Sengoku Amahara: Heroic Rules

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Character Creation

There is a single princess and she is being played by Peel.

Cloistered and educated your whole life, you hold the fate of the clan in your hands.

Samurai Retainer
While every samurai carries two swords, the social class is one that, through landed wealth, enables all walks of life. Not having to struggle and farm every day, the Sengoku samurai, while almost always a warrior, may freely also be a traveller, scholar, artist, engineer, or even holy person.

Ninja Retainer

Shrine Maiden



Combat Arts

Provides an edge in battle for specific weapons. Can be something more unique like a specific school of any of the below if you're inclined to be a snowflake.

Jujutsu is the unarmed or minimally armed battlefield martial art of the samurai class, designed principly to fight when one's weapons have been damaged or lost. It is a "soft" martial art based mostly around grappling. A successful grapple with jujutsu gives a free attack at the end of the round. It does not require but assumes both the practitioner and opponent are wearing armour and its joint attacks will bypass such protection – a vital virtue on the battlefield. It can either dodge or block but lack of armour can make blocking weapons dangerous.

Kagura is the unarmed martial art of the shrine maidens. Though it is derived from their ceremonial dances and is a major Shinto tradition, it should be noted most shrine maidens don't practice Kagura (nor any other fighting art). It is a "hard" martial art centered around kicks at both long and close range, dodges and acrobatic movements that are often used to add force to attacks. Some styles emphasize a constant flow of motion while others move only when attack. In addition to mitigating female upper body strength, it can strike the invisible and the immaterial without any modification.


The most important part of samurai training is combat with the long and short swords.

The art of archery using the assymetric Amaharan longbow.

Fighting with a sword on a stick.

Fighting with a spear.


The stat is rolled in d10's. They match up to regular White Wolf stats except that Strength here covers both strength and stamina, perception is split between both Wits and Intelligence and appearance falls under abilities.









The character's conditioning to notice external physical stimulae.

The character's training to notice the nature and subtleties of immaterial things – magical events that cannot be counted as among the five senses.

A person's mind for puzzles and conundrums. The ability to take facts and principles to assemble them into the truth.

Intuition is an action and emotion oriented internal feeling. It taps into the primordial wisdom of the intellect for advice and digs up the roots of a person's heart.

The ability to see and feel by silencing the chaos within and searching for answers inside oneself.


The ability to move one's body freely, but will not function if movement is restricted. It can be used as a defensive action, in which case it may remove combatants from range of each other or be used to supplement an attack.

Basic attack and block skill. Parrying a weapon requires only as much space

Defensive ability which can be used to gain initiative. So long as they are not surprised, a character can add their Dodge to their initiative if they commit to dodging.

The conditioning of the mind and body to withstand all kinds of damage. Cancels out attacker's strength.

The ability to hide one's presence through control of the body both externally and internally.


Abilities in the Presentation category are social skills or qualities that create an impression – generally emotional – on others without giving away too much of substance.

While everyone in an anime is good looking, those with the Appearance ability are especially beautiful or striking. It affects both character and costume design.

Courtesy and protocol are paramount in the court life of Sengoku Amahara. This ability is used to present oneself with honor and command respect from friend and foe alike.

This ability is used to inspire fear or at least respect. It may take the form of a hardness in character, smouldering presence or simple killing intent.

Represents formal skill in a performing art of Amahara ranging from comic theatre to music mastery.

Revelry is used to engage others and put them at ease in a casual setting, ranging from sharing a single jug of sake to massive bouts of comic merrymaking. Critical hot spring skill.


Abilities in the Interaction category represent skill and finesse at an active and concrete social interaction of some form.

The ability for negotiating exchanges and engaging in a give-and-take process. A skilled diplomat does far more than get a good deal, however; she could also read the intentions of the person who sent the other diplomat (if any) and see hidden agendas while keeping her opponent at ease in the short term as well as the long by finding ways to make the exchange more than zero sum.

An ability that both gets the target talking on the subject you want and determine which answers have a good chance of being reliable. While hostile interrogation is an obvious application, interrogation need not be an entirely hostile or even confrontational affair as critical discussion or socratic debate can also falls under its purview.

The ultimate social ability for a general, strong leadership commands loyalty and courage from samurai and commoner alike.

The ability of personal magnetism of some kind. It attracts everything from fanatical personal loyalty to lots of hot lesbian sex.

The art of concealing one's intentions while manipulating others.

Group 5
