Oseng's Fanfic

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TSAB Headquarters, Enforcer's Offices

James let out a low, tired, groan as he grabbed the mug of double strength naval coffee his ever thoughtful partner passed to him and drained it in one gulp. As the caffeine began to rush through his system he perked up and took a look around the conference room, noticing that the entire Major Case Response Team had been called in from the looks of it. Nearly every seat at the long, rectangular, metal table in the center of the room had been grabbed by an equally tired Enforcer, Aide, or support staff.

"Weren't we promised a week of leave after our last case?" He plaintively asked his silver haired compatriot.

"Hell if I know." Maiko replied with a sigh, taking a more sedate sip of her own coffee. "Crown's message only said that we had another case and to be here at 0800."

James let out a long sigh of his own as he grabbed one of the many carafes of pipping hot coffee some kind and generous soul had thought to place out for the tired gendarmes. They had only just gotten in late last evening, arriving home on the Avalon from a rather hard-hitting case. A ring of human-traffickers had been kidnapping people from NAW #97 and other low or no-magic non-administrated worlds. It had taken six months of hard, heart breaking, investigation to bring the runners down and that was only the beginning of an investigation that was likely to take years to wrap everything up. The generally good natured Enforcer jumped a little as the conference room doors suddenly swung open to admit another Enforcer, his black uniform bearing the shoulder-boards and silver rank insignia of an Enforcer-Captain. The room was suddenly filled with motion as people hurriedly darted for their seats, pulling out their devices or other recording tools and situated themselves.

"Alright, listen up. I hate to cancel your leave but as I am sure you've figured out we have had another case dumped on our lap." The veteran Enforcer said, sweeping his eyes around the assembled team members as he gauged how awake and aware they all were.

After a moment he simply shook his head and summoned a holographic console, typing in a few commands which opened several larger holo-windows at the front of the table. One screen displayed a typical M-class world, the image likely having been drawn from one of the system indexes the TSAB maintained. The second window, to the right of the first, displayed a wealth of further info drawn from those same indexes with a flag at the top, a crowned golden griffon on a black field. James and Maiko began to jot down small notes from the info, along with the other agents while the captain waited patiently. Star Kingdom of Vaizen, constitutional monarchy, 23 inhabitable systems, Administrated Worlds #1032-1055, Dimension-32, joined the TSAB in 0074....the year before the JS Incident on Mid-Childa.

"This is Avalon, AW-1032 and the capital world of the Star Kingdom of Vaizen." Enforcer-Captain Phillip Crown said as his subordinates continued to record their notes. "They joined the TSAB twelve years ago after significant debate and a very close referendum."

"There has been fervent domestic opposition to the Kingdom's membership in the TSAB, but over the last few years that opposition has developed into outright terrorism." He continued. "The local authorities kept it firmly in house though, and there was nothing we could use to become involved - until now."

He pushed another button on the small keyboard floating beside him, merging the two holo-windows into one larger window which displayed the bombed out ruins of what appeared to be a small brick and steel building. The whole area, or at least what they could see in the image, was roped off with floating police-tap and the flashing lights of emergency buildings could be seen reflecting off of broken shards of metal and glass.

"This is the remains of a TSAB Armed Forces recruiting center, one of three terrorist strikes on direct TSAB targets in the last month." Crown continued as his face turned grim. "A car bomb went off during a routine meeting between the recruiter and recruits preparing to shipout, killed four people and injured eight others."

"The other incidents?" One of the more junior enforcers asked from his seat towards the opposite end of the table, a style poised above a small holo-console.

"Two more bombings in areas popular with TSAB personnel and their families." He said with a sigh. "More wounded then dead thankfully but nasty all the same."

A small wave of muttering swept through the room as Crown took his seat near the front of the rectangular table, gesturing for one of the few non-MRCT members to take his place at the podium. The man, an enforcer from the counter-terrorism office judging by his uniform, nodded in thanks and pulled yet more holo-windows. Information on known terrorist groups began to scroll down the screens before stopping at the name Allied Vaizen Brigade.

"The Allied Vaizen Brigade, or AVB, have claimed responsibility for all of these strikes and are promising more if the TSAB does not immediately withdraw from all Vaizen systems." The somewhat reedy, almost professor like, enforcer continued. If it was not for the uniform even most of the experienced investigators in the room would not have believed him to be a combat mage.

"We do not have much information on them, but we believe the RVA was formed roughly a year ago as an alliance between the Arms of the Mother and other groups." He continued onwards with his outright lecture, running one hand through balding brown hair. "There are differences in their ethos but they all want an independent Vaizen with no Bureau interference."

"Great, more religious fanatics." One of the team members muttered just loud enough to be heard.

"At least in part." The mousy, brown haired, CT enforcer replied smoothly. "The Arms of the Mother are part of a very fanatical movement within the adherents of the local creator-goddess, Tanu, that wishes to establish a theocratic government and return to the 'true teachings.' They were declared outcast and heretical by the mainstream faith a very long time ago, and an alliance like this is unheard of."

"Details on the other groups involved in the AVB have been included in your briefing files, and both the Intelligence Division and my office are trying to dig up whatever we can." He said with a small sigh, knowing full well how bare those reports would be. "Speaking generally though they are mostly smaller, secular or a-religious, groups who have formed since the nation's entrance into the TSAB."

With that said the counter-terrorism expert gave a small bow and returned to his seat, nodding in respect to Captain Crown as the two passed by one another. For his part Crown sighed as he stepped up to the front podium once more, a small frown on his face as he looked over the conference room and those gathered there.

"We're scheduled for a long range dimensional transfer this evening - at 1800, Transportation Room #6." Crown said bluntly. "Any questions?"

A wave of quiet muttering swept through the room as people discussed the mission and began to gather their thoughts, some discussing how they were going to tell their families. Just before Crown moved to dismiss the gathering, however, Maiko quietly raised her hand and waited for her superior to call upon her.

"What kind of support can we anticipate from the local TSAB forces?" She asked politely, her partner leaning in beside her to better hear the answer.

"Minimal, unfortunately." Crown replied immediately. "They are careful to keep just within the limits of the Charter but the Star Kingdom's royal defense force is quite large and well equipped."

"So, the Main Office took advantage and sent most of the units earmarked for the local garrisons elsewhere.... typical." James said before finishing his slowly cooling coffee in one large gulp. "Should have expected it."

"We are looking at two to three Regiments, mixed Ground and Air, per planet and one over strength naval task-force." Crown said with a small nod of agreement. "So, yes, we are going to be dependent upon local resources for the majority of this operation."

As if Maiko's questions had opened up a dam new questions began to flow and the major case response team began to plan and prepare in depth for their new mission, their new case.