William Argent

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Main Info

Name: William Argent
Convention: Syndicate
Concept: Super Diplomancer
Age: 30

Bio: William Argent is a financier of the Syndicate- but more than that, he's the man they call in when someone's being obstinate, or resisting the Syndicate's direction. A problem solver, Argent is particularly well skilled at swaying people to his viewpoint- or at least intimidating them into compliance. But outside of his day job of keeping the money flowing, Argent has a dark secret. A friend he's maintained contact with over the years is an adept of the Celestial Chorus- and Argent's own son is apprenticed to the man. No one can know. And so far, no one does.


Physical - 24 xp

Strength: 2 (4 xp)
Dexterity: 3+1 (12+12 xp)
Stamina: 2 (4 xp)

Social - 64 xp

Appearance: 3 (12 xp)
Charisma: 4 (Champion of the People) (24 xp)
Manipulation: 4 (Would I lie?) (24 xp)

Mental - 54 xp

Perception: 3 (12 xp)
Intelligence: 4 (24 xp) [Patterns]
Wits: 3 (12 xp)


Talents - 39

Alertness: 2 (5 xp)
Athletics: 2 (5 xp)
Awareness: 1+2 (3+6 xp)
Intimidate: 3 (9 xp)
Persuasion: 3+2 (9+14 xp) (You can trust me)
Subterfuge: 2 (5 xp)
Streetwise: 1 (3 xp)

Skills - (15 xp)

Drive: 3 (9 xp)
Etiquette: 3 (9 xp)
Firearms: 2 (5 xp)
Technology: 2 (5 xp)

Knowledges - 27 xp

Computer: 2 (5 xp)
Finance: 3+1 (9+6 xp)
Law: 3 (9 xp)
RD Data: 2 (5 xp)


Willpower: 6 (5 xp)
Arete: 4


Entropy: 2+1 (17+14 xp)
Mind: 2+1 (18+16 xp)
Corr: 3 (26 xp)

Backgrounds - 21

Ally: 2 (6 xp) (chorister adept)
Database: 5 (15 xp)
Genius: 2 (6 xp)
Influence: 4 (12 xp)
Sanctum: 1+3 (3+9 xp) (Black Limo) (decrease size to 'closet', boost arcane)
Resources: 2+3 (6+15 xp)
Talisman/Device: 3 (9 xp) UNIcash card.


Enchanting gaze 3 XP
Soothing Voice 9 XP
Charmed Existence 15 XP


Secret Friendship (+6 xp) (Maintains an active friendship with an Adept of the Celestial Chorus)
Ward (+9 xp) (Son)
Dark Secret (+6 xp) (Son is the apprentice of an Celestial Chorus Adept)

Other Calculations

Freebie points: 105 xp

-5 +1 wp
-15 (+3 resources to 5)
-12 (Influence 4)
-6 (Ally 2)
-9 (Etiqeutte 3)
-14 (persuasion to 5)
-9 (sanctum to 4)
-15 (Database 5)
-6 (awareness to 3)
-12 (Dex to 4)

50 xp

-9 (3 point wonder - Power Suit)
-16 (mind to 3)
-14 (entropy to 3)
-6 (Finance to 4)
-5 (Technology 2)