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FAS Canada – the Great White North (with Black Marks).


Once the home of the nation's capital, Ontario was mercifully untouched by the American invaders, thanks to not being the prairies. However, it has suffered the most from the FAS yoke, its cities in states of decay since the fall.

The resistance has is core in Ontario, due to the high urbanization, and to the dangers of the rural regions. Resistance cells operate in the wilderness, knowing that the Aberrant threat and remoteness will keep them safe. Eastern Ontario's small towns are havens for the resistance officers, as well.


Once the most multicultural city in Canada, Hogtown's reliance on Aberrants in the Nova Age turned out to be its downfall. The Aberrant War resulted in most of the Novas pulling free from the city, leaving the anemic police force to deal with the crime and uncorked public resentment over its mutilated transit and social programs. Today, most of the outer areas of Toronto are abandoned, streets of empty suburbs and warehouses, while the core is in a state of decay. The CN Tower still stands, kept up as a communications relay. Some regions are even worse off – Etobicoke, for example, has been sealed off for fear that it has been infected by the Aberrant Natura Vitae, its arbouretums and gardens having overgrown most of the abandoned sub-city.


The former Canadian Capital, Ottawa has survived transition into the FSA. Most of the old buildings remain, and very little of the city is abandoned. However, police forces are heaviest in the Ottawa Region, with the FSA cracking down on dissenters and rebels, and constantly on the lookout for Aberrant and Psion agents. The old city sits between two arcologies, New Ottawa and the Hull Archology on the Quebec side, two massive shining spires looking at each other from across the river. A cultural rivalry has bloomed between the two, occasionally leading to mild violence that is quickly suppressed.

The old House of Parliament, still standing and maintained, serves as the FSA headquarters.

Southern Ontario

For the most part, Southern Ontario maintains is farming and winemaking industry. FSA demands have benefited the rural region – vineyards and milk farms cover the landscape, rotating fallow a bit too fast. Farmers make lots of money in the FSA climate, paid to grow foodstuffs to feed the American region.

There are no known Taint lands in Southern Ontario. The area is largely settled, and has many patrols. Small cities like London or St. Catherines have small rebel cells, but the province is largely stable.

Eastern and Northern Ontario

Petawawa, a sprawling military base, is the last bastion of civilization in current Ontario. The massively fortified city has a heavy FSA presence, maintained not to defend against the rebellion – but instead against the old Aberrant threat.

The entire forested wilderness of eastern and Northern Ontario – stretching even beyond Petawawa, down as far as halfway down the province – is a constant threat of violent animals and monstrous plants. While such militant wildlife pockets are sparse south of the Base, they are much more common up along the Hudson's Bay, as they get closer to their creator's domain – the home of Natura Vitae.

Natura Vitae is a potent user of Plant and Animal Mastery, wielding nature against her foes. Her powers also allow her to alter the emotions of others and even create vivid illusions, assisted by potent hallucinogens another other natural hazards. Black and Grizzly bears, wolves, flocks of geese, and even squirrels rise up in directed psychotic rages to destroy anyone she considers a threat to the wilderness. Attempts to kill her have proven difficult, as she appears capable of staggering regeneration and operating through plant-clone proxies.

Any city rising northwest of Petawawa is abandoned by the FSA, and is most likely tainted. This extends up into the edge of Nunavit, and into northern Manitoba (see below).

The Prairies

The breadbasket of Canada, the FSA guards the prairies jealously. Still as flat as it was years ago, the prairies never developed stronger urban centers after the FSA absorbed it, pumping all of its efforts into the fertile farmland. As the main focus of their invasion, the Americans destroyed most of the cities in precise surgical strike, wiping out Calgary and Edmonton. The resulting nation, years after the fact, is jealously guarded and worked into fields of technologically-augmented crops, feeding the FSA and its people.

The resistance has little influence in the Prairie provinces; the FSA has put too tight of a hold their. If they want to take it, they'll have to find some ace to break the fascists' iron grip.

Aside from threats from Natura Vitae in Manitoba, Alberta is a point of concern for the FSA. The western portion leads into the Rockies, and the mountains are considered to contain remnants of Canada's old Aberrant and Psiad programs – stories of facilities containing Aberrant technology or psychic phenomena abound. The mountains are watched by the satellite system and by patrols, but there are some areas soldiers are wary to climb, some caves they're afraid to look in.

The Territories

North of the Prairies and Ontario lies the cold tundra that was once the Northwest Territories, Yukon, and Nunavit. These large, sparsely inhabited regions are largely viewed as a threat by the FSA – and there's nobody worth saving up there. The events of the War and the formation of the FSA depleted the economy so much that the tiny settlements lost all of their support – having long become dependent on the southern parts of the country, the occupants retreated south, leaving nothing but abandoned cities. Perhaps tribes of Inuit remain, still living in the icy wastes, but they are largely considered a lost cause.

One particularly potent danger is the Aberrant known as Cold Logic, situated in the northern reaches, beyond the ruins of Yellowknife. Cold Logic, an M-int and cryokinetic, becomes more dangerous in the cold, half-year winters of Canada.

In sixth-month winters, Cold Logic appears as a massive crystal of ice, sparkling with impossibly detailed circuits within the ice. Frost patterns grow out of him, forming fields of tree-like crystals and other formations, impossibly (read: M-app) beautiful. In truth, these are computer processors cooled to superconductor speeds, granting it amazing computing power and expanded senses. In the summers, the crystals melt, reducing its cognitive powers substantially. The plains of grass are empty of its presence, and the FSA never locates its origin point – theory has it it exists partially underground, sustained there and waiting out the heat waves. In the winter, however, he is nigh indestructible, capable of producing elaborate plans and fielding armies of strange, icy soldiers.


Quebec has historically been one of Canada's three major population centers, alongside the neighboring province of Ontario and distant British Columbia. In addition to holding the major trade routes between Europe and the Great Lakes, it was also a major center of industry with well-developed power and network infrastructure. Although several weather manipulating Novas succeeded in ravaging the hydroelectric and canal infrastructure across the province, it emerged from the war relatively intact compared to the damages of much of the eastern United States.

Thanks to significant investment from Orgotek, Quebec is one of the major centers of trade and communications in the Federated States of America, with a notably large Orgotek facility in the city of Montreal. The Winfield Scott Naval Yard at Quebec City is also one of the FSA's major naval ports, well-defended on all sides by a network of anti-surface and anti-air countermeasures and boasting a sizable amount of the reserve ships in the FSA's Atlantic Fleet.

Still, the region is still somewhat. The simmering racial and cultural tensions that had been allayed in the decades leading up to the Aberrant War were reignited when the region was invaded and the French-speaking locals and immigrant populations found themselves a marginalized minority in a very Anglocentric democracy. Separatist and nationalist movements such as the Quebec Liberation Front were allowed to return to the fore of politics, causing increasingly severe crackdowns from the FSA occupational forces.


Montreal was and still is the province's major center of commerce, culture and technology. Thanks to significant investment from Orgotek, the Montreal Arcology is one of the largest and most prosperous in Eastern Canada. The city boasts a large number of Electrokinesic Psions and acts as a media hub for the region.

Despite apparent prosperity and the glamour of the shining island city, the city is mostly built on top of the ruins of the old suburbs and districts that were damaged by the Aberrant War. The underground city and historic Old Port districts, once the pride of the city, have been completely buried in the new construction and fallen into disuse. The underground and many of the old buildings are now home to the huddled masses of illegal immigrants escaping from France, while the emptied subway tunnels and collapsed plazas are filled with the hushed prayers of Aberrant cults.. and worse.

Quebec City

Quebec City represents a major defense investment by the FSA, with the construction of the Winfield Scott Naval Yard in a zone much more easily defended than the ports of the Atlantic coast. The old walled city has mostly been replaced by a heavily fortified arcology designed to weather assault by multiple sub-Prime Threat Novas, with significant strategic and tactical missile emplacements scattered throughout the fields around the city.

Despite the incredible apparent security, most illegal immigrants and infiltrators from other states tend to arrive at the port, before taking cargo trains to Montreal and the cities of the Great Lakes.