Esperançan Military Equipment

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Primeira Aterragem class Fleet Carrier

Fleet Carrier
Hull Expansion: 6
Standard Fusion Power: 5
Carrier Expansion: 6
Habitation: 1
Trans-Phase Laminate: 2
Flash Field: 1
Hangar Space: 220
Docking Hardpoints:6
Forced Cycle Fusion Drives: 2
Jump Drives: 2
Anti-Ship Synchronous Beam Cannon Turret: 2
Synchronous Pulse Cannon Turret: 2
Synchronous Beam Gun Array: 2
Cost: 2610 PIP + 1480 CIP + 1160 Delta = 5250 Points
Standard Embarked Craft
8x Jaguars (Size 40, 950 Points)
8x Vultures(Size 40, 900 Points)
4x Grizzly Bears (Size 24, 485 Points)
12x Ocelots (Size 48, 1170 Points)
12x Buzzards (Size 48, 1125 Points)
4x Black Bears (Size 20, 360 Points)
Total Cost: 10,240 Points

Primeira Aterragem class Supercarrier
Origin: Esperança
Primary Operator: Espaça Federal da Esperança
Date Of Introduction: 21??
Role: Fleet Carrier
Control System: Bridge
Length: meters
Empty Mass: tons
Loaded Mass: tons
Powerplant: Fusion Reactors
Main Thrusters: Forced-Cycle Fusion Drives
Apogee Motors:
FTL Drive: Delta Type
Fixed Armament:
Defensive Systems: Flash Field, Trans-Phase Shift
Strike Craft: Enough~

Humaitá class Battleship


Hull Expansion: 6
Standard Fusion Power: 5
Habitation: 1
Trans-Phase Laminate: 2
Flash Field: 1
Hangar Space: 16
Docking Hardpoints:4
Forced Cycle Fusion Drives: 2
Jump Drives: 2
Anti-Ship Synchronous Beam Cannon Turret: 2
Synchronous Beam Gun Array: 2
Leap Missiles: 1
Cost: 1620 PIP + 1440 CIP + 1240 Delta = 4300 Points
Standard Embarked Craft
1x Ocelot Flight (Size 16, 390 Points)
Total Cost: 4690 Points

Totally not the Ra Caillum

Humaitá class Battleship
Origin: Esperança
Primary Operator: Espaça Federal da Esperança
Date Of Introduction: 218?
Role: Battleship
Control System: Bridge
Length: meters
Empty Mass: tons
Loaded Mass: tons
Powerplant: Fusion Reactors
Main Thrusters:
Apogee Motors:
FTL Drive: Delta Type
Fixed Armament:
Defensive Systems: Flash Field, Armor

Riachuelo class Cruiser

Hull Expansion: 6
Standard Fusion Power: 5
Habitation: 1
Trans-Phase Laminate: 2
Flash Field: 1
Hangar Space: 8
Docking Hardpoints:2
Forced Cycle Fusion Drives: 2
Jump Drives: 2
Anti-Ship Synchronous Beam Cannon Turret: 2
Synchronous Beam Gun Array: 2
Leap Missiles: 1
Cost: 670 PIP + 660 CIP + 600 Delta = 1930 Points
Standard Embarked Craft
2x Ocelot (Size 8, 390 Points)
Total Cost: 2320(+1930 For another) Points

Most Definitely not a Clop

Riachuelo class Heavy Cruiser
Origin: Esperança Oceania
Primary Operator: Espaça Federal da Esperança
Date Of Introduction: 218?
Role: Heavy Cruiser
Control System: Bridge
Length: meters
Empty Mass: tons
Loaded Mass: tons
Powerplant: Fusion Reactors
Main Thrusters:
Apogee Motors:
FTL Drive: Delta Type
Fixed Armament:
Defensive Systems: Flash Field, Armor

Bahia class Light Carrier

Light Carrier
Hull Expansion: 6
Standard Fusion Power: 5
Carrier Expansion: 6
Habitation: 1
Trans-Phase Laminate: 2
Flash Field: 1
Hangar Space: 100
Docking Hardpoints:3
Forced Cycle Fusion Drives: 2
Jump Drives: 2
Anti-Ship Synchronous Beam Cannon Turret: 2
Synchronous Pulse Cannon Turret: 3
Synchronous Beam Gun Array: 2
Cost: 1055 PIP + 710 CIP + 540 Delta = 2305 Points
Standard Embarked Craft
8x Ocelot Flights (Size 32, 780 Points)
8x Buzzard Flights (Size 32, 750 Points)
4x Black Bears (Size 20, 720 Points)
1x Jaguar (Size 5, 475 Points)
1x Vulture (Size 5, 450 Points)
1x Grizzly Bear (Size 6, 485 Points)
Total Cost: 5,965 Points(4,555 for three more afterwards)

Bahia class Light Carrier
Origin: Esperança, Brazil
Primary Operator: Espaça Federal da Esperança
Date Of Introduction: 2183
Role: Light Carrier
Control System: Bridge
Length: meters
Empty Mass: tons
Loaded Mass: tons
Powerplant: Fusion Reactors
Main Thrusters:
Apogee Motors:
FTL Drive: Delta Type
Fixed Armament:
Defensive Systems: Flash Field, Armor
Strike Craft: ~

Esterro Bellaco class Destroyer


Hull Expansion: 6
Standard Fusion Power: 5
Trans-Phase Laminate: 2
Flash Field: 1
Agile Electronics: 1
Hangar Space: 4
Forced Cycle Fusion Drives: 2
Jump Drives: 2
Synchronous Pulse Cannon Turret: 2
Synchronous Beam Gun Array: 2
Leap Missiles: 1
Cost: 220 PIP + 440 CIP + 310 Delta = 970 Points
Standard Embarked Craft
1x Ocelot (Size 4, 390 Points)
Total Cost: 1360(+970 for three more) Points

No way, shape, or form a Salamis Kai

Esterro Bellaco class Destroyer
Origin: Esperança
Primary Operator: Espaça Federal da Esperança
Date Of Introduction: 218?
Role: Destroyer
Control System: Bridge
Length: meters
Empty Mass: tons
Loaded Mass: tons
Powerplant: Fusion Reactors
Main Thrusters:
Apogee Motors:
FTL Drive: Delta Type
Fixed Armament:
Defensive Systems: Flash Field, Armor

Avaí class Frigate


Hull Expansion: 6
Standard Fusion Power: 5
Trans-Phase Laminate: 2
Flash Field: 1
Agile Electronics: 1
Forced Cycle Fusion Drives: 1
Forced Cycle Azipods: 1
Jump Drives: 2
Burst Gun Array: 3
Anti-Air Launcher: 2
Leap Missiles: 1
Cost: 95 PIP + 235 CIP + 95 Delta = 425 Points

not a Drake

Avaí class Frigate
Origin: Esperança
Primary Operator: Espaça Federal da Esperança
Date Of Introduction: 218?
Role: FrigateBattleship
Control System: Bridge
Length: meters
Empty Mass: tons
Loaded Mass: tons
Powerplant: Fusion Reactors
Main Thrusters:
Apogee Motors:
FTL Drive: Delta Type
Fixed Armament:
Defensive Systems: Flash Field, Armor

Aerospace Craft



F-87 Hellcat Condor


Body Expansions: 2
Power Expansions: 3
Size: 3
Frame and Propulsion
Forced Microfusion Thrusters: 1
Forced Microfusion Verniers: 1
Trans-Phase Laminate: 1
Flash Field: 1
Mobility: 1
Fixed Equipment
Synchronous Pulse Gun: 1
Anti-Missile Laser: 1
External Equipment(Standard)
Cluster Missile: 2
Cost: 35 PIP + 220 CIP + 50 Delta = 305 Points

F-87 Hellcat Condor Aerospace Fighter
Origin: Esperança
Primary Operator: Espaça Federal da Esperança
Date Of Introduction: 2187
Role: Multirole Aerospace Fighter
Control System: Linear Frame
Length: ??? meters
Weight: tons (standard combat loadout)
Powerplant: Forced Fusion Reactor
Main Thrusters:
Apogee Motors:
Fixed Armament:
Hardpoint mounts:
Defensive Systems:

F-88 Peregrine


Body Expansions: 3
Power Expansions: 4
Size: 4
Frame and Propulsion
Forced Microfusion Thrusters: 2
Forced Microfusion Verniers: 2
Trans-Phase Laminate: 1
Flash Field: 1
Mobility: 1
Fixed Equipment
Synchronous Pulse Gun: 1
Anti-Missile Laser: 1
External Equipment(Standard)
Cluster Missile: 2
Cost: 40 PIP + 310 CIP + 50 Delta = 400 Points

F-88 Peregrine Aerospace Fighter
Origin: Esperança
Primary Operator: Espaça Federal da Esperança
Date Of Introduction: 2185
Role: High-speed Intercept Aerospace Fighter
Control System: Linear Frame
Length: ??? meters
Weight: tons (standard combat loadout)
Powerplant: Forced Fusion Reactor
Main Thrusters:
Apogee Motors:
Fixed Armament:
Hardpoint mounts:
Defensive Systems:

F-85 Buzzard


Space Fighter
Body Expansions: 2
Power Expansions: 2
Size 4
Frame and Propulsion
Forced Microfusion Thrusters: 1
Forced Microfusion Verniers: 2
Trans-Phase Laminate: 1
Flash Field: 1
Fixed Equipment
Anti Missile Laser: 1
Hardpoints: 2
External Equipment(Standard)
Synchronous Pulse Gun: 1
Cluster/Strike Missiles: 4
Cost: 50 PIP + 275 CIP + 50 Delta = 375 Points

F-85 Buzzard Space Fighter
Origin: Esperança
Primary Operator: Espaça Federal da Esperança
Date Of Introduction: 2185
Role: High-speed Space Fighter
Control System: Linear Frame
Length: ??? meters
Weight: tons (standard combat loadout)
Powerplant: Forced Fusion Reactor
Main Thrusters:
Apogee Motors:
Fixed Armament:
Hardpoint mounts:
Defensive Systems:

F-90 Vulture


Space Fighter
Body Expansions: 3
Power Expansions: 4
Size 5
Frame and Propulsion
Forced Microfusion Thrusters: 2
Forced Microfusion Verniers: 2
Trans-Phase Laminate: 1
Flash Field: 1
Fixed Equipment
Funnel Array: 1
External Equipment(Standard)
Synchronous Pulse Gun: 1
Cluster Missiles: 2
Cost: 40 PIP + 335 CIP + 75 Delta = 450 Points

F-90 Vulture Space Fighter
Origin: Esperança
Primary Operator: Espaça Federal da Esperança
Date Of Introduction: 2190
Role: High-speed Space Fighter
Control System: Linear Frame
Length: ??? meters
Weight: tons (standard combat loadout)
Powerplant: Forced Fusion Reactor
Main Thrusters:
Apogee Motors:
Fixed Armament:
Hardpoint mounts:
Defensive Systems:

Combat Frames

FCF-83E Puma


Combat Frame
Body Expansions: 1
Power Expansions: 3
Size: 4
Frame and Propulsion
Forced Microfusion Thrusters: 1
Forced Microfusion Verniers: 1
Trans-Phase Laminate: 1
Flash Field: 1
Mobility: 1
Fixed Equipment
Anti-Missile Laser: 1
Beam Saber: 1
Hardpoint: 1
External Equipment(Standard)
Synchronous Pulse Gun: 1
Medium Shield: 1
Cost: 40 PIP + 225 CIP + 50 Delta = 315 Points

The first Esperancan Combat Frame used in the war, the Puma was a well balanced design that matched up well with foreign designs. Based off of schematics stolen from Kanon and Che that were then improved by a team of engineers, the Puma's defining feature was its forced-fusion reactor and hardpoint, giving it an impressive range of flexibility. Exported from Esperanca to numerous other PACT and independent states, the version seen here is the war-era update of the venerable Puma in use by the EFE, the Puma-E. The Puma-E is an improvement on the original Puma's strengths: The Microfusion propulsion system has been replaced by a more powerful Forced-Microfusion system, the original Phase-Shift Laminate has been upgraded to the new Trans-Phase armor, and the Pulse gun was replaced with a Synchronous model.

The Puma was originally insulted by Core and Zodiac detractors alike, claiming that Esperanca didn't have the experience to make a combat-capable frame. The Puma's actions in the immediate pre-war era, especially in the numerous border skirmishes between the EFE and *Insert Che's Military Here* proved the detractors wrong, and the Puma served as the basis for numerous other PACT Combat Frames.

FCF-83E Puma-E Combat Frame
Origin: Esperança, Oceania
Primary Operator: Espaça Federal da Esperança, Oceanian Colonial Militia
Date Of Introduction: 2183(Refitted to modern standards in 2187)
Role: General Role Combat Frame
Control System: Linear Frame with Cyber-Neural Interface
Height: 11.3 meters
Weight: 25~ tons (standard combat loadout)
Armor Materials: Trans-Phase Laminate Armor on SpaceAluminium Frame
Powerplant: Ultracompact Forced Fusion Reactor
Propulsion: Forced Microfusion Thrusters: ; Forced Microfusion vernier thrusters/apogee motors:
Fixed Armament: 1x ??mm Free-Electron-Laser CIWS, mounted in head; beam saber, stored in recharge rack in backpack, hand-carried in use
Optional Fixed Armament: Medium Shield, mounted on either forearm
Optional Handheld Armament: Synchronous Acceleration Pulse Gun, powered by rechargeable energy cap, stored in recharge rack on rear waist armor, hand-carried in use
Defensive Systems: Internal Flash Field Generator

FCF-86E Ocelot-Enhanced


Combat Frame
Body Expansions: 2
Power Expansions: 3
Size: 4
Frame and Propulsion
Forced Microfusion Thrusters: 1
Forced Microfusion Verniers: 2
Trans-Phase Laminate: 2
Flash Field: 1
Mobility: 1
Fixed Equipment
Anti-Missile Laser: 1
Beam Saber: 1
Hardpoint: 1
External Equipment(Standard)
Synchronous Pulse Gun: 1
Medium Shield: 1
Cost: 45 PIP + 285 CIP + 55 Delta = 390 Points

In 2186, the continuing souring of relations between ZOCU and the Core over financial issues, and UNASUR's anger at the repeated refusals of Che's leadership to remove its military forces from the planet of Cabarellas(renamed Malvinas by Che) and allow free elections, were quickly spiraling out of control. It looked as though war would break out at any given moment, and the Espaça Federal found its Puma model Combat Frame to be sorely lacking against the newer, more modern frames being deployed by Che. With the prospect of war on the horizon, a solution was needed to not only even the playing field with Che, but to ultimately surpass them. The first result of this project was the CF-86 Ocelot, which was an improvement over the Puma in all areas.

The Ocelot utilizes the same basic chassis of the earlier Puma, with increases in armor, maneuverability, and flexibility. The original Ocelot featured numerous advances in design, including a more robust frame that was actually more flexibile than the Puma's smaller frame, giving it greater melee capacity. The Current model of the Ocelot, the Ocelot-E, is a complete refit of the frame, replacing the Microfusion propulsion with Forced Microfusion propulsion from the Jaguar, Trans-Phase Shift Armor, and a new Synchronous Pulse Gun.

FCF-86E Ocelot-Enhanced Combat Frame
Origin: Esperança, Oceania
Primary Operator: Espaça Federal da Esperança, Oceanian Colonial Militia
Date Of Introduction: 2186(CF-96), 2194(Ocelot-Enhanced)
Role: General Purpose Combat Frame
Control System: Linear Frame with Cyber-Neural Interface
Height: 11.6 meters
Weight: 27~ tons (standard combat loadout)
Armor Materials: Trans-Phase Laminate Armor on an Aluminium Frame
Powerplant: Ultracompact Forced Fusion Reactor
Propulsion: Forced Microfusion Thrusters: ; Forced Microfusion vernier thrusters/apogee motors:
Fixed Armament: 1x ??mm Free-Electron-Laser CIWS, mounted in head; beam saber, stored in recharge rack in backpack, hand-carried in use
Optional Fixed Armament: Medium Shield, mounted on either forearm
Optional Handheld Armament: Synchronous Acceleration Pulse Gun, powered by rechargeable energy cap, stored in recharge rack on rear waist armor, hand-carried in use
Defensive Systems: Internal Flash Field Generator

FAF-86E Black Bear Enhanced


Assault Frame
Body Expansions: 2
Power Expansions: 4
Size: 5
Frame and Propulsion
Forced Microfusion Thrusters: 1
Forced Microfusion Verniers: 1
Flash Field: 1
Fixed Equipment
Dual Beam Gun: 1
Auxiliary Generator: 1
Beam Saber: 1
External Equipment(Standard)
Bazooka: 1
Cost: 60 PIP + 240 CIP + 65 Delta = 365 Points

FAF-86E Black Bear Enhanced Assault Combat Frame
Origin: Esperança, Oceania
Primary Operator: Espaça Federal da Esperança, Oceanian Colonial Militia
Date Of Introduction: 2186(ACF-86), 2194(Panda-Enhanced)
Role: Attack/Fire Support Assault Combat Frame
Control System: Linear Frame with Cyber-Neural Interface
Height: 11.6 meters
Weight: 27~ tons (standard combat loadout)
Armor Materials: Trans-Phase Laminate Armor on an Aluminium Frame
Powerplant: Ultracompact Forced Fusion Reactor
Propulsion: Forced Microfusion Thrusters: ; Forced Microfusion vernier thrusters/apogee motors:
Fixed Armament: 1x ??mm Free-Electron-Laser CIWS, mounted in head; beam saber, stored in recharge rack in backpack, hand-carried in use, 2x Beam Cannon, mounted on shoulder
Optional Fixed Armament:
Optional Handheld Armament: Anti-Ship Bazooka
Defensive Systems: Internal Flash Field Generator

FCF-95 Jaguar


Combat Frame
Body Expansions: 3
Power Expansions: 4
Size: 5
Frame and Propulsion
Forced Microfusion Thrusters: 2
Forced Microfusion Verniers: 2
Trans-Phase Laminate: 2
Flash Field: 1
Fixed Equipment
Anti-Missile Laser: 1
Beam Saber: 1
Cluster Missiles: 1
Hardpoint: 2
External Equipment(Standard)
Synchronous Beam Gun: 1
Medium Shield: 1
Cost: 55 PIP + 350 CIP + 65 Delta = 475 Points

The first postwar combat frame designed on Esperança, the CF-95 Jaguar is the culmination of over a decade of Combat Frame development that started with the Puma. Over a meter taller than the Puma, the Jaguar was the first frame designed from the ground up with the results of the Native Dancer Project: an entirely redesigned Forced Fusion reactor(specially designed for the Jaguar, in order to compete with the Sarissa), Forced Microfusion Propulsion, Trans-Phase Laminate Armor, a Flash-Field Generator, and a Synchronous Beam Rifle. The Jaguar, because of it's technological advancement, is on the expensive side of things.

In comparison to the mecha it is most likely to encounter on the battlefield, The Jaguar simply outperforms them, giving in the nickname of "The Expanse's only Fifth Generation Combat Frame". Initial goals of the Jaguar's design team were to match the Sarissa's Mercurion thrusters on a 1/1 basis, which were more than met by the Dual Forced Microfusion Thrusters and Dual Forced Microfusion Verniers.

Zodiac&Core Critics alike have latched onto the Jaguar as being a white elephant design that isn't worth its cost, and doesn't perform as well as EFE Propaganda says it does in actual combat.

FCF-95 Jaguar Combat Frame
Origin: Esperança, Oceania
Primary Operator: Espaça Federal da Esperança, Oceanian Colonial Militia
Date Of Introduction: 2195
Role: High-efficiency Mass-Production Combat Frame
Control System: Oxygenated Cushioning Liquid-filled Panoramic Cockpit with Cyber-Neural Interface
Height: 12.4 meters
Weight: 27 tons (standard combat loadout)
Armor Materials: Trans-Phase Laminate Armor on an Aluminium Frame
Powerplant: Ultracompact Enhanced Forced Fusion Reactor w/ Sub Generator
Propulsion: 2x Forced Microfusion Thrusters, Backpack Mounted ; Forced Microfusion vernier thrusters/apogee motors:
Fixed Armament: 1x ??mm Free-Electron-Laser CIWS, mounted in head; beam saber, stored in recharge rack in backpack, hand-carried in use
Optional Fixed Armament: Medium Shield, mounted on either forearm
Optional Handheld Armament: Synchronous Acceleration Beam Rifle, powered by energy pack(Stored in shield), stored in recharge rack on rear waist armor, hand-carried in use
Defensive Systems: Internal Flash Field Generator

FAF-95 Grizzly Bear


Assault Frame
Body Expansions: 3
Power Expansions: 4
Size: 6
Frame and Propulsion
Forced Microfusion Thrusters: 2
Forced Microfusion Verniers: 2
Trans-Phase Laminate: 2
Flash Field: 1
Fixed Equipment
Anti-Missile Laser: 1
Beam Saber: 1
Cluster Missiles: 1
Strike Missiles: 2
External Equipment(Standard)
Synchronous Beam Gun: 1
Cost: 50 PIP + 350 CIP + 65 Delta = 465 Points

Designed near the end of the Jaguar's design cycle, the Grizzly Bear is a mid-range support frame, designed for both anti-ship and anti-mecha work. Based off the same frame as the Jaguar, the bear uses much of the same technologies as its sister frame, although it is slower than the Jaguar. The Bear's heavier armor makes up for its slowness, and it can more than hold its own against enemies with its dual shoulder-mounted Synchronous Beam Cannons.

FAF-95 Grizzly Bear Assault Combat Frame
Origin: Esperança, Oceania
Primary Operator: Espaça Federal da Esperança, Oceanian Colonial Militia
Date Of Introduction: 2195
Role: Attack/Fire Support Use Combat Frame
Control System: Linear Frame
Height: 13.3 meters
Weight: 28 tons (standard combat loadout)
Armor Materials: Trans-Phase Laminate Armor on an Aluminium Frame
Powerplant: Ultracompact Enhanced Forced Fusion Reactor w/ Sub-generator
Propulsion: 1x Forced Microfusion Thrusters, Backpack Mounted ; Forced Microfusion vernier thrusters/apogee motors:
Fixed Armament: 1x ??mm Free-Electron-Laser CIWS, mounted in head; beam saber, stored in recharge rack on forearm, hand-carried in use, 2x Synchronous Acceleration beam Cannons, shoulder mounted
Optional Fixed Armament: None
Optional Handheld Armament: Anti-Ship Bazooka
Defensive Systems: Internal Flash Field Generator

FX-95 Lion


Orbital Frame
Body Expansions: 3
Power Expansions: 4
Frame and Propulsion
Forced Microfusion Thrusters: 2
Forced Microfusion Verniers: 2
Trans-Phase Laminate: 2
Flash Field: 1
Fixed Equipment
Anti-Missile Laser: 1
Twin Beam Sabers: 1
External Equipment(Standard)
Synchronous Beam Gun: 1
Medium Shield: 1
Integrated Scatterfield Generator: 1
Plasma Lance :1
Cost: 60 PIP + 653 CIP + 100 Delta = 813 Points


FX-95 Lion Orbital Frame
Origin: Esperança, Oceania
Primary Operator: Espaça Federal da Esperança, Oceanian Colonial Militia
Date Of Introduction: 2195
Role: General Purpose Orbital Frame
Control System: Panoramic Cockpit with Cyber-Neural Interface
Height: 11.5 meters
Weight: tons (standard combat loadout)
Powerplant: Forced Fusion Reactor
Main Thrusters:
Apogee Motors:
Fixed Armament:
Optional Handheld Armament:
Defensive Systems:

Other Equipment

Bigass Particle Gun
Bigass Crew-served Particle Cannon

Back (Esperança)
Back (Jane's)