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===The Paths===
==Chinese Breakdown Paths==
====Starting Amounts====
Break-4B)  Catapulted CIS Policies
Nothing!  All paths will add up to the equivalent total.
: The New Men (+40 Transgene, +100 Supersoldier, +7,500 Military, +4 Logistics, +Sneaky Stuff)
:: The enemy of your enemy is your friend-and the exhuman movement is the enemy of your enemy. You will be reborn, with augmentations and genetics tested in the fires of a dozen brushfire wars.
====Exploration Era====
Break-4C)  The New Taiwans
: The Phoenix Rises (+1 morale, +1 doctrines, +100 PIP, +4 Logistics, +12,500 military, -60 Pop)
:: From the ashes of devastating civil war, a new and powerful nation arises.
: Five-Year Plan (+100 PIP, +100 CIP, +5 Logistics, +10,000 Military, -1 Morale)
:: Hard decisions must be made to survive hard times. Oppression and autocracy are regrettable, but necessary. The dictator might even have stepped down after his presence was no longer necessary.
: The Dragon Dies Screaming (+1 Doctrines, +200 PIP, +4 Logistics +20,000 Military, -1 Morale, -200 Wealth, -2 Global Tech Level)
:: The government fought. The government lost. Others stepped in, but none of them had the power or the legitimacy to suppress opposition. And the corpse of the Chinese dragon laid there for decades before someone won the brutal succession wars and took charge.
: Exhuman Resurgence (+1 Doctrines, +12,500 Military, +5 Logistics, +40 Transgene ''OR'' +200 Supersoldier, -60 Pop, -100 Wealth)
:: Various exhuman insurgencies were often emboldened by the breakdown. Some of them even won the fights they picked over the course of decades of grinding war.
== Russia War Era/Aftermath Factional Paths (from Kerrus) ==
=== Political ===
We can rebuild him (++Supersoldier, +200 CIP, +1 Logistics, -China Relations)
:<i>The lessons that the Exhumans taught us are many, the very least of which being how to make them in the first place.</i>
Return to the Stars! (+2 GTL, +100 PIP, +100 CIP, ++Morale, -Debt)
:<i>Refurbishing the Grand Star was expensive, but it was worth every penny in blood, sweat, and lessons learned.</i>
Propaganda Paradigm Machine (++Morale, +Security, +200 PIP, +100 CIP, -60 Population, -Relations)
:<i>When everyone is an enemy, it becomes a simple matter to locate and dispose of traitors, spies, and malcontents.</i>
=== Economics ===
In Russia, Exhuman work for you! (++ supersoldier, +200 CIP, +100 Wealth, - China Relations)
:<i>With the exhuman wars over, many such individuals were at a loss as to what to do with themselves. Fortunately, Russia had an answer.</i>
Can you hear me now? (+100 Dust, +200 Wealth, +Morale, +Relations, -2500 Military)
:<i>The spread of an intra-system Hyperwave network was the first step to establishing Russian economic superiority in the Chinese arm.</i>
Stealing the Golden Emperor (+200 Wealth, +200 PIP, +100 Shipbuilding Application, +2500 Navy, --Chinese Relations)
:<i>The Golden Emperor was to be China's premier battleship, a lasting show of architectural superiority that would forever enshrine China as a naval superpower. If only they had put as much effort into security.</i>
=== Military ===
Totally not an F-X33 Ripoff (++Aircraft application, ++Air Doctrines)
:<i>Even in the 22nd century, Russia is not beyond profiting from American ideas.</i>
First Gen Superiority (+4 Global Tech Level, ++Doctrines, +2500 Military, -Debt)
:<i>Never again will Russia play second runner to neighboring powers. Even if it takes the entire budget to do so.</i>
==From Peel==
War-5A)  CIS Politics
:Fourth Rome (+90 pop, +150 wealth)
::As the old world fades, new epicentres of culture and power will emerge.
:Welcome, Comrade (++intelligence, +100 wealth, +China breakaway relations)
::To bring the New Taiwans to their true home requires not just strong backs, but silver tongues.
Exp-1World Type
War-5BCIS Economics
:No Suitable World (Go to Exp-2)
:Novaya Ekonomicheskaya Politika (+20 transgene, +100 CIP, +100 applications)
::Unfortunately, sometimes a prime spot simply lacks a nice place to drop your cities down, or your FTL drive wandered off-course. Time to build your own!
::By embracing new methods we can reach beyond our former peers.
:Hell World (Go to Exp-3)
:Trans-Siberian Spaceway (+200 PIP, +200 dust, -100 wealth)
::Various reasons exist to land on hell worlds.  Habitability is not one of them.
::The CIS Catapult Chain was a miracle of engineering and elbow grease, and its legacy lives on.
:Terraformable World (go to Exp-4)
:Systemic Failure (+120 pop, +100 PIP, +2,500 military, - morale)
::There is a finite number of garden worlds within easy reach of human starships, but many more marginal worlds that with a bit of work can become comfortable places to live.
::Better find some oligarchs.
:Garden World (Go to Exp-5)
:Complex Military Industry (+100 PIP, +100 CIP, +5,000 military, -debt)
::The gems of any colonization effort, most garden worlds were seeded with life more than a hundred million years ago by the Precursors, the garden-gods of the Milky Way.
::No, I'm not a student of history. Why do you ask?
Exp-2No Suitable World (automatically change one dot of Ground doctrines for one dot of Fleet doctrines)
War-5CCIS Military
*Must choose 'None' in Precursor Relics.
:Groznyj Grad (+supersoldier, +200 applications, +2 GTL, +bees)
:Adapt (Radical Morphological Change, +150 PIP, + 50 CIP)
::Screw-driven landships. Men covered in bees. You ask "Why?" I ask "Why not?"
::In a world with no up or down, the man with hands for feet is king.
:Build Our Own (+ 300 PIP)
::Gerald O'Neil gave us the plans, all we need is effort.
:On The Castles Of Gods (+ 100 CIP, + 100 dust, + 100 Applications)
::Some posthuman structures can be used as foundations for larger, human habitats.
Exp-3) Hell World
===Total Russia Rebuild===
:Adapt (Radical Morphological Change, +100 CIP, + 100 PIP)
War-5A) CIS Politics
::A normal human won't survive Chernobyl Beta. A ''normal'' human.
:Fringe State (+200 wealth, +2,500 military, +morale, -China relations)
:Tough It Out (+ Morale, Balls, + 2,500 infantry, + logistics)
::The CIS has lured a number of worlds from China's former control by offering what many have never had: a choice. And a bribe.
::We've defeated everything this world could throw at us.
:Fourth Rome (+120 pop, +200 wealth, +CIS relations)
:Make Do (Scraphunters, + 2500 vehicles/aircraft, + 100 PIP, + 1 SP)
::As the old world fades, new epicentres of culture and power will emerge.
::We're not where we wanted to be and there's no way back, so we need to use absolutely everything to its utmost.
:Sovetskiy Soyuz (+5000 Military, +logistics, +200 PIP, - China relations)
:Thousand-Year Plan (+ 100 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth)
::An iron curtain has been drawn across the stars.
::We'll make this rock terra-compatible if it takes a thousand years!
:Welcome, Comrade (++intelligence, +200 wealth, +China breakaway relations, -debt)
::While military force has its place, the real work of Russia's resurgence has been done by a strong diplomatic offensive. And bribes.
:Whatever the Cost (+120 Pop, +Morale, +20 Transgene, -100 Wealth)
::Long eschewed from the ranks of the great powers, Russia is on the rise again.
:Where No Man Has Gone (+100 theta, +100 dust, +FTL application, +logistics)
::Standing on the shoulders of those who first touched space, so we shall go out into the stars.
Exp-4Terraformable World
War-5BCIS Economics
*May not choose 'Extensive' in  Feral Drones.
:Industrial Heartland (+200 PIP, +100 CIP)
:Get To Work (+ 90 pop, +150 PIP, + 1 SP)
::This world will never rely on others.
::Once the terraforming efforts have begun, many worlds were opened up for additional waves of colonists.
:Infodump (+2 GTL, +200 applications, +100 CIP, -debt)
:Artifact Rush (+ 100 CIP, +50 Wealth, + 100 dust, + 30 Pop)
::Your capabilities won't begin to strain the imagination until your R&D budget does.
::Sometimes artifacts of posthuman provenance are found, leading to a surge of investment in an effort to extract them.
:New Markets (+200 wealth, +2,500 military)
:Fascinating Pharmaceuticals (+ 200 Wealth, +30 Pop, + 50 CIP, + 1 SP)
::The Chinese collapse provides many new opportunities for profit.
::Some worlds have biospheres that are not fully compatible with Earth-based biology but nonetheless have intriguing and valuable biomateriels.
:Novaya Ekonomicheskaya Politika (+20 transgene, +100 CIP, +100 applications)
:Terraforming Failure (Defensible, + 1 SP)
::By embracing new methods we can reach beyond our former peers.
::The worst-case scenario is a chaotic destabilization of the planet's climate, often making things ''worse'' than when they started.
:RDSU 995 (+100 PIP, +100 CIP, ++AI application, -60 pop)
::We can never hope to match China's manpower, but such methods are obsolete.
:Titanograd (+300 PIP, +100 CIP, +1 logistics, -morale, -debt)
::The iPod factories are scheduled in the ''next'' five-year plan.
:Trans-Siberian Spaceway  (+200 PIP, +100 dust)
::The CIS Catapult Chain was a miracle of engineering and elbow grease.
Exp-5Garden World
War-5CCIS Military
*Must chose 'None' in Feral Drones.
:Big Gun Lobby (+2,500 military, +200 PIP, +100 shipbuilding application)
:Population Boom (+ 120 pop, - 100 wealth)
::The stereotype of lumbering Russian juggernauts is a wildly inaccurate Western invention. I intend to change this.
::With Earth's overpopulation causing significant ecological effects, efforts were made to move as many people off-world as reasonably possible.
:Tidal Wave (+5,000 military, +100 propulsion application, +doctrines)
:Cash Crop (+ 100 Wealth)
::I don't.
::Agriculture has been the base of Earth's economy for ten thousand years. Who's to say it won't be in out in space?
:Rushin' Robots! (+ ground doctrines, + air doctrines, + fleet doctrines, + mecha application)
:Xenomorphs (+ 2,500 military)
::What if you had a Cossack who was 18 meters tall?
::This garden has snakes.
:General Winter (+2,500 ground, +100 ground application, ++ground doctrine)
::Russia did not get the choice pick of worlds China did, but this has made her armies all the stronger.
:Men of Steel (++supersoldier, +20 transgene, +ground doctrine)
::The wars before and during the breakdown have as much to teach as those after.
:Under the Radar (++Infiltration, ++Secrecy, +5% secrets, +doctrines, +100 stealth application)
::Nobody saw what you did there.
Exp-6Precursor Relics
==From FBH==
:None (+15 SP, SP limit for options increased by +5, may not spend SP on dust)
War-5ACIS Politics
::Some star systems were simply never touched by the Precursors.
:Oligarchs! (+200 Wealth +100 CIP +100 PIP -morale)  
:Limited (+ 100 dust, + 5 SP)
::Many people have done very well out of space flight
::Most worlds with complex biospheres were seeded in the distant past by the Precursors and now the ancient relics of their technologies lies locked in the rocks below.
:Extensive (+ 200 dust, - 50 PIP)
A few worlds have an unexpected bounty of delta dust, be in greater density to start or fortutious geology.
Exp-7)  Feral Drones
:The Iron Czar (+ Morale +100 PIP +2500 military)
:None (+ 60 population, + 100 Wealth)
::Exceptional leadership has returned Russian to greatness
::Feral drones generally left G-type stars alone.
:Limited (+ 30 population, +50 Wealth, +100 PIP)
::Some worlds nonetheless had local populations.
:Extensive (+ 2500 fleet, + 100 Fabers)
::Extensive drone hives were almost exclusively found around red M-type stars.
Exp-8)  Posthuman Footsteps
:Steel Reign (+200 AI applications +100 CIP)
:Observation Posts (+ 100 CIP, + 10 SP, SP limit for options increased by +5)
::I am Red Dawn Slave Unit 995 and to answer your unwelcome question this is my world
::Posthuman seed-probes scattered all across known space and were often used as markers for development - or looted for resources.
:Nano-Factories (+ 100 Fabers, +100 PIP)
::Some elements of posthumanity was favorable to their baseline cousins, providing the access codes for various pieces of nanofabrication equipment.
:Data Core (+ 150 applications, +1 Global Tech Level)
::Accessing data cores was a surefire way to increase technological development.
:Hostile as ''fuck'' (+ 5,000 military)
::Nobody's quite sure what they're guarding, but they're really good at it.
:Industrialized Spacetime And Magic (+500 Theta, -300 Dust)
Exp-9)  Location
:Separatists in SPACE! (++Morale +2500 military +China Relations -Russian Relations)
:Backwater (+ 100 PIP)
::China is not the only power with minorities trying to escape to the stars
::Nice and quiet.
:Routed (+ 100 CIP)
::Along a major arm.
:Hub (+ 60 Population)
::What it says on the tin.
:Strategic (+ 2,500 military)
::Too important to lose.
====Colonization Era====
War-5B)  CIS Economics
:Potemkin People (+120 Population +20 Transgene)
::With low birthrates it became necessary to replace many Russian workers with living replicas
:Science Colony (+200 Applications +100 CIP +100 Wealth -100 PIP)
::Given the 20th century left some areas of Russia radioactive hundreds of years later, moving Science off world wasn't a particular stretch
====Breakdown Era====
:New Economy (+300 Faber +100 AI applications -100 PIP)
::Russia in the 22nd century is perhaps the weakest of the major powers, and this makes it the most eager to try new ideas
War-5C)  CIS Military
:Shock Army (+100 Ground Applications +2500 Ground Troops +Ground Doctrines)
::Who won the air war?
====Current Era====
:Frontal Aviation (+100 Aerospace Applications +2 Aerospace Doctrine)
::You did
==From Lord BlackCube==
War-9A) Indie World Politics
:Exhuman Agenda(+ 200 CIP, +20 Transgene, +100 Supersoldier Application, + Morale, - relations)
::Upgrade or get out.
==Tech Index Bonuses==
===Design Concepts===
*History should inform present focuses
*Slapping bonus SP on non-TI paths is grossly inelegant
*Slapping a TI on every path is too many bonuses (and too forced)
*Solution: Let people choose X of their Y TI bonuses
===Path Structure===
*World choice
*Precursor presence
*Velan presence
*Posthuman presence
*Transhuman stance
*Economic development
*Special event (or colonial makeup)
*Local affairs
*Economic upsets
*[for longshots] Isolated event
*Future Government
===Proposed Bonuses===
You can only choose THREE of these bonuses, of the ones your paths qualify you for.
====Exploration Era====
*No Suitable World [+5 shipbuilding, -5 ground] ''does not count for bonus limit''
*Adapt [+2 transgenics]
*Build Our Own [+2 shipbuilding]
*On The Castles Of Gods [+5 basic theotech]
*Tough It Out [+2 materials]
*Make Do [+2 ground or aerospace]
*Thousand Year Plan [+2 power]
*Get To Work [+2 power]
*Artifact Rush [+5 basic theotech]
*Fascinating Pharmaceuticals [+2 transgene]
*Terraforming Failure [+2 materials]
*Population Boom [+2 mass production]
*Cash Crop [+2 transgene]
*Xenomorphs [+2 transgene]
*A New Old World [+2 civilian]
*Limited Drones [+5 xenotech]
*Extensive Drones [+5 xenotech] x2
*Data Core [+5 basic theotech]
*Industrial Spacetime and Magic [+100 advanced theotech]
====PACT Colonisation====
*New Freedoms [+2 transgenics]
*Liberal Market Capitalism [+2 civilian]
*Primarily Primary Industry [+2 mass production]
*Warring Economy [+2 any weapon]
*Research Lab [+2 to Aerospace, Electronics, Particles or Shields]
*SIA's Good Graces [+100 advanced theotech]
*Drone Deconstructors [+5 xenotech]
*Any Excuse For An Upgrade [+2 transgenics]
====EU Colonisation====
*New Freedoms [+2 transgenics]
*Liberal Market Capitalism [+2 civilian]
*Primarily Primary Industry [+2 mass production]
*Warring Economy [+2 any weapon]
*Regulated Market [+2 electronics]
*Lingering Posthuman Help [+5 basic theotech]
*Heart of Darkness [+5 basic theotech]
====China Colonisation====
*Control Them [+2 transgenics]
*New Freedoms [+2 transgenics]
*Liberal Market Capitalism [+2 civilian]
*Primarily Primary Industry [+2 mass production]
*People Power [+4 mass production, -2 transgene]
*Warring Economy [+2 any weapon]
*Regulated Market [+2 shipbuilding]
*Emerging Exhuman Help [+2 transgenics]
*Cut a Deal [+2 transgenics]
====UN/Longshot Colonisation====
*Control Them [+2 transgenics]
*New Freedoms [+2 transgenics]
*Liberal Market Capitalism [+2 civilian]
*Regulated Market [+2 shipbuilding or +2 vehicles]
*People Power [+4 mass production, -2 transgene]
*Primarily Primary Industry [+2 mass production]
*Warring Economy [+2 any weapon]
*Never Gelled [+2 ground]
*ARROWs Formation [+5 basic theotech]
*Pod People [+2 mass production]
*Posthuman Guidance [+5 basic theotech]
*Civilian Government Backed [+2 civilian]
*Military Government Backed [+2 any weapon]
*Fleeing Transgenes [+2 transgenics]
====Local Affairs====
*Currency Crash [+2 mass production]
*Full Scale War [+2 any weapon, +2 ground, -2 civilian]
*Feral Drone Attack [+5 xenotech]
*Posthuman Involvement [+5 basic theotech]
*A Plague On Both Your Houses [+2 transgenics]
====The Breakdown====
*My Toaster Hit Singularity [+5 basic theotech]
*Saved By The Catapult! [+2 civilian]
*Capital Flight [+2 mass production]
*Reconstruction [+10 catapults]
*Fire Upon The Deep [+2 any weapon]
*Stand Alone Complex [+2 mass production]
*Shoot Your Way In [+100 advanced theotech or +5 basic theotech]
*The Chinese Are Coming [+2 electronics]
*Confucian Collapse [+2 ]
*The Phoenix Rises [+2 ground]
*Five-Year Plan [+2 mass production]
*The Dragon Dies Screaming [+2 ground]
*Exhuman Resurgence [+4 transgene, -2 civilian]
*Conflict Investment [+2 any weapon]
*Strange Discovery [+5 basic theotech]
*Juche! [+2 to any]
*Posthuman Bootstraps [+5 basic theotech]
*I'M BEING EATEN BY DRONES! [+5 xenotech]
*Just Have More Kids [+2 civilian tech]
*Refugees! So Many Refugees! [+2 mass production]
*Go Weird [+2 transgene] x2
hey, doesn't guiding star have one too many pluses? -FBH
These bonuses are much larger and defining and should probably be considered seperately.
Recontact! (alternate politics)<br>
Chinese colonies always take an additional "Crisis" path, representing how its colonies were hit particularly hard by the Breakdown.<br>
*Future Government [+2 transgene or +2 AI]
Running Back into the Fold: (+Techlevel, +Wealth, +Pop)
: The few colonies which came back under their own volition to the Chinese Colonial Authority were rewarded by extensive subsidies.
Reconquista: (+Military, +PIP, ++Logistics, -Morale)
: There were those unwilling, but too close to the might of the People's Liberation Army to significantly resist "support" being granted to pro-reunification elements.
Still Free: (+Military, +Logistics, +Morale, +CIS relations, -Chinese Relations)
: Some colonies are particularly adamant about not bowing to the CCA again.
One Nation, Twenty Systems: (+Pop, +Morale, +Wealth)
: Several colonies were strong enough to resist the PLAN but not strong enough or determined enough that it looked to be a good idea to try. In general these colonies found a way to retain great amounts of individuality in their government and society at the cost of reduced government assistance and working with the CCA.
Send in the Blue-Helmets!: (-Pop, -Techlevel, +Fabers, +Military, +Doctrines, ++Logistics)
: A few colonies particularly hard-hit had to have significant amounts of the People's Liberation Army committed as well as fabricators for emergency aid, as they had devolved into war, looting, and self-destruction. Twenty years after the recontact they are functional but barely.
Oh god oh god the foundations of our economy have exploded! (alternate economics)<br>
Former Trading Hub: (+Civilian Tech, +Pop, +Dust, -Wealth)
: There were Chinese colonies heavily dependent on trade to and from Earth, and when the Breakdown hit their economies collapsed like a house of cards.
Nationalized: (++PIP, +CIP, -Debt)
: To survive the Breakdown many once-private industries were nationalized as factories for export and trade lay rusting, keeping the colony's economy going at great cost to the government.
Financially Independent: (+Pop, +Wealth)
: A few particularly lucky colonies had prepared well, and did not suffer as much from the Breakdown.
Brain Drain: (-Techlevel, +PIP, +CIP, +Wealth)
: Some predominantly mining or manufacturing colonies did not have domestic technical staff at hand and stagnated or regressed technically during the Breakdown. Even with the recent reconnect, they still haven't quite gotten back up to speed.

Latest revision as of 19:31, 6 August 2010

Chinese Breakdown Paths

Break-4B) Catapulted CIS Policies

The New Men (+40 Transgene, +100 Supersoldier, +7,500 Military, +4 Logistics, +Sneaky Stuff)
The enemy of your enemy is your friend-and the exhuman movement is the enemy of your enemy. You will be reborn, with augmentations and genetics tested in the fires of a dozen brushfire wars.

Break-4C) The New Taiwans

The Phoenix Rises (+1 morale, +1 doctrines, +100 PIP, +4 Logistics, +12,500 military, -60 Pop)
From the ashes of devastating civil war, a new and powerful nation arises.
Five-Year Plan (+100 PIP, +100 CIP, +5 Logistics, +10,000 Military, -1 Morale)
Hard decisions must be made to survive hard times. Oppression and autocracy are regrettable, but necessary. The dictator might even have stepped down after his presence was no longer necessary.
The Dragon Dies Screaming (+1 Doctrines, +200 PIP, +4 Logistics +20,000 Military, -1 Morale, -200 Wealth, -2 Global Tech Level)
The government fought. The government lost. Others stepped in, but none of them had the power or the legitimacy to suppress opposition. And the corpse of the Chinese dragon laid there for decades before someone won the brutal succession wars and took charge.
Exhuman Resurgence (+1 Doctrines, +12,500 Military, +5 Logistics, +40 Transgene OR +200 Supersoldier, -60 Pop, -100 Wealth)
Various exhuman insurgencies were often emboldened by the breakdown. Some of them even won the fights they picked over the course of decades of grinding war.

Russia War Era/Aftermath Factional Paths (from Kerrus)


We can rebuild him (++Supersoldier, +200 CIP, +1 Logistics, -China Relations)

The lessons that the Exhumans taught us are many, the very least of which being how to make them in the first place.

Return to the Stars! (+2 GTL, +100 PIP, +100 CIP, ++Morale, -Debt)

Refurbishing the Grand Star was expensive, but it was worth every penny in blood, sweat, and lessons learned.

Propaganda Paradigm Machine (++Morale, +Security, +200 PIP, +100 CIP, -60 Population, -Relations)

When everyone is an enemy, it becomes a simple matter to locate and dispose of traitors, spies, and malcontents.


In Russia, Exhuman work for you! (++ supersoldier, +200 CIP, +100 Wealth, - China Relations)

With the exhuman wars over, many such individuals were at a loss as to what to do with themselves. Fortunately, Russia had an answer.

Can you hear me now? (+100 Dust, +200 Wealth, +Morale, +Relations, -2500 Military)

The spread of an intra-system Hyperwave network was the first step to establishing Russian economic superiority in the Chinese arm.

Stealing the Golden Emperor (+200 Wealth, +200 PIP, +100 Shipbuilding Application, +2500 Navy, --Chinese Relations)

The Golden Emperor was to be China's premier battleship, a lasting show of architectural superiority that would forever enshrine China as a naval superpower. If only they had put as much effort into security.


Totally not an F-X33 Ripoff (++Aircraft application, ++Air Doctrines)

Even in the 22nd century, Russia is not beyond profiting from American ideas.

First Gen Superiority (+4 Global Tech Level, ++Doctrines, +2500 Military, -Debt)

Never again will Russia play second runner to neighboring powers. Even if it takes the entire budget to do so.

From Peel

War-5A) CIS Politics

Fourth Rome (+90 pop, +150 wealth)
As the old world fades, new epicentres of culture and power will emerge.
Welcome, Comrade (++intelligence, +100 wealth, +China breakaway relations)
To bring the New Taiwans to their true home requires not just strong backs, but silver tongues.

War-5B) CIS Economics

Novaya Ekonomicheskaya Politika (+20 transgene, +100 CIP, +100 applications)
By embracing new methods we can reach beyond our former peers.
Trans-Siberian Spaceway (+200 PIP, +200 dust, -100 wealth)
The CIS Catapult Chain was a miracle of engineering and elbow grease, and its legacy lives on.
Systemic Failure (+120 pop, +100 PIP, +2,500 military, - morale)
Better find some oligarchs.
Complex Military Industry (+100 PIP, +100 CIP, +5,000 military, -debt)
No, I'm not a student of history. Why do you ask?

War-5C) CIS Military

Groznyj Grad (+supersoldier, +200 applications, +2 GTL, +bees)
Screw-driven landships. Men covered in bees. You ask "Why?" I ask "Why not?"

Total Russia Rebuild

War-5A) CIS Politics

Fringe State (+200 wealth, +2,500 military, +morale, -China relations)
The CIS has lured a number of worlds from China's former control by offering what many have never had: a choice. And a bribe.
Fourth Rome (+120 pop, +200 wealth, +CIS relations)
As the old world fades, new epicentres of culture and power will emerge.
Sovetskiy Soyuz (+5000 Military, +logistics, +200 PIP, - China relations)
An iron curtain has been drawn across the stars.
Welcome, Comrade (++intelligence, +200 wealth, +China breakaway relations, -debt)
While military force has its place, the real work of Russia's resurgence has been done by a strong diplomatic offensive. And bribes.
Whatever the Cost (+120 Pop, +Morale, +20 Transgene, -100 Wealth)
Long eschewed from the ranks of the great powers, Russia is on the rise again.
Where No Man Has Gone (+100 theta, +100 dust, +FTL application, +logistics)
Standing on the shoulders of those who first touched space, so we shall go out into the stars.

War-5B) CIS Economics

Industrial Heartland (+200 PIP, +100 CIP)
This world will never rely on others.
Infodump (+2 GTL, +200 applications, +100 CIP, -debt)
Your capabilities won't begin to strain the imagination until your R&D budget does.
New Markets (+200 wealth, +2,500 military)
The Chinese collapse provides many new opportunities for profit.
Novaya Ekonomicheskaya Politika (+20 transgene, +100 CIP, +100 applications)
By embracing new methods we can reach beyond our former peers.
RDSU 995 (+100 PIP, +100 CIP, ++AI application, -60 pop)
We can never hope to match China's manpower, but such methods are obsolete.
Titanograd (+300 PIP, +100 CIP, +1 logistics, -morale, -debt)
The iPod factories are scheduled in the next five-year plan.
Trans-Siberian Spaceway (+200 PIP, +100 dust)
The CIS Catapult Chain was a miracle of engineering and elbow grease.

War-5C) CIS Military

Big Gun Lobby (+2,500 military, +200 PIP, +100 shipbuilding application)
The stereotype of lumbering Russian juggernauts is a wildly inaccurate Western invention. I intend to change this.
Tidal Wave (+5,000 military, +100 propulsion application, +doctrines)
I don't.
Rushin' Robots! (+ ground doctrines, + air doctrines, + fleet doctrines, + mecha application)
What if you had a Cossack who was 18 meters tall?
General Winter (+2,500 ground, +100 ground application, ++ground doctrine)
Russia did not get the choice pick of worlds China did, but this has made her armies all the stronger.
Men of Steel (++supersoldier, +20 transgene, +ground doctrine)
The wars before and during the breakdown have as much to teach as those after.
Under the Radar (++Infiltration, ++Secrecy, +5% secrets, +doctrines, +100 stealth application)
Nobody saw what you did there.

From FBH

War-5A) CIS Politics

Oligarchs! (+200 Wealth +100 CIP +100 PIP -morale)
Many people have done very well out of space flight
The Iron Czar (+ Morale +100 PIP +2500 military)
Exceptional leadership has returned Russian to greatness
Steel Reign (+200 AI applications +100 CIP)
I am Red Dawn Slave Unit 995 and to answer your unwelcome question this is my world
Separatists in SPACE! (++Morale +2500 military +China Relations -Russian Relations)
China is not the only power with minorities trying to escape to the stars

War-5B) CIS Economics

Potemkin People (+120 Population +20 Transgene)
With low birthrates it became necessary to replace many Russian workers with living replicas
Science Colony (+200 Applications +100 CIP +100 Wealth -100 PIP)
Given the 20th century left some areas of Russia radioactive hundreds of years later, moving Science off world wasn't a particular stretch
New Economy (+300 Faber +100 AI applications -100 PIP)
Russia in the 22nd century is perhaps the weakest of the major powers, and this makes it the most eager to try new ideas

War-5C) CIS Military

Shock Army (+100 Ground Applications +2500 Ground Troops +Ground Doctrines)
Who won the air war?
Frontal Aviation (+100 Aerospace Applications +2 Aerospace Doctrine)
You did

From Lord BlackCube

War-9A) Indie World Politics

Exhuman Agenda(+ 200 CIP, +20 Transgene, +100 Supersoldier Application, + Morale, - relations)
Upgrade or get out.

Tech Index Bonuses

Design Concepts

  • History should inform present focuses
  • Slapping bonus SP on non-TI paths is grossly inelegant
  • Slapping a TI on every path is too many bonuses (and too forced)
  • Solution: Let people choose X of their Y TI bonuses

Path Structure


  • World choice
  • Precursor presence
  • Velan presence
  • Posthuman presence


  • Region
  • Transhuman stance
  • Economic development
  • Special event (or colonial makeup)
  • Local affairs


  • Economic upsets
  • Circumstance
  • Effect
  • [for longshots] Isolated event


  • Unchanged


  • Future Government


Proposed Bonuses

You can only choose THREE of these bonuses, of the ones your paths qualify you for.

Exploration Era

  • No Suitable World [+5 shipbuilding, -5 ground] does not count for bonus limit
  • Adapt [+2 transgenics]
  • Build Our Own [+2 shipbuilding]
  • On The Castles Of Gods [+5 basic theotech]
  • Tough It Out [+2 materials]
  • Make Do [+2 ground or aerospace]
  • Thousand Year Plan [+2 power]
  • Get To Work [+2 power]
  • Artifact Rush [+5 basic theotech]
  • Fascinating Pharmaceuticals [+2 transgene]
  • Terraforming Failure [+2 materials]
  • Population Boom [+2 mass production]
  • Cash Crop [+2 transgene]
  • Xenomorphs [+2 transgene]
  • A New Old World [+2 civilian]
  • Limited Drones [+5 xenotech]
  • Extensive Drones [+5 xenotech] x2
  • Data Core [+5 basic theotech]
  • Industrial Spacetime and Magic [+100 advanced theotech]

PACT Colonisation

  • New Freedoms [+2 transgenics]
  • Liberal Market Capitalism [+2 civilian]
  • Primarily Primary Industry [+2 mass production]
  • Warring Economy [+2 any weapon]
  • Research Lab [+2 to Aerospace, Electronics, Particles or Shields]
  • SIA's Good Graces [+100 advanced theotech]
  • Drone Deconstructors [+5 xenotech]
  • Any Excuse For An Upgrade [+2 transgenics]

EU Colonisation

  • New Freedoms [+2 transgenics]
  • Liberal Market Capitalism [+2 civilian]
  • Primarily Primary Industry [+2 mass production]
  • Warring Economy [+2 any weapon]
  • Regulated Market [+2 electronics]
  • Lingering Posthuman Help [+5 basic theotech]
  • Heart of Darkness [+5 basic theotech]

China Colonisation

  • Control Them [+2 transgenics]
  • New Freedoms [+2 transgenics]
  • Liberal Market Capitalism [+2 civilian]
  • Primarily Primary Industry [+2 mass production]
  • People Power [+4 mass production, -2 transgene]
  • Warring Economy [+2 any weapon]
  • Regulated Market [+2 shipbuilding]
  • Emerging Exhuman Help [+2 transgenics]
  • Cut a Deal [+2 transgenics]

UN/Longshot Colonisation

  • Control Them [+2 transgenics]
  • New Freedoms [+2 transgenics]
  • Liberal Market Capitalism [+2 civilian]
  • Regulated Market [+2 shipbuilding or +2 vehicles]
  • People Power [+4 mass production, -2 transgene]
  • Primarily Primary Industry [+2 mass production]
  • Warring Economy [+2 any weapon]
  • Never Gelled [+2 ground]
  • ARROWs Formation [+5 basic theotech]
  • Pod People [+2 mass production]
  • Posthuman Guidance [+5 basic theotech]
  • Civilian Government Backed [+2 civilian]
  • Military Government Backed [+2 any weapon]
  • Fleeing Transgenes [+2 transgenics]

Local Affairs

  • Currency Crash [+2 mass production]
  • Full Scale War [+2 any weapon, +2 ground, -2 civilian]
  • Feral Drone Attack [+5 xenotech]
  • Posthuman Involvement [+5 basic theotech]
  • A Plague On Both Your Houses [+2 transgenics]

The Breakdown

  • My Toaster Hit Singularity [+5 basic theotech]
  • Saved By The Catapult! [+2 civilian]
  • Capital Flight [+2 mass production]
  • Reconstruction [+10 catapults]
  • Fire Upon The Deep [+2 any weapon]
  • Stand Alone Complex [+2 mass production]
  • Shoot Your Way In [+100 advanced theotech or +5 basic theotech]
  • The Chinese Are Coming [+2 electronics]
  • Confucian Collapse [+2 ]
  • The Phoenix Rises [+2 ground]
  • Five-Year Plan [+2 mass production]
  • The Dragon Dies Screaming [+2 ground]
  • Exhuman Resurgence [+4 transgene, -2 civilian]
  • Conflict Investment [+2 any weapon]
  • Strange Discovery [+5 basic theotech]
  • Juche! [+2 to any]
  • Posthuman Bootstraps [+5 basic theotech]
  • I'M BEING EATEN BY DRONES! [+5 xenotech]
  • Just Have More Kids [+2 civilian tech]
  • Refugees! So Many Refugees! [+2 mass production]
  • Go Weird [+2 transgene] x2


These bonuses are much larger and defining and should probably be considered seperately.


  • Future Government [+2 transgene or +2 AI]
