Dominion of Listadt

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Dominion of Listadt:
Government Type: Monarchy
Current Ruler: Jan IV Sobieski
Founding 837 PD:
Almost as soon as the Foundation War began the Noblesse governor of the Listadt star system saw his chance to bring about a better state for his people and increase his own prestige in the process. Jan III Sobieski spent trillions of guilders from his own pocket to create a powerful and professional military force capable of jump travel. Diverting billions more from his system’s taxes and tariffs Jan managed to supplement his already impressive force with a massive assembly of mercenaries and private contractors. With this new military at his back Jan Sobieski seized large swathes of territory in the Listadt system belonging to other Noblesse he viewed as potential threats to his power. While simultaneously securing their properties and eliminating political rivals Sobieski also seized their vast wealth rebuilding his own fortunes threefold.

Expanding the Dominion 837-845 PD: His political position in his home system of Listadt secure Jan Sobieski began a campaign to expand his newly proclaimed Dominion. Taking full advantage of the chaos of the Foundation war Sobieski conquered or absorbed several nearby star systems virtually unopposed by the SCG or any other power. When the SCG announced its intent to form the council of Seta to discuss stabilizing the galaxy and ending the Foundation War King Sobieski refused to participate stating that the Dominion had claimed its own right to exist and did not require the failing SCG to declare them a legitimate state.

The Achaemenid War 845 PD: Even while King Jan Sobieski was refusing the proposal to participate at Seta the Empress Esfir I of the Achaemenid was eying the Domion as a potential Satrapy to add to her expanding Empire. Her forces invaded the Polosk system mere weeks after the negotiations at Seta had begun and quickly seized both Dominion worlds in the system.
The Empress, believing that the easy victory over the Polosk garrison and its worlds was the best resistance the Dominion could offer decided to push on into the Listadt system itself. This proved a fatal mistake as her fleet was quickly engaged by the Dominion Fleet under the command of Admiral Tosef Sobieski, the King’s own brother. The battle was hard fought and costly to both sides but in the end the Empress was defeated and transmitted her surrender to the Dominion fleet.
When Admiral Sobieski sent a platoon of elite Hussars to secure the Empress for transport back to Listadt to act as a bargaining chip her personal guard panicked and attacked the Hussars resulting in a brief and disastrous firefight that saw most of the Hussars along with all of the Immortals and The Empress herself dead.

End of the Achaemenid war: When he ascended the throne Emperor Feroze, realizing his forces would be too busy securing his own domains initiated the peace process with Listadt. In the end the Dominion was restored all territories lost to it during the war and allowed to keep all Achaemenid warships they had seized in the final battle.

Death of Jan III Sobieski 858 PD: King Jan III Sobieski, having secured his Dominion against one of the largest powers in the galaxy as well as leading several successful campaigns against Friedland raiders, pirates and other hostile systems many believed the King was super human and often joked he would never die. Sadly this was not the case and while on a journey to the winter palace in the Polosk system Jan III’s personal flagship was ambushed by a squadron of wrathful Friedlander cruisers. The Dominion battleship fought valiantly but was eventually boarded by a Friedland assault force. True to his reputation King Jan III did not cower in his quarters hoping to hide, he joined his Hussar bodyguards in the fight to repel the borders and survivors say he personally slew half a dozen Friedlanders before he was finally brought down.
Their mission accomplished the surviving Friedlanders returned to their cruisers and fled as another Dominion battleship was sighted quickly approaching to assist the flagship. The Funeral for Jan III Sobieski was attended by fifteen million mourners and watched by billions more.

The New King 858-Present: Jan’s son Jan IV quickly ascended the throne and secured his place by proving himself an intelligent, aggressive and charismatic King, very much the spitting image of his late father. Despite its relatively small size the Dominion is a definite regional power. Forming close ties with the Kingdom of Prussia Reborn and the Swabian League has seen the influence and power of Listadt grow to the point that many argue within the next fifty years the Dominion will be joining the ranks of a major power.

Culture: One of the many things King Jan III Sobieski did which gained such adoration from his people was end the brutally oppressive class system enforced by the SCG. Each Listadt citizen is considered equal under the law regardless of title and wealth; the King also reformed the education and public services systems creating a state where the citizens have ready access to most of the conveniences of a modern state. The people of Listadt are highly educated, industrious, fiercely independent and have a very marshal mindset thanks in no small part to the numerous wars they’ve been in since the founding of the Dominion.

Military: The Dominion armed forces are the most powerful force in the region –save for that of the allied Swabian League of course- consisting of two primary branches.
Dominion Fleet: The Dominion Fleet is the space based branch of the Armed Forces, the Dominion Fleet operates fifteen battleships, twelve Swabian produced Panzerschiffs and a large number of cruisers and frigates making it the most powerful non-major power fleet in their entire sector.

Dominion Marine Corps: The Dominion Marine Corps is the force responsible for planetary operations. It is unique among many galactic powers in that the bulk of its recruits consist of criminals that have been mind-wiped and reprogrammed to be loyal soldiers. The famous Dominion Hussars are an elite division of Dominion Marines selected for their training, loyalty and skill.