doctrines, + logistics - core relations)
::The Core is the Great Satan, the Evil Empire, the Hun.  They are the cause of all the misery that's afflicted the ZOCU worlds.
:Internal Collapse (+ 5,000 military, + SP, + logistics, + 2,500 stockpiles, - morale)
::The strain of war was too great for some worlds, and ultimately their government paid the ultimate price.  Repairing the damage done during the war is a high priority for ZOCU.
:Hardliner Ouster (+100 Wealth, + morale, + ARROW relations, + Core relations, + 60 pop, - ZOCU relations)
::After the excesses of the previous hardline government, the populace (or perhaps just a select group in the government) removed them, charting a new course away from ZOCU.
War-6B) ZOCU Military
ZOCU World Economics
:Regional Hub (+ 200 wealth, + 60 pop)
::Worlds with good positions can reap the rewards, accumulating wealth and prestige.
:Center for Research (+ 4 Global Techlevel, + 100 application, + 100 CIP, - 100 PIP)
::Some worlds make a point of being open to research of all sorts.
:Arms Production Center (+ 100 PIP, + 100 Dust, + weapon application)
::A number worlds have encourage strong pro-business policies, becoming veritable industrial juggernauts.
:Transhuman Resources (+ transgene, + 100 wealth, + 100 application)
::Having a transgenic populace can be a boon to the intellectual output of a world, with some worlds embracing this concept whole-heartedly.
:Postwar Depression (+ Logistics, + 2,500 military, + 100 CIP, + 200 PIP, - 200 Wealth)
::The war hit hard and too much was done in the name of war expediency.  The military was strong enough to survive, but the people have been impoverished.
:Crash Industrialization (+ 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth, + 200 PIP, - debt)
::Vast sums of money were spent during the war to build factories of all stripe, a modern-day Great Leap Forward.
War-6C) ZOCU World Military
:Fort Up (+ 2,500 military, + defensive stuff, + ground doctrines, + ground application)
::The best way to ensure a nation's survival is to become too difficult for any opponent to effectively conquer.
:Fight in the Jungle (++ ground doctrines, ++ morale, + ground application, - 60 pop)
::Battles in the jungle against prepared defenders can be long, bloody affairs, as ZOCU taught the Core.
:Giant Robots Rule (+ ground doctrines, + air doctrines, + fleet doctrines, + mecha application)
::The combat frame was ZOCU's signature weapon, seeing service on land and in space.  Coupled with hangarized warships, ZOCU's fleets were unmatched in flexibility.
:The Silent Service (+ stealth technology, + 100 CIP, + 100 dust, + ship technology)
::A few worlds sent out stealthed warships to raid core shipping, disrupting their operations and pulling resources away from the front.
:Midseason Uglies (+ 250 Theta, + 300 Basic Theotech application, - 200 Dust)
::The engineers of Kanon had no qualms about developing ever more radical technologies and machines to deploy into battle.
:Endseason Boss Suits (+ 500 Theta, + 600 Adtheo application, - 300 Dust)
::And then they got away from themselves.
:Low Profile (++ Infiltration, + Intelligence, + 100 CIP, ++ doctrines)
::Some government prefer to accomplish their goals more quietly; while they may lack the raw combat power of legions of marines or fleets of warships, they can also accomplish things much quieter.
:Crush them WITH YOUR MIND (+ 20 transgene, + 100 CIP, + 200 application)
::Advanced transgenic upgrades skirted the borders of acceptable ethics, but few avenues were left unexplored in a bid to win the war.
War-7A)  League Politics
:Be Interventionist (+100 Wealth, + 2,500 military, + logistics)
::You like meddling in other people's business.
:Fie On The Homeland (+ 200 PIP, +2 logistics, - non-Rim relations)
::You left for a reason. And you'll keep looking outward.
:Still Alive (and out there!) (+100 Wealth, + 200 PIP, +100 dust, - 2 Global Techlevel)
::You're a long way out, and stand on your own two million feet.
:Law of the Gun (+ 5,000 military, + 100 PIP, +100 Wealth, - Morale)
::You run this country like you ran your army: Find problems, and shoot them.
:Transhuman Supremacy (+100 CIP, +40 Transgene, + Morale, - relations)
::We don't want anything to do with you lessers... mostly.
:Ideological Purification (++ Morale, + 200 PIP, - 100 CIP, - relations)
::We don't want anything to do with you heathens/backsliders/socialists/etc.... mostly.
:Evil to Fight Evil (+ 5,000 military, + transgene, + doctrines, + 100 application, - morale, - relations)
::It worked for the Magnates. Now you'll make it work for you, no matter who complains.
:Nobel War Prize (+ 400 applications, - Debt)
::The technological gap between the League and the rest of human space must be narrowed at all costs!
:New Beginnings (+ 200 Wealth, + 60 Pop)
::Some colonists wrote new constitutions for themselves as they shed their ties to the mother planet and refused to back down from their new principles even in the face of war's privations.
:Hyper-Patriotic Space Internet (+100 Wealth, ++ Morale)
War-7B)  League Economies
:Regional Hub (+ 200 wealth, + 60 Pop)
::Much regional commerce goes over your tables.
:Black Market Hub (+ 200 wealth, + 100 CIP)
::Much regional commerce goes under your tables.
:Basketcase (+ 60 Pop, + 200 PIP, + 2,500 military, + logistics, - 200 wealth)
::Your economy has collapsed and is being rebuilt from the basics - mines, factories and law enforcement.
:League Production Center (+ 200 PIP, + 200 CIP, - 100 wealth)
::Primary industry feeds secondary industry feeds your coffers.
:Exploration Launching Point (+ 200 dust, + logistics, + FTL application, - 2,500 military)
::You are the gate to the rim, and fund explorations into it.
:Regional Port (+ 100 dust, + 200 PIP, +2 Shipbuilding, - ground application)
::You have strong spacefaring infrastructure.
:Mao Mode (+ 2,500 military, + 100 PIP, + doctrines, + stockpiles, + morale, -100 CIP, - 2 Global Techlevel)
::Back to basics. With stirring songs.
:Stalin Mode (+ 200 PIP, + 100 CIP, ++ logistics, - doctrines, - morale)
::You'll get this planet moving, and make sure nobody can stop you - be they civilians or officers.
:JITTerbugs(+ 300 Faber, + logistics, - 50 CIP, - 50 PIP)
::One or two nations took pains to scrouge up and recondition as many portable fabers as they could, moving them to the front lines.
War-7C) League Military
:Battlefield World (+ 5,000 military, + stockpiles, ++ defensive stuff, ++ ground doctrines, - 60 pop)
::Your world was the site of vicious battles during the War.
:Salvation Armada (+10,000 military, ++ logistics)
::It isn't too special, but it's certainly big.
:Scrap Heaps (+ 100 PIP, ++ logistics, + 7,500 military, + doctrines, - application)
::It's special in the ''wrong direction'', but at least you know how to use it.
:Magnate Killteams (+2,500 infantry, ++ Infiltration, ++ Security, +5% secrets, ++ doctrines, + stealth application)
::Shoot the head.
:Copycat (+ 5,000 giant robots, + 100 CIP, + air doctrines, + ground doctrines, + mecha application)
::Giant robots won the Zodiac War. Now they'll win yours too.
:High-Tech Bullshit (+3 Global Techlevel, + 200 dust, + 300 applications)
::In a backwards place like this, the cutting edge makes you king.
:Guts (+ 5,000 military, ++ doctrines, ++ morale)
::You will die for the cause, and you're equipped to take others with you.
:Core Naval Advisory (+ 2,500 Fleet, + 100 leapmissile application, + 100 Dust, + 100 CIP)
::It's time to embrace the revolutions in naval technologies that happened during the ZOCU war.
War-8A)  Socio-Economic
:We're People Too (+ relations, + FTL application, + logistics, + 2 Global tech level, + 100 dust, + 150 Wealth)
:: Some Magnates have realized that fighting a war against two power blocs wasn't such a great idea, and with the end of the Breakdown have normalized relations.
:THINK HARDER! (+ 4 Global Tech level, + doctrines, + 15 Common Applications, + 200 CIP)
:: Although isolated, Magnate cognitive science was cutting-edge and they found it easy to keep up with even Core and ZOCU powers in research and development.
:A Truly Managed Society (+ Trangene, + 90 Population, + 200 Wealth, + 100 PIP, + Morale, ''Managed Society'')
:: Several Magnate Societies built extreme transgenic utopias, where all were happy in their role.
:Exhumanize! (+100 CIP, + 50 Transgene, +300 Supersoldier)
:: The Exhuman ideal is popular with the Magnates, many of whom believe in continual genetic and cybernetic enhancement.
:Time-Motion Engineers (+100 Wealth, + 250 PIP, + 200 CIP, + logistics)
:: Some Magnate worlds became even more dedicated to efficiency, adapting life to the factory instead of the forest.
:"We come in sixpacks" (+ 180 Pop, + 150 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth)
:: To create these immensely augmented individuals, the Magnates had to build excellent cloning technology beyond that of any other power.
War-8B) Socio-Military
:Evangelical Transhumanism (+ 5,000 military, + Doctrines, ++ Logistics)
:: There are those who wish to spread their ideology far and wide, oftentimes with explosions happening in the background.
:Face Dancers (++++ Infiltration, +5% secrets, + Stealth application, + 100 CIP, + 2,500 military)
:: Magnate infiltration constructs were responsible for many a death in the wars against ZOCU and the League.
:Series VII Replicants (++ Ground application, ++ Ground doctrines, + supersoldiers)
:: On the ground, highly advanced Magnate supersoldiers found themselves more than a match for the stubbornness and courage of League soldiers, or the transgenics of ZOCU.
:Holy Shit it's the Clans (+ 4 Global Techlevel, + 200 application, + 100 CIP)
:: Some Magnate powers based their entire combat strategy on small numbers of highly advanced combatants, putting their enhanced intellects towards this.
:The Science of War (+ transgene, + logistics, ++ doctrines, + morale)
:: Amateurs talk strategy. Professionals talk logistics. Magnates are enhanced enough to talk about both at the same time.
:Reverse Engineering (+ Mecha application, + 100 application, + Ground Doctrines, + Air Doctrines, + 100 CIP)
:: ZOCU deployed mobile suits against the Magnates, but found out very rapidly that their mentally-enhanced scientists could very well turn their weapons against them.
:War Winner (+ 200 Theta, + Common application, + Doctrines, + logistics)
:: Your military was hardened in the crucibles of war, succeeding where many others failed to acquire the theta dust that the entire conflict was fought for.
:Unpack and Possess (+ Logistics, + 200 Faber, + Fleet doctrine, + Air Doctrine, + 5,000 Military, - 100 PIP, - 100 CIP)
::One or two nations took pains to scrouge up and recondition as many portable fabers as they could, moving them to the front lines.
War-9A)  Indie World Politics
:Get Sirius (+ 100 Wealth, +1 hangarize, +100 applications, + Power application, + morale, + doctrines, + ZOCU relations, - debt, - Treaty of Sirius)
::A few non-ZOCU worlds joined in to seize their own independence, augmenting ZOCU's combat power and recieving various technical and military air in return.
:Be Interventionist (+ 100 Wealth, + 5,000 Military, + logistics)
::With the Core and ZOCU glaring at each other, those small worlds nearby are ripe for the picking . . .
:Core Subversion (+ 200 dust, + SP, + logistics)
::Some nominally independent worlds had strongly pro-core governments, often running counter to the wishes of their populace.
:Take a Third Option (+ 200 Wealth, + logistics, + Relations with secondary powers)
::Core?  ZOCU? Nay!  We choose otherwise!
:Fie On The Homeland (+ 100 Wealth, + 100 PIP, +3 logistics, - non-Rim relations)
::Some more independent worlds turned their back entirely on the homeworld, looking outwards to the detriment of those who might otherwise call them friend.
:Still Alive (and out there!) (+ 100 Wealth, + 300 PIP, + 100 Dust, - 2 Global Techlevel)
::More than one world recieved independence by virtue of being so distant that no-one was willing to force them into line.
:Phezzan (+100 Wealth, + Intelligence, + Secrets, + Infiltration, + all relations, - military)
::It is perhaps inevitable that powerful Expanse states would meddle in the affairs of lesser ones.
:Planet Wal*Mart (+100 CIP, + 200 PIP, + 200 Wealth, + ARROWs relations, - 2,500 military)
::Corporate worlds generally have a specific reason for existing.  Warfare is not one of them.
:Law of the Gun (+ 5,000 Military, +60 Population, + 200 PIP, - Morale)
::The breakdown didn't just affect FTL drives, but your societal fabric as well. Now, the strong rule and the weak serve.
:Transhuman Supremacy (+ 200 CIP, + 40 Transgene, + Morale, - relations)
::One or two worlds become what Stauss-Kaserists fear, a powerful and self-willed state that exposed a philosophy of transhuman dominance.
:Ideological Purification (+ 100 Wealth, ++ Morale, + 200 PIP, + 2,500 military, - 60 pop, - relations)
::Sometimes, a good violent cleansing is exactly what a world needs.  Those on the losing side probably disagree, or they would if they hadn't been shot or re-educated.
:Friend To Everyone (+ 100 Wealth, + 100 PIP, + 50 CIP, + 30 Population, + relations)
::Be thou hot or be thou cold, but if thou are lukewarm I shall vomit thee out.
War-9B)  Indie World Economics
:Regional Hub (+ 300 wealth, + 60 pop, + 100 CIP)
::Worlds with good positions can reap the rewards, accumulating wealth and prestige.
:Expanse Production Center (+ 250 PIP, + 250 CIP)
::A number worlds have encourage strong pro-business policies, becoming veritable industrial juggernauts.
:Transhuman Resources (+ 20 transgene, + 100 CIP, + 100 applications, +2 Global Techlevel+ 10 SP, SP limit increased by 5)
::Having a transgenic populace can be a boon to the intellectual output of a world, with some worlds embracing this concept whole-heartedly.
:Center for Research (+ 4 Global Techlevel, + 200 applications, + 100 CIP, - 100 PIP)
::Some worlds make a point of being open to research of all sorts.
:The Tensor Building (+ 200 dust, + 100 CIP, + 100 PIP, + weapon application)
::Tensor Industries is the largest public manufacturer of arms in the Expanse, with active production and research divisions.
:Exploration Launching Point (+ 200 dust, +3 logistics, + FTL application, - 2,500 military)
::With the Breakdown finally resolved, some see a new age of exploration dawning in the Rim.
:Crash Industrialization (+ 200 CIP, + 100 Wealth, + 300 PIP, - debt)
::The biggest make-work project in the history of ever.
:Neo-Luddite Movement (+ 120 Pop, +1 logistics, + 300 PIP, - Global Tech Level)
::Take your new-fangled giant robots elsewhere!
:Bunker Mentality (+ 2500 Stockpiles, + 7,500 Military, + 100 PIP)
::Enemies. Everywhere.
:Black Market Hub (+ 300 Wealth, + 100 Dust, + 2 Infiltration, +5% secrets)
::It's not black.  It's gray.  Honest.
:Fab It Good! (+ 500 Fabers)
::With apologies to Devo.
War-9C) Indie World Military
:Fort Up (+ 5,000 military, + 2,500 stockpiles, + defensive stuff, + ground doctrines, + ground application)
::The best way to ensure a nation's survival is to become too difficult for any opponent to effectively conquer.
:Salvation Armada (+ 7,500 military, +2 logistics, +100 PIP)
::Many warships and other weapons were abandoned in the Expanse during the breakdown, too far from any catapult to be recovered and hurridly transfered to local governments.
:Scrap Heaps (+ 300 PIP, +2 logistics, + 5,000 military, + doctrines, - 100 CIP, - 100 application)
::The myriad dangers both real and imagined out in the Rim can easily induce a culture of overpreparedness at the expense of forward planning, with even the most obselete piece of gear kept in service.
:Zoom and Boom (+ 5,000 military, ++ air doctrines, + 200 aircraft application)
::Air, or at least aerospace, is seen as the dominant paradigm - likely inspired by PACT doctrines, trainers and technology.
:The Fleet does the Flying (+ 5,000 military, + logistics, + 100 PIP, + fleet doctrines, + ship application)
::A common theme throughout the Expanse is a strong fleet ensures both a solid defense and the ability to project power if necessary.
:Friends from ZOCU (+ 2,500 military, + ground doctrines, + air doctrines, + fleet doctrines, + mecha application, + mega particle application; Requires Get Sirius)
::ZOCU has been active in finding friends and like-minded neutrals, providing technical support and training to them.
:We ♥ Mecha (+2,500 Military, + 100 CIP, +100 PIP, + ground doctrines, + air doctrines, + mecha application)
::This is no Zaku boy!  No Zaku!
:Supertech Bullshit (+200 Dust, + 200 theta, + 200 applications)
::Because copying ZOCU seems like a good idea!
:Hypertech Bullshit (+ 500 theta, + 500 Adtheo application, - 500 dust)
::A handful of worlds have begun to seriously reverse-engineer posthuman technology, pushing the boundaries of science back and deploying weapons of stunning power.
:Low Profile (++ Infiltration, ++ Secrecy, +5% secrets, + 100 CIP, ++ doctrines, + 100 Wealth)
::Some government prefer to accomplish their goals more quietly; while they may lack the raw combat power of legions of marines or fleets of warships, they can also accomplish things much quieter.
:Soldier, Ask Not (++++ Doctrines, + 5,000 military)
::The meanest mercs to ever smash a world for a buck
:Corporate Security (+ 60 Population, + 100 CIP, ++ ARROWS relations, + 30 SP, - 2,500 military)
::An outsourced military is an efficient military!
====Current Era====
Cur-1)  The Business of Government<br>
For choices with an X/Y format, only one can be chosen.
:Future Government (++ Morale, + Transgene ''or'' + AI application)
:Multiparty Democracy (+ Morale, + 100 application (common), + 100 Wealth ''or'' + 100 CIP, + 1 SP)
:Single Party Governance (+ 100 PIP, + 100 Wealth, + 2,500 military ''or'' +2,500 Stockpiles ''or'' + 60 Population, + 1 SP)
:Corporate Direction (+ 100 Wealth, + 100 CIP, + 100 Applications ''or'' +100 Dust, + 1 SP)
:Space Monarchy (+ 2,500 Military, + 100 PIP, + Logistics ''or'' +20 Transgene, + 1 SP)
:Junta/Tyranny (+ 5,000 Military, + Logistics, + 2,500 Stockpiles, - 60 Population, - Morale, ++ Security + Secrecy ''or'' Dust, + 1 SP)
====Chaotic Events====
These represent events that are difficult to predict in any form of historical pattern and are not tied to any specific sequence of events.  Tentatively, any nation may chose ''one'' (just to keep things simple) to further customize their nation and represent particularly anomolous events in history.
:Found Religion (+ Morale, - 100 Wealth)
::Religion is the opiate of the masses.
:Transgenes Go Back To Transgeneland! (+ Morale, - Transgene) - note:  must have at least + Transgene to start
::The excesses of organizations such as December 23 and Blue Cosmos can easily sway popular feelings against transgenes.
:Populism! (+ Morale, - everyone relations)
::It is not uncommon for political demagogues to label all those exterior as threats and dangers and use them as scapegoats for a nation's shortcomings.
:Don't Touch That! (+ 2,500 Stockpiles, - Debt) - note:  your +s stockpile cannot be removed by -s debt during nation creation
::Most nations keep a certain amount of strategic stockpiles for a rainy day.  Some are particularly dilligent at this.
:My Little Lacus (+ Transgene, - 2,500 Military)
::The Clyne Movement is a pro-transhuman ideology that also denies the validity of offensive war.
:Relena's Rules (+ 100 Wealth, + 60 Pop, + Morale, - 5,000 Military, - Logistics, - pacifist)
::The Sanc Kingdom's legacy of total pacifism lives on.
:Hippies Under The Bed (+ 60 Pop, - 2,500 military)
::Make Love, Not War!
:Revanche! (+ morale, - 2,500 military)
::You lost last time, now to get even!
:Bombed Flat And Angry About It (+ Morale, - 100 CIP)
::Ironically enough, a near-constant in war is that actions against a civilian population will lead to stiffening support for the central government.
:Reaganomics (+ 100 Wealth, - Debt)
::Massive tax cutting is an effective way to stimulate the economy, though it can lead to skyrocketing debt if care is not taken to ensure a balanced budget.
:My Toaster Hit Singularity (+100 dust, - 100 CIP)
::Minor singularity events continue to bedevil high-tech industries, though the aftermath can lead to some new opportunities.
:Libertarian Rickroll (+ 100 Wealth, - Morale)
::The massive cutting of social programs is one way to reduce taxation and promote capitalism, though it doesn't tend to be popular with the electorate.
:Communist Manifesto (+ 100 PIP, - 100 Wealth)
::Economic troubles do strange things to people.  True 20th century 'communism' remains a weirdly popular ideology, particularly out in the Expanse.
:Economic Progression (+ 100 CIP, - 100 PIP)
::A natural progression seen time and time again, more educated nations move towards high-value, low-labour goods and import labour-intensive products from elsewhere.
:Build It And They Will Come (+ Logistics, - 100 Wealth)
::Infrastructure construction, except it's a bunch of ammo dumps and supply ships.
:Ran Outta People (+ Computer application, - 60 Pop)
::Some worlds ran into the hard limits of population or lack thereof.  As a result, they turned to robotics technologies, developing especially sophisticated techniques and machines.
:Immoral Breakthrough (+ 100 application, - 60 Pop, - morale)
::Sometimes, sacrifices must be made for the greater good.
:Cut To The Bone (+ doctrines, - 2,500 military, - logistics)
::In the aftermath of the ZOCU war and the resulting Treaty of Sirius, it was not uncommon for various combatants to drastically slash their militaries, retaining only the most skilled soldiers.
:Development Hell (+ Techlevel, - application)
::Some intellectual establishments prefer the clean clarity of theoretically research over the messy (and expensive) business of practical development.
:The Weak Perish (+ doctrines, - 60 pop)
::Disasters natural or man-made can force a certain toughness on the survivors.
:Kinderfaber Surprise! (+ drexlers, - fabers)
::The underlying technology of fabers are universal nanofabricators.  More enterprising colonists have disassembled their fabers in order to 'grow' additional nanofabs.
:Swords to Plowshares (+ 100 PIP, - 2,500 military)
::''They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.''
:Plowshares to Swords (+ 2,500 military, - 100 PIP)
::''They will beat their plowshares into swords and their pruning hooks into spears.''
:Shoot the Scientists (+ 100 applications, - 2 Global Tech Level)
::. . . but keep the engineers.
====Breakdown Era====
Break-1)  Broken PACT
:Connection Never Dropped! (Go to Break-1B)
:Road Repairs (+ 100 PIP, +1 logistics, - 200 Wealth, Go to Break-1B)
:Cut Off (Go to Break-1C)
Break-1B)  Catapulted PACT Policies
:Saved By The Catapult! (+ 60 Population, +5 logistics, + 100 Wealth, + 10,000 Military)
:Capital Flight (+ 200 PIP, +5 Logistics, + 15,000 Military, - 200 Wealth)
:Reconstruction (+ 200 CIP, + 200 applications, + 5 logistics, +5,000 military)
Break-1C)  Cut-Off PACT Policies
*Negates Dust to Dust
:Fire Upon The Deep (+100 PIP, +5 Logistics, +12,500 military)
:Stand Alone Complex (+ 100 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth, + 4 Logistics, +10,000 Military)
:Posthuman Bootstraps (+ 200 applications, + 200 dust, + 4 logistics, +7,500 military) * may not have 'none' in Posthumans
:Shoot Your Way In (+ 250 Theta, +3 Logistics, + 200 Theta applications, + 7,500 military) * must have 'hostile' in Posthumans
Break-2)  Broken EU
:Connection Never Dropped! (Go to Break-2B)
:Road Repairs (+ 100 PIP, +1 logistics, - 200 Wealth, Go to Break-2B)
:Cut Off (Go to Break-2C)
Break-2B)  Catapulted EU Policies
:Saved By The Catapult! (+ 60 Population, +5 logistics, + 100 Wealth, + 10,000 Military)
:Capital Flight (+ 200 PIP, +5 Logistics, + 15,000 Military, - 200 Wealth)
:Reconstruction (+ 200 CIP, + 200 applications, + 5 logistics, +5,000 military)
Break-2C)  Cut-Off EU Policies
*Negates Dust to Dust
:Fire Upon The Deep (+ 100 PIP, +5 Logistics, +12,500 military)
:Stand Alone Complex (+ 100 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth, + 4 Logistics, +10,000 Military)
:Posthuman Bootstraps (+ 200 applications, + 200 dust, + 4 logistics, +7,500 military) * may not have 'none' in Posthumans
Break-3)  Broken Shanghai Consensus
:Russia is #1 On Catapults! (Go to Break-3B)
:Celestial Kingdom, Shattered (Go to Break-3C)
Break-3B)  Catapulted CIS Policies
:Saved By The Catapult! (+ 60 Population, +5 logistics, + 100 Wealth, + 10,000 Military)
:The Chinese are Coming - Probably (+ 200 PIP, +5 Logistics, + 15,000 Military, - 200 Wealth)
:Reconstruction (+ 200 CIP, + 200 applications, + 5 logistics, +5,000 military)
Break-3C)  The New Taiwans
*Negates Dust to Dust
:Fire Upon The Deep (+ 100 CIP, +5 Logistics, +12,500 military)
:The Chinese are Coming - Probably (+ 200 PIP, + 5 Logistics, + 15,000 Military, - 200 Wealth)
:Confucian Collapse (+ 60 Population, + 100 PIP, + 5 Logisics, + 12,500 military, - morale)
Break-4) Collapse of the UN Civil Colonization Agency
:Road Repairs (+ 100 PIP, +1 logistics, - 200 Wealth, Go to Break-4B)
:Cut Off (Go to Break-4C)
Break-4B)  Catapulted UN Policies
:Saved By The Catapult! (+ 60 Population, +5 logistics, + 100 Wealth, + 10,000 Military)
:Capital Flight (+ 200 PIP, +5 Logistics, + 15,000 Military, - 200 Wealth)
:Reconstruction (+ 200 CIP, + 200 applications, + 5 logistics, +5,000 military)
:Conflict Investment (+ 5 logistics, +20,000 military)
Break-4C)  Cut-Off UN Policies
*Negates Dust to Dust
:Fire Upon The Deep (+ 100 PIP, +5 Logistics, +12,500 military)
:Stand Alone Complex (+ 100 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth, + 4 Logistics, +10,000 Military)
:Strange Discovery (+ 200 Dust, +5 logistics, +10,000 military) * may not have 'none' in Posthumans
:Shoot Your Way In (+ 250 Theta, +3 Logistics, + 200 Theta applications, + 7,500 military) * must have 'hostile' in Posthumans
Break-5)  Longshots, Isolated Again
:Fire Upon The Deep (+ 100 CIP, +5 Logistics, +12,500 military)
:Stand Alone Complex (+ 100 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth, + 4 Logistics, +10,000 Military)
:Posthuman Bootstraps (+ 200 applications, + 200 dust, + 4 logistics, +7,500 military)
:I'M BEING EATEN BY DRONES!  (+ 200 PIP, +4 Logistics, + 12,500 military)
:Just Have More Kids (+ 60 pop, + 100 wealth, +5 logistics, 10,000 military)
:Refugees!  So Many Refugees!  (+ 120 Pop, + 200 PIP, + 200 Wealth, + 4 Logistics, + 5,000 military, - morale)
:Go Weird (+ 40 Transgene, + 100 CIP, +4 Logistics, 10,000 military)
:Strange Discovery (+ 200 Dust, +5 logistics, +10,000 military) * may not have 'none' in Posthumans
:Shoot Your Way In (+ 250 Theta, +3 Logistics, + 200 Theta applications, + 7,500 military) * must have 'hostile' in Posthumans
====War Era and Aftermath====
War-1)  Choose Your Side
:Sign The PACT (+ 200 CIP, +200 Wealth, +10,000 military, Go to War-2)  *Must be PACT arm
:The EU Includes Us (+ 200 PIP, +200 Wealth, +10,000 military, Go to War-3)  *Must be EU arm
:We'll Rebuild China (+ 60 Pop, +100 Wealth, +15,000 military, Go to War-4)  *Must be Chinese arm
:In Russia . . . (+100 CIP, +100 Wealth, +12,500 military, Go to War-5)  *Must be Chinese arm
:ZOCU Solidarity!  (+7,500 military, +100 Wealth, + 200 Dust, +100 Theta, Go to War-6)  *May not be Chinese arm
:Make My Own Bloc  (+100 Wealth, + 10,000 military, + 300 PIP, +1 logistics, Go to War-7)  *Must be UN or Longshot
:"I'm a Magnate!" (+100 CIP, + 15,000 military, +20 SP, Go to War-8)  *Must be Longshot
:Independence!  (+ 10,000 military, Go to War-9)  *Must be Broken Down factional, any UN or Longshot
War-2A)  PACT World Politics
:New American Millenium (+ 2,500 Military, + 200 Applications, + Morale, - Rim relations)
::Your colony has primarily exports freedom, democracy, and McDonalds to the Rim. Sadly the Rim doesn't seem to appreciate it.
:Hope and Change (+ 200 Wealth, + 60 Pop)
::Personal charm and promising change from the no-doubt unpopular former regime have gotten your power some additional immigration and revenues.
:American-Led Peacekeeping (+ 200 dust, + 10 SP, + 2 logistics, - morale, - 60 pop)
::Your colony is one of those places where freedom and democracy was exported to. It kinda sucks to be occupied by foreign forces but here, have a Big Mac and it'll be all better.
:Corporate State (+ 200 Wealth, + 100 application)
::Deregulation has helped boost your power's economy, as large interstellar corporations gain significant footholds in your colony both economically and politically.
:Transhumanize! (+ 20 transgene, +100 Wealth, + 100 CIP, + 100 application, - Morale)
::Recent human enhancement programs in your colony have increased human ability, as well as bringing with it advances in productivity and biotechnology, but strained relations between the enhanced and unenhanced are now a political problem.
War-2B)  PACT World Economics
:Ignore the War (+ 200 wealth, + 120 pop, - logistics)
::Do what America did best in the early 20th century by ignoring the wars going on in faraway lands.
:Center for Research (++ Techlevel, + 100 application, + 100 CIP, - 100 PIP)
::Government funding has been heavily invested into advanced industries and cutting-edge science. Sadly most of the discoveries haven't panned out but with a well-funded research base and lots of high-tech industry you're sure it's only a matter of time.
:Arms Production Center (+ 100 PIP, + 100 CIP, + weapon application)
::Economic stimulation via the act of making things that blow up sounded good on paper, but didn't work out in practice. On the other hand now you have plenty of things that make other things blow up, and you've gotten really good at making them.
:Postwar Depression (+ Logistics, + 2,500 military, + 100 CIP, + 200 PIP, - 200 Wealth)
::After the massive crash industrialization taken to fight in the ZOCU war, your nation was suddenly struck with the problem of not having any reason to keep all those people employed in the firearms factories.
:Blood for Dust (+ 250 Theta, ++ logistics, - morale, - dust)
::Invading someplace with active posthuman machinery and occupying it for years might have hit your government's popular support, but it secured a decent supply of Theta dust.
War-2C) PACT World Military
:Zoom and Boom (+ 2,500 military, + air doctrines, ++ aircraft application)
::Airpower wins wars. Your air force has seen a lot of funding increases, making it a large, well-trained, and advanced force.
:The Fleet does the Flying (+ 2,500 military, + 100 PIP, + fleet doctrines, + ship application)
::The Great White Fleet's back and it's all under your control.
:Send in the Marines (+ ground application, + 2,500 military, ++ ground doctrines)
::No matter how overwhelming your fleet is, or how through your air dominance is, you still need boots on the ground, and your military planners understand that.
:Rangers Lead The Way! (+++ Infiltration, + 100 CIP, ++ doctrines)
::In the ZOCU war, your contribution was measured in special forces. Your "wet works" units are skilled and numerous, and the infrastructure needed to build that high-tech gear has grown prodigiously.
:Area 52 (++ doctrines, + 200 application, - Wealth)
::DARPA (or some analogue) has set up a branch office wherever you are, dedicated to testing out any technology that doesn't break more than one law of physics, and is bringing very experienced friends over to help with that testing as well as with training your military.
:Once Tom Clancy Is Mass Produced... (+ stealth application, + 100 CIP, ++ aerospace application)
::If something can't be seen and flies really fast, it can't be hit, and everyone knows airpower wins battles. Military development has reflected that.
:Keep 'em Flying (++ Logistics, ++ Cargo)
::You might not be making cutting-edge advances, but in the end all that fancy gear is useless without supplies, which you can deliver to your troops in great quantity.
:Tin Soldiers (++ AI application, + ground doctrine, + air doctrines)
::People dying in wars is unpopular. The solution, of course, is to eliminate people from the battlefield with AI systems.
:Beta Carbon Samurai (+ Aerospace Doctrine, + Ground doctrine, + Mecha application, + Propulsion application)
::Giant Robots!
War-3A)  EU World Politics
:Bureaucracy as Usual (+ 60 Pop, +100 Wealth, + 100 PIP, + logistics, - debt)
::"Current government and public administration has served admirably well since the Union's off-world expansion and during the war. We see no reason to radically change the system just to humor the demands of a vocal minority of questionable intent." --Deputy Commissioner for Union Administrative Affairs Zdeňka Lucie, 2193.
:Credits to Society (+ 60 Pop, + 200 Wealth, + Morale, - military)
::For certain worlds immigration is booming, tax revenues are increasing without the tax rate increasing alongside combined with high levels of reported public satisfaction and support for government policies have clearly marked a number of worlds as the "success" stories for the Union.
:Fraying Patchwork (+ 20 transgene, +100 Wealth, + 2,500 military, +1  logistics, - morale)
::Some EU states suffered from either small loyalist populations, had barely suppressed revolts, or were outright pro-ZOCU colonies which saw their governments deposed by local EU garrisons or from invasion from the stars and remain... troublesome. On the up side General Foch military base has more tanks and laser rifles in stock then ever before. (Mostly tanks.)
:To Go Boldly (+ 100 CIP, + 100 Theta, +50 Wealth)
::This is a new age of exploration and development. In the fire of the war the straw and hay of the traitor, the corrupt, and the weak have been burned away to leave the gold and silver of the European spirit. The future belongs to the European Union.
:Light Into Darkness (+ 2,500 military, +100 Wealth, + 100 applications, + Morale, - Rim relations)
::The outworlds have languished under ignorance, barbarity and poverty for two generations.  Now is the time to bring the light of reason and civilization into the darkness.
:Outstretched Hand (+ 100 applications, +100 Wealth, + Morale, + Rim relations, + Intelligence, - 100 PIP)
::Together with those seperated by four decades and innumerable light-years, we can build a better future.
War-3B) EU World Economics
:Ignore the War (+ 200 wealth, + 120 Pop, - logistics)
::What war?
:Regulated Economic Market (+ 100 CIP, + 200 PIP, + Morale, - debt)
::Strict fiscal regulation and heavy investment in new start-up industries have encouraged a burst of economic growth to make up for the post-war demands in both internal EU markets and in exports; some might call it socialism while others call it "progress".
:Center for Research (+ 4 Global Techlevel, + 100 application, + 100 CIP, - PIP)
::With the failure of Operation Beanstalk the Aldebaran Research Facility remained open to herald in some of the advances that carried the Union to victory.
:Arms Production Center (+ 100 PIP, + 100 CIP, + weapon application)
::Increased and Increasing production of armaments, spare parts and even warships close to the front by war's end allowed the decisive concentration of forces which ultimately won the war for Europe. While some planets returned to a largely manufacturing or agricultural economies when the need for armaments declined, while retaining the technological and industrial experience, others found that they were uniquely... suited to the military-industrial complex.
:Postwar Depression (+ Logistics, + 2,500 military, + 100 CIP, + 200 PIP, -- Wealth)
::War debt, the somewhat sudden demobilization, and conversions back from either a full war-economy or a partial war-economy can and has hit some colonies and states rather hard. In other cases economic restructuring brought about by new economic factors, with or without wartime influences, have resulted in depressions and recessions of varying degrees of impact. As Union-wide economic programs and careful regulation have generally prevented outright collapses and have spurred on development of new industries and markets to solve the problem. It can be said that most "depression" states are in a phase of transition.... And it can equally be said that some colonies are truely depressed states of the horror-story sense.
:Neo-Luddite Movement (+ 60 Pop, + logistics, + 200 PIP, - CIP)
War-3C) EU World Military
:Drastic Military Reformation (++ Doctrines, + Technology, + 200 CIP, - 2,500 Military)
::Admiral Zweiker's 'Young Officer' clique innovated many new technologies and techniques during the war, though at both a political and military cost.
:New Golden Age (+ Naval Technology, + Naval Doctrine, ++ Warships, + logistics, - Ground Forces)
::The 'Old Guard' of the DSF still remains immense prestige after the decisive victory over Haraway's World, continuing the EU's proud tradition of powerful, effective warships into the 23rd century.
:Gundam Counterattack (+ ground doctrines, + air doctrines, + fleet doctrines, + mecha application)
::It was the EU's Doppelsöldner mobile suits that became the propaganda face of the war, turning ZOCU's weapons against them.  However, they flew in the face of all established theory and doctrine, and the 'Schrecklichekinder' remain marginalized.
:Foreign Legionnaires (+ ground application, + 2,500 military, + ground doctrines, + logistics)
::The Age of Nationalism swept away the Age of the Mercenary Army. Now with a European Union counting dozens of worlds and billions of people of varying "nationality" or ethnic origin, it is not unknown to find professional soldiers serving in militias and armies far from the country or colony of their birth honorably and loyally.
:The Special Aerospace Service (++ Infiltration, + Security, + 100 CIP, ++ doctrines)
::The SAS raid on Londinium or the daring rescue of top spy Code-name "Courage" are the thing of legend. For those that are cleared to know.
:The Silent Service (+ stealth technology, + 100 CIP, + 100 dust, + ship technology)
:Keep 'em Flying (++ Logistics, ++ Cargo)
::Amateurs study tactics. Professionals study logistics. Some armies are more professional then others.
:Tin Soldiers (++ AI application, + ground doctrine, + air doctrines)
::Heavy losses in the early battles of the ZOCU Rebellion eventually lead to certain EU worlds developing more effective automation technologies for usage in warships to reduce manpower needs. For worlds with smaller population bases or simply more unreliable bases the next step was the development, introduction and adoption of "Tin Soldiers"; robotic ground troops and robot aircraft as replacement warriors.
:NELSON Uplink (+++ Fleet Doctrines, ++ Secrecy, +1,250 Fleet)
::The EU's central strategic planning bureau known as 'NELSON' is shrouded in secrecy.  And within that secrecy lies the power to dominate the spaceways.
War-4A)  Chinese Politics
:Running Back into the Fold (+ 100 CIP, + 200 Wealth, + 60 Pop)
::The few colonies which came back under their own volition to the Chinese Colonial Authority were rewarded by extensive subsidies.
:Reconquista (+ 2,500 Military, + 100 Wealth, + 100 PIP, ++ Logistics, - Morale)
::There were those unwilling, but too close to the might of the People's Liberation Army to significantly resist "support" being granted to pro-reunification elements.
:Still Free (+ 2,500 Military, +100 PIP, + Logistics, +  Morale, + CIS relations, - Chinese Relations)
::Some colonies are particularly adamant about not bowing to the CCA again.
:One Nation, Twenty Systems (+ 60 Pop, + 2,500 Stockpiles, + 200 Wealth)
::Several colonies were strong enough to resist the PLAN but not strong enough or determined enough that it looked to be a good idea to try. In general these colonies found a way to retain great amounts of individuality in their government and society at the cost of reduced government assistance and working with the CCA.
:Send in the Blue-Helmets! (- 60 Pop, - 2 Global Tech Level, +  200 Fabers, + 2,500 Military, + Doctrines, +2 Logistics)
::A few colonies particularly hard-hit had to have significant amounts of the People's Liberation Army committed as well as fabricators for emergency aid, as they had devolved into war, looting, and self-destruction. Twenty years after the recontact they are functional but barely.
War-4B) Chinese Economics
:Former Trading Hub (+ Civilian application, + 120 Pop, + 100 Dust, - 100 Wealth)
::There were Chinese colonies heavily dependent on trade to and from Earth, and when the Breakdown hit their economies collapsed like a house of cards.
:Nationalized (+ 200 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 2,500 Military, - Debt)
::To survive the Breakdown many once-private industries were nationalized as factories for export and trade lay rusting, keeping the colony's economy going at great cost to the government.
:Financially Independent (+ 60 Pop, + 100 Wealth, + 100 PIP)
::A few particularly lucky colonies had prepared well, and did not suffer as much from the Breakdown.
:Brain Drain (+ 100 Dust, + 100 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth, + logistics -2 Global Techlevel, - 60 Pop)
::Some predominantly mining or manufacturing colonies did not have domestic technical staff at hand and stagnated or regressed technically during the Breakdown. Even with the recent reconnect, they still haven't quite gotten back up to speed.
:Outsystem Research Facility (+ 100 CIP, + Weapons application, + Common application)
::One or two colonies were ideally placed to become centers of learning and despite the hardships of the Breakdown, they managed to hold on to their educational and research infrastructures.
War-4C)  Chinese Military
:Supersoldier Factory (+ 100 application, + transgene, ++ supersoldiers)
::Strauss-Kaserism never took off in China or Russia, meaning that they are one of the few Core powers to still commonly use the heavily augmented in military roles. A few of China's colonies took that doctrine to heart.
:Got a PLAN (+ 2,500 military, + 100 PIP, + fleet doctrines, + ship application)
::With planets surrounded by space, it is no wonder that the first line of defense, and the best funded one for many colonies, is the navy.
:Long March Into Space (+ Navy, ++ Shipbuilding application, + Fleet Doctrines, + Logistics, - Debt)
::The PRC today has a significant amount of force projecting that several of her colonies wish to emulate, but without the PRC's economic powerhouse, such an attempt invaribly leads to swimming in debt.  May ''Only'' be taken by Running Back To The Fold powers.
:Crysis Situation (+ 200 Dust, + 100 application, +++ Infiltration)
::A handful of Sino-Russian arm colonies have been raided for their posthuman ruins, and to hold them have improved the size and sophistication of their special operations forces.
:Fist teams (++ Doctrine, + ground technology,  + 100 CIP)
::The Sino-Russian Arm has shorter logistical trails and a higher overall population compared to the other arms, meaning that the governments involved in colonizing it could afford to be both more selective with the quality of soldiers as well as equip them with more advanced technology compared to other powers.
:Steel Dragons (+ ground doctrines, + air doctrines, + fleet doctrines, + mecha application)
::The Sino-Russian arm was neutral as a whole during the ZOCU war, and took advantage of that stance to buy and reverse-engineer mecha technology, as well as take lessons from battle reports in their application.
:Fort Up (+ 2,500 military, + defensive stuff, + ground doctrines, + ground application)
::The best way to ensure a nation's survival is to become too difficult for any opponent to effectively conquer.
===Total Russia Rebuild===
War-5A)  CIS Politics
War-5A)  CIS Politics
:Tsar Putin III (+ 20 Transgene, + 100 Wealth, + 2,500 Military)
:Fringe State (+200 wealth, +2,500 military, +morale, -China relations)
::It's not like you're going to vote for the other guy.
::The CIS has lured a number of worlds from China's former control by offering what many have never had: a choice. And a bribe.
:Sovetskiy Soyuz (+ 5000 Military, + 200 PIP, - China Relations)
:Fourth Rome (+120 pop, +200 wealth, +CIS relations)
::As the old world fades, new epicentres of culture and power will emerge.
:Sovetskiy Soyuz (+5000 Military, +logistics, +200 PIP, - China relations)
::An iron curtain has been drawn across the stars.
::An iron curtain has been drawn across the stars.
:Whatever The Cost (+ 120 Pop, + Morale, + 20 Transgene, - 100 Wealth)
:Welcome, Comrade (++intelligence, +200 wealth, +China breakaway relations, -debt)
::While military force has its place, the real work of Russia's resurgence has been done by a strong diplomatic offensive. And bribes.
:Whatever the Cost (+120 Pop, +Morale, +20 Transgene, -100 Wealth)
::Long eschewed from the ranks of the great powers, Russia is on the rise again.
::Long eschewed from the ranks of the great powers, Russia is on the rise again.
:Fringe State (+ 200 Wealth, + Morale)
:Where No Man Has Gone (+100 theta, +100 dust, +FTL application, +logistics)
::The CIS has been working hard to lure a number of worlds from China's former control by offering something many of them have never had before: a choice.  And a bribe.
::Standing on the shoulders of those who first touched space, so we shall go out into the stars.
War-5B)  CIS Economics
War-5B)  CIS Economics
:Industrial Heartlands (+ 200 PIP, + 100 CIP)
:Industrial Heartland (+200 PIP, +100 CIP)
::This world has never relied on anyone else, and it never will.
::This world will never rely on others.
:Resurgent Economy (+ 200 Wealth, + Morale)
:Infodump (+2 GTL, +200 applications, +100 CIP, -debt)
::Not everyone's suffering over the broken back of China's trade empire.  Certainly not you.
:Bunker Mentality (+ 2500 Stockpiles, + 5000 Military)
::Enemies.  Everywhere.
:Infodump (++ application, + 100 Dust)
::Your capabilities won't begin to strain the imagination until your R&D budget does.
::Your capabilities won't begin to strain the imagination until your R&D budget does.
:New Markets (+200 wealth, +2,500 military)
::The Chinese collapse provides many new opportunities for profit.
:Novaya Ekonomicheskaya Politika (+20 transgene, +100 CIP, +100 applications)
::By embracing new methods we can reach beyond our former peers.
:RDSU 995 (+100 PIP, +100 CIP, ++AI application, -60 pop)
::We can never hope to match China's manpower, but such methods are obsolete.
:Titanograd (+300 PIP, +100 CIP, +1 logistics, -morale, -debt)
::The iPod factories are scheduled in the ''next'' five-year plan.
:Trans-Siberian Spaceway  (+200 PIP, +100 dust)
::The CIS Catapult Chain was a miracle of engineering and elbow grease.
War-5C)  CIS Military
War-5C)  CIS Military
:Under The Radar (++ Infiltration, ++ Secrecy, +5% secrets, + Doctrines, + Stealth application)
:Big Gun Lobby (+2,500 military, +200 PIP, +100 shipbuilding application)
::The stereotype of lumbering Russian juggernauts is a wildly inaccurate Western invention. I intend to change this.
:Tidal Wave (+5,000 military, +100 propulsion application, +doctrines)
::I don't.
:Rushin' Robots! (+ ground doctrines, + air doctrines, + fleet doctrines, + mecha application)
::What if you had a Cossack who was 18 meters tall?
:General Winter (+2,500 ground, +100 ground application, ++ground doctrine)
::Russia did not get the choice pick of worlds China did, but this has made her armies all the stronger.
:Men of Steel (++supersoldier, +20 transgene, +ground doctrine)
::The wars before and during the breakdown have as much to teach as those after.
:Under the Radar (++Infiltration, ++Secrecy, +5% secrets, +doctrines, +100 stealth application)
::Nobody saw what you did there.
::Nobody saw what you did there.
:Strategic Missile Command (+ Logistics, + 2500 Military, + 100 CIP, + Starship application)
::Sometimes the simplest solution to a problem is just to bomb it flat.
:Where No Man Has Gone (+100 Theta, + 100 Dust, + Logistics, + FTL application)
::Standing on the shoulders of those who first touched space, so we shall go out into the stars.
:Big Gun Lobby (+ Shipbuilding, + Fleet Doctrines, + 2500 Military, + 100 PIP)
::Subtlety is for spies, tact is for politicians. 
:Military Surplus (+ 5000 Military, + 200 PIP, + Logistics, - 2 Global application)
::These missile cruisers are past their prime, but they were a ''fantastic'' deal.
:Soldier of the Future (++ Ground Doctrines, + Cybernetics, + Ground application)
::Can't keep a good man down.
==From FBH==
War-5A)  CIS Politics
:Oligarchs! (+200 Wealth +100 CIP +100 PIP -morale)
::Many people have done very well out of space flight
War-6A)  ZOCU World Politics
:The Iron Czar (+ Morale +100 PIP +2500 military)
:Put It Behind Us (+ 200 Wealth, + 60 Pop, + 2,500 stockpiles)
::Exceptional leadership has returned Russian to greatness  
::While the war was bloody and damaging, ultimately the ZOCU worlds got the true sovereignity they were fighting for.  Now, the time is to rebuild those bridges that were destroyed.
:Never Forget (+100 PIP, + 2,500 military, + logistics, + doctrines)
::The war was won due to the fighting spirit of the ZOCU soldier and the lack of spirit in the Core.  If they ever chose to return, we must be prepared to fight.
:Guiding Star (+100 Wealth, + ZOCU relations, + 100 application, + morale, + transgene)
::There's a path to greatness and only you can show others where it lies.
:House of War (+ 2,500 military, + morale, + transgene, + ground doctrines, + logistics - core relations)
::The Core is the Great Satan, the Evil Empire, the Hun.  They are the cause of all the misery that's afflicted the ZOCU worlds.
:Internal Collapse (+ 5,000 military, + SP, + logistics, + 2,500 stockpiles, - morale)
::The strain of war was too great for some worlds, and ultimately their government paid the ultimate price.  Repairing the damage done during the war is a high priority for ZOCU.
:Hardliner Ouster (+100 Wealth, + morale, + ARROW relations, + Core relations, + 60 pop, - ZOCU relations)
::After the excesses of the previous hardline government, the populace (or perhaps just a select group in the government) removed them, charting a new course away from ZOCU.
:Steel Reign (+200 AI applications +100 CIP)
::I am Red Dawn Slave Unit 995 and to answer your unwelcome question this is my world
War-6B) ZOCU Military
:Separatists in SPACE! (++Morale +2500 military +China Relations -Russian Relations)
ZOCU World Economics
::China is not the only power with minorities trying to escape to the stars
:Regional Hub (+ 200 wealth, + 60 pop)
::Worlds with good positions can reap the rewards, accumulating wealth and prestige.
:Center for Research (+ 4 Global Techlevel, + 100 application, + 100 CIP, - 100 PIP)
::Some worlds make a point of being open to research of all sorts.
:Arms Production Center (+ 100 PIP, + 100 Dust, + weapon application)
::A number worlds have encourage strong pro-business policies, becoming veritable industrial juggernauts.
:Transhuman Resources (+ transgene, + 100 wealth, + 100 application)
::Having a transgenic populace can be a boon to the intellectual output of a world, with some worlds embracing this concept whole-heartedly.
:Postwar Depression (+ Logistics, + 2,500 military, + 100 CIP, + 200 PIP, - 200 Wealth)
::The war hit hard and too much was done in the name of war expediency.  The military was strong enough to survive, but the people have been impoverished.
:Crash Industrialization (+ 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth, + 200 PIP, - debt)
::Vast sums of money were spent during the war to build factories of all stripe, a modern-day Great Leap Forward.
War-5B)  CIS Economics
:Potemkin People (+120 Population +20 Transgene)
::With low birthrates it became necessary to replace many Russian workers with living replicas
War-6C) ZOCU World Military
:Science Colony (+200 Applications +100 CIP +100 Wealth -100 PIP)
:Fort Up (+ 2,500 military, + defensive stuff, + ground doctrines, + ground application)
::Given the 20th century left some areas of Russia radioactive hundreds of years later, moving Science off world wasn't a particular stretch
::The best way to ensure a nation's survival is to become too difficult for any opponent to effectively conquer.
:Fight in the Jungle (++ ground doctrines, ++ morale, + ground application, - 60 pop)
::Battles in the jungle against prepared defenders can be long, bloody affairs, as ZOCU taught the Core.
:Giant Robots Rule (+ ground doctrines, + air doctrines, + fleet doctrines, + mecha application)
::The combat frame was ZOCU's signature weapon, seeing service on land and in space.  Coupled with hangarized warships, ZOCU's fleets were unmatched in flexibility.
:The Silent Service (+ stealth technology, + 100 CIP, + 100 dust, + ship technology)
::A few worlds sent out stealthed warships to raid core shipping, disrupting their operations and pulling resources away from the front.
:Midseason Uglies (+ 250 Theta, + 300 Basic Theotech application, - 200 Dust)
::The engineers of Kanon had no qualms about developing ever more radical technologies and machines to deploy into battle.
:Endseason Boss Suits (+ 500 Theta, + 600 Adtheo application, - 300 Dust)
::The Zeong doesnt need legs!
:Low Profile (++ Infiltration, + Intelligence, + 100 CIP, ++ doctrines)
::Some government prefer to accomplish their goals more quietly; while they may lack the raw combat power of legions of marines or fleets of warships, they can also accomplish things much quieter.
:Crush them WITH YOUR MIND (+ 20 transgene, + 100 CIP, + 200 application)
::Advanced transgenic upgrades skirted the borders of acceptable ethics, but few avenues were left unexplored in a bid to win the war.
:New Economy (+300 Faber +100 AI applications -100 PIP)
::Russia in the 22nd century is perhaps the weakest of the major powers, and this makes it the most eager to try new ideas
War-7ALeague Politics
War-5CCIS Military
:Be Interventionist (+100 Wealth, + 2,500 military, + logistics)
:Shock Army (+100 Ground Applications +2500 Ground Troops +Ground Doctrines)  
::You like meddling in other people's business.
::Who won the air war?
:Fie On The Homeland (+ 200 PIP, +2 logistics, - non-Rim relations)
::You left for a reason. And you'll keep looking outward.
:Still Alive (and out there!) (+100 Wealth, + 200 PIP, +100 dust, - 2 Global Techlevel)
::You're a long way out, and stand on your own two million feet.
:Law of the Gun (+ 5,000 military, + 100 PIP, +100 Wealth, - Morale)
::You run this country like you ran your army: Find problems, and shoot them.
:Transhuman Supremacy (+100 CIP, +40 Transgene, + Morale, - relations)
::We don't want anything to do with you lessers... mostly.
:Ideological Purification (++ Morale, + 200 PIP, - 100 CIP, - relations)
::We don't want anything to do with you heathens/backsliders/socialists/etc.... mostly.
:Evil to Fight Evil (+ 5,000 military, + transgene, + doctrines, + 100 application, - morale, - relations)
::It worked for the Magnates. Now you'll make it work for you, no matter who complains.
:Nobel War Prize (+ 350 applications, - Debt)
::The technological gap between the League and the rest of human space must be narrowed at all costs!
:New Beginnings (+ 200 Wealth, + 60 Pop)
::Some colonists wrote new constitutions for themselves as they shed their ties to the mother planet and refused to back down from their new principles even in the face of war's privations.
:Hyper-Patriotic Space Internet (+100 Wealth, ++ Morale)
:Frontal Aviation (+100 Aerospace Applications +2 Aerospace Doctrine)
::You did
War-7B)  League Economies
==From Lord BlackCube==
:Regional Hub (+ 200 wealth, + 60 Pop)
::Much regional commerce goes over your tables.
:Black Market Hub (+ 200 wealth, + 100 CIP)
::Much regional commerce goes under your tables.
:Basketcase (+ 60 Pop, + 200 PIP, + 2,500 military, + logistics, - 200 wealth)
::Your economy has collapsed and is being rebuilt from the basics - mines, factories and law enforcement.
:League Production Center (+ 200 PIP, + 200 CIP, - 100 wealth)
::Primary industry feeds secondary industry feeds your coffers.
:Exploration Launching Point (+ 200 dust, + logistics, + FTL application, - 2,500 military)
::You are the gate to the rim, and fund explorations into it.
:Regional Port (+ 100 dust, + 200 PIP, +2 Shipbuilding, - ground application)
::You have strong spacefaring infrastructure.
:Mao Mode (+ 2,500 military, + 100 PIP, + doctrines, + stockpiles, + morale, -100 CIP, - 2 Global Techlevel)
::Back to basics. With stirring songs.
:Stalin Mode (+ 200 PIP, + 100 CIP, ++ logistics, - doctrines, - morale)
::You'll get this planet moving, and make sure nobody can stop you - be they civilians or officers.
:JITTerbugs(+ 300 Faber, + logistics, - 50 CIP, - 50 PIP)
::One or two nations took pains to scrouge up and recondition as many portable fabers as they could, moving them to the front lines.
War-9A) Indie World Politics
:Exhuman Agenda(+ 200 CIP, +20 Transgene, +100 Supersoldier Application, + Morale, - relations)
::Upgrade or get out.
War-7C) League Military
==Tech Index Bonuses==
:Battlefield World (+ 5,000 military, + stockpiles, ++ defensive stuff, ++ ground doctrines, - 60 pop)
===Design Concepts===
::Your world was the site of vicious battles during the War.
*History should inform present focuses
:Salvation Armada (+10,000 military, ++ logistics)
*Slapping bonus SP on non-TI paths is grossly inelegant
::It isn't too special, but it's certainly big.
*Slapping a TI on every path is too many bonuses (and too forced)
:Scrap Heaps (+ 100 PIP, ++ logistics, + 7,500 military, + doctrines, - application)
*Solution: Let people choose X of their Y TI bonuses
::It's special in the ''wrong direction'', but at least you know how to use it.
:Magnate Killteams (+2,500 infantry, ++ Infiltration, ++ Security, +5% secrets, ++ doctrines, + stealth application)
::Shoot the head.
:Copycat (+ 5,000 giant robots, + 100 CIP, + air doctrines, + ground doctrines, + mecha application)
::Giant robots won the Zodiac War. Now they'll win yours too.
:High-Tech Bullshit (+3 Global Techlevel, + 200 dust, + 300 applications)
::In a backwards place like this, the cutting edge makes you king.
:Guts (+ 5,000 military, ++ doctrines, ++ morale)
::You will die for the cause, and you're equipped to take others with you.
:Core Naval Advisory (+ 2,500 Fleet, + 100 leapmissile application, + 100 Dust, + 100 CIP)
::It's time to embrace the revolutions in naval technologies that happened during the ZOCU war.
War-8A)  Socio-Economic
:We're People Too (+ relations, + FTL application, + logistics, + 2 Global tech level, + 100 dust, + 150 Wealth)
:: Some Magnates have realized that fighting a war against two power blocs wasn't such a great idea, and with the end of the Breakdown have normalized relations.
:THINK HARDER! (+ 4 Global Tech level, + doctrines, + 15 Common Applications, + 200 CIP)
:: Although isolated, Magnate cognitive science was cutting-edge and they found it easy to keep up with even Core and ZOCU powers in research and development.
:A Truly Managed Society (+ Trangene, + 90 Population, + 200 Wealth, + 100 PIP, + Morale, ''Managed Society'')
:: Several Magnate Societies built extreme transgenic utopias, where all were happy in their role.
:Exhumanize! (+100 CIP, + 50 Transgene, +300 Supersoldier)
:: The Exhuman ideal is popular with the Magnates, many of whom believe in continual genetic and cybernetic enhancement.
:Time-Motion Engineers (+100 Wealth, + 250 PIP, + 200 CIP, + logistics)
:: Some Magnate worlds became even more dedicated to efficiency, adapting life to the factory instead of the forest.
:"We come in sixpacks" (+ 180 Pop, + 150 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth)
:: To create these immensely augmented individuals, the Magnates had to build excellent cloning technology beyond that of any other power.
War-8B) Socio-Military
:Evangelical Transhumanism (+ 5,000 military, + Doctrines, ++ Logistics)
:: There are those who wish to spread their ideology far and wide, oftentimes with explosions happening in the background.
:Face Dancers (++++ Infiltration, +5% secrets, + Stealth application, + 100 CIP, + 2,500 military)
:: Magnate infiltration constructs were responsible for many a death in the wars against ZOCU and the League.
:Series VII Replicants (++ Ground application, ++ Ground doctrines, + supersoldiers)
:: On the ground, highly advanced Magnate supersoldiers found themselves more than a match for the stubbornness and courage of League soldiers, or the transgenics of ZOCU.
:Holy Shit it's the Clans (+ 4 Global Techlevel, + 200 application, + 100 CIP)
:: Some Magnate powers based their entire combat strategy on small numbers of highly advanced combatants, putting their enhanced intellects towards this.
:The Science of War (+ transgene, + logistics, ++ doctrines, + morale)
:: Amateurs talk strategy. Professionals talk logistics. Magnates are enhanced enough to talk about both at the same time.
:Reverse Engineering (+ Mecha application, + 100 application, + Ground Doctrines, + Air Doctrines, + 100 CIP)
:: ZOCU deployed mobile suits against the Magnates, but found out very rapidly that their mentally-enhanced scientists could very well turn their weapons against them.
:War Winner (+ 200 Theta, + Common application, + Doctrines, + logistics)
:: Your military was hardened in the crucibles of war, succeeding where many others failed to acquire the theta dust that the entire conflict was fought for.
:Unpack and Possess (+ Logistics, + 200 Faber, + Fleet doctrine, + Air Doctrine, + 5,000 Military, - 100 PIP, - 100 CIP)
::One or two nations took pains to scrouge up and recondition as many portable fabers as they could, moving them to the front lines.
===Path Structure===
*World choice
*Precursor presence
*Velan presence
*Posthuman presence
*Transhuman stance
*Economic development
*Special event (or colonial makeup)
*Local affairs
*Economic upsets
*[for longshots] Isolated event
*Future Government
===Proposed Bonuses===
You can only choose THREE of these bonuses, of the ones your paths qualify you for.
====Exploration Era====
*No Suitable World [+5 shipbuilding, -5 ground] ''does not count for bonus limit''
*Adapt [+2 transgenics]
*Build Our Own [+2 shipbuilding]
*On The Castles Of Gods [+5 basic theotech]
*Tough It Out [+2 materials]
*Make Do [+2 ground or aerospace]
*Thousand Year Plan [+2 power]
*Get To Work [+2 power]
*Artifact Rush [+5 basic theotech]
*Fascinating Pharmaceuticals [+2 transgene]
*Terraforming Failure [+2 materials]
*Population Boom [+2 mass production]
*Cash Crop [+2 transgene]
*Xenomorphs [+2 transgene]
*A New Old World [+2 civilian]
*Limited Drones [+5 xenotech]
*Extensive Drones [+5 xenotech] x2
*Data Core [+5 basic theotech]
*Industrial Spacetime and Magic [+100 advanced theotech]
War-9A)  Indie World Politics
====PACT Colonisation====
:Get Sirius (+ 100 Wealth, +1 hangarize, +100 applications, + Power application, + morale, + doctrines, + ZOCU relations, - debt, - Treaty of Sirius)
*New Freedoms [+2 transgenics]
::A few non-ZOCU worlds joined in to seize their own independence, augmenting ZOCU's combat power and recieving various technical and military air in return.
*Liberal Market Capitalism [+2 civilian]
:Be Interventionist (+ 100 Wealth, + 5,000 Military, + logistics)
*Primarily Primary Industry [+2 mass production]
::With the Core and ZOCU glaring at each other, those small worlds nearby are ripe for the picking . . .
*Warring Economy [+2 any weapon]
:Core Subversion (+ 200 dust, + SP, + logistics)
*Research Lab [+2 to Aerospace, Electronics, Particles or Shields]
::Some nominally independent worlds had strongly pro-core governments, often running counter to the wishes of their populace.
*SIA's Good Graces [+100 advanced theotech]
:Take a Third Option (+ 200 Wealth, + logistics, + Relations with secondary powers)
*Drone Deconstructors [+5 xenotech]
::Core?  ZOCU?  Nay!  We choose otherwise!
*Any Excuse For An Upgrade [+2 transgenics]
:Fie On The Homeland (+ 100 Wealth, + 100 PIP, +3 logistics, - non-Rim relations)
::Some more independent worlds turned their back entirely on the homeworld, looking outwards to the detriment of those who might otherwise call them friend.
:Still Alive (and out there!) (+ 100 Wealth, + 300 PIP, + 100 Dust, - 2 Global Techlevel)
::More than one world recieved independence by virtue of being so distant that no-one was willing to force them into line.
:Phezzan (+100 Wealth, + Intelligence, + Secrets, + Infiltration, + all relations, - military)
::It is perhaps inevitable that powerful Expanse states would meddle in the affairs of lesser ones.
:Planet Wal*Mart (+100 CIP, + 200 PIP, + 200 Wealth, + ARROWs relations, - 2,500 military)
::Corporate worlds generally have a specific reason for existing.  Warfare is not one of them.
:Law of the Gun (+ 5,000 Military, +60 Population, + 200 PIP, - Morale)
::The breakdown didn't just affect FTL drives, but your societal fabric as well. Now, the strong rule and the weak serve.
:Transhuman Supremacy (+ 200 CIP, + 40 Transgene, + Morale, - relations)
::One or two worlds become what Stauss-Kaserists fear, a powerful and self-willed state that exposed a philosophy of transhuman dominance.
:Ideological Purification (+ 100 Wealth, ++ Morale, + 200 PIP, + 2,500 military, - 60 pop, - relations)
::Sometimes, a good violent cleansing is exactly what a world needs.  Those on the losing side probably disagree, or they would if they hadn't been shot or re-educated.
:Friend To Everyone (+ 100 Wealth, + 100 PIP, + 50 CIP, + 30 Population, + relations)
::Be thou hot or be thou cold, but if thou are lukewarm I shall vomit thee out.
====EU Colonisation====
*New Freedoms [+2 transgenics]
*Liberal Market Capitalism [+2 civilian]
*Primarily Primary Industry [+2 mass production]
*Warring Economy [+2 any weapon]
*Regulated Market [+2 electronics]
*Lingering Posthuman Help [+5 basic theotech]
*Heart of Darkness [+5 basic theotech]
War-9B)  Indie World Economics
====China Colonisation====
:Regional Hub (+ 300 wealth, + 60 pop, + 100 CIP)
*Control Them [+2 transgenics]
::Worlds with good positions can reap the rewards, accumulating wealth and prestige.
*New Freedoms [+2 transgenics]
:Expanse Production Center (+ 250 PIP, + 250 CIP)
*Liberal Market Capitalism [+2 civilian]
::A number worlds have encourage strong pro-business policies, becoming veritable industrial juggernauts.
*Primarily Primary Industry [+2 mass production]
:Transhuman Resources (+ 20 transgene, + 100 wealth, + 100 CIP, + 100 applications, + 10 SP, SP limit increased by 5)
*People Power [+4 mass production, -2 transgene]
::Having a transgenic populace can be a boon to the intellectual output of a world, with some worlds embracing this concept whole-heartedly.
*Warring Economy [+2 any weapon]
:Center for Research (+ 4 Global Techlevel, + 200 applications, + 100 CIP, - 100 PIP)
*Regulated Market [+2 shipbuilding]
::Some worlds make a point of being open to research of all sorts.
*Emerging Exhuman Help [+2 transgenics]
:The Tensor Building (+ 200 dust, + 100 CIP, + 2 Global Techlevel, + weapon application)
*Cut a Deal [+2 transgenics]
::Tensor Industries is the largest public manufacturer of arms in the Expanse, with active production and research divisions.
:Exploration Launching Point (+ 200 dust, +3 logistics, + FTL application, - 2,500 military)
::With the Breakdown finally resolved, some see a new age of exploration dawning in the Rim.
:Crash Industrialization (+ 200 CIP, + 100 Wealth, + 300 PIP, - debt)
::The biggest make-work project in the history of ever.
:Neo-Luddite Movement (+ 120 Pop, +1 logistics, + 300 PIP, - Global Tech Level)
::Take your new-fangled giant robots elsewhere!
:Bunker Mentality (+ 2500 Stockpiles, + 7,500 Military, + 100 PIP)
::Enemies. Everywhere.
:Black Market Hub (+ 300 Wealth, + 100 Dust, + 2 Infiltration, +5% secrets)
::It's not black.  It's gray.  Honest.
:Fab It Good! (+ 500 Fabers)
::With apologies to Devo.
====UN/Longshot Colonisation====
*Control Them [+2 transgenics]
*New Freedoms [+2 transgenics]
*Liberal Market Capitalism [+2 civilian]
*Regulated Market [+2 shipbuilding or +2 vehicles]
*People Power [+4 mass production, -2 transgene]
*Primarily Primary Industry [+2 mass production]
*Warring Economy [+2 any weapon]
*Never Gelled [+2 ground]
*ARROWs Formation [+5 basic theotech]
*Pod People [+2 mass production]
*Posthuman Guidance [+5 basic theotech]
*Civilian Government Backed [+2 civilian]
*Military Government Backed [+2 any weapon]
*Fleeing Transgenes [+2 transgenics]
War-9C) Indie World Military
====Local Affairs====
:Fort Up (+ 5,000 military, + 2,500 stockpiles, + defensive stuff, + ground doctrines, + ground application)
*Currency Crash [+2 mass production]
::The best way to ensure a nation's survival is to become too difficult for any opponent to effectively conquer.
*Full Scale War [+2 any weapon, +2 ground, -2 civilian]
:Salvation Armada (+ 7,500 military, +2 logistics, +100 PIP)
*Feral Drone Attack [+5 xenotech]
::Many warships and other weapons were abandoned in the Expanse during the breakdown, too far from any catapult to be recovered and hurridly transfered to local governments.
*Posthuman Involvement [+5 basic theotech]
:Scrap Heaps (+ 300 PIP, +2 logistics, + 5,000 military, + doctrines, - 100 CIP, - 100 application)
*A Plague On Both Your Houses [+2 transgenics]
::The myriad dangers both real and imagined out in the Rim can easily induce a culture of overpreparedness at the expense of forward planning, with even the most obselete piece of gear kept in service.
:Zoom and Boom (+ 5,000 military, ++ air doctrines, + 200 aircraft application)
::Air, or at least aerospace, is seen as the dominant paradigm - likely inspired by PACT doctrines, trainers and technology.
:The Fleet does the Flying (+ 5,000 military, + logistics, + 100 PIP, + fleet doctrines, + ship application)
::A common theme throughout the Expanse is a strong fleet ensures both a solid defense and the ability to project power if necessary.
:Friends from ZOCU (+ 2,500 military, + ground doctrines, + air doctrines, + fleet doctrines, + mecha application, + mega particle application; Requires Get Sirius)
::ZOCU has been active in finding friends and like-minded neutrals, providing technical support and training to them.
:We ♥ Mecha (+2,500 Military, + 100 CIP, +100 PIP, + ground doctrines, + air doctrines, + mecha application)
::This is no Zaku boy!  No Zaku!
:Supertech Bullshit (+200 Dust, + 200 theta, + 200 applications)
::Because copying ZOCU seems like a good idea!
:Hypertech Bullshit (+ 500 theta, + 1000 Adtheo application, - 500 dust)
::A handful of worlds have begun to seriously reverse-engineer posthuman technology, pushing the boundaries of science back and deploying weapons of stunning power. *note:  cost of adtheo applications will be going up.
:Low Profile (++ Infiltration, ++ Secrecy, +5% secrets, + 100 CIP, ++ doctrines, + 100 Wealth)
::Some government prefer to accomplish their goals more quietly; while they may lack the raw combat power of legions of marines or fleets of warships, they can also accomplish things much quieter.
:Soldier, Ask Not (++++ Doctrines, + 5,000 military)
::The meanest mercs to ever smash a world for a buck
:Corporate Security (+ 60 Population, + 100 CIP, ++ ARROWS relations, + 30 SP, - 2,500 military)
::An outsourced military is an efficient military!
====Current Era====
====The Breakdown====
Cur-1)  The Business of Government<br>
*My Toaster Hit Singularity [+5 basic theotech]
For choices with an X/Y format, only one can be chosen.
*Saved By The Catapult! [+2 civilian]
:Future Government (++ Morale, + Transgene ''or'' + AI application)
*Capital Flight [+2 mass production]
:Multiparty Democracy (+ Morale, + 100 application (common), + 100 Wealth ''or'' + 100 CIP, + 1 SP)
*Reconstruction [+10 catapults]
:Single Party Governance (+ 100 PIP, + 100 Wealth, + 2,500 military ''or'' +2,500 Stockpiles ''or'' + 60 Population, + 1 SP)
*Fire Upon The Deep [+2 any weapon]
:Corporate Direction (+ 100 Wealth, + 100 CIP, + Tech ''or'' +100 Dust, + 1 SP)
*Stand Alone Complex [+2 mass production]
:Space Monarchy (+ 2,500 Military, + 100 PIP, + Logistics ''or'' +20 Transgene, + 1 SP)
*Shoot Your Way In [+100 advanced theotech or +5 basic theotech]
:Junta/Tyranny (+ 5,000 Military, + Logistics, + 2,500 Stockpiles, - 60 Population, - Morale, ++ Security + Secrecy ''or'' Dust, + 1 SP)
*The Chinese Are Coming [+2 electronics]
*Confucian Collapse [+2 ]
*The Phoenix Rises [+2 ground]
*Five-Year Plan [+2 mass production]
*The Dragon Dies Screaming [+2 ground]
*Exhuman Resurgence [+4 transgene, -2 civilian]
*Conflict Investment [+2 any weapon]
*Strange Discovery [+5 basic theotech]
*Juche! [+2 to any]
*Posthuman Bootstraps [+5 basic theotech]
*I'M BEING EATEN BY DRONES! [+5 xenotech]
*Just Have More Kids [+2 civilian tech]
*Refugees! So Many Refugees! [+2 mass production]
*Go Weird [+2 transgene] x2
These bonuses are much larger and defining and should probably be considered seperately.
====Chaotic Events====
These represent events that are difficult to predict in any form of historical pattern and are not tied to any specific sequence of events.  Tentatively, any nation may chose ''one'' (just to keep things simple) to further customize their nation and represent particularly anomolous events in history.
*Future Government [+2 transgene or +2 AI]
:Found Religion (+ Morale, - 100 Wealth)
::Religion is the opiate of the masses.
:Transgenes Go Back To Transgeneland! (+ Morale, - Transgene) - note:  must have at least + Transgene to start
::The excesses of organizations such as December 23 and Blue Cosmos can easily sway popular feelings against transgenes.
:Populism! (+ Morale, - everyone relations)
::It is not uncommon for political demagogues to label all those exterior as threats and dangers and use them as scapegoats for a nation's shortcomings.
:Don't Touch That! (+ 2,500 Stockpiles, - Debt) - note:  your +s stockpile cannot be removed by -s debt during nation creation
::Most nations keep a certain amount of strategic stockpiles for a rainy day.  Some are particularly dilligent at this.
:My Little Lacus (+ Transgene, - 2,500 Military)
::The Clyne Movement is a pro-transhuman ideology that also denies the validity of offensive war.
:Relena's Rules (+ 100 Wealth, + 60 Pop, + Morale, - 5,000 Military, - Logistics, - pacifist)
::The Sanc Kingdom's legacy of total pacifism lives on.
:Hippies Under The Bed (+ 60 Pop, - 2,500 military)
::Make Love, Not War!
:Revanche! (+ morale, - 2,500 military)
::You lost last time, now to get even!
:Bombed Flat And Angry About It (+ Morale, - 100 CIP)
::Ironically enough, a near-constant in war is that actions against a civilian population will lead to stiffening support for the central government.
:Reaganomics (+ 100 Wealth, - Debt)
::Massive tax cutting is an effective way to stimulate the economy, though it can lead to skyrocketing debt if care is not taken to ensure a balanced budget.
:My Toaster Hit Singularity (+100 dust, - 100 CIP)
::Minor singularity events continue to bedevil high-tech industries, though the aftermath can lead to some new opportunities.
:Libertarian Rickroll (+ 100 Wealth, - Morale)
::The massive cutting of social programs is one way to reduce taxation and promote capitalism, though it doesn't tend to be popular with the electorate.
:Communist Manifesto (+ 100 PIP, - 100 Wealth)
::Economic troubles do strange things to people.  True 20th century 'communism' remains a weirdly popular ideology, particularly out in the Expanse.
:Economic Progression (+ 100 CIP, - 100 PIP)
::A natural progression seen time and time again, more educated nations move towards high-value, low-labour goods and import labour-intensive products from elsewhere.
:Build It And They Will Come (+ Logistics, - 100 Wealth)
::Infrastructure construction, except it's a bunch of ammo dumps and supply ships.
:Ran Outta People (+ Computer application, - 60 Pop)
::Some worlds ran into the hard limits of population or lack thereof.  As a result, they turned to robotics technologies, developing especially sophisticated techniques and machines.
:Immoral Breakthrough (+ 100 application, - 60 Pop, - morale)
::Sometimes, sacrifices must be made for the greater good.
:Cut To The Bone (+ doctrines, - 2,500 military, - logistics)
::In the aftermath of the ZOCU war and the resulting Treaty of Sirius, it was not uncommon for various combatants to drastically slash their militaries, retaining only the most skilled soldiers.
:Development Hell (+ Techlevel, - application)
::Some intellectual establishments prefer the clean clarity of theoretically research over the messy (and expensive) business of practical development.
:The Weak Perish (+ doctrines, - 60 pop)
::Disasters natural or man-made can force a certain toughness on the survivors.
:Kinderfaber Surprise! (+ drexlers, - fabers)
::The underlying technology of fabers are universal nanofabricators.  More enterprising colonists have disassembled their fabers in order to 'grow' additional nanofabs.
:Swords to Plowshares (+ 100 PIP, - 2,500 military)
::''They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.''
:Plowshares to Swords (+ 2,500 military, - 100 PIP)
::''They will beat their plowshares into swords and their pruning hooks into spears.''
:Shoot the Scientists (+ 100 applications, - 2 Global Tech Level)
::. . . but keep the engineers.

Latest revision as of 19:31, 6 August 2010

Chinese Breakdown Paths

Break-4B) Catapulted CIS Policies

The New Men (+40 Transgene, +100 Supersoldier, +7,500 Military, +4 Logistics, +Sneaky Stuff)
The enemy of your enemy is your friend-and the exhuman movement is the enemy of your enemy. You will be reborn, with augmentations and genetics tested in the fires of a dozen brushfire wars.

Break-4C) The New Taiwans

The Phoenix Rises (+1 morale, +1 doctrines, +100 PIP, +4 Logistics, +12,500 military, -60 Pop)
From the ashes of devastating civil war, a new and powerful nation arises.
Five-Year Plan (+100 PIP, +100 CIP, +5 Logistics, +10,000 Military, -1 Morale)
Hard decisions must be made to survive hard times. Oppression and autocracy are regrettable, but necessary. The dictator might even have stepped down after his presence was no longer necessary.
The Dragon Dies Screaming (+1 Doctrines, +200 PIP, +4 Logistics +20,000 Military, -1 Morale, -200 Wealth, -2 Global Tech Level)
The government fought. The government lost. Others stepped in, but none of them had the power or the legitimacy to suppress opposition. And the corpse of the Chinese dragon laid there for decades before someone won the brutal succession wars and took charge.
Exhuman Resurgence (+1 Doctrines, +12,500 Military, +5 Logistics, +40 Transgene OR +200 Supersoldier, -60 Pop, -100 Wealth)
Various exhuman insurgencies were often emboldened by the breakdown. Some of them even won the fights they picked over the course of decades of grinding war.

Russia War Era/Aftermath Factional Paths (from Kerrus)


We can rebuild him (++Supersoldier, +200 CIP, +1 Logistics, -China Relations)

The lessons that the Exhumans taught us are many, the very least of which being how to make them in the first place.

Return to the Stars! (+2 GTL, +100 PIP, +100 CIP, ++Morale, -Debt)

Refurbishing the Grand Star was expensive, but it was worth every penny in blood, sweat, and lessons learned.

Propaganda Paradigm Machine (++Morale, +Security, +200 PIP, +100 CIP, -60 Population, -Relations)

When everyone is an enemy, it becomes a simple matter to locate and dispose of traitors, spies, and malcontents.


In Russia, Exhuman work for you! (++ supersoldier, +200 CIP, +100 Wealth, - China Relations)

With the exhuman wars over, many such individuals were at a loss as to what to do with themselves. Fortunately, Russia had an answer.

Can you hear me now? (+100 Dust, +200 Wealth, +Morale, +Relations, -2500 Military)

The spread of an intra-system Hyperwave network was the first step to establishing Russian economic superiority in the Chinese arm.

Stealing the Golden Emperor (+200 Wealth, +200 PIP, +100 Shipbuilding Application, +2500 Navy, --Chinese Relations)

The Golden Emperor was to be China's premier battleship, a lasting show of architectural superiority that would forever enshrine China as a naval superpower. If only they had put as much effort into security.


Totally not an F-X33 Ripoff (++Aircraft application, ++Air Doctrines)

Even in the 22nd century, Russia is not beyond profiting from American ideas.

First Gen Superiority (+4 Global Tech Level, ++Doctrines, +2500 Military, -Debt)

Never again will Russia play second runner to neighboring powers. Even if it takes the entire budget to do so.

From Peel

War-5A) CIS Politics

Fourth Rome (+90 pop, +150 wealth)
As the old world fades, new epicentres of culture and power will emerge.
Welcome, Comrade (++intelligence, +100 wealth, +China breakaway relations)
To bring the New Taiwans to their true home requires not just strong backs, but silver tongues.

War-5B) CIS Economics

Novaya Ekonomicheskaya Politika (+20 transgene, +100 CIP, +100 applications)
By embracing new methods we can reach beyond our former peers.
Trans-Siberian Spaceway (+200 PIP, +200 dust, -100 wealth)
The CIS Catapult Chain was a miracle of engineering and elbow grease, and its legacy lives on.
Systemic Failure (+120 pop, +100 PIP, +2,500 military, - morale)
Better find some oligarchs.
Complex Military Industry (+100 PIP, +100 CIP, +5,000 military, -debt)
No, I'm not a student of history. Why do you ask?

War-5C) CIS Military

Groznyj Grad (+supersoldier, +200 applications, +2 GTL, +bees)
Screw-driven landships. Men covered in bees. You ask "Why?" I ask "Why not?"

Total Russia Rebuild

War-5A) CIS Politics

Fringe State (+200 wealth, +2,500 military, +morale, -China relations)
The CIS has lured a number of worlds from China's former control by offering what many have never had: a choice. And a bribe.
Fourth Rome (+120 pop, +200 wealth, +CIS relations)
As the old world fades, new epicentres of culture and power will emerge.
Sovetskiy Soyuz (+5000 Military, +logistics, +200 PIP, - China relations)
An iron curtain has been drawn across the stars.
Welcome, Comrade (++intelligence, +200 wealth, +China breakaway relations, -debt)
While military force has its place, the real work of Russia's resurgence has been done by a strong diplomatic offensive. And bribes.
Whatever the Cost (+120 Pop, +Morale, +20 Transgene, -100 Wealth)
Long eschewed from the ranks of the great powers, Russia is on the rise again.
Where No Man Has Gone (+100 theta, +100 dust, +FTL application, +logistics)
Standing on the shoulders of those who first touched space, so we shall go out into the stars.

War-5B) CIS Economics

Industrial Heartland (+200 PIP, +100 CIP)
This world will never rely on others.
Infodump (+2 GTL, +200 applications, +100 CIP, -debt)
Your capabilities won't begin to strain the imagination until your R&D budget does.
New Markets (+200 wealth, +2,500 military)
The Chinese collapse provides many new opportunities for profit.
Novaya Ekonomicheskaya Politika (+20 transgene, +100 CIP, +100 applications)
By embracing new methods we can reach beyond our former peers.
RDSU 995 (+100 PIP, +100 CIP, ++AI application, -60 pop)
We can never hope to match China's manpower, but such methods are obsolete.
Titanograd (+300 PIP, +100 CIP, +1 logistics, -morale, -debt)
The iPod factories are scheduled in the next five-year plan.
Trans-Siberian Spaceway (+200 PIP, +100 dust)
The CIS Catapult Chain was a miracle of engineering and elbow grease.

War-5C) CIS Military

Big Gun Lobby (+2,500 military, +200 PIP, +100 shipbuilding application)
The stereotype of lumbering Russian juggernauts is a wildly inaccurate Western invention. I intend to change this.
Tidal Wave (+5,000 military, +100 propulsion application, +doctrines)
I don't.
Rushin' Robots! (+ ground doctrines, + air doctrines, + fleet doctrines, + mecha application)
What if you had a Cossack who was 18 meters tall?
General Winter (+2,500 ground, +100 ground application, ++ground doctrine)
Russia did not get the choice pick of worlds China did, but this has made her armies all the stronger.
Men of Steel (++supersoldier, +20 transgene, +ground doctrine)
The wars before and during the breakdown have as much to teach as those after.
Under the Radar (++Infiltration, ++Secrecy, +5% secrets, +doctrines, +100 stealth application)
Nobody saw what you did there.

From FBH

War-5A) CIS Politics

Oligarchs! (+200 Wealth +100 CIP +100 PIP -morale)
Many people have done very well out of space flight
The Iron Czar (+ Morale +100 PIP +2500 military)
Exceptional leadership has returned Russian to greatness
Steel Reign (+200 AI applications +100 CIP)
I am Red Dawn Slave Unit 995 and to answer your unwelcome question this is my world
Separatists in SPACE! (++Morale +2500 military +China Relations -Russian Relations)
China is not the only power with minorities trying to escape to the stars

War-5B) CIS Economics

Potemkin People (+120 Population +20 Transgene)
With low birthrates it became necessary to replace many Russian workers with living replicas
Science Colony (+200 Applications +100 CIP +100 Wealth -100 PIP)
Given the 20th century left some areas of Russia radioactive hundreds of years later, moving Science off world wasn't a particular stretch
New Economy (+300 Faber +100 AI applications -100 PIP)
Russia in the 22nd century is perhaps the weakest of the major powers, and this makes it the most eager to try new ideas

War-5C) CIS Military

Shock Army (+100 Ground Applications +2500 Ground Troops +Ground Doctrines)
Who won the air war?
Frontal Aviation (+100 Aerospace Applications +2 Aerospace Doctrine)
You did

From Lord BlackCube

War-9A) Indie World Politics

Exhuman Agenda(+ 200 CIP, +20 Transgene, +100 Supersoldier Application, + Morale, - relations)
Upgrade or get out.

Tech Index Bonuses

Design Concepts

  • History should inform present focuses
  • Slapping bonus SP on non-TI paths is grossly inelegant
  • Slapping a TI on every path is too many bonuses (and too forced)
  • Solution: Let people choose X of their Y TI bonuses

Path Structure


  • World choice
  • Precursor presence
  • Velan presence
  • Posthuman presence


  • Region
  • Transhuman stance
  • Economic development
  • Special event (or colonial makeup)
  • Local affairs


  • Economic upsets
  • Circumstance
  • Effect
  • [for longshots] Isolated event


  • Unchanged


  • Future Government


Proposed Bonuses

You can only choose THREE of these bonuses, of the ones your paths qualify you for.

Exploration Era

  • No Suitable World [+5 shipbuilding, -5 ground] does not count for bonus limit
  • Adapt [+2 transgenics]
  • Build Our Own [+2 shipbuilding]
  • On The Castles Of Gods [+5 basic theotech]
  • Tough It Out [+2 materials]
  • Make Do [+2 ground or aerospace]
  • Thousand Year Plan [+2 power]
  • Get To Work [+2 power]
  • Artifact Rush [+5 basic theotech]
  • Fascinating Pharmaceuticals [+2 transgene]
  • Terraforming Failure [+2 materials]
  • Population Boom [+2 mass production]
  • Cash Crop [+2 transgene]
  • Xenomorphs [+2 transgene]
  • A New Old World [+2 civilian]
  • Limited Drones [+5 xenotech]
  • Extensive Drones [+5 xenotech] x2
  • Data Core [+5 basic theotech]
  • Industrial Spacetime and Magic [+100 advanced theotech]

PACT Colonisation

  • New Freedoms [+2 transgenics]
  • Liberal Market Capitalism [+2 civilian]
  • Primarily Primary Industry [+2 mass production]
  • Warring Economy [+2 any weapon]
  • Research Lab [+2 to Aerospace, Electronics, Particles or Shields]
  • SIA's Good Graces [+100 advanced theotech]
  • Drone Deconstructors [+5 xenotech]
  • Any Excuse For An Upgrade [+2 transgenics]

EU Colonisation

  • New Freedoms [+2 transgenics]
  • Liberal Market Capitalism [+2 civilian]
  • Primarily Primary Industry [+2 mass production]
  • Warring Economy [+2 any weapon]
  • Regulated Market [+2 electronics]
  • Lingering Posthuman Help [+5 basic theotech]
  • Heart of Darkness [+5 basic theotech]

China Colonisation

  • Control Them [+2 transgenics]
  • New Freedoms [+2 transgenics]
  • Liberal Market Capitalism [+2 civilian]
  • Primarily Primary Industry [+2 mass production]
  • People Power [+4 mass production, -2 transgene]
  • Warring Economy [+2 any weapon]
  • Regulated Market [+2 shipbuilding]
  • Emerging Exhuman Help [+2 transgenics]
  • Cut a Deal [+2 transgenics]

UN/Longshot Colonisation

  • Control Them [+2 transgenics]
  • New Freedoms [+2 transgenics]
  • Liberal Market Capitalism [+2 civilian]
  • Regulated Market [+2 shipbuilding or +2 vehicles]
  • People Power [+4 mass production, -2 transgene]
  • Primarily Primary Industry [+2 mass production]
  • Warring Economy [+2 any weapon]
  • Never Gelled [+2 ground]
  • ARROWs Formation [+5 basic theotech]
  • Pod People [+2 mass production]
  • Posthuman Guidance [+5 basic theotech]
  • Civilian Government Backed [+2 civilian]
  • Military Government Backed [+2 any weapon]
  • Fleeing Transgenes [+2 transgenics]

Local Affairs

  • Currency Crash [+2 mass production]
  • Full Scale War [+2 any weapon, +2 ground, -2 civilian]
  • Feral Drone Attack [+5 xenotech]
  • Posthuman Involvement [+5 basic theotech]
  • A Plague On Both Your Houses [+2 transgenics]

The Breakdown

  • My Toaster Hit Singularity [+5 basic theotech]
  • Saved By The Catapult! [+2 civilian]
  • Capital Flight [+2 mass production]
  • Reconstruction [+10 catapults]
  • Fire Upon The Deep [+2 any weapon]
  • Stand Alone Complex [+2 mass production]
  • Shoot Your Way In [+100 advanced theotech or +5 basic theotech]
  • The Chinese Are Coming [+2 electronics]
  • Confucian Collapse [+2 ]
  • The Phoenix Rises [+2 ground]
  • Five-Year Plan [+2 mass production]
  • The Dragon Dies Screaming [+2 ground]
  • Exhuman Resurgence [+4 transgene, -2 civilian]
  • Conflict Investment [+2 any weapon]
  • Strange Discovery [+5 basic theotech]
  • Juche! [+2 to any]
  • Posthuman Bootstraps [+5 basic theotech]
  • I'M BEING EATEN BY DRONES! [+5 xenotech]
  • Just Have More Kids [+2 civilian tech]
  • Refugees! So Many Refugees! [+2 mass production]
  • Go Weird [+2 transgene] x2


These bonuses are much larger and defining and should probably be considered seperately.


  • Future Government [+2 transgene or +2 AI]
