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A tall, beautiful, nearly amazonian woman with icy blue hair and pale skin, Nemesis seems custom-made to draw eyes towards her, and that may be literally true. She's enarly six feet tall, speaks in a clear, almost melodic voice, though with a hint of gentle authority. She appears to be in her early thirties, and usually wears dark casual clothes, though occasionally she'll opt for something more provocative, like a latex catsuit or skimpy workout clothes, for no reason other than to embarrass Noanth.

Vital Statistics

Name// Nemesis
Mage// Noanth
Concept// Big-sister spirit guide
Image Song// Atsushi Kitajoh - Posession by Nemissa
Nature// Caregiver
Demeanor// Celebrant

Things to Track

Willpower// 7
Temporary Willpower// 7
Health Levels//
[ ]-0
[ ]-0
[ ]-1
[ ]-1
[ ]-2
[ ]-2
[ ]-5
[ ]-Incapacitated
[ ]-Derezzed
Current Damage// 0
Essence// 1
Essence points// 1
Assume Essence can be used as Mana for Linear Magic (i.e. reduces its difficulties). This is because otherwise Nemesiscould end up with two different random pools she needs to track.
Paradox// 0


Strength 4// Lithe
Dexterity 5// Agile
Stamina 4// Tough
Perception 3//
Intelligence 4// Creative
Wits 3//
Charisma 2//
Manipulation 2//
Appearance 5// Otherworldly



Alertness 3//
Athletics 3//
Awareness 3//
Brawl 4// I Know Kung Fu
Dodge 3//
Streetwise 3//


Crafts 3//
Drive 4// Stunt Driving
Firearms 4// John Woo
Melee 3//
Stealth 3//


Computer 3//
Occult 5// Awakened History


Hypercram 3// Roll (Perception + Hypercram) after successfully meditating. The successes can be substituted as dots in the relevant ability for the following day.
Infamy 3// What the hell IS she?



Two modified 9mm machine pistols (Damage 6L, Magazine 20, RoF 3A, Range 30). Enchantment effect: -1 difficulty to attack rolls when firing bursts or full-auto.
Reinforced latex catsuit. Enchantment effect: +1d soak (total 2d).

Merits & Flaws


Ambidextrous 1
+1d to any attack rolls as long as attacks are being made with 2 hands (or a weapon in each hand).
Common Sense 1
"I'm not sure that's a good idea."
Eidetic Memory 2
Roll Perception + Alertness to memorize something forever.
Unaging 2
A computer program doesn't age? Fancy that!


Echoes (The Matrix Has You) 3
If she dies in the Matrix, she dies in real life. :(
Also, she's got the fashion sense of someone in the Matrix.
Uncanny 3
+3d to Perception rolls to notice, -3d to Stealth rolls. Can disguise Uncanny at Difficulty 6.