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  • Name: Romy D'aramitz
  • Allegiance: Independent
  • Concept: Telekinetic Idealist
  • Eruption: Threatening Situation


  • Gain Recognition 4
  • Make the World more Just 3
  • Enjoy Life 2
  • Impress Parents 2

Vital Statistics

  • Quantum: 4
    • Quantum Pool: 28
    • Max Spent per Turn: 12
    • Stress Quantum: 4
  • Influence: 3
  • Willpower: 6
  • Health:
    • [ ]x1 Ablative
    • [ ]x7 Bruised: -0
    • [ ]x3 Hurt: -1
    • [ ]x3 Injured: -2
    • [ ]x2 Crippled: -4
    • [ ]x3 Incapacitated
    • [ ] Dead
Heals as if 1 rank higher and at 4x base speeds
  • Taint: 0
    • Temporary Taint: 0
    • Aberrations: 0


  • Initiative: 8+[5]
  • Dodge: 22, as pool 12 + [5]
  • Parry: 17, as pool 7 + [5]
  • Power Block (Flight): 21
  • Multiple action pool: 3d
  • Soak (Total): 2A/12L/13B
    • Natural Soak: 2A/4L/9B
    • Power Soak: 0A/0L/0B
    • Equipment/Other Soak: 0A/4L/4B




Strength 2
Dexterity 5 Agile
Mega-Dexterity 5
  • Fast Tasks: Simple tasks can be completed in seconds, divide time frame of extended rolls which require knowledge or effort by (Mega-Dex + 1). May make reloading, drawing or changing weapons as a reflexive action.
  • Perfect Balance: does not need to roll to keep balance,in the most extreme situations pay 1Q to keep balance
  • Physical Prodigy: +(Mega-Dex) to athletics for non-combat, cannot botch athletics rolls, autosux non opposed athletics rolls with diff lower than (Mega-Dex + 1), never gets penalties for being unfamiliar with sports
  • Catfooted: leaves no tracks, not even fingerprints, destroying something still makes noise, cost 1Q for scene
  • Roll with the Punches: may pay up to (Mega-Dex) QP to take sux from enemies attack roll for calc damage at 1:1, lasts for single attack
Stamina 3
Mega-Stamina 1
  • Resiliency: Soak Lethal with full Stamina value, (Mega Stamina) ablative HLs that regen scene by scene.


Wits 3
Intelligence 3
Perception 3


Charisma 5 Charming
Mega-Charisma 3
  • Natural Agitator: Roll (Charisma) to impart Casual Sway on a crowd, scaling difficulty as they get bigger per OOM. Resists with average Willpower if opposing.
  • Audacious: Can't offend, (Wits + Resistance) roll at dif of (Mega Charisma) to be offended.
  • Dreadful Mien: 3m range. Roll (Charisma: current 5+[3]), each sux is a +dif to hostile actions against Nova. Breaks if Nova attacks, roll Willpower to resist if a friend/point of concern is attacked. 1Q, Scene long
Manipulation 3
Appearance 4 Elegant
Mega-Appearance 1
  • Face of Divinity: +(Mega-Appearance) to rolls where looking impressive helps, as well as rolls where terror helps. Costs 1QP and lasts a scene.



Athletics 4
  • Acrobatics
Endurance 2
Stealth 1


Academics (PPE) 2
Academics (Business Administration) 4
Resistance 1
Strategy 3


Style 5
  • Party Fashion
Leadership 3
Etiquette 4
Rapport 3
Subterfuge 2
Intimidation 1

Merits and Flaws


Language 0
  • Native: French
Ally 3
  • Her Brother, Armand, a member of the National Assembly
Lifestyle X
Currently living on money from her parents, who run a medium sized company in Naimes, while she takes a gap year past her college
Eufiber 2
  • 4 Quantum a day; stores 4 Quantum, +2 to Syle rolls, +4B/4L armoured soak. Created from her clothes due to latent energies produced during her eruption. Unfed see character image.
Fame 5
  • You have greater renown; perhaps you’re a senator or an entertainer who regularly gets hundreds of thousands of YouTube hits
  • Doing fly-bys of the Eiffel Tower and performing telekinetic tricks gets you noticed, who knew.
  • Plus TV interviews and more fanbaiting!
  • Single-handedly drawing the French national team



Augmentations and Aberrations


Prehensile Hair (as Tentacles) 4xp
Extends (stamina: current 5) meters, manipulates with Dex 4 Mega 4(5?), Damage Str + 4B(current 6B), and can produce as many as wanted by the user.




Eufiber Clothes

Quantum Powers


Rating: 5

Level: 2, Quantum Minimum: 2
Dicepool: 10+[5] (Dexterity + Telekinesis)
Range: Scale 1, Difficulty -5
Duration/Cost: Maintainance Permanent
Effect: Characters may lift, move and even harm objects and people without touching them
Multiple Actions: Yes
To lift or throw items, replace (Strength + Might) with (Dexterity + Telekinesis) with (Quantum) automatic successes (current is 10 + [9]). For static values, each dot of Quantum is a +2 to the (Dexterity + Telekinesis) pool.
Attack rolls use (Dexterity + Telekinesis), damage is (Power rating x 3: current 15) Bashing or lethal damage with [Quantum x2: current 8] automatic sucesses. Grappling uses the powers dicepool to maintain the grab. If the victim gains control of the grabble, the grapple autoends.
When used for Fine Manipulation, the character uses the lower of (Dex+Telekinesis) or (Dex+Ability),then halves all sucesses, rounded down.
  • Fine Manipulation: The character no longer halves successes on Dexterity + Telekinesis rolls for fine manipulation. This allows telekinesis to be used to replace various tools as well, reducing difficulty penalties for lacking tools by (Telekinesis: current 5).
  • Multiple Targets: The character declares which targets he wishes to affect and makes one roll to affect them using the worst modifiers for any single target; die bonuses apply only if all targets would provide that bonus. If he succeeds, all targets are affected, though each target may dodge or resist normally. This Extra allows the character to target (Rating: current 5) additional targets , who suffer or benefit from the full effects of the power (for a current total of 6). By halving the power’s damage (for powers with accuracy and damage) or dice pool (for other powers), the nova may affect even more targets. Doing so allows the nova to double the number of additional targets affected by a single power use.
  • Increased Duration (x3): Power now has a longer duration (Permanent)


Rating 2

Level: 2, Quantum Minimum: 1
Dicepool: 7 + [5] (Dexterity + Flight)
Duration\Cost: Maintainance Scene, 3Q
Effect: Allows a character to fly as fast as a helicopter or plane.
Multiple Actions: Per usual rules for movement
A character that flies using this power rolls (Dexterity + Quantum + Flight: current 11 + [5]) for movement in combat and moves at Speed Scale 2 when Flying, or 3 if the character’s (Quantum + power rating: current 6) is 6 or greater.
The character moves at a rate of (Quantum + power rating) x 100 kilometers per hour outside of combat (current speed: 600km/h)
For advanced acrobatics, or flying through narrow openings at speed, may require a roll.
The character may also “power block” with Flight to dodge incoming attacks.
  • Increased Duration: Power now has a longer duration (scene).

Spending Log


BP (15/15)

  • Charisma 5 (4)
  • Appearance 4 (4)
  • Dexterity 4 (4)
  • Prehensile Hair (2)
  • Willpower 6 (1)

NP (50/50)

  • Quantum 4 (5)
  • Dexterity 5 (1)
  • Mega-Dexterity 5 (10)
  • Mega-Stamina 1 (2)
  • Mega-Charisma 3 (6)
  • Mega-Appearance 1 (2)
  • Telekinesis 5 (10)
  • Fine Manipulation (2)
  • Multiple Targets (2)
  • Increased Duration x2 (4)
  • Flight 2 (4)
  • Increased Duration (2)




  • 2 xp (Human), 2xp (Transhuman) (char intro)
  • 6 xp (Human), 6 xp (Transhuman) (first session + first session bonus)

Current 6 Human, 0 Transhuman

Mundane Spending

  • 2xp Fame 2 -> Fame 3

Transhuman Spending

  • 8xp Increased Duration (Telekinesis)


  • +2 Fame for singlehandedly forcing a draw with the entire french national team