Yeom Yoonha

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a.k.a. Ms. Yeom

The daughter of a Gyreimean family of sessǔmu (traditional Shamans) and Huguenot refugees, Yoonha became a child prodigy who went abroad to the Americas to bring back the latest medical techniques to self-strengthen the nation.

Having earned her M.D. at Miskatonic University at, she now teaches at the college and practices medicine among immigrant communities. Much of her spare time is spent advancing absurd race theories from Gyerim and Caucasia which claim Britannians to be lost members of the Iranian-Altaic ethnic group through King Arthur.


Person of Importance:
Ideology: Christianity
Significant Place:
Treasured Possession: Shaman Attire


Luck: 87
MP: 18/18
Build: +0
HP: 14/14
Movement Rate: 9
Stress: 28 (Min: 7)

  • Immune to sanity losses resulting from viewing a corpse or gross Injury.

Pools: {Insight 4/4, Vigor 1/1, Moxie 3/3, Flex 2/2}


STR 45 + 5
CON 45
POW 90
DEX 75
APP 70
SIZ 30 + 5
INT 75 + 5
EDU 85 + 5


  • Spot Hidden: 25 + 8 (First Adventure) + 6 (Second Adventure) + 10 (Eight Session) + 4 (Ninth Session) [53]
  • Listen: 20 + 10 (Second Adventure)
  • Drive: 20 + 10 (WW1 Veteran)


  • Own Language (Gyerimean): Base 80 + 0
  • Other Language (English): Base 1 (+15) + 60
  • Other Language (Caucasian): Base 1 (+15) + 60
  • Other Language (Latin): Base 1 (+15) + 10
  • Other Language (Greek): Base 1 (+15) + 10
  • Persuade: Base 10 + 30 + 3 (Seventh Adventure) + 6 (Eighth Adventure) [50]

Medical Doctorate

  • Medicine: Base 1 + 65 + 15 (WW1 Veteran)
  • First Aid: Base 30 (+10) + 30 (Background) + 10 (WW1 Veteran)
  • Science (Biology): Base 1 (+10) + 10 (Background) + 25 (WW1 Veteran) + 3 (Session 2)

Crank Historian & Shaman

  • Library Use: Base 20 + 40 *
  • History: Base 1 + 35
  • Occult: Base 5 + 45 + 10 (First Adventure) + 1 (Fourth Adventure)
  • Strange Angles: 2 (First Adventure)
  • Mythos: 2 (First Adventure) + 5 (Madness) + 2 (Revelations of the Crow Father) + 2 (Letier papers) + 11 (Star Vampire dissection) [22]


  • Dodge: Base 35 + 35 [70]
  • Spear: Base 20 (+10 from Rifle) + 45 + 5 (Second Adventure) + 6 (Seventh Session) + 4 (Eighth Session) [81]
  • Rifle: Base 25 + 40 (WW1 Veteran) + 2 (Second Adventure) + 3 (Eighth Session)[70]