Enoch Sector

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Enoch Sector The Church of Enoch was formed in the aftermath of the Great Exodus from Earth as it fell under the sway of the Transcendent Artificial Intelligence. Tracing their religious evolutionary beliefs off the Abrahamatic model, the the later Prophet Enoch posited that the TAI arrival in Earth marked the beginning of potentially million year tribulation for mankind now bereft of its home planet before the Messiah returns. During the TAI uprising it had been the Church elite Templars along with Advance Special Response Team of the Pleiadians Institute that had cracked the secrets of psionics, and after the Scattering, the Church through its miraculous abilities had taken a large mindshare of the traumatized population which ended up under the nascent Republic's region of space.

During the early years of the Republic, Templar Knights served as guardians of order and existed within a uneasy system semi-official status, in ever shifting dance of subservience, partnership, and occasionally domination of the Senate. After the Sirian succession crisis ended with mass causalities due to the bickering of the Templars and the local militia forces that had been Federalized, the Star Patrol was formed, and strict restrictions on the Church's ability to own and maintain arms was put in place. However, the Church itself still maintained massive power, and the number of elite warrior-priests it was allowed to keep, made sure the Star Patrol had a healthy respect.

During the later Republic, as the Director of Star Patrol formalized their dictatorial power over the Republic, they entered into a devil's bargain with the Church. All the worlds of the Republic would be Enochized, in return for the support of the Patriarchs and the Pope to keep the peasantry in line. The Church agreed with one caveat that the Star Patrol would do something finally about the greatest enemy to working of light, the descendants of the Pleiadians who have formed their own Empire and had developed psionic powers into a direction that went against the teaching of the Church and natural order.

During the Final War, the Pleiadians attempted several assaults into Enoch, and were strictly rebuffed by fanatical resistance. During the Dark Ages, the Church maintained a monopoly of FTL travel in the sector and continued to produce long jumping craft. Worlds in the Enoch Sector have to deal with the shadow of Enoch, and many takes conciliatory stance with the Church to avoid attracting the baleful eye of the Inquisition.

History Path (Choose one for each Era)

Era 1:

First Disperate: Those fleeing from Lost Earth during the reign of the AIs. Such worlds are the oldest and most developed and history that predates even the Republic. In Enoch these are where the first Cathedrals were built.
+10 Wealth
+1 Cathedral

Early Republican Sponsored: Worlds colonized in accordance to the great settlement plans organized by the Colonial Beurax. Many worlds were often thinly disguised penal colonies or exiles for dissident groups in the forming Early Republic. In Enoch these worlds tended to be where Templars built their fortress monasteries
+1 Fortress

Late Republic Fortress: As the Republic decayed and the Star Patrol took increasing amount of control. Raiders from alien and other human polities threatened the spaceways. The Diaxian Plan was formed to settle fortress worlds to guard regions of space. in Enoch these worlds tended to be more secular ironically and bore the brunt of the Pleiadian invasion.
[Leads to Scorched for Era 2]
+10 Industry
+1 Ancient Fortress
+3 Royal Mortarheads
Ancient Battle-site (chance for loot)

Pirate World: Pirates the term used to describe most of the small independent free worlds of space not directly controlled by the Republic. Such worlds were often terraforming candidates or airless hellholes. They also resorted in merchants making do with less. In Enoch these were worlds that tended to be filled with religious dissenters and hold strong views against the Church.
Trade Pool doubled.
-Church Relations
+2 Orbital Monitors
+25 Solar Age "raiding vessels"
+1 Fortress

Era 2:

Scorched: Worlds deemed important enough to be neutralized but not important to take, often meet their fate at the end of the buster cannons. Vaporizing centuries of history in the process. The fate of the late Republican Guard worlds in Enoch.
-10 W/I
2x Free Trait

Conquered: The war was over shortly and the new occupying forces fortified heavily. The Pleiadians Satraps that broke through, found themselves cut off from retreat with the destruction of the Hypergates, and soon settled on their hardwon conquest.
Negative Church Relations
5 Ancient Fortresses
+500 military
[Access to Pleiadians]
Negative to the Church

Prospered: Some worlds just got very lucky, the war made them rich. Which was taken a sign of God's blessing on them.
+20 W/I
+1 Cathedral

Era 3:

Noble Hero:
In the chaos of the Final War, headliners found themselves isolated and on their own. Here the great majority of the great noble house was formed, in which the Patrolmen took the step from servant of the state to head of state. In Enoch these were often Templars, who served the Pope as feudal lords.
+1 Royal Mortarhead Access to Templar psionic headliners trait

Collapse: Some worlds collapsed entirely. Only gelling around a central House later on their history. The Church attempted to aid the best they way can, and ingrate themselves to the populace.
2x Free trait

Merchant Republic: Some worlds the Headlinerss were puppets with those who had wealth. Such worlds were the ones that tended to strain against the Church. However, peace was useful for both sides.
+60 Wealth Industry
-Relations with the Church

Bandit Lords Some of the heroes were not so heroic. In jury rigged starships they raided the stars for loot among the bitter ashes of thousand dead worlds. The Church frowned upon them.
+1500 Military
-5 Legitimacy a year
-Church Relations.

Era 4:

Colonial Empires: Would be colonial overlords began to cast their covetous eyes across the stars. +1 Colonial Enterprise
+1000 military

Church Invasion: Some worlds due to past historical crimes or current ones, did attract the baleful eye of the Inquisition. These were often lighting short affairs of overwhelming firepower blowing up something or more often, someone of importance for reasons of playing with things man was not meant to know. Often times in these corrective action, the cause of the action was lost.
+1 Plot Ticket Item

Peaceful Rebuilding: The world focused on regaining its feet, and putting the last vestiges of the worst of the Dark Age behidn them.
+1 Free Trait

Era 5:

The Sun Never Sets: The colonial empire has grown.
+500 Military
+5 Colonial Ventures

Retrenchment: Colonies are heavy things to carry and protect. Develop your home before going out there. -1 Colonial Ventures (if Colonial Empire)
+60 W/I

Late to the game: After being distracted by the Refusal Wars, the state now seeks to expand its own glories. +2 Colonial Ventures
+1000 Military

Conquistadors: The Faith of Enoch deserves to be spread, adventurers and priests are being across your empire along with Church support in some factions to fuel a new wave of spreading the Good News.
+5000 military in semi independent missionaries conquerors (they can only attack lesser tech planets and can be issued to by the Church