Fleet Action

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Work in Progress Squadron/Fleet Combat rules

The Stats

Fleet Element

Stress Bar: (the amount of tactical damage a unit takes during the firefight)
Squadron HP:(When stress bar goes over, this number decreases to represent loss or mission killed ships, at 1/2 strength it becomes 1/2 effect and ditto at 1/4)
Formation Organization: ships fighting in formation get a bonus to their roll (equivalent to the squadron or fleet stats depending on commander) however the durability bar on this one goes down for each 2 hit of stress and if goes to zero the unit is unable to move as it needs to spend the turn reorganizing, when a unit is disorganized, hits on it from the enemy count as double as ships are no longer there to support each other

Attack Stats

Indirect Fire
Direct Fire

Passive Stats


Special Commands:

Defense (raise the stress bar by double halving your weapons)
Offense (halve stress bar for double your weapons)
Refresh (need a spend a turn out of combat before you can do it emergency repairs clears stress bar max 4 times)
Reload (spend a turn out of combat, move your missiles from your storage bay to rearm max 4 times)
Formation Reorganize: Refreshes the formation durablity
Suport fire: Does no damage, but allows for the next attack by another unit to count doubles on hits if pass a gunnery check of (TN 5+enemy command bonus)

Fleet Element Constructions

wip suggestions welcomed