Star and Spice

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An imperialist space opera.

Home States

Your Home State is an interstellar empire of Empyrea. Unless otherwise specified however, it is probably not comprised of multiple whole planets so much as numerous small parts of many, many planets mixed together.

Faithful vs Schismatic vs Pagan


Great Powers

Great Powers typically don't see the imperialist adventure as being too important and may frequently be at odds with their own expatriates.

  • Erin (Space Ulster)
  • Nafréce (Space France)
  • (Space HRE)
  • (Space Russia)
  • (Space Germany1)
  • (Space Germany2)
  • (Space England)
  • (Space x)
  • (Space x)
  • (Space x)
  • (Space x)
  • (Space x)

Middle Powers

Minor Powers

Minor powers exist at the periphery of the Empyrean cultural milieue that is centered on the Great Powers or else exists wedged between two of them, their existence guaranteed by their neighbours' rivalry. Such powers have demonstrated either the military strength or diplomatic tact to remain independent for a prolonged period, but their futures are not assured and they, on the whole, have far fewer resources than their neighbours do. The imperialist adventure is a significant investment for them and your faction will have tremendous influence over your small homeland's fortunes. On the other hand, you might also get eaten, so there's that.

Unplayable States/Factions

  • The Papal Stars
  • The Landsraad
  • The Guild of Usurers
  • Big Buncha' Infidels




A critical concept. The default Innovation on any military unit, mission or operation is 0. This means doing everything exactly as the book tells you to do it.


Unit Templates

A Template comes with stats:

  • Discipline
  • Morale
  • Effect

Levy troops are peasants, criminals or vagrants obliged into military service either by law or desperation due to economic distress. They have a limited effectiveness in battle thanks to their numbers but have very high rates of attrition and desertion, especially if used far from home or for extended periods. Frequently locally available on populated worlds, they are typically raised for a particular campaign and disbanded after a quarter or two.

Militia are citizens tied to a particular locale (at most one planet) who are motivated by both wages and principle to participate in the defense of their home. Unlike levies, Militia can potentially have good Morale and Discipline but have many of the same weaknesses as Levies when trying to use them for extended periods or in distant lands. Milita are typically available from places with fairly well organized societies.

Fanatics are ordinary folk from the lower classes getting violent for their religion. They are much like Levies but tend to have much higher Morale.

Mercenaries fight for money. Their Discipline and Morale can be variable but as professional soldiers, they almost always have the best Effect for cost.

The traditional Nobility of the Empyrean cultural milieue fight. Their stats are highly variable, though they tend to be nearly or as good as Mercenaries.

Professional fighters of a religious order. Rare but typically have good stats.



