Why Amahara is Not Japan

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Amahara is not Japan. In fact, it is very appropriately categorised as a form of NotJapan. The following are a few reasons why Amahara is similar to but not Japan.

  • Amahara does not have an Emperor - it has an Apostle.
  • Amahara Shinto is concerned with proselytising and spreading Shinto well beyond the borders of the home islands.
  • Amahara Shinto was never conflated with Buddhism as it was in Japan and is considered indigenous to Amahara without being transmitted from the Middle Kingdom (NotChina).
  • Amahara (and the world it's in) is way less sexist than the real world. Female ninjas and samurai are normal and the all-female priestesses of Shinto are considered the highest ranked members of society.

Sengoku Amahara
Steampunk Amahara