Anderan Regime

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Anderan Regime:
Government Type: Representative Democracy
Current Ruler: Prime Minister Adia Awiti
Founding 851 PD:
The Anderan regime was founded in the year 851 PD when the Anderan system government declared itself independent from the Hodai League citing the racist and corrupt Hodai leadership as the cause for their declaration.

The League War 851-856 PD:
The Hodai leadership did not take the Anderan declaration of independence well and quickly mobilized league forces to invade and subdue the Anderan star system. What the Hodai leadership did not know however was that the Anderans had planned for just this event and had constructed an amazingly potent orbital defense network over each of the two habitable worlds in the Andera system. The Hodai force commander, believing they could overcome the orbital defenses launched an all-out attack on the capital which was repulsed with heavy losses. Even after attempting to convert asteroids into RKKVs the Andera capital defenses held.
While the Hodai forces wasted time and effort in the Andera system the Anderan military was on the move swiftly securing several neighboring League systems largely without even a fight as the various system governments had very little actual loyalty for their Hodai oppressors. With these new resources secured right under the nose of the Hodai leadership the Anderans began striking at the heart of Hodai military operations in the “core systems”. The war between the Anderan and Hodai sides lasted for five long and bloody years resulting in an estimated thirty million deaths. In the end the Hodai leadership was hunted down and executed leaving the Hodai a broken and leaderless people and effectively ending the League.

The Regime is born 857 PD:
With the Hodai people shattered the Anderans quickly stepped into the power vacuum, brutally suppressing all opposing forces that would challenge their rule over the former League worlds. This purge resulted in another two million deaths at least as various political factions and their supporters were eradicated wholesale. When the purges ended the Anderans formed a Parliamentary government which would consist of representatives from every world and orbital habitat in the systems that had once made up the League.

Present Day:
The Anderan Regime spans ten star systems most of which are extremely rich in natural resources including Quanzium 39 and other rare and valuable elements. Although nowhere near wealthy or large enough to be considered a major power the Regime today is certainly a regional power with a potentially bright future in the galaxy.

When the Regime came to power the peoples of the former Hodai League slowly started to shift away from being backwards oppressed peasants. Today thanks to a number of reforms the Anderan people are well educated and loyal believing themselves to all be “Anderan” regardless of world of origin. Despite the reforms that have changed life for the average Anderan for the positive the Regime itself is somewhat of a pariah amongst the major powers with both the DSC and the Hanshen actively stopping and searching any Anderan freighters and vessels that travel through their space sometimes going so far as to impound them. This is in no small part because of ties between the Regime’s current leadership and a number of “Pro Independence” organizations within several other nations.

Military: The Anderan Regime possesses a fairly strong military force in terms of regional power.
Regime Star Forces: The Star Forces are the space based branch of the Anderan military; currently consisting of six battleship strike groups made up of ships largely purchased from Altair the RSS has enough military might to give pause to any pirates and independent systems in their region.
Doctrine: The six battleship strike groups of the RSF are each labelled a “Fleet” numbered 1-6 and tasked with defending specific areas of the Regime. It is worth noting that the “Capital Fleet” consists of both the 1st and 4th fleets and is permanently assigned to the defense of the Andera star system.

Regime Ground Forces: The RGF is the planetary military of the Regime, the RGF is an all-male force made up of millions of volunteers from every world in the Regime. Most of these troops are equipped with exo-suits and lightweight armor with only a single division consisting of mobile infantry forces.