Homebrew Morph Designs

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Actual Designs

  • Nosferatu (Biomorph)
Designed as a competitor to the Ghost by a joint Somatek/Cognite operation, the Nosferatu is a special operations morph that emphasizes savant-like problem solving ability, predatory patience, and deadly calm at the cost of gutting the ego's capacity for empathy and socialization. Several scandals and recalls have ended up with most of the bodies in question being banned in the inner system and falling under recall, but perhaps several hundred have not been accounted for as of yet.
Implants: Basic Biomods, Basic Mesh Inserts, Enhanced Vision, Eidetic Memory, Math Boost, Adrenal Boost, Endocrine Control, Hibernation, Neurachem (Level 1)
Aptitude Maximum: 10 SAV/30 everything else
Advantages: +5 COG, +5 INT, +10 COO, +10 WIL, +10 SOM, +5 REF, -5 SAV
Disadvantages: Mental Disorder (Sociopathy), Feeble (SAV), Modified Behavior (Sadism, Boosted), Uncanny Valley, -30 to Alienation Tests
Durability/Wound Threshold: 45/9
CP Cost/Credit Cost: 60 CP/Expensive (Exceptionally Rare, 50,000+)
  • Neo-Ursines (Biomorph)
It's a goddamn grizzly bear with superhuman intelligence and opposable thumbs. What the hell more do you want?
Implants: Basic Biomods, Basic Mesh Inserts
Aptitude Maximum: 40 SOM/30 everything else
Advantages: +10 SOM, +5 to any 3 other aptitudes, Armor 1/1 (stacks with bioweave/etc), +10 intimidation
Disadvantages: Large Target (+10 to hit)
Durability/Wound Threshold: 60/12 (Armor 1/1)
Attacks: Maul/Bite (AP -2, DV 2d10 + SOM/10)
CP Cost/Credit Cost: 50 CP/Expensive (Rare, 30,000+)
  • Talos (Synthmorph)
The Talos is a highly modified variant of the HOPLITE suit, replacing its crew compartment with additional synthetic muscle, armor, a high-end cyberbrain optimized for combat decision-making and calm under fire, and multiple-redundant systems. Sometimes sleeved into by extreme Ultimates or dedicated mercenaries, somewhat more commonly they are found in Jovian Republic operations with a drone operator jamming them, using them for frontal assaults against overwhelming opposition. Their sheer cost makes them an extreme rarity, and they are illegal or restricted in essentially every hab.
Implants: Cyberbrain, Basic Mesh Inserts, Cortical Stack, Reflex Booster, Enhanced Vision, Articulated Weapons Mounts (2), Neurachem (Level 1), Hydraulic Limbs, Medichines, Structural Reinforcement, Hardened Skeleton, Nanophages
Aptitude Maximum: 40
Advantages: +5 COG, +20 REF, +5 COO, +20 SOM, +5 WIL, +2 Speed
Attacks: HOPLITE Railgun (Ammo 90, SA/BF/FA, AP -14, DV 4d10-8), "Unarmed" (AP -2, DV 3d10+2 + SOM/10)
DUR/WT: 90/18, Armor 20/20
Movement Modes: Walker (8/32), Thrust Vector (16/64)
CP Cost/Credit Cost: 150 CP/Expensive (Exceptionally Rare, 120,000+)
Notes: Cannot be synthetic masked.

Morph Variants

These are common variants of canonical morphs.


  • Jovian Splicer: Jovian bioconservatism restricts cognition-enhancing technologies. Bioconservatism didn't eliminate vanity, though, and improving muscle tone and strength is still allowable under Jovian Republic genetic engineering restrictions.
Morph Bonuses: +5 SOM


  • Nekomimi: Who doesn't like catgirls (or catboys)? A slight touch of feline DNA and postnatal surgical modification give this morph its distinctive features.
Morph Bonuses: +5 REF, +5 COO, +5 COG, +5 INT
Additional Implants: Claws, Enhanced Hearing, Tail
CP Premium: 1 (750 credits)
  • Pygmalion: An Exalt variant tweaked for superior interpersonal skills, extroverted behavior, and enhanced beauty, the Pygmalion is advertised to "make even wallflowers into the belles of the ball." An understandably popular sleeve with the public.
Morph Bonuses" +5 INT, +5 COO, +5 COG, +5 SAV
Additional Implants: Sanitized Metabolism, Enhanced Pheromones
CP Premium: 2 (1250 Credits)


  • Jovian Raider: Jovian Marine Corps VBSS and Raider teams sometimes use this heavily cyberized Olympian variant, optimized for zero-g assault.
Morph Bonuses: +5 REF, +5 INT, +5 COO, +15 SOM, +10 Freefall
DUR/WT: 50/10, Armor 3/4
Additional Implants:: Anti-Glare, Enhanced Vision, Radiation Sense, Toxin Filters, Medichines, Hardened Skeleton, Neurachem (1), Adrenal Boost, Bioweave (Heavy), Respirocytes, Vacuum Sealing, Gas Jet System
CP Premium: 25 (25,000 credits)
  • Sofia: Gorgon Defense Industries builds this Olympian variant for those who want their Olympian sleeve to have comparable to superior cognitive ability to a standard Exalt, such as combat medics and combat engineers.
Morph Bonuses: +5 REF, +5 COG, +5 COO, +10 SOM
Additional Implants:: Eidetic Memory, Hyper-Linguist, Math Boost, Medichines
CP Premium: 1 (1,000 credits)
  • Orion: A variant of the Olympian used by several martian police departments, such as the NQPD and Olympus tactical divisions.
Morph Bonuses: +5 REF, +5 SAV, +5 COO, +15 SOM, +1 Spd
DUR/WT: 45/9, Armor 2/3
Additional Implants: Enhanced Vision, Neurachem (1), Hardened Skeleton, Medichines, Bioweave (Light), Enhanced Respiration
CP Premium: 11 (11,000c)


  • Medea: The Medusan Shield "trademark" Morph, a very high-end aesthetically-improved Fury variant.
Morph Bonuses: +15 (25) REF, +5 COO, +5 SAV, +20 SOM, +5 WIL
DUR/WT: 60/10, Armor 2/3
Additional Implants: Medichines, Reflex Booster, Hardened Skeleton, Endocrine Control, Adrenal Boost, Sanitized Metabolism, Respirocytes, Vacuum Sealing
Advantages: Striking Looks 1
CP Premium: 37 CP (36,500)


  • Spider: A Ghost variant concentrating on flexibility and speed. Extremely rare.
Morph Bonuses: +10 COO, +5 INT, +15 REF, +5 SOM, +5 WIL, +3 Spd
Additional Implants: Neurachem (1), Reflex Boosters, Mental Speed
Advantages: Limber (2)
CP Premium: 50 CP (50,000)
  • Commando: A variant of the Ghost designed for direct action operations.
Morph Bonuses: +10 COO, +5 INT, +15 REF, +15 SOM, +5 WIL, +2 Spd
DUR/WT: 50/10, Armor 3/4
Additional Implants: Medichines, Eidetic Memory, Endocrine control, Heavy Bioweave, Neurachem (1), Reflex Booster, Hardened Skeleton, Muscle Augmentation, Respirocytes
CP Premium: 43 CP (42,500)


  • Nephilim: The angelic nomenclature of the Nephilim belies its origins from the Ultimate faction. Produced almost exclusively on Aspis, the Nephilim is a weapon honed for the discerning combatant. Many mercenary Ultimates use one and then provide additional aftermarket modification.
Morph Bonuses: +5 COO, +5 REF, +10 COG, +5 SAV, +15 SOM, +1 Spd
DUR/WT: 50/10, Armor 3/4
Additional Implants: Enhanced Vision, Enhanced Hearing, Eidetic Memory, Medichines, Adrenal Boost, Endocrine Control, Heavy Bioweave, Neurachem (1), Hardened Skeleton, Respirocytes
CP Premium: 23 CP (23,000)
  • Djinn: A Somatek design built for the rich and important who still have day jobs, the Djinn is an extremely popular morph and purchasing one often requires a long time on a waitlist. Built for increased self-confidence, beauty, and superior understanding of people, Djinn are an excellent choice for hyperelites.
Morph Bonuses: +5 INT, +10 COG, +5 SAV, +10 SOM, +5 WIL
Advantages: Striking Looks (2)
Additional Implants: Enhanced Vision, Enhanced Pheromones, Endocrine Control, Sanitized Metabolism, Multitasking, Respirocytes, Medichines
CP Premium: 32 CP (32,000)

Pleasure Pod

  • Succubus/Incubus: An assassination variant of the Pleasure Pod, made infamous by several high-profile assassinations in AF 18 done using this morph. Most of these morphs are produced by criminal elements, although many pleasure pods can be modified to these standards with sufficient aftermarket alteration.
Morph Bonuses: +5 INT, +5 COO, (+20) REF, +5 SAV, +10 (20) SOM, (2 speed)
DUR/WT: 40/8, Armor 2/3
Additional Implants: Adrenal Boost, Enhanced Vision, Enhanced Pheromones, Toxin Glands (BTX^2), Implanted Nanotoxins (Necrosis), Hardened Skeleton, Muscle Augmentation, Respirocytes, Bioweave (Light), Drug Glands (Kick, MRDR, Hither), Toxin Filters, Respirocytes, Medichines
CP Premium: 50 (50,000)

Worker Pod

  • Combat Pod: A fairly common conversion built by a half-dozen companies for militaries on a budget, a combat pod is an extremely cost-effective combat sleeve. Even with the augmentations inbuilt, a combat pod is often cheaper than a Fury and the latter's equal in direct combat.
Morph Bonuses: +5 COO, (+10 REF), +15 SOM
DUR/WT: 50/10, Armor 3/4
Additional Implants: Adrenal Boost, Hardened Skeleton, Toxin Filters, Enhanced Vision, Respirocytes, Anti-Glare, Heavy Bioweave, Neurachem (1)
CP Premium: 19 CP (18,500)

Joke Designs

  • Harawayians (Biomorph)
This one's for you FBH.
Implants: Basic Biomods
Reds: Muscle Augmentation, Neurachem (1), Circadian Regulation
Blues: Drug Glands (Mono no Aware)
Greens: Endocrine Control, Emotion Dampeners, Enhanced Pheromones
Yellows: Hyper Linguist, Math Boost, Eidetic Memory, Drug Glands (Drive),
Purples: Toxin Filters, Temperature Tolerance
Aptitude Maximum: 30
Reds: Exceptional Aptitude (SOM), Tough (2), +5 REF, +5 COO, +15 SOM
Blues: Exceptional Aptitude (INT), +10 INT, +5 REF, +5 COG
Greens: Exceptional Aptitude (SAV), +10 SAV, +5 INT
Yellows: Exceptional Aptitude (COG), +10 COG, +5 INT, +5 WIL
Purples: +5 to any one aptitude
CP Cost/Credit Cost: Get working on that Resonance Cascade.
  • Minkowskans (Biomorph)
They're adorable and adapted to zero-g living
Implants: Basic Biomods, Math Boost, Bioweave Armor (Light), Vacuum Sealing, Temperature Tolerance, Enhanced Respiration, Prehensile Feet
Traits: Hyper Religious (Halved time and CP cost to learn Interest: [Religion] skills), Mild Allergy (Gravity), Frail (1)
Aptitude Maximum: 15 (SOM), 25 (Everything Else)
Advantages: +5 COO, +5 REF
DUR/WT: 25/5, Armor 2/3
CP/Credit Cost: I don't see that Resonance Cascade, Doctor Freeman. Where is it?