Ending Tiles

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Slide One shot of the missing tower in the city, superimposed with Tokyia After the defeat of the demon king, the Dark Tower vanished, with it taking Tokiya with it. since then there are rumors and legends of strange Dragonblooded appearing in time of need to help set right the wrongs of the past.

Slide Two: Cal and Calamity standing all regally with armies behind themselves

After the defeat of the demon king, Calatchcan and his Consort soon took their eyes towards their original goal, the conquest of the East. Within half a century most of the independent Eastern daiymos had fallen to their might, leaving the empire of the Greatest City in the World the mightiest state outside of one.

Slide Three Varil and his wife, with Genzo in the background

Following the destruction on the Blessed Isle and the good will formed by the two Exalts during the attack on the Demon King stronghold, Varil and Genzo both agreed to put the Omi Alliance's independence on duel. It lasted for two days and in the end Varil had to build himself a new arm, but the Island was reunifed. Thanks to the machinations of his wife Akiko, the defeated Genzo was raised up as Shogun to the new Empire of the Golden Sun.

Slide Four Lao's girfrinnd whose name I forgot, and generic solars and airships

The League of Solar Protectors remnants in the north eventually merged with the Haslanti and indepdent kingdoms to form the Northern Protectorate. Without mind control just as they had been loyal servants to the Shogun, they stayed loyal servants to most representative of the the governments.

Slide 5 Gem, things blowing up, robots

The South began a contested zone of warlord ism, perpetuated by colony building by the major factions. Gem was ceded over to Autochothian as open city and for the first time in its history it doesn't seem like its going to be blown up anytime soon.

Slide 6 Desolated villages and islands

The West was a shadow of its former shelf, and remained an uneasy protectorate and colony of the Golden Sun, though there are the occasional revolts

Slide 7 Autobot, Hope and technological stuff

The reawakening of the Great Maker was another one of the great achievements of the heroes. However, the cancer that had grown was a large problem, but under the Maker directions there was unity for the first time to combat the problem. Relations between Creation and the Maker were cordial though new ideas and technology flowed both way to change the shape of the modern world.

Slide 8 Map of the world with sharp boundaries

Though relations between Calatchan and the Shogun began to cool as time went on and eventually became a cold war over the uncommitted parts of the world, the heroes of the Demon King War and the Black Tower never did lose their all their camaraderie for each other, and every ten years of the anniversary they meet at Calatchan to celebrate their greatest victory

Slide 9 Cal

Calatchan became the greatest god king he could. He played and worked hard, and was famous for his opulence and love of wealth and women. It was said that on some nights even the Maiden of Serenity was seen sneaking out of his room. Though there was gem he could never get and shared in his frustration with his wife, of the Imperial Akiko. Under his patronage an Renaissance of art and creative thought has blossomed in Creation.

Sublime Calamity became the greatest recognize knight of her time and the greatest melee fighter of her generation. Her generalship was flawless and her soldiers took her banner far and wide. After a century though, she began to mourn her fate though for there was very few swords worthy enough of challenging her and those that were often her former allies. Never the less she continued her campaigns when she could with the reputation as the Taker of Princesses.

Hope became the official ambassador between the Great Maker and Creation, her position making her answer only to the Machine God itself. She continued to help right wrongs and hanging out with Lao Under her leadership, the first of the great cities began to appear in the deserts surrounding Gem, showing for all time that Autchothina was here to stay. Many criminal syndicates use her name as a boogeyman and keep a wide berth away from the Autocthonian colonies.

Varil after becoming the Emperor, became a man without time. Running the Empire and keeping the scheming machinations of his beloved wife and his friend Cal over who got what from causing a all out war was a full time job. His research while slowed down did eventually bear fruit and soon the Empire was starting to resemble more of their southern Autochtoinan neighbors then the City of Calatchan. He took frequent trips to Autocthohn eager to talk shop with the Great Maker himself. In his second century of reign, he abdicated the throne to his wife and children and left to help his good friend Academician of Peaceful Rest.

Kyou stayed around the circle as long as it lasted but when it finally broke for the rulers to take their own domains, Kyou drifted on gifted with an airship from Varil along with the The Captain. From across creation tales of her exploits in search for her memories spread for decades till one day she took off into the wyld in hunt for the legendary fae Behemoth that eat stolen memories. Visitors to the wyld report hearing in the distance an epic conflict that they can never quite see along with visions of a moon sliver airship chassing after something immeasurable

Lao stayed cordial with Cal and Calamity but eventually drifted off towards his own affairs running his own cities and his own lovers, Creation saw a influx of new beings genetically engineered by him, and his became one of the dominant factions in the stricken south. To the north her brought his close friend presents and support, and toiled tirelessly with the Creation's Lunars to better keep a leash on the children of the Sun with Luna's blessing.

Daiymo continued to toil as a merchant prince, others may had temporal and spiritual power, but he soon had the control over the economies of the world with his take over the Guild.

Jade eventually woke up from his coma and seemed a bit more calm. Swearing off the sword except for the most dire of circumstances as well as cute abyssal girls, he decided to take off on a quest to redeem himself. Scarlet followed teaching him martial arts along the way as they righted wrong and eventually purged the evil he had invited into himself. Eventually he learned to tame the passions of his heart and on the way attained enlightenment. He created a new style of martial arts for mortals and exalted alike, a sword less sword style and retired to Thorns his old home he had fled from in the original time line where he opened up a school and taught the style to the rest of his days.

Bitter Endings took over an island in the West and kept to herself. Though occasionally she is seen in the presence of some other boy toy. She kept on scouring the world in search for help with her project. She kept the plans to the weapon though even though it was “ruined”. One day however, she took over the Lover Clad's realm of the dead, and made it her own. Nobody know what happened to the deathlord, but since then she been plotting.

The Academician of Peaceful Rest continued to do her research, till she came up with a plan on purifying her shard and learning more about the processes regarding the shards, she asked for help and Varil agreed, they can be seen visiting any part of Creation or beyond in search for a answer.

Fallen Petals took a vacation to celebrate, and ended up resigning her place as the head of the convention of the Demon King, and resuming her normal job, which due to the years of secrets and blackmail she has on the other sidereal are taken care off by junior members who grumble while she sips tea in at the White Tiger syndicate headwaters, enjoying the relative peace she helped forged.

Old Tom vanished one day, leaving behind a complex set of notes written in English that argued that all reality was subjective and he was going to prove something. What he did or didn't prove nobody know.

The War of the Demon King was an epic that had changed the face of Creation forever, and while much lives had been lost, the world was left in a much brighter spot then it had been before when a disparate group of hidden Solars and Lunars stealthed their way into the city of cities.