Lynn Yan-Shui

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Personnel Record

Name: Lynn Yan-Shui

Known Aliases: Tsun-ami; The Flood; Queen of Sotei; Tigris;

Phenotype: Female
Age: 17
Classification: Esper

Sub-Type: Hydrokine manipulation; expansion to liquification control

Known Family: Father (Richard Yan, works off-city, more or less estranged); Sister (Nerys Yan-Shui, low-grade esper currently enrolled in Sukitte Primary school); Mother (Hazuki Shui, deceased).
School: Sotei Gakuen


Lynn Yan-Shui was born during the last few years of the Third World War, those final gasps as the great armies exchanged what blows they could across a shattered planet. She had the unfortunate chance of being exposed to one of the rogue bioweapons as a young child, only a month before the end of the war proper. She managed to survive through it, her mother taking her to New Eden, in the hopes of receiving medical care. But its effects still linger - Lynn's sleeping pattern is irregular at best, and her skin is thin and papery, even years later.

While at the hospital, a casual set of checks was done on her as part of the routine checks. The results were surprising. Lynn was an esper, with the potential for a rather impressive degree of power. She was, as such, enrolled - through the virtue of a scholarship and a 'coincidental' job offer to her mother (who was a research chemist) before her death. Her power development has been closely monitored, and it has proven to be as expected. She is the most powerful water manipulator in the city, currently.

As she moved through the years and schools, Lynn was consistently under pressure. As one of the best, she was held up as an objective for other's power developments to reach. She was expected to thrive. To constantly strive. To be the best, to be great in everything. After all, with such investment, shouldn't you be constantly acing the tests? Don't you have a responsibility to the city? She was burning out, in short. She's not that clever. She's not that strong willed. And there's only so long someone can operate at maximum effort.

And then her mother died. She was only fifteen. She hadn't seen her father, at that point, in four years. And she was now expected to be the best, to look after her sister, and to handle everything her mother had taken care of.

She arguably managed one of those. Because she broke. Her performance in exams suffered first, her records slipping lower and lower. And as that happened at first she studied more. But then that began to slip to, as it didn't help. Until she was no longer going to the cram school. Until she was skipping lessons.

She made new friends along the way, the high fliers who thought that she'd be someone to know -mostly- dropping away. She made new ones, though. Other delinquents, espers whose powers have never developed, espers who just don't care, or even those few unfortunates who have no powers at all. And, as people know, your social circle isn't ineffectual on you. Her choice of clothing changed, over the years. She became more laidback - she used to be so incredibly intense. She picked up a few bad habits. And, despite "stalling" for two years, she still remains an incredible esper. She's got her place in the world - lax, irresponsible, and arguably stupid as it is. And she is, more or less, happy with it.



Reflexes: 3
Constitution: 1
Logos: 3
Social: 4
Awareness: 3
Esper Drain: 7


HP: 3


30/23 1,2,4,8,16 Combat Skills

Ranged Weapons
Heavy Weapons
Melee Weapons 1
Martial Arts 2
Small Arms 1

Darkside Skills

Esper Lore 3
Magic Lore
Enigmas 2

Politic Skills

Savoir Faire 4
Threatening 2
Bureaucracy 1
Finances 1

Dirty Business

Stealth 2
Social Engineering 2
Disguise 2
Contacts 1


Hydrodynamic Manipulation - 10; (Commonly called Susanoo) Manipulation of liquids, both in detail and at scale.

Normal: +1 to Utility Rolls, extra free reroll a scene.


Hydration pack, in satchel, 5L capacity.
A small vial of Sulphuric acid, gotten from a school lab.
A satchel
No Chill






2xp first session 1xp second session