Talk:Aberrant 2.0

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Demolition: You are an unstoppable wrecking machine. Novas with this enhancement ignore five dots of soak for every dot of Mega-Strength. This only applies against inanimate objects.


I'll Be Back: You've been pulverised, vaporised, pulped and dissolved, but you just won't stay dead. The nova has (mega-stamina)x5 additional Incapacitated levels. These levels may only be filled with damage capable of incapacitating the nova. The health levels of your corpse are also multiplied by (mega-stamina +1), although mundane resuscitation techniques will not work beyond the standard track, as the body is beyond the reach of medical science.


Zoom and Enhance: Like Poirot, you notice everything. Novas with this enhancement notice the faintest fear in someone's voice or the one grass blade out of place, and they can analyse a crime scene days after the fact. They may add (Mega-Perception) dice to any roll to notice clues or gather evidence, and ignore up to (Mega-Perception) difficulty penalties from disruption of a location they are investigating.