The Feldborne Note

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Nicholas felt the weight of the gun at his pocket. The polymer was warm from the way his hands rested on it. He took a deep breath and wished for a cigarette. He hadn't had one for over a year now, but in times of stress he felt the carving.

It was a cold day at the end of autumn. Even at two in the afternoon the sun was going out of the sky. A cold and a light snow was falling. Nicholas was glad of the long cat and thick trousers he wore. There wasn't many people around. It was after lunch and before rush hour. He kept walking, looking around as he did.

The bus shelter was just ahead. As Nicholas had expected it was empty. He'd arrived early. He sat, watching the patterns his breath made in the air and wishing for a cigarette. For five minutes he sat, the cold gradually working its way into him, finding ways through, even with the thermals.

There was nothing to do. Nicholas should have bought a book. An occasional carmoved down the street behind him. A delivery drone slid past at low speed, looking for its turning, a bus on the other side. He looked around and saw a thin figure wrapped in a large coat making his way down the pavement towards the shelter. The man nodded to Nicholas as he approached, raised a hand. The drone passed him and then. . .

There was a sudden pulse of brightness and Nicholas was flung backwards. Pain stabbed everywhere. He coughed, managing to raise his head. The bus was on its side at an angle. The delivery drone and the man that had been beside it. . . they were simply gone.



"Hey M. There's a call for you on the secure phone." Emily looked up from the document she was working on at the of the department secretary.

"Sure." She got up and walked to the desk in which the office's one outside phone stood. Swiping her card she lifted the receiver. "Parker."

"Emily? It's James." Her old boss sounded chipper as usual. Still using his fake name too. "They still have you flying a desk down there?"

Emily frowned. "You know it boss. Field work's no place for someone with young kids."

"Usually... usually... listen though, I need someone. A field agent. I need you M. You remember Nicholas Backston? Tall, tired looking."

"I remember." Nicholas Backston had bought her into the service and James well knew it.

"Well he's got into a spot of bother. Yesterday he was caught up in the bomb attack. You saw it on the news? Anyway, he was there and can't explain why. Special Branch are not happy with him and I need you to go down and talk to him. Find out what's what."

"You'll clear this with my section chief?" Emily asked.

"Already cleared it for you M. Already cleared it. He's at Millbrook General. Special branch all over him. . . come to think of it I think you know the head of the unit running it too."

"Of course I do." Emily sighed to herself. It would be too much to ask for him not to be involved.