Talk:The Hunt for Manticore

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Lord Aru Mesha

Player: BM
Concept: Gentleman Orc Necromancer

A distinguished aristocrat and scientist, Lord Mesha is one of the foremost official practitioners of Necromancy in the Hegemony. He holds a doctorate in Necromancy and Thaumaturgical Physics from the University of Ishtar, and is a known member of the Arcanist Society, a gentleman's club for mystical scholars. Mesha's involvement in polite society has invariably made him a controversial figure due to his education, though he has remarkably avoided actual scandal. He is fond of the pipe, and is a (terrible) hobbyist target shooter.

1. Mental
2. Social
3. Physical

Specialty: Necromancy

Druzhina Anastasiya Vynnychenko

Player: 100thlurker
Concept: Savage Cossack Elven Hunter

[placeholder talking to holle]

1. Physical
2. Social
3. Mental

Specialty: Lance

Karnos Malin

Player: s951
Concept: Professional Orciana Jones

A trained and accredited member of the Hegemony of Ur's multidisciplinary division of trailblazing explorers, empirical researchers and field archaeologists. Although many of his peers have criticized his lack of genteel refinement and good breeding, his superiors value his prosaic attention to detail, ability to not get lost in dark tunnels and his monomaniacal fixation on proper archaeological procedure. Off duty, Karnos enjoys gambling, excessive drinking and transcribing dusty old texts.

1. Physical
2. Mental
3. Social

Speciality: Comfortable In The Dark