Wynne Garland

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Question// My mentor was one of the old exojocks, one foot on the voidship bridge and the other in the machine shop getting more metal put into him. He had an internal fab unit, Primium armor and CNT muscle that let him chop steel girders in half with his fists, and the Agents still twisted all that back against him. I want to believe he's still out there, but it's been years. I know better.
Primary// +3 Willpower, +1 Charisma, Leadership 3, Legendary Attribute (Dexterity)


Question// When I was a little younger, yeah. I flew an old Cessna into a corporate tower during a mission and accidentally killed a high-ranking vampire... 'prince' was the title, think. All the attention from his friends and the DHS were a good excuse to leave Earth for a while.
Secondary// Pilot 3, Prodigy (Prodigy)


Wynne is an at-a-glance, ordinary if pretty woman currently confined to a sporty black carbon-fiber wheelchair. She's in her early twenties, with warm brown hair tied back in a loose ponytail, and dressed somewhat casually if she has the chance. A closer glance reveals skin slightly-too-pale from a lack of exposure to natural sunlight, flush from an overcharged metabolism and with large red eyes flecked with dashes of other colors that is both surreal and haunting. She has a constant twitch, tapping nearby surfaces and keeping or manipulating objects for the tactile feedback.

Her room is somewhat sparsely decorated, as she keeps her personal effects in digital format, on her tablet. There's a houseplant she tries to keep alive (that hasn't shown flowers in years), a photo of herself (still walking) and an older man hugging eachother from the side and a few dozen origami cranes hanging from strings.


Wynne Garland is the surviving scion of a once-respected family with strong ties to the Union, many of its members having become Electrodyne Engineers and Explorators in the Victorian heyday of the Union. The schism was damaging to the Union but powerfully so in microcosm for the Garlands, who lost much of their prestige and were forced to hunt their own rebellious members down. Wynne's parents served in and died at the destruction of Mus, leaving her in the care of a family friend until she was old enough to be enrolled in special enhanced-learning programmes run by the Void Engineers.

She enjoyed a remarkably normal childhood until then, and proved herself to be an exceptional and prodigious learner as a pilot trainee, quickly receiving placement in an EDE crew beneath a senior member of the convention. Young and impressionable, she grew close to her mentor and came to admire and care for him, her resemblance to the daughter he had on Earth leading him to reciprocate the (platonic) feelings.

They were only together six months before an ambush during a routine survey Mimas forced her mentor to make a stand-off with a number of Agents, allowing her and the remaining remembers of the team to evacuate the wounded. He wasn't able to escape, and was captured by the Threat Null operatives.

An attempt to recover him from the Umbrood court he was sold to ended in disaster, with Garland forced to confront the being alone while circumstances forced the remaining members of the team to conduct emergency repairs to escape. She managed to critically wound and contain the creature, and for her efforts she was promoted but also cursed by the dimensional creature's powers to slowly lose the ability to move her body. The trip back to Earth was a blur of pain and panic as her body shut down and stopped absorbing nutrients, entire systems atrophying violently in a matter of hours.

By the time she could be brought to Progenitor doctors capable of repairing the damage, the worsening damage had crept it way up to the mid-thigh and left her effectively paraplegic. The structures in her brain were likewise affected, preventing mechanical replacement or medication from reversing the damage in the long term. While she could be made healthy again, constraints of time and a lack of reliable methods to reverse the neurological damage permanently made a full recovery unlikely.

Sometimes she wonders if it's meant to be a lesson, but doesn't dwell on that for too long.

For her efforts steely resolve in her first command, she was allowed to retain her rank and stay in the field after some retraining to account for her condition.


  • 1. Traditionalists are excellent weapons against reality deviants, even if we can do better.
  • 2. I need to screen my crew's communications and keep malign influences, like enemy leaders and diplomats, from infiltrating this unit.
  • 3. Always make sure the connection is secure or you'll sound dumb talking in code.
  • 4-7. [expunged]
  • 8. The Technocracy's ability to assess and respond to threats in various subdimensions has been compromised by the suppression of psionics.
  • 9. It's possible but dangerous for the Technocracy to exploit things it does not understand.
  • 10. It's legitimate to bring a giant death robot to a slightly less giant robot fight.
  • 11. Your giant death robot isn't invincible. Fortunately, neither is the enemy's.

Vital Statistics

Name// Wynne Garland
Convention// Void Engineer - Pan-Dimensional Corps (FOC)
Concept// The Wounded Sky Charioteer
Image Song//
Nature// Caregiver (Sense of Duty; Impatience) - "I just wanted to project everyone..."
Demeanor// Crusader (Zeal; Fanaticism) - "The future of humanity is ours to seize!"
Eidolon// Dynamic - "The Chariot"

Things to Track

Willpower// 8
Temporary Willpower// 8
Health Levels// -0 x 1, -1 x 2, -2 x 2, -5 x 1, Incapacitated
Current Damage// 0
Enlightenment// 4
Primal Energy// 4/4
Temporary// 0
Permanent// 2 (from Dexterity 8)
Active Effects//



Strength 2//
Dexterity 6 +2// Steady Hand
Stamina 2 +1//


Perception 4 +1// Big Picture
Intelligence 3//
Wits 4 +1// Adaptive


Charisma 4// Grace Under Fire
Manipulation 2//
Appearance 4// Eyecatching



Drive 1//
Etiquette 4// Diplomacy
Firearms 2//
Heavy Weapons 4// Strafing
Helmsman 1//
Hypertech 1//
Melee 4// Variable Fighter
Research 3//
Pilot 6// Dogfighter
Technology 2//


Alertness 3//
Awareness 3//
Athletics 2//
Brawl 1//
Dodge 2//
Empathy 1//
Expression 2//
Intimidation 1//
Instruction 2//
Leadership 5// Inspire Loyalty


Academics (History) 1//
Enigmas 3//
Medicine 1//
Law 1//
Lore (Technocracy) 1//
Science (Physics) 2/
Subdimensions 2//


Wynne's paradigm is mostly a product of Void Engineer orthodoxy, using sophisticated devices, scientific processes and organizational techniques. Her entire proceedure is leveraged on formulating strategies that incorporate the best components: the most advanced (or reliable) technology, the most skilled people and most correct data to assess and then react to the situation. Knowing as many factors as possible and exceeding the capabilities of the enemy is all that is needed to win.

Apparatus and Spheres

DSci 2// Engines, sensors, communications systems.
Entropy 1// Predictive models, safety measures, quantum computers.
Forces 4// Engines, sensors, weapons.
Correspondence 3// Engines, sensors, communications systems.
Matter 3// High-tech materials, nanomachines.
Time 3// Neurological augmentations, predictive modelling.



Backup 1// An aide-de-champ and an aircraft mechanic.
Contacts 1// Ivy Kim, an old, very close friend in Q Division. They were roommates in officer school and Kim served as the science officer on her last ship, although has since moved to R&D.
Devices 15//
VF-37 Void Phoenix 13// A cutting-edge transatmospheric void-capable superfighter. It costs about as much as a full wing of shuttles, cause twice as much property damage as its worth on the opening volley and (probably) slay space dragons. Listed on the Talk Page.
Qui La Machinae Voidship 17// Points contributed towards a QLM-class voidship with some modifications.
Enhancements 3// A retroviral cocktail designed to compensate for deterioration imposed by the Umbrood's 'curse'.
Genius 4// Wynne has an extremely powerful Eidolon, manifesting as moving war machinery and rider connected as they soar to battle. A superstitionist once told her it was a manifestation of the Chariot tarot, but she isn't convinced.
Influence 2// A high-ranking field commander, Wynne's authority is somewhat hindered by questions of her condition and a damaging family history.
Secret Weapons 5// Wynne's got friends on the other side (of the field-lab divide in the Union), and regularly volunteers her unit to test out prototypes.



Ionic Cloth// A standard-issue form-fitting bodysuit, designed to negate G-forces and provide physical support.
Soak d2
Street Clothes// A couple of outfits that wouldn't stick out as much as space latex, and can be worn over it.


Carbon Fiber Sports Wheelchair// A non-motorized wheelchair made of space-grade carbon fiber. It folds up when not in use, and can be used to move pretty fast (assuming the person riding it has good upper body strength).


Service Pistol// Small Pistol (9mm)
6L damage, Magazine 15, RoF 5, Range 40 , Conceal J, Init +1


Coffee Mug// Says '#1 -cyborg- dad' on it, an old keepsake from her mentor. Looks handmade.
Communications Gear// Practical, Union-issue communication earpiece and comms unit.
Ruggedized Data Tablet// Insulated against cosmic radiation and general wear and tear, with a hardened ceramic frame and attractive touchscreen that runs modern entertainment software. Probably used for drawing and relaxing more than anything. Also work stuff.

Merits and Flaws


Acute Eyesight// -2 dif on Perception + Alertness or Awareness rolls to detect things with vision. Sphere 1 sensory effects get an additional success.
Confidence// All social difficulties are reduced by -2 and raises difficulties for characters trying to intimidate or mislead by +2.
Common Sense// Unlikely to make dumb mistakes!
Fast Reader// Reads abnormally fast, without even using magic Enlightened science.
Good Map Reader// Really good at reading maps! Rarely gets lost if she has one to count on.
Legendary Dexterity// Add 1 to natural maximum for Dexterity and allows Dexterity replaces Strength for the purpose of movement (jumping, swimming, rowing a boat) or inflicting damage with Melee and Brawl attacks, although not for 'real' feats of strength (like lifting or for achieving minimum strength requirements).
Media Junkie// Social and Research rolls involving media have difs cut by -2.
Pilot Prodigy// +1d Pilot rating.
Punctual// Barring issues, is always on time for work and meetings.


Echoes// Experiences physical effects when interfaced machinery is damaged, although relatively limited: Wynne experiences a twitch reaction when a vehicle is damaged and has all but her last -4 level filled with Stun damage from dump shock if it is destroyed while she's still connected.
Paraplegic// The result of a terrible curse by an Umbrood lord spurred on by one of the devious Residents. Cannot walk or effectively move lower body, confined to a wheelchair. It may be getting worse.

Genetic Flaws

Constant Hunger// Found eating something in order to abate high calorific needs, usually nutrient bars or high-energy shakes.
Kaleidoscope-Red Eyes// Has bright red eyes flecked with a number of colors that never quite look the same depending on the light.
Nervous Tick// Has an oral and hand fixation, needs to either chew or tap something with some sort of haptic feedback to remain calm.
Synaesthesia// Sensory experiences are mingled, leading to color and sound bleeding into one another.
Uncanny Reflexes// Fingers move unusually fast and dextrously.


Freebie Points

Freebie Points 32/32

Echoes (-1)
Paraplegic (-6)
Forces 4 (7)
Matter 3 (4)
DSci 2 (4)
Heavy Weapons 4 (2)
Dexterity 6 (8)
Genius 4 (4)
Confidence (2)
Acute Eyesight (1)

Experience Gains

Experience Total/Spent/Unspent (78/48/30)

Backstory (10)
Early Bird Special (4)
Session 1: Fighting Cyborg Space Dragons (5)
Session 2: Gutting Posthuman Spaceships For Fun And Profit (6)
Session 3: Forecasting and Ravens in Last Vegas (3)
Session 4: Corsets and Counterfeits (5)
Session 5: Episode After the Inevitable Car Chase(3)
Session 6: Plots and Plans and Sneaky Suggestions (3)
Session 7: Casino Caper (4)
Session 8: Candy Planet (4)
Session 9: Marshmallowing the Ranks (7)
Session 10: Boarding the Ponderous Naval Metaphor (6)
Session 11: Inevitable Giant Robot Fight (9)
Session 12: Vacation! (4)
Session: 13: Who in Their Right Mind Wants to Resurrect Samuel Haight!? (5)

Experience Spending

Experience Total/Spent/Unspent (78/48/30)

Media Junkie (2)
Punctual (2)
Good Map Reader (2)
Fast Reader (2)
Common Sense (2)
Strength 2 (4)
Contacts 1 (3)
Secret Weapons 5 (15)
Etiquette 4 (6)
Entropy 1 (10)