Talk:FSN: Clock Tower

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Setting: Situated in London, The Clock Tower is the nerve center of the Magic Association. It functions as an administrative seat, as a repository for magical artifacts and lore, and as a training ground for apprentice mages. It operates much like a mundane university, a center of education and study.

These Rules are works in Progress.


Post suggestions here with your name, if you're so inclined.

Give us ten more points - FBH.

Famous Mentor (Merit)
You were trained, or merely taken under the wing at some point in your early carrear, by a powerful or merely well known (or both) Magician. As such some of his or her's reputation has rubbed off on you- the downside is that expectations are much higher.
--Andronicus 00:36, 23 August 2010 (UTC)

Infamous Mentor (Flaw)
Your mentor was insane, a criminal, or merely not the right sort in the eyes of polite Mage society. Others will look on you as if you were your mentor at worst and at best as only potentially as bad he, or she, was or is.
--Andronicus 00:36, 23 August 2010 (UTC)

Destiny (Merit or Flaw)
Magicians are tools or weavers of fate; some are tied more strongly then others. Your mage has his or her path set out already. Destiny is sweeping you to a conclusion - and as such Fate will step in and lend a hand sometimes to keep you on track. Destiny can be good or evil and thus you might be destined to slay the Archdemon of the Tower but you might be forced to do so at the cost of your life no matter what you desire. As such, this is either a flaw or a merit. The higher the points spent the stronger Destiny is. Destiny can be sensed by other mages who know how to look, although they might be able to read what it is a few or a great many will be able to sense that it exists. In this way its akin to "Beacon" in that it makes your mage more noticeable.
Suggested Rules: Re-rolls up to a certain extent up to a certain number of times per story.
--Andronicus 22:02, 23 August 2010 (UTC)