Scribbleboard Cthulhustuff

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Protomatter (Bio/Crea Fusion) A polymorphic living substance, Protomatter has many powerful properties, allowing its use in various roles. Protomatter Servitors are liquid, flowing killing machines, while Protomatter can also greatly increase the effectiveness battlefield medicine, as a single large tube of the stuff is more than sufficient to replace vital organs as long as the host is sufficiently alive. It can be used to "glue" DNA together as well, creating truly fearsome chimerae for combat purposes.

Inside a host, the stuff acts in just about every way possible-a true feat of fusing magical power with cutting-edge biotechnology.

Branches off of Biotech Armor/Etc. Path, combines with healing/species boosting spells for maximum horribility.

Protomatter "Servitors"
People with just about everything replaced with the stuff. They are rather difficult to kill with kinetic energy weapons and regenerate.
Bio Med Gel
Medicine made easy! Just take the tube, shove in wherever you see a hole that shouldn't be there, and push down the handy push-plunger dispenser until it's all filled up. If the guy goes gibberingly insane, send them to the rear to incarcerate in the loony bin.
Protomatter Enhancements
Faster, tougher, and less sane than ever before! Would act much like stat-boosting cybernetics (there will be those, right?) but also adds saves against NBC (the protomatter cleans out the toxins and the like).

Wither Limb (Low Ritual) Basic "life magic" attack spell. Can be used against every limb. Yes, even that one. Doesn't do damage, instead cripples the enemy. Probably a precursor to other types of spells that inflict crippling conditions rather than direct damage.