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Alexei Sonovabich

Pilot: 5 (death rides, distortions) {Distortion Cutter(1)}
Physical: 3 (gun kata) {Martial Artist(1), Acrobat(1)}
Charisma: 3 (intimidation) {Powerful Speaker(1)}
Command: 2 (dramatic escapes)
Technology: 1
Wise: 3 (theft, 2nd degree theft) {Witless Wanderer, Disaster Cook*}
Conspiracy: 1
Mecha: 4 (theft)
Powers: 3 (punishing arrogance) (Luck: Doom Resistant, Spiral Power, Performance Push)

(*- All food is ridiculously spicy. All drinks are disgustingly alcoholic. Immune to own cooking and thinks it's delicious.)

Bartender (1): Patron of Ratty, Invisible, Seedy, Smoke-Filled Bar.
Reliable Second (3): Bookish Ninja. (Best stats: Physical, Wise, and Technology)

Code of Honor (-1): Never refuse an honorable challenge from a worthy foe, or an unworthy foe if it's convenient or fun.
Adventurous (-1)
Exciteable (-1)
Dark Secret (-2)
Haunting Past (-1) (requires alcohol to function)