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Body: The Body attribute measures the overall physical fitness of a character, their strength, stamina, and durability. Body is the primary determinant of the physical punishment a character can take, and also caps the effective maneuverability of a machine due to the pilots' g-tolerance.

Reaction: Reactions measures the grace, reaction speed, and agility of a character. A character with high Body but low Reactions is fast but clumsy, while low Body but high Reactions is a common purview of a wimpy surgeon or guys who paint miniatures all day long. Reactions is used for evasion and hand to hand combat.

Perception: A character's awareness and 'street smarts' fall under Perception, which is the attribute used for ranged combat.

Knowledge: Knowledge represents a character's education and "book smarts". Outside of the obvious benefits to engineering, science, and so forth, knowledge is also necessary for the use of complex equipment, such as ECM suites, Active Stealth, drone controllers, and so on.

Psyche: A character's mental toughness is measured by psyche. As all Avatars use direct neural interface and AI control, nonhumanoid machines are much harder to control than humanoid ones. Psyche caps the alteration from human norm that a machine can achieve-low Psyche characters are greatly limited in terms of the systems that can be added to their machine. Note that this is every nonhuman feature-even something as simple as a set of thrusters or an integrated gun adds a Psyche tax.

Charisma: A character's charisma is their physical and non-physical attractiveness, their ability to get along with people, and so on. In this world of half-salvaged hypertech mecha and frankenbots, Charisma adds to the amount of upgrades and the maximum technological level you can manage to scrounge up to stick on your machine. Charisma also gives characters narrative inertia.

Derived Attributes

Synch Limits: A character may synch to a frame with a maximum psyche cost of (Psyche * 2).


Avatar Design