Lanceter (Aberrant 2.0)

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Vital Statistics

Alias: Matthew MacArcher
Player: Exhack
Allegiance: Team Tomorrow
Concept: Vampiric Cyborg Space Knight
Eruption: Threatning Situation
Nature Bravo/Expert
Virtue: Regain WP when you defeat a seemingly equal or superior foe or force him to back down.
Vice: Spend WP to resist showing your expertise off in a valid situation. Regain WP if doing so is taking an unreasonable risk.
Quantum: 4

  • Quantum Pool: 35

Willpower: 5


• [ ]x15 Bruised: -0
• [ ]x6 Hurt: -1
• [ ]x6 Injured: -2
• [ ]x5 Crippled: -4
• [ ]x1 Incapacitated
• [ ]Dead


Physical (7)

Strength: 7

Brawl 5
Melee 5
Might 5

Dexterity: 5

Athletics 5
Firearms 3
Martial Arts 3
Drive 2
Heavy Weapons 4

Stamina: 6

Endurance 4
Resistance 4

Social (3)

Charisma: 2

Command 3

Manipulation: 2
Appearance: 2

Mental (5)

Wits: 3

Tactics 4

Intelligence: 2

Linguistics (English, Scottish) 1

Perception: 3

Awareness 4


Wealth 5
Influence 3
Attunement 5
Node 1
Cipher 3


Mega Strength [4]

Crush: Crush damage is lethal by default, and if used to charge an attack for extra damage levels, the attack may take the form of a Smackdown (Str + 6 damage) or be aimed for 1 turn, instead of being a normal strike.
Quantum Leap: The character leaps (Mega Strength) x 2 kilometers horizontally or (Mega Strength) /2 kilometers vertically instead of distance based on successes.
+20 Successes to Strength/Might pools.

Mega Dexterity [4]

Enhanced Movement: The character's movement speed when walking, running or swimming is multiplied by (1+ Mega Dexterity) for one turn at the cost of 1 Quantum or one scene at the cost of 3 Quantum.
Rapid Strike: Rapid Strike adds [Mega-Dexterity] dice to any melee damage roll.

Mega Stamina [4]

Adaptability: Adaptability renders the Nova biologically immortal and adds (Mega-Stamina) dice to any roll to resist toxins or diseases which the Nova is not immune to.
Regeneration: A Nova with Regeneration heals (Mega-Stamina + 1) levels of bashing or lethal damage per hour and heals half that many levels of aggravated damage each day. Regeneration allows a Nova to regrow missing limbs or organs in (30/Mega-Stamina) days.
+4B/4L Stackable soak. 4 x -0, 4 x -1, 4 x -4 HL.



Merciful Punch [Bashing, Accurate] (Attack: d11, Damage: d18B [20])
Merciless Punch [Armor Piercing, Accurate] (Attack: d11, Damage: d18L [20], -3 Soak)
Steady Punch [Accurate x3] (Attack: d13, Damage: d18L [20])


Soak (Aggravated/Lethal/Bashing): 2A/21L/24B

w/+7L/10B (Stamina/M-Stamina Soak)
w/+2A/4L/4B/ (Quantum Natural Soak)
w/10L/10B (Armored Soak + Body Modifications)



Permanent Points: 3
Temporary Points: 0


Aberrant Eyes: Piercing, glowing blue eyes that shine right through sunglasses and visors.

Body Modifications

High-Capacity Lungs: Novas with this body modification gain +1 Endurance and +1 Resistance.
Dense Musculature: A Nova with high-density musculature masses approximately twice as much due to greatly toughened and heavier skeletal muscles. Dense musculature adds 2B/2L soak due to its higher density, a -0 HL, and +1 to Strength.
Large: Being about 50% heavier and larger than the average man has its advantages, adding +1 to strength, +1 to stamina, and 1 -0 HL. Novas which are Large add +1 to Dexterity for movement.
Regenerator: A character with this body modification heals faster than normal, reducing healing times by 1 category. Baselines with this body modification may heal crippling injuries without the need for prosthetic replacement or cloned body parts.
Dispersed Organs: A Nova with dispersed organs gains improved resistance to called shots, whether because of organ redundancy or because he just doesn't need them any more. Called shot bonus damage is halved. Purchased twice, the Nova takes no additional damage from called shots and probably looks like a Shoggoth on the inside.


Advanced Body Armor: Soak 6B/6L, Penalty -2, Destruction 22, Bypass +4 (all body parts)

Combat Optics: Night Vision (no penalties for low light conditions) and Thermal Vision (+2d to detect objects significantly warmer or cooler than their surroundings, -2d to detect objects with similar temperatures to surroundings)
Steel Helmet: Soak 3B/3L, Penalty -0, Bypass *, Destruction 10, Protects head against called shots

Maser Gun: Accuracy +3, Dmg 10L, Range 750, Rate Special, Magazine 10, Mass 3kg, Continuous Beam (+1 accuracy per consecutive turn attacking the same target, may attack up to 5 targets per attack roll by sweeping the beam or attack 1 target up to 5 times, uses 1 charge/turn)

Magnifying Sight: -1 difficulty from range penalties, aiming adds +2 instead of +1 accuracy/turn

Bonus Points

Background : Cipher [3], Wealth [2], Attunement [4]
Willpower: [2] (6)

Nova Points

Tainted Quantum [3] (6)
Attributes (3)
Abilities (7)
Mega Attributes (24)
Enhancements (3)
Body Modifications (2)

Body Modifications

22 XP of Body Modifications (6 from Taint, 16 from NP)
Dense Musculature 6
Large 4
Regenerator 4
Dispersed Organs 6
High Capacity Lungs 2
