Roland Murphy Pilecki Sabirov-Aragon

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The Empire I served for so long has made the choice to endorse a false messiah, a poor child turned into a living weapon, an artificial angel. She strives to govern justly, but there are reasons those blessed with such power rarely hold the throne.

They had a different choice. A man of courage, honor, and virtue. I and many other honorable sons of the Phoenix flocked to his banner. However, someone decided that Hiroshi needed to die. Even his bride, the legendary cavalry warlord Ravi, almost died that day. If I had been there, I could have saved him.

It is not bravado - I have fought on many worlds. I have fought rebels and the Jardin soldiers, and guarded the sector commander during an insurrection. She is still alive, all the assassins sent after her are not. I'd like to retire and raise a family someday, but most likely I'll take another bullet for someone more important than me, and this time I won't crawl back from death. After all, every time you talk about retirement in a movie, you end up dead.

House Sabirov-Aragon

Rules the larger continent of a colder Earth-like world in a busy trading system. They have considerable prestige for their distinguished service in various branches of the military and intelligence service. The current head of the family, is a former Black Beret, and the heir Nathaniel is the head of the system's Marshals. They have been on the rise since Republic Senator Amelie Morello-Aragon and her family sought asylum in the Empire. Sir Maxim Sabirov, a commoner who received a title for his valor in combat, fell for the crafty politician, and over the ensuring centuries they climbed the ranks.

Roland is distant from the line of succession. He hopes that his family will understand his decision. Perhaps there is more to his decision than even he knows...


  • Virtue - Courage, Honor, Cleverness
  • Vice - Boozehound, Idealistic


  • Be ready to defend those you care about, or someone will kill them. There are plenty of Aleidas out there.
  • We face judgement after death. I strive to be found worthy in my service.
  • I left a noble position for the sake of honor. Nobles must strive to be worthy of the sacrifices their subjects make for them.
  • Someone needs to pay people to make stuff. Anything else is something from a League University bull session.


  • A-Team - Expert
  • Security Consultant - Professional
  • Contacts - Professional
  • Courtly Behavior - Layman
  • Family Man - Layman
  • Black Ops - Terrible
  • Tolerance - Terrible

Stat block

IQ 4
Wits 5
Charm 4
Cunning 4
Durability 2
Physical Action 5

Court Skills

Black Mail
Horse Trading 2
Chummy 3
Bureaucracy 2
Legal 2
Speech Giving 5
Plotting 7

Military Skills

Ship Command
Helmsmen 3
Gunnery 3
Leadership 3
Squadron Command
Fleet Command