Talk:Mith Nara

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Revision as of 16:18, 22 February 2015 by Arc (talk | contribs)
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Behold, the...third complete revision I think of this since we started the ReLoE project.

The iterations, in order:

An actual up-to-date 1007 orbat using all of LoE's old rules and production systems. Well sorta. It was the best we could do.

Revising that orbat when mages were removed as units and reassigning PP converted from RP. Also included revisions for the creature stuff going out the window.

Revising THAT orbat when mixed advancement units were axed, which represented about half of my forces. The mixed advancement problem largely resulted from the previous change, which had me add ML5 caps to every low-advancement unit I had because they relied on enchantments. It presented a problem in the new rules system because it couldn't distinguish between the low-tech and high-magic bits. A two-cap TL2 sword-dude with a ML5 mage cap became a 3-cap ML5 unit at a substantial cost savings. So after some discussions with IX as to how to balance it, it was decided that the simplest thing to do was just to get rid of everything that wasn't straight ML5 and re-buy it. Otherwise he'd have to track a myriad of different modifiers for units. It represents some fairly sweeping wholesale changes because I couldn't afford to ML5 everything that was formerly TL2, ML3 or ML4. Also I had a substantial amount of Hunter units that are now defunct. The Forts and Navy were redone wholesale since they were entirely mixed tech, and some things in the army were changed around for fluff reasons. For example my poorly defined giants have been replaced with hulking dinosaurs, which don't have trouble fitting in. The wyverns are now flyers. Then there was still some PP left over so I took some liberties upgrading dragons that were in the old OOB.

Errata That We Know Of:

Mages no longer will be individual units. Convert mages bought with RP at a 10 to 1 rate to +1 to +3 added caps for regular units. Mages bought for PP in starting OOB still trade for PP.

Creature rules are being abolished. All existing creatures will have their abilities treated as biotech caps. All new creatures will need to be made by spending extra PP for their abilities. Existing creature advantages will have their SP converted into infrastructure, because they no longer serve any purpose.