User talk:Arc

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Revision as of 22:19, 13 October 2010 by Arc (talk | contribs)
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The Thirty Second Version: A disgruntled Svartalfr who departed Midgard with a number of like-minded followers with the carefully coreographed hijacking of a powerful Aesir warship, and has spent the intervening decades carving out a name for himself as a pirate of the star lanes. Sophisticated, well-educated and entirely unwilling to submit to any form of authority, he has found the favor of Loki for being an entertaining agent of chaos with a flair for the dramatic.

Race: The Svartalfr dark-elves, short, strong, and tough, are expert craftsmen who run many of the nanofactories of Midgard, producing war materiel and fine artifacts. Svartalfr gain +2 Physical, +2 Education, +1 Finesse, +1 Wits, +2 Physical (Toughness), and +1 Education (Engineering).

Warriors gain +1 Finesse and +1 Physical.
Strategoi gain an additional +1 Charisma (Command) and +2 Education (Military History).

This blessing grants +1 Wits and +1 Education (Security).

War: The blessing of a war-god grants +1 Finesse and +1 Physical (Toughness).

Stats: (32 CP)
Magery: 0
Finesse: 2 +1 +1 +1 = 5 (3 CP)
Physical: 2 +2 +1 = 5 (3 CP)

Additional: +3 (Tough)

Education: 3 + 2 = 5 (6 CP)

Additional: +1 (Engineering) +2 (Military History) +1 (Security)

Wits: 4 + 1 +1 = 6 (10 CP)
Charisma: 4 (10 CP)

Additional: +1 (Command)

Legend: 3 (12 CP)
Tactical Legend

Hierloom: A particularly ornate pistol. 1 CP

Fiefdom: (15 CP)

Metropolis (15 CP): you rule over a metropolis of millions which can support military or paramilitary forces in the thousands, or a sizable chunk of a continent with multiple cities. As an alternative, you can have a small fleet of mixed light and medium ships or a single heavy ship such as a battleship or avatar carrier.

Escort (10 CP): You have an escort trailing you of approximately a hundred men.