Mith Nara

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Mith Nara

Now with notes from Arc nine years later!

And lo on the night of the third day, when the Orbat stood completed, did Arc say from on high 'My work shall be undone and redone, before I am finished.' and it was so.

So, some explanation of this is probably in order. Keyway is a super fantasy world with a ton of NPC powers, including but not limited to: Lolianthe Confederation, the Gorghannen, Dwarves, Azrozea, Mal's snake island and a minotaur island that became Mith Nara. Originally the Lolianthes and the Gorghannen were the dominant powers, who utterly loathed and despised each other and warred for centuries. The Lolianthes were savage jungle-dwelling close to nature types who employed vast armies of creatures. The Gorghannen lived in fortress-cities in the mountains and employed armies of golems. Their wars were at a stalemate for ages because neither side could meaningfully damage the other. The balance was upset when the Papacy forced the demons out of the system next door and they took up residence on Keyway. The demons outright attacked Azrozea, conquered it and set up a doomsday weapon in the island's central volcano. They also infiltrated and suborned the Lolianthes, who finally began organizing properly, destroyed several Gorghannen cities and also laid siege to the Dwarves.

So the Lolianthes/demons are well on their way toward global conquest. Fallen Gorghannen cities are burned and the people slaughtered or enslaved. Dissenters are being killed or enslaved, as is generally anyone else of any utility who isn't already in league with them. The dwarves and the Gorghannen continue to fight what seems to be a losing battle and only two places offer any kind of refuge. Mith Nara was very heavily fortified and had a relatively strong garrison, so it attracted the majority of the refugees attempting to flee the main continent. Offworld travel is largely blocked, which prevents any kind of reinforcements from coming in, as well as preventing people from escaping.

So Mith Nara is a conglomeration of various refugee groups that have spent the past two years crash-militarizing and preparing to take some kind of action while the continental powers are occupied. What developed in LoE was a high magic nation with a bunch of creature races and armies based on beasts instead of constructs. It was wildly different and unique compared to any of LoE's other powers, but it made things overall very awkward and difficult to work with in the context of the majority of the game's player base. So, now things will move to what it should have been: a ramshackle organization comprising a kitchen sink of everything on Keyway, desperate and squabbling for resources and for say in the overall plan to save the world. Including more of the Lolianthes and the Gorghannen to dilute some of the extremes. All these dissimilar groups, some of which hate each other, will continue to work under common interests mostly owing to Rhodos. Though it's not because he's a particularly enlightened leader. Rhodos is not diplomatic by any stretch. He is blunt, decisive, intimidating and keenly aware of what things have to happen in order for any kind of government to function. While he is involved in high-level decisions, he doesn't absolutely dictate policy. What he does do is force the various parties together and to arrive at a consensus, then acts to keep the various factions aligned on global goals. It works because nobody wants to be the problem that makes Rhodos come down from his mountain to personally solve.

Level of Power: Empire (? starting points)

Empire Population: 30 million = 30 SP (+15 Industry) + 1.2 million


Industry: 74 production points/month + 15 Population (74 sp)
Wealth: 53 wealth/month (53 sp)
Research: 5 research/year (5 sp)
Ether Collection: 140 Ether/month (140 sp)
There have been so many OOB revisions due to rules changes I can no longer tell if this is correct. But this is what my past self trusted. Let's hope that Past Me had good judgement.

...Hope springs eternal, but this is a cynical world we live in. Why did you do this, Past Me? Why did you inflict this on me?

Current to January, 1007:


IUU: 292.5
Cash Left: 454.5
Ether Left: 2477.7
Geodes: 103
Research: 0
Prepared Spells:
10x D5/5
Cost: 7 ether each
Total Cost: 70 Ether

2x Move 5/5 - Shield
Cost: 7 ether each
Total Cost: 14 ether

10x D5
Cost: 2 ether each
Total Cost: 20 Ether

20x D4/3
Cost: 3 ether each
Total Cost: 60 Ether

20x Move 4/3 Shield
Cost: 4 ether each
Total Cost: 80 ether

Upkeep for 1006 (Paid):
IUU: 9 (Army), 81 (Mages)
WU: 233
Ether: 120
This is completely wrong for 1007, but it's not getting done if there's no more yearly upkeep. In fact all the upkeep values everywhere are wrong.

Total: 13 SP (3 free)

6x Wild Terrain:
Northeastern Province
Southeastern Province
Southwestern Province
Northwestern Province
The Western Walls (Shoreline facing continent)
Iridas & Surround (Base of Central Mountains)

4x Very Difficult Terrain
Northern Mountains (Special Feature: Travenil, a massive icy peak)
Central Mountains
Southern Mountains

Intervening Terrain:
3x Wild (The Straights of Mith Nara, Two Bordering Ocean)

Climate: Temperate

Summer: Normal
Cold (1 SP)
Stormy Skies (1 SP)
Storms (1 SP)
Why the heck did I spent points to make the weather worse?

Total Infrastructure Capacity:
66 Industry
26 Million Pop
126 Industry
126 Million Pop


Technology: 50 SP
Engineering: 250
Chemistry: 250
Physics: 0
Biology: 0
Psychology: 0
In retrospect, ML3 could've done everything that TL2 could've done with a minimum of effort on my part. But there are castles! Legit ones. But it's here now, and I'm rounding this up to TL 2.5.

Magic: 250 SP
Destruction: 500
Creation: 500
Movement: 500
Mental: 500
Transmogrification: 500

Fusion: Zip

Total Advancement costs: 300 SP

Advantages (Total: 15 SP)

So, the great reckoning begins. See these ads? They don't mean anything any more. Not a bit. The creature stuff is completely defunct, there is no more prospecting and no more artificing stuff with geodes. All for the better, yet some things remain behind. Look upon this, ye people of the future! Imagine this as a gargantuan monolith - a looming momument of weathered stone - a record of the folly of people who thought giant rocks in the middle of fields were the shit. And now we're blowing it up to make room for a new bypass.
Terra Incognita Magicka (0 SP)
Ether Rich (15)
Creature Fest! (0)
Native Creature Population - Minotaurs (0)
Nobody ever called me on it to my face, but holy shit. There's so many beautiful snowflakes in here I can't see anything but a dizzying whitespace. I just know this spot is where it started. What was I thinking?

Disadvantages (Total: 75 SP)

Disad farming was something you could list on your tax returns as an occuption in LoE. Past Me is guilty. So very guilty. But at least some of this should change now.
Hostile World (25 SP) (Reduced down from 50 SP with TIM defunct)
"You may as well take hostile world because I know what you're getting." Y-uuup
Tech Dumb (25 SP)
To be honest this was a total gimmie. Mith Nara can't actually make any complex units. But they're an isolated fantasy civilization that's hardly ever *encountered* complex technology. And nobody's just going to up and give me a pile of machine guns.
Fourth Law (0 SP)
This was here because the Gorghannen, the golem dudes, were a traditional enemy. But they're not the enemy any more.
Home is Where the Heart Is (25)
I thought about nixing this one too, but I think it actually fits. With all this high magic, Mith Nara could've built an Exodus Gate and probably escaped Keyway. There's lots of other planets out there, but only one is home. Keyway is a mess, but these colors don't run.


After I converted the RP from mages and also converted all my creature stuff to PP, this is what I wound up with. I don't know if this is a correct translation, but I have done some math on the subject of how much it would have worked out to if I had industry or research instead of all those creature advantages. It's actually pretty close.
Total: 7557.5 PP
Army: 5889.5 PP
Air: 535 PP
Magic Users: 500 PP
Forts: 633 PP
Creature Points: 1432
I have no idea what the creature points mean. I can't tell if I spent some of them, all of them or none of them. Or...wait. Wait! I figured it out! I FIGURED IT OUT! HAHAHA! Take that, Past Me! It's...however many I gained in 1006. Whatever that number was. It was probably a lot.

Template Points Available: 50
These don't matter any more!


Minotaurs (Native Population) (Class V)
+2 Strength
+1 Speed
+2 Toughness
Cost: 0
I get that the island was a minotaur island, but it would've worked way better if I'd had a more normal base population with all these creatures filling in around it. An actual kitchen sink of fantasy stuff, some more traditional and some radical, instead of being fully poised on the extreme end of the scale.

Avians (Class V) - Infantry
+3 Advanced Mobility: Flight
+1 Stealth
+1 Toughness
Template Cost: 1
Batch Cost: 30
I had a very strange physical description for them despite the name implying bird-like, trying way too hard to be different for the sake of being different. They were some kind of pterodactyl folks. Though that's actually kinda cool as a concept now that I think about it.

Schecks (Class V) - Infantry
+2 Speed
+1 Agility
+1 Toughness
+1 Strength
Cost: 1
batch Cost: 30
Lizard/dinosaur folks. Pretty traditional fantasy stock really, though I notice I made everything the highest class it could be whether or not the concept demanded it.

Vehicle Types:

Landwyrm (Class V) - Titan - Rare
+3 Stoneskin
+1 Ranged Attack (Fwoosh!)
+1 Melee
Cost: 1
Batch Cost: 60
This I think was supposed to be some kind of huge dinosaur, but now I can't help but think of it as a giant scaled fire-breathing serpentine wurm out of norse myth. I'm cool with that.

Extremely Big And Angry Armour-Plated Thing(Class VII) - Rare
Lesser Titan (1 per 10)
+1 Agility
+1 Speed
+3 Stoneskin
+2 Regeneration
+1 Strength
Batch Cost: 112
I have no idea where this was supposed to fit in, militarily or thematically. It looks like at some point during one of the OOB re-writes I went 'Let's have a giant...thing! That's rare and expensive!' and put no effort into it. Losing some confidence in Past Self here.

Rhino Cav (Class V)
+3 Stoneskin
+1 Speed
+1 Strength
Cost: 5
Batch Cost: 40

Wyverns (Class V)
+2 Stoneskin
+1 Advanced Mobility: Flight
+1 Agility
+1 Strength
Cost: 5
Batch Cost: 60

Pack Beast (Class V)
+2 Beast of Burden
+2 Large Size
+1 Speed
Cost: 5
Batch Cost: 30

Air Types:

Roc (Class VII)
+2 Ranged Attack
+2 Agility
+1 Senses
+2 Sixth Sense
Cost: 7
Batch Cost:112

Mythical Creatures:

Elder Wyrm Nerrental: 1
Elder Wyrm Zathil: 2

Leftover Template Points: 15
Does. Not. Matter!

Pool: 150
This doesn't matter any more either!


1x Landwyrm
(Titan: 1 per 1)
+3 Stoneskin
+1 Ranged Attack (Fwoosh!)
+1 Strength
+2 Adamantium Armour
+2 Casting Chamber
+1 Sildron Enhanced Armour (Shields)
+3 Mage (ML5)
Cost: 70 PP Upkeep: 0 Ind, 1 WU, 3 Ether
I guess this one is layered down in metal plates and has a howdah on its back with mages. Sure. OK.

2x Landwyrm
(Titan: 1 per 1)
+3 Stoneskin
+1 Ranged Attack (Fwoosh!)
+1 Strength
+2 Adamantium Armour
+1 Even More Fwoosh (Ranged Weapon)
+1 Sildron Enhanced Armor (Shields)
+1 Mindex Scrying
+3 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 70 PP
Total Cost: 140 PP
Upkeep: 0 Ind, 2 WU, 6 Ether
I remember having this idea similar to a lot of fantasy where intelligence isn't rare at all and these sorts of things didn't need handlers. Even so, how does this work?

4x Landwyrm
(Titan: 1 per 1)
+3 Stoneskin
+1 Ranged Attack (Fwoosh!)
+1 Strength
+2 Adamantium Armour
+3 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 55 PP
Total Cost: 220 PP

20x Extremely Big And Angry Armour-Plated Thing With a Damn Hand Cannon (Class VII)
Lesser Titan (1 per 10)
+1 Agility
+1 Speed
+2 Stoneskin
+1 Strength
+2 Regeneration
+2 Adamantium Armour
+2 Pyrite Hand Cannon. Yes, Really.
+1 Sildron Enhanced Armor (Shields)
+3 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 80 PP
Total Cost: 160 PP
Upkeep(batch) 0 IUU, 1 WU, 3 Ether
As much as I might be disappointed for some of Past Self's decisions, I can't help but find this one amusing.

80x Extremely Big And Angry Armour-Plated Thing With a Damn Hand Cannon (Class VII)
Lesser Titan (1 per 10)
+1 Agility
+1 Speed
+2 Stoneskin
+1 Strength
+2 Regeneration
+2 Adamantium Armour
+2 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 60 PP
Total Cost: 480 PP

200x Banorin
Very Heavy Cavalry (1 per 100)
+1 Speed
+3 Stoneskin
+2 Pyrite-Laden Ballista
+1 Mobility
+2 Adamantium Armour
+2 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 60 PP
Total Cost: 120 PP
Upkeep: 0 Ind, 2 WU, 2 Ether

400x Banorin
Very Heavy Cavalry (1 per 100)
+1 Speed
+3 Stoneskin
+1 Adamantium Armour
+1 Pyrite Ranged Weapon
+1 Sildron Enhanced Armor (Shields)
+2 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 50 PP
Total Cost: 200 PP
Upkeep: 0 IUU, 1.5 WU, 2 Ether

500x Rhino Cav
(Very Heavy Cavalry: 1 per 100)
+3 Stoneskin
+1 Speed
+1 Strength
+1 Adamantium Armour
+1 Pyrite Ranged Weapon
+1 Sildron Enhanced Armor (Shields)
+2 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 55 PP
Total Cost: 275 PP
Upkeep: 0 IUU, 5 WU, 15 Ether
Why is this exactly like the other cavalry except with one more creature ability? I get the impression it was because 'Not everything should be Class V'. Not getting super points for the effort there, past self.

1000x Young Banorin
Heavy Cavalry (1 per 200)
+1 Speed
+3 Stoneskin
+1 Adamantium Armour
+1 Pyrite Ranged Weapon
+1 Sildron-laced Armour (Shields)
+2 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 50 PP
Total Cost: 250 PP
Upkeep: 0 IUU, 5 WU, 15 Ether

1600x Wyvern
Heavy Cavalry (1 per 200)
+1 Advanced Mobility: Flight
+2 Stoneskin
+1 Speed
+1 Mithril Armour
+1 Sildron (Shields)
+2 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 45 PP
Total Cost: 360 PP
Upkeep: 0 IUU, 8 WU, 16 Ether

1000x Strike Regiment
Medium Cavalry (1 per 1000)
+1 Advanced Mobility: Flight
+2 Stoneskin
+1 Speed
+1 Ranged Weapons
+1 Mobility
+1 Armour
+2 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 44 PP
Total Cost: 44 PP
Upkeep: 1 Ind, 1 WU, 0 Ether

2000x Scout Regiment
Light Cavalry (1 per 2000)
+1 Advanced Mobility: Flight
+2 Stoneskin
+1 Speed
+2 Mindex-Enchanced Tracking (Sensors)
+3 Ghost In the Wind (Insidium Cloak)
+3 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 65 PP
Total Cost: 65 PP
Upkeep: 0 Ind, 1 WU, 4 Ether

20 000 x Pack Beast
(Beast of Burden: 1 per 2000)
+2 Beast of Burden
+2 Large Size
+1 Speed
Batch Cost: 30 PP
Total Cost: 300 PP

200 x Margrave's Elites
(Special Forces: 1 per 100)
+2 Strength
+1 Speed
+2 Toughness
+2 Mythril Armour
+2 Adamantium Weapons
+1 Mobility
+3 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 70 PP
Total Cost: 140 PP
Upkeep: 0 Industry, 2 WU, 0 Ether

100x Dragon's Legion Experiment
(Special Forces: 1 per 100)
+2 Strength
+1 Speed
+2 Toughness
+2 Mythril Armour
+2 Adamantium Weapons
+1 Sildron Mobility
+1 Wolfsbane
+1 Titan Juice
+1 Natural Pyrite Ranged Weaponry
+3 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 85 PP
Total Cost: 85 PP
What the heck are these things supposed to be? Why did I do this?

700x Pride of Mith Nara
Special Forces (1 per 100)
+2 Strength
+1 Speed
+2 Toughness
(Eng 230, Chem 230)
+1 Melee Weapons
+1 Armour
+2 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 41 PP
Total Cost: 287 PP
Upkeep: 0 Ind, 6.6 WU, 0 Ether

1600x Minotaur Champion
Very Heavy Infantry (1 per 200)
+2 Strength
+1 Speed
+2 Toughness
(Eng 230, Chem 230)
+1 Melee
+1 Armour
+2 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 41 PP
Total Cost: 328 PP
Upkeep: 0 Ind, 8 WU, 0 Ether

8 000x Avian War Party
+3 Advanced Mobility: Flight
+1 Stealth
+1 Toughness
Elite Infantry (1 per 2000)
(Tranmog 3, Des 3)
+1 Speed
+1 Armour
+1 Crossbow
+2 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 47 PP
Total Cost: 188 PP
Upkeep: 3 Ind, 3 WU, 0 Ether
As part of some idea to preserve flavor I gave different races different ML and TL advancements. That was stupid.

80 000x Mith Nara Regulars
Simple Skilled Infantry: 1 per 20 000
+2 Strength
+1 Speed
+2 Toughness
+2 Mythril Armour
+2 Adamantium Weapons
+1 Mobility
+2 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 65 PP
Total Cost: 260 PP
Upkeep: 0 Ind, 2.75 WU, 0 Ether

30 000x Mith Nara Assault Regiment
Simple Skilled Infantry: 1 per 20 000
+2 Strength
+1 Speed
+2 Toughness
+1 Heavy Weapons (Anti-vehicle)
+1 Pyrite
+2 Mythril Armour
+1 Mobility
+2 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 65 PP
Total Cost: 97.5 PP
Upkeep: 0 IUU, 1 WU, 1 Ether

80 000x Mith Nara Arbalestiers
Simple Skilled Infantry: 1 per 20 000
+2 Strength
+1 Speed
+2 Toughness
+1 Mythril Armour
+1 Pyrite Arbalest (Ranged Weapons)
+2 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 50 PP
Total Cost: 200 PP
Upkeep: 0 Ind, 4 WU, 4 Ether

60 000x Schech Army
+2 Speed
+1 Agility
+1 Toughness
+1 Strength
Skilled Infantry (1 per 20 000)
(Transmog 3)
+1 Armour
+1 Melee Weapons
+1 Mobility
+2 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 47 PP
Total Cost: 141 PP
Upkeep: 0 Ind, 3 WU, 0 Ether

40 000x Mith Nara Heavy Arms Regiment
Skilled Infantry (1 per 20 000)
+2 Strength
+1 Speed
+2 Toughness
(Eng 230, Chem 230)
+2 Ranged Weapons (Arbalest)
+1 Jungle Warfare Training
+2 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 43 PP
Total Cost: 86 PP
Upkeep: 2 Ind, 2 WU, 0 Ether

320 000x Provincial Guard
Skilled Infantry (1 per 20 000)
(Eng 230, Chem 230)
+2 Strength
+1 Speed
+2 Toughness
+1 Melee Weapons
+1 Armour
+1 Jungle Warfare Training
+2 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 43 PP
Total Cost: 688 PP
Upkeep: 0 Ind, 14 WU, 0 Ether

1750x Experienced Scout
+3 Advanced Mobility: Flight
+1 Stealth
+1 Toughness
Hunter (1 per 200)
(Transmog 4, Ment 4, Move 4)
+1 Mindex-enhanced Senses
+2 Stealth
+1 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 66 PP
Total Cost: 578 PP
Upkeep: 0 Ind, 0 WU, 0 Ether

15x +1 Pyrite Ranged Weapons Infantry External
Adds +1 Ether

4x +1 Adamantium Melee External


400x Gunpowder Rocket Battery
Simple Artillery: 1 per 400
(Eng 230, Chem 230)
+1 Range
+1 Mobility
+2 Mage (ML5)
Cost: 16 PP per Batch
Upkeep: 1 Ind, 1 WU, 0 Ether

50x Canons
Simple Very Heavy Artillery: 1 per 50
(Eng 230, Chem 230)
+2 Firepower
+2 Mage (ML5)
Cost: 16 PP per Batch
Upkeep: 2 Ind, 1 WU, 0 Ether

Air Forces

5x Young Roc
Deadly Flyer (1 per 5)
+2 Ranged Attack
+2 Agility
+1 Senses
+2 Sixth Sense
+2 Ambruim Lightning Generator (Des)
+2 Levistones (Fo/Fi)
+1 Mindex-Enhanced Senses
+3 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 80 PP
Total Cost: 80 PP
Upkeep: 0 Ind, 1 WU, 6 Ether

10x Young Roc
Deadly Flyer (1 per 5)
+2 Ranged Attack
+2 Agility
+1 Senses
+2 Sixth Sense
+1 Ambruim Lightning Generator
+1 Casting Chamber
+2 Levistones (Fo/Fi)
+1 Mindex-Enhanced Senses
+3 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 80 PP
Total Cost: 160 PP

5x Young Roc
Deadly Flyer (1 per 5)
+2 Ranged Attack
+2 Agility
+1 Senses
+2 Sixth Sense
+1 Ambruim Lightning Generator
+1 Casting Chamber
+1 Levistones (Fo/Fi)
+1 Mythril Armour
+3 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 75 PP
Total Cost: 75 PP

100x Flyer
(Flyer: 1 per 25)
+2 Agility
+1 Speed
+2 Sixth Sense
+2 Levistones
+1 Ambruim Lightning Generator (Des)
+2 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 55 PP
Total Cost: 220 PP

Naval Forces

This navy was crash-built in a panic at the onset of the Island Crisis to move my armies across the ocean. If any of it survives, it may wind up ferrying me across the stars. Appropriately fantastical I suppose.

90 x Huge Longship O' Doom
Simple Cruiser: 1 per 4
(Eng 230, Chem 230)
+1 Adamantium Armour
+2 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 17 PP
Total Cost: 382.5 PP
0 IUU, 22.5 WU, 0 Ether

20 x Carrier O' Doom
Simple Escort Carrier: 1 per 4
(Eng 230, Chem 230)
+1 Adamantium Armour
+2 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 17 PP
Total Cost: 85 PP
0 IUU, 5 WU, 0 Ether

250 x Longship O' Somewhat Lesser Doom
Simple Small Warship: 1 per 10
(Eng 230, Chem 230)
+1 Adamantium Armour
+1 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 12 PP
Total Cost: 300 PP
Upkeep: 0 IUU, 25 WU, 0 Ether

25 x Longship O' Somewhat Lesser Doom
Simple Small Warship: 1 per 10
(Eng 230, Chem 230)
+1 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 7 PP
Total Cost: 17.5 PP
Upkeep: 0 IUU, 2.5 WU, 0 Ether

400 x Longboat O' Magic Doom
Simple Freighter: 1 per 20
(Trans 3)
+1 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 7 PP
Total Cost: 140 PP
Upkeep: 0 IUU, 20 WU, 0 Ether

500 x Longboat O' Doom
Simple Freighter: 1 per 20
(Eng 230, Chem 230)
+1 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 7 PP
Total Cost: 175 PP
Upkeep: 0 IUU, 25 WU, 0 Ether

Magic Users

This section was subject to heavy errata. A significant amount of PP was gained after converting things from RP, which is now distributed as +mage caps amongst my forces.

Rhodos the Grey
Rhodos remained a hero independent of my national OOB. My records for him are pretty terrible, but they exist. I don't actually know how that's supposed to work with the new national hero character business.

(Gigantic Flyer)
+1 Etheric Metabolism
+2 Self-Generating Ether
+3 Stoneskin
+1 Strength
+2 Ranged Attack (Fwoosh!)
+1 Toughness (or Large Size?)
(Des 5, Move 5, Ment 5, Crea 5, Trans 5)
+2 Sildron Enhanced Armor (Shields)
+1 Telekinetic Bash
+2 Casting Chamber
+3 Mage (ML5)
Total Cost: 95 PP
Upkeep: 1 Ind, 2 WU, 0 Ether

(Gigantic Flyer)
+1 Etheric Metabolism
+2 Self-Generating Ether
+3 Stoneskin
+1 Strength
+2 Ranged Attack (Fwoosh!)
+1 Toughness (or Large Size?)
(Des 5, Move 5, Ment 5, Crea 5, Trans 5)
+2 Adamantium Armour
+1 Mindex (Sensors)
+2 Casting Chamber
+3 Mage (ML5)
Total Cost: 95 PP
Upkeep: 1 Ind, 2 WU, 0 Ether

1x Elder Dragon
(Gigantic Flyer)
+1 Etheric Metabolism
+2 Self-Generating Ether
+3 Stoneskin
+1 Strength
+2 Ranged Attack (Fwoosh!)
+1 Toughness (or Large Size?)
(Gigantic Flyer)
+1 Adamantium Armour
+1 Sildron Enhanced Armor (Shields)
+1 Mindex Sensor-Deal (Sensors)
+2 Casting Chamber
+3 Mage (ML5)
Total Cost: 95 PP
Upkeep: 1 Ind, 2 WU, 0 Ether

1x Elder Dragon
(Gigantic Flyer)
+1 Etheric Metabolism
+2 Self-Generating Ether
+3 Stoneskin
+1 Strength
+2 Ranged Attack (Fwoosh!)
+1 Toughness (or Large Size?)
+2 Adamantium Armour
+2 Melee
+3 Mage (ML5)
Total Cost: 90 PP
Upkeep: 1 Ind, 2 WU, 0 Ether

1x Elder Dragon
(Gigantic Flyer)
+1 Etheric Metabolism
+2 Self-Generating Ether
+3 Stoneskin
+1 Strength
+2 Ranged Attack (Fwoosh!)
+1 Toughness (or Large Size?)
+3 Mage (ML5)
Total Cost: 50 PP
Upkeep: 1 Ind, 2 WU, 0 Ether

15x Young Dragon
(Huge Flyer)
+1 Etheric Metabolism
+2 Self-Generating Ether
+3 Stoneskin
+1 Strength
+2 Ranged Attack (Fwoosh!)
+1 Toughness (or Large Size?)
+3 Mage (ML5)
Batch Cost: 50 PP
Total Cost: 75 PP
Upkeep: 3 Ind, 4.5 WU, 0 Ether



Castles! Everywhere. Wow. I guess it was called the fortress island for a reason. Now with a whole pile of raw magical power, these fortresses shall become goddam flying space castles.

The Fortress of Iridas
Citadel (10 per 1)
(Eng 230, Chem 230)
+1 Particilarly Thick Stone Walls
+1 Massive Canon Battery
+3 Mage
Cost: 39 PP
Upkeep (War Only): 2.5 Ind, 2.5 WU, 0 Ether

The Western Wall
Citadel (10 per 1)
(Eng 230, Chem 230)
+1 Particilarly Thick Stone Walls
+1 Massive Canon Battery
+3 Mage
Cost: 39 PP
Upkeep (War Only): 2.5 Ind, 2.5 WU, 0 Ether

25x March District Fortress
Castles (1 per 1)
(Eng 230, Chem 230)
+1 Heavy Canon Battery
+1 Thick Stone Walls
+3 Mage
Batch Cost: 21 PP
Total Cost: 525 PP
Upkeep (War only): 30 Ind, 30 WU, 0 Ether

5x March District Fortress
Castles (1 per 1)
(Eng 230, Chem 230)
+1 Heavy Canon Battery
+1 Thick Stone Walls
Batch Cost: 6 PP
Total Cost: 30 PP