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Name: Lotusgrad (formerly Galava) Concept: Manufactured Paradise for Delusional Superweapon


A rich but poorly-militarized nation, Galava leaped onto the Glory bandwagon, pouring billions into magical and technological research. They developed quickly, no doubt due to superior funding, and rumours abound that the established black market provided them with several 'lost' research logs or procedures. And while they developed their rituals and picked their candidates, they started to experiment with other abilities that could be achieved using this method; when their first Glory, Dominika Slaputin was completed, they began to conduct tests to determine what other abilities could be achieved. One scientist Olga Frulvish, became fascinated with psychic development; she made waves when she used drugs to allow Dominika to read basic thoughts. Her experiments took time, as the product head, Mikhael Federov, refused to allow her to use the two subsequent Glories. It wasn't until the Sonja Dotzevii was selected to be the fourth Glory that she was given authorization to apply her theories to the process.

The result was amazing. Sonja manifested the power to create wide-scale illusions, as well as to directly influence multiple minds. Her powers presented a new concern for the treaty-makers; within weeks, she had retaken several disputed territories completely, as their people surrendered and military forces turned on each other. Morale had never been higher for Galava; money poured into the scientific community. A fifth Glory was awakened, this one with the power to create and alter life forms; the future looked great for the nation.

It all changed on October morning. Sonja was sent to pacify a terrorist organization that was operating in the western region; she was authorized to use her powers to locate and bring them into custody. No one is sure what happened there, but Sonja left shortly after deployment, heading towards the capital. The terrorists were all found dead.

It didn't take long for her to force her way into Parliament's doors, backed by thousands of mind-controlled soldiers and civilians. There in that chamber, she declared the end of Galava, of her realization of her true nature as one of the awakened Fair Folk. She declared herself Czarina of the Lotus, Guardian of the Elven Pasture, and that Galava would return to the only living Fey czardom as Lotusgrad, the seat of the Elven world on earth and last bastion of its power.

Panic broke out in some areas. Assassination attempts were met with harsh and quick retaliation. The remaining Glories were stunned at the change - and even more stunned when Lotus greeted them as her Duchesses when they confronted her. Before they could do anything, though ,the Parliament announced the coronation of their monarch, and the nation's official reorganization into a monarchy. The miliatary lent its full support behind their Czarina; the people were quickly pacified.

When the remaining Glories confronted the Prime Minister, they discovered the truth - a blok of wealthy and powerful officials had decided to willingly support the Princess, with recommendation of the scientists that created Sonja and of her handler, before his disappearance. He told them of how this put less stress on the Czarina, curbing her irrational moods and violences against the people. They chose to support her self-delusion, rather than fight it - they believed it best for survival.

The Glories, after discussion and the overwhelming influence of the First, chose to accept their positions in the Lotus Kingdom, if only until they could find a cure for their friend. Resistance against the new rule remained, but Lotus' moods and the influence of the blok slowly eroded that. Buildings were constructed of special materials that could hold the Czarina's illusions, allowing her to reshape the country in the image she desired. With the fifth Glory's help, soon the land was filled with strange animals, both the desires of the Queen and the remains of those punished for offending her.

Dramatis Personae

Czarina Lotus, Guardian of the Elven Pasture

Real name: Sonja Dotzevii

Czarina Lotus was born under the name Sonja, to a wealthy trader based in Galava. She was the fourth Glory to be created, and was gifted with an experimental power - wide-range telepathy and mental manipulation, allowing her to conjure illusions and affect thoughts. This power allowed her to take control of entire armies and drive populaces insane with imagined horrors. What they did not expect was that it would affect her own sanity, as well.

After returning from her last official mission, Sonja revealed her hand. Unleashing her power on the populace, she gathered an army of civilians and military alike, marching on the House of Commons. She declared the end of the false nation, and the return of the ancient ways and revival of the true rules of the land - the fair folk, with her as their Czarina. She proclaimed herself Lotus, after the flower which supposedly bloomed within her mind on that battlefield, and renamed the capital Lotusgrad, and the nation the same thing. The other girls were prepared to fight her, but feared civilian death and her threats to cleanse the nation; politicians preempted them with attempts to negotiate.

The Duchesses


The first Glory created by Galava, Dominika is the de-facto leader of the others. She also suffers the most from Lotus' presence, due to the experiments performed on her giving her nascent psionics; she rarely sleeps and has horrid nightmares. For now, she obeys the Czarina, but is attempting to gather allies to overthrow her supporters and end this illusion.


The second Glory, Yuliana is a shy girl with glasses. She is afraid of Lotus and her horrors, but thinks that she can coax the girl back to sanity. She and Sonja were great friends before her madness, and she hopes that some of her old schoolmate remains locked within the insane Fae Czarina.


The third Glory, Anya is a vicious, brutal girl with a sarcastic and a sadistic streak. Contrary to her sisters, she loves her position of nobility and lords over her private fiefdom with terror and capricious wiles. However, she has little love for the Czarina beyond that, and would turn on her if she could do so and keep her kingdom.


The Fifth and final Glory, Darya was created shortly after Sonja, and was subject to experiments - in her case, she was given the ability to induce mutations. She can create monsters, or transform people in strange ways, with the Czarina using her to 'curse' criminals to feral existances. Very scientific and analytical, she studies tirelessly in her spare time, stopping only when requested by the Czarina or others to perform services.



Total Points:(60)

Czarina Lotus (15)

Stability: 2
Normal Powers: 5
Special Powers: 5
Endurance: 3

Powers: Illusions, Mind Control, Teleportation, Invisibility, Telepathy

Dominika (13)

Stability: 3
Normal Powers: 4
Special Powers: 1
Endurance: 5

Powers: Teleportation

Yuliana (12)

Stability: 4
Normal Powers: 4
Special Powers: 1
Endurance: 3

Powers: Enchantment

Anya (10)

Stability: 1
Normal Powers: 5
Special Powers: 0
Endurance: 4

Powers: N/A

Darya (10)

Stability: 3
Normal Powers: 1
Special Powers: 3
Endurance: 3

Powers: Create Lifeforms, Polymorph Others, Shapeshifting


Total Points: (100)

Medium Conventional Forces: 30

World Leader in Science: 60

Weak Economy: 10

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