Hawsie Brunanburh

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I solemnly swear that I accept the responsibility for my own actions.

Hawsie is the twenty-third true successor of the blood line of a powerful enchanter as reckoned by the detailed gemologies of the family. This enchanter took the name of Brunanburh after serving King Æthelstan in the great battle of Brunanburh where the King won a great victory. They were amoung the many groups practicing within Briton and for a time was part of the ill-fated House Diedne. The main line perished with that house (or escaped with it) but a cadet line survived and prospered. When the Verbena Tradition was formed through the efforts and charisma of Nightshade and William Groth the Brunanburh were amoungst the last to join and will certainly be the last to depart; a certain stubbornness persists in the line. Firmly situated within the Garderners of the Tree they carried on their strict search - an inheritance from the wyck they surely draw blood from - for the true incarnation of the grail of Bran the Blessed.

Things were on track for Hawsie. Heir to the sleeper fortune of the family and the secret magical lineage and already awakened at a relatively young age thanks to relentless preparation. The certainly of her path was challenged when she entered an old and supposedly elite boarding school whereas a series of unfortunate events resulting in some allegations of that -somebody- set a fire in the St.Bacchus's School for Girls. But that was really the fault of the vampire ghosts, wasn't it?

Personal Statistics

Birthplace: Chantry of Wirral (Legal: Birkenhead, Merseyside, England)
Age: Appears 18
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Favorite Actor: Peter Sellers

Vital Statistics

Craft Name: "Hawsie Black" Brunanburh
True Name: Hawsie Millifred Louise-Eloise Brunanburh
Player: Andronicus
Affiliation: Council Mage (The Verbena)
Tradition, Faction: Garderner of the Tree
Avatar: Pattern
Demeanor: Thrill-Seeker (Daring / Recklessness) "Come on. There's only five of them!"
Nature: Caregiver (Compassion / Smothering) "Leave my precious people alone!"
Arete: 3
Willpower: 5/4 (Always roll full WP unless the WP track is completely empty)
Quint: 4/4 + 0 (Overcharge)

Avatar [1][1][1][1] + Free Quint [0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0][0] + Paradox

Initiative: 0
Paradox: 1
Health: Bruised (-0) [ ], Hurt (-1) [ ], Injured (-1) [ ], Wounded (-2) [ ], Mauled (-2) [ ], Crippled (-5) [ ], Incapacitated [ ].


Physical [32]
Strength: 2 [4]
Dexterity: 4 (Lightning Reflexes) [24]
Stamina: 2 [4]
Social [56]
Charisma: 2 [4]
Manipulation: 5 (Persuasive) [40]
Appearance: 3 [12]
Mental [24]
Perception: 1 (She wears glasses for a reason)
Intelligence: 3 [12]
Wits: 3 [12]

Abilities [80 xp + 28]

Alertness: 1 [3]
Awareness: 3 [9]
Meditation: 1 [3]
Athletics: 1 [3]
Brawl: 0
Dodge: 1 [3]
Expression: 2 [6]
Subterfuge: 3 [9]
Linguistics: 1 (English, School French) [3]
Disguise: 1 [3]
Firearms: 0
Melee: 3 [9]
Stealth: 2 [5]
Survival: 1 [3]
Drive: 1 [3]
Jury-Rig: 0 [0]
Technology: 1 [3]
Science (Chemistry): 1 [2] (Field)
Craft (Occult): 4 [8 XP] (Field)
Craft (Potions): 3 [5 XP] (Field)
Occult: 2 [5]
High Ritual: 1 [3]
Medicine: 3 [9]
Perform (Vocals): 3 [5 XP] (Field) School choir.
Lore (Infernalism): 1 [2 XP] (Field) A disturbing, if interestingly illustrated tome...
Lore (Kindred): 1 [2 XP] (Field)
Lore (Nephendic): 1 [2 XP] (Field)

Backgrounds and Merits

Backgrounds [21+6+9]

Arcane: 5 (9+6 xp) +5 to Stealth, reduce opponents Perception/Investigation pools by 5.
Avatar: 4 (12 xp) An tall lady knight in maile and plate, long hair bloody onyx sword held fourth.
Mentor: 2 (6 xp)
Resources: 2 (Family Trust Fund)
Talisman: 5 (15 XP) 10 pts?
The Chalice Of Eirwen Brunanburh (Periapt. 15/15 Quint, Amplified Resonance, Resonance of Malice) 3pts
An prototype Grail and legacy of Master Eirwen Brunanburh. (1635-1719) While Eirwen's experimentation managed to produce a vessel capable of holding power the young master was pressed into more worldly affairs and was unable to do anything more with her essay. Passed down to Hawsie.
Runic Mirror 7 pts
A large ornate, baroque, mirror inscribed with the seventy-five true names of pagan deities around the edges. When the right runes are pressed the Mirror shrinks to hand sized.
Arete 3 [-3], Quint 5/10 [-2]
(Corre 3) By stepping into the Mirror the Magi may [teleport] to a previously marked location. [-1]
(Corre 4) Speak the Fourth charm, and step onto the Bifrost. The Witch conjures in the mirror the image of its first home and steps through, pulling the mirror in with her. [-1]

Merits and Flaws [+21]

Devil's Mark (+1/3XP) "So what? It's a birth mark, you moron!"
Primal Marks (+2/6XP): Irish Witch
Sadism (+2/6XP) Deep anger issues. Roll WP vs 5. BoS, 32.
Enemy (+2/6XP) St.Bacchus's School for Girls was a front for some powerful Kindred. They didn't appreciate the fire, nor the police scrutiny.

Freebie [60]

18 FB XP Spheres
17 FB XP Abilities
Mentor 2, 6 XP
+6 Primal Marks, +3 Devils Mark, +6 Sadism, +6 Enemy
30 XP
Wonder 5 (15 XP)
11 FB XP Expression, Potioning
Resources 1 (3XP), Arcane to 5 (6XP, Resources 2 (3XP)

The Tree of Life

Spheres [65+18]

Life (The Greening Earth): 2 [10+8]
Correspondence (The Grain Harvest): 0
Forces (The Longest Day): 0
Entropy (The Wine Harvest): 0
Spirit (The Blood Harvest):
Matter (The Longest Night): 3 [10+7+14]
Mind (The Watcher): 0
Time (The Eternal Moment): 0
Prime (The Hub of the Wheel, the World Tree): 3 [10+8+16]


Primal and unchallenged Magic is everywhere. It is the root of all things; all the crafts, arts, and the knowledges serve but in reflection of the driving force of reality. Magic is life and life is magic! The vital spark, the surge of vital energy that brought fourth the creation of the Tellurian exists still in echoes and reflection; in the World Tree upon which all the worlds of the Sky and Earth are bridged and span out into the reaches of reality in a vast cycle of death and rebirth. The Witch by forging a connection with the vital essence of reality, by bridging the gap between themselves and the world, works magick. Odin, the All-Father, sacrificed himself to himself to call fourth the power of the runes through his pain and suffering. This is the secret of the Line of Brunanburh. It's all about responsibility.

Root Styles

Rune Carving
Potion brewing

General Foci: Athame, Runes to write changes with, Sympathetic Laws, essences (take the strength of something, use something of it etc). Blood, as a conductor of life and ones own essence. Mirrors, wands, elements, fluids. Pentacles. Circles. Potions. Herbal concoctions. Elements.
Prime: Mirrors

Used Foci
Mirror, marked with runes in blood. (Prime)


Hermetic Mercury Matter 3, Prime 2.

Hawsie summons a bodysuit/armoured covering of hermetic mercury around her entire form granting protection from those foolish to attack.

Earth Decoy Matter 3, Forces (2?) Prime 2.

By he sacrifice of a drop of blood Hawsie imbues a portion of her essence and will into the earth forming it into a clone of herself and then directs it.


Magickal Panoply

Regular Weapons

Umbrella-sword (Dmg: str+2L, T)



Triumph Bonneville T120, nicely maintained.


2XP left over from Character Creation
Session 1 (Jan 17th 2014)

  • 4 XP

Session 1B (Jan 28th 2014)

  • 3XP

Session 2 (March 7th 2014)

  • 9XP

Session 3 (April 18th 2014)

  • 7XP

Session 4 (June 09th 2014)

  • 5XP

Session 5 (January 02nd 2015)

  • 5XP

Possible Plans

Life Lessons