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Busy Child: +400 Faber, +150 Wealth, ++AI Tech, +100 Dust -300 Pop

"ASEAN's first colonization ship, the Iskandar, broke orbit today as it departs on its departs on its mission to found the first extra-terrestrial ASEAN colony. On board are one thousand of ASEAN's best and brightest in cryosleep along with one hundred thousand frozen embryos. The early stages of the mission will be fully controlled by the Legislation Enactment Entity, or LEE, until a suitable location has been found and basic infrastructure has been set up in preparation for the awakening of the colonists. To this end, the Iskandar boasts a Posthuman FTL drive as well as a large fabricator array, which will hopefully result in a successful and profitable colony for the Association."
- The Straits Times, 21 Jan. 2105

Artifacts-> Active Machinery +300 Theta, -100 Dust
Artifacts-> Extra Fabs +100 Fabs, +100 Dust
Future Government: ++Morale, +AI Tech

Excerpt from Iskandar bridge records:
LEE: Audio-only log, 28th December, 2105, timestamp 12051132GMT+0800.

The Iskandar is now within scanning range of the strange structure noted in previous logs. Initial telemetry indicates that it is most likely of posthuman origin. It consists of nine smaller structures, of which six are interconnected, each with a radius of between two hundred and eight hundred kilometers. Pattern anaysis suggests that it is in the shape of a subatomic particle group known as a "meson nonet", and thus I have decided to call it the "Meson Ring" for now. The three central structures have clear domes on them, revealing what appears to be an Earth-like ecology within. Scans indicate that there is simulated or artificial gravity to the magnitude of 1 G within the domes. The other structures are apparently impervious to sensors. Assuming that the above-mentioned domes are habitable to humans, they will be a suitable location to establish the colony. I have launched shuttles with unmanned probes to investigate. There is no need to wake the colonists yet.


LEE: I am receiving a laser transmission from the structure, precise location impossible to determine. Transmission consists of a repeating data stream. I cannot decipher the data. I have responded with a standard identification signal. The data stream has changed, it is now an audio signal, requesting to converse with the mission commander. As I am the current mission commander, I will respond...

TBC, writer's block

Catapulted-> Hyperdrive Repair Research: +100 Wealth, +100 CIP, +Tech
Center for Research: ++Techlevel, +Tech, +100 CIP, -100 PIP
PACT: +100 Wealth, -200 Theta

"In a surprise move today, Progress has donated a large portion of its Theta Dust production to PACT to "aid in the effort to maintain contact with colonies affected by the Breakdown." It has pledged cooperation with researchers attempting to reverse engineer the Breakdown virus, and has offered full access to its posthuman libraries and research facilities.

This is expected to weigh favourably on the minds of the Pacific Council, which is currently considering the colony's application to join the PACT."

Corporate State: +100 Wealth, +Tech

"If you deprive yourself of outsourcing and your competitors do not, you're putting yourself out of business." -Lee Kuan Yew, Datalinks

Keep Them Flying: ++Logistics, ++ Cargo

"Battles are decided by the quartermasters before the first shot is fired." -Field Marshall Erwin Rommel, Datalinks

Communist Manifesto Industrial Investment +100 PIP, -100 Wealth

Fabbers: +500
CIP: +200
PIP: +0
Wealth: +350
Theta: 100
Dust: +100
Population: -300

+++ AI Tech
++ Techlevel
+++ Tech

Military: +0
Logistics: ++
Cargo: ++
Morale: ++

Universal: 24
AI: 31
Basic Theotech: 44
Advanced Theotech: 124
Xenotech: 29
Shipbuilding: 26
Aircraft: 29
Beam/Pulse: 29
Shields: 29
Stealth: 29
Transgenics: 19
Civilian: 27