Esperança: Difference between revisions

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(47 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 26: Line 26:
! style="text-align: left;" | Climate:
! style="text-align: left;" | Climate:
| Remarkably Earth-like. High degree of biodiversity, albeit somewhat wetter than earth.
| Varies
! style="text-align: left;" | Atmosphere:
! style="text-align: left;" | Atmosphere:
| 99.9% Terra-compatible
| Earth-like.  
! style="text-align: left;" | Other Bodies:
! style="text-align: left;" | Other Bodies:
Line 41: Line 41:
! style="text-align: left;" | Population:
! style="text-align: left;" | Population:
| 42 Million  
| 45 Million  
! style="text-align: left;" | Population Breakdown:
! style="text-align: left;" | Population Breakdown:
Line 59: Line 59:
! style="text-align: left" | Resource Index:  
! style="text-align: left" | Resource Index:  
| 1210 CIP<br> 1010 PIP<br> 810 Wealth<br>
| 1125 CIP<br> 1075 PIP<br> 925 Wealth<br>
! style="text-align: left" | Precursor Activity Index:  
! style="text-align: left" | Precursor Activity Index:  
Line 65: Line 65:
! style="text-align: left" | Military Index:  
! style="text-align: left" | Military Index:  
| 45000 Military<br> 90 Logistics<br> 8 Morale<br> 40 Doctrine
| 40000 Military<br> 70 Logistics<br> 8.5 Morale<br> 41 Doctrine
Line 71: Line 71:
== Overview ==
== Overview ==

'''Archetype:''' Ambitious Liberal-to-Centrist Brazilian Military Power.<br>
'''Archetype:''' Liberation Theological Brazilians with Giant Robots .<br>
'''Head of State:''' Tatiana Rosenfeldt <br>
'''Head of State:''' Tatiana Rosenfeldt <br>
'''Government:''' Federated Communities <br>
'''Government:''' Federation <br>
'''Political Alignment:''' PACT<br>
'''Political Alignment:''' PACT<br>

Line 115: Line 115:
By the year 2140, Esperança was a rich and prosperous colony, with a burgeoning cultural identity. The Orbital Elevator that ''Primeira Aterragem'' was built around, the ''Céu-Coluna'',  had been completed, linking up to the ''Céu-Coluna Counterweight Station'' which served as the main center of orbital industry and commerce for the colony. The construction of experimental power stations in orbit, meant to harness power from the tidal stresses generated by São Galvão, were both fully operational and proving the feasibility of the process, with plans in motion for construction of additional power plants to provide cheap and clean power.  A technologically advanced and mature system of orbital power, communication, and habitation satellites filled Esperançan space; and the new ''Estaleiro Novo do Titã'' shipyards had just launched the luxury liner ''Da'Cruze''. However, heavy taxes imposed by Brazil's federal government, and a lack of representation were still problems that would soon boil over.
By the year 2140, Esperança was a rich and prosperous colony, with a burgeoning cultural identity. The Orbital Elevator that ''Primeira Aterragem'' was built around, the ''Céu-Coluna'',  had been completed, linking up to the ''Céu-Coluna Counterweight Station'' which served as the main center of orbital industry and commerce for the colony. The construction of experimental power stations in orbit, meant to harness power from the tidal stresses generated by São Galvão, were both fully operational and proving the feasibility of the process, with plans in motion for construction of additional power plants to provide cheap and clean power.  A technologically advanced and mature system of orbital power, communication, and habitation satellites filled Esperançan space; and the new ''Estaleiro Novo do Titã'' shipyards had just launched the luxury liner ''Da'Cruze''. However, heavy taxes imposed by Brazil's federal government, and a lack of representation were still problems that would soon boil over.

Unfortunately, all was not peaceful. As the colony's population grew, and it became more and more self sufficient, tensions between the earth-based colonial administration and Esperançan colonists began to sour. Although a majority of Esperançans favored the status quo, that number was shrinking more and more as a loose coalition of pro-independence forces, calling themselves the ''Partido Trabalhista para a Liberdade'' (Workers Party for Freedom) or PTL, gained more and more members as popular opinion swung against the increasingly conservative and reactionary Brazilian government. As the calender moved forward into 2140, things were reaching a head.
Unfortunately, all was not peaceful. As the colony's population grew, and it became more and more self sufficient, tensions between the Baseline Majority, and the transgenic minority began to boil over
On April 1st of 2140, during a peaceful protests in the city of ''Refúgio da Liberdade'' against unfair taxation and no political representation, as well as against the refusal of the government to subsidize healthcare for colonists, things got heated when Brazilian Military Police boxed protesters in. From there, the police refused to let the crowd move, effectively holding them captive which had the effect of causing tempers to flare; this led to someone throwing a rock at an officer, and things spiraled out of control, with the MP's brutally arresting all of the protesters. The widespread news coverage of the crackdown ignited the tensions brewing among the colonists, causing riots to break out, as well as the PTL leaping into action. Along with local military units, partisan forces, and the chaos of the so called "April Fool's Rage", the PTL managed to not only seize the majority of the rural farming communes and small towns from Loyalist forces, but also seized the ''Estaleiro Novo do Titã'' shipyards as well as Céu Calmo BFA. As the day dawned on April 2nd, the stage was set for the Civil war, which would last from its start in April 2140, to its abrupt end in 2151. The war itself, while longlasting, was fairly tame compared to the Corporate War on Haraway, and most of the fighting took place in either 2141, 2145, or just at the beginning of the breakdown in 2143.

==== Breakdown Era [2152-2180] ====
==== Breakdown Era [2152-2180] ====
Line 137: Line 135:
=== Politics ===
=== Politics ===

While classified as a Representative Democracy, the Comunidades Federadas de Esperança's democratically elected government is unique in the way it is organized. At the lowest level of government, essentially small towns and other communities, decisions are made by councils headed by respected community leaders, which also allows members of the community to have a more direct involvement with local governance. A step up from that is County Governance, in which the various community councils of the count send one member elected by their community to represent the people at the Council, which in turn does the same for Prefecture-level governance. The General Assembly of the Federation is therefore made up of representatives from each prefecture. The Populace directly elects the President and Vice President, who nominates his choices for cabinet to be voted on by the General Assembly.
While classified as a Representative Democracy, the Comunidades Federadas de Esperança's democratically elected government is unique in its organization. At the lowest level of government, which under the Esperancan system is considered to be the local governments of small towns and other communities, decisions are made by councils composed of local community leaders which hold weekly meetings on important issues to allow members of the community to have a more direct involvement with local governance. A step up from that is County Governance, in which the various community councils of the counties send one member elected by their community to represent the people at the County Council. The County Council is similar to the small-town councils, excepting for the lack of public involvement in the bi-monthly meetings.The next level of governance is the March, which is a collection of Counties. The General Assembly of the Federation is a twp house body, composed of three different bodies: The Commons, which is made up of 400 delegates elected in a proportional-representative style election; and the The House of Representatives, which is made up of 100 elected representatives. The Populace directly elects the President and Vice President, who nominates his choices for cabinet to be voted on by the General Assembly.

Generally speaking, Esperançan politics tend to be strongly leftist-socialist, with a not-inconsiderate influence from bioconservative and populist factions. Currently, the absolute majority of seats in the senate and chamber of deputies is controlled by two major parties: the Worker's Party(Partido dos Trabalhadores, PT), the successor to the Partido Trabalhista para a Liberdade and the head of the Liberal Bloc; and the Christian Socialist Party (Partido Socialista Cristão, PSC), the head of the centrist-bloc. Whilst the PT advocate a softer approach to international relations, generally pushing to have the SAFE expand its commitments to protect ASEAN worlds and outreach to independent powers (namely Valera) in order to render the threat of Che and ZOCU nonexistant; the PSC prefers a far more aggressive approach, namely using the military might and advanced technology of Esperança, along with SAFE's considerable operational capacity, to strong-arm independents into siding with PACT and then engage ZOCU and Che in a final war, aimed at dismantling the current political structure of the ZOCU organization and Che's military dictatorship, and then replacing them with Esperanca-Friendly Regimes.  While both parties advocate for Esperança taking a leadership role in the region, the PT pushes for a ''Pax Esperança'' achieved through using war as a last resort, the PSC pushes for a Pax through way of becoming the unchallengeable dominant military force in the region, similar to the United States of America on Earth in the 1990's.
Generally speaking, Esperançan politics tend to be strongly leftist-socialist, with a not-inconsiderate influence from bioconservative and populist factions. Currently, the absolute majority of seats in the senate and chamber of deputies is controlled by two major parties: the Worker's Party(Partido dos Trabalhadores, PT), the successor to the Partido Trabalhista para a Liberdade and the head of the Liberal Bloc; and the Christian Socialist Party (Partido Socialista Cristão, PSC), the head of the centrist-bloc. Whilst the PT advocate a softer approach to international relations, generally pushing to have the SAFE expand its commitments to protect ASEAN worlds and outreach to independent powers (namely Valera) in order to render the threat of Che and ZOCU nonexistant; the PSC prefers a far more aggressive approach, namely using the military might and advanced technology of Esperança, along with SAFE's considerable operational capacity, to strong-arm independents into siding with PACT and then engage ZOCU and Che in a final war, aimed at dismantling the current political structure of the ZOCU organization and Che's military dictatorship, and then replacing them with Esperanca-Friendly Regimes.  While both parties advocate for Esperança taking a leadership role in the region, the PT pushes for a ''Pax Esperança'' achieved through using war as a last resort, the PSC pushes for a Pax through way of becoming the unchallengeable dominant military force in the region, similar to the United States of America on Earth in the 1990's.
Line 164: Line 162:
(Serviços com Armas Federais da Esperança, SAFE)
(Serviços com Armas Federais da Esperança, SAFE)

Formed in 2153 as a merger between the armed wing of the PTL and the Colonial Defense Force(Força da Defesa da Colônia), SAFE barely saw any use during the breakdown, merely acting to disarm rebel groups who did not comply with the ceasefire agreement and deal with the occasional pirate. Following recontact in 2178, SAFE was soon given a much needed shot in the arm, with the threat of both ZOCU and the libertadors necessitating a build up in case of hostilities. With its central location, Esperança played host to large concentrations of PACT naval vessels who resupplied in system, as well as numerous defense contractors who were interesting in gaining a technological edge. The Naval wing of the Armed Services, the Força do Espaço da Federais da Esperança(Esperança Federal Space Force, EFEF) is the most prestigious branch of SAFE, and saw the lion's share of combat during the war.
Formed in 2153 as a merger between the armed wing of the PTL and the Colonial Defense Force(Força da Defesa da Colônia), SAFE barely saw any use during the breakdown, merely acting to deal with the occasional pirate. Following recontact in 2178, SAFE was soon given a much needed shot in the arm, with the threat of posed by Che's military force necessitating a build up in case of hostilities. With its central location, Esperança played host to large concentrations of PACT naval vessels who resupplied in system, as well as numerous defense contractors who were interesting in gaining a technological edge. The Naval wing of the Armed Services, the Força do Espaço da Federais da Esperança(Esperança Federal Space Force, EFEF) is the most prestigious branch of SAFE, and saw the lion's share of combat during the war.

In modern times, SAFE considers itself to be the most well-trained and well-equipped non-earthbased military in the Pacific Arm. Still riding high off their successes during the Zodiac and Libertador campaigns, as well as on the average man on the street's distaste for certain elements within ZOCU, SAFEs has a high degree of popular support, and is well funded by the government and private citizens.
In modern times, SAFE considers itself to be the most well-trained and well-equipped military native to the Pacific Arm. Still riding high off their successes during war, SAFE has a high degree of popular support, and is well funded by the government and private citizens.
SAFE is divided into three branches, each with their own purpose and duty. The largest branch of SAFE is the Espaço da Federais da Esperança(Esperança Federal Space Force, EFEF), which is responsible for defending Esperanca and negating the ability of the enemy to wage war on the planet. The EFEF is mainly a carrier fleet, operating one full size fleet carrier (the ''Primeira Aterragem'', flagship of the EFEF), and two light carriers(''Bahia'' & ''Nana Buluku''); additional craft support is provided by the Humaitá-class Battleship ''Humaitá'', the four Riachuelo-class cruisers ''Riachuel'' ''Excelion'' ''Harvest Joy'' & ''Conde d'Eu'', and the four ''Esterro Bellaco'' class destroyers. The EFEF, despite a comparatively larger size to most space forces, is still in a process of rebuilding and strengthening itself: current projections estimate that four more ''Esterro Bellaco'' class ships are planned, along with atleast two more ''Bahia'' class vessels and another Humaitá.
The EFEF was the first PACT Nation to begin developing its own Combat Frames. This was done so in response to combat reports of Cheian Peltasts, and the rumors of much more powerful designs being developed on Kanon. A crash development program was started, with the end result being the first of the ''Big Cat'' series of Combat Frames: the FCF-83 Puma. Based on indigenous power-loader designs mixed with stolen Peltast parts, the Puma was a balanced and well performing machine-albeit one who's oversize fusion reactor made expensive. The Puma was quickly adopted by the EFEF, and then other UNASUR nations and colonies for their own defense forces, and can be still be found in service throughout the expanse today. However, even with the completion of the Puma, its successor was already being designed. Resembling an expanded and beefed up Puma with additional verniers and thrusters, the FCF-86 Ocelot(which entered service in 2186) was a step above and beyond the Puma. The Ocelot was the first Esperancan Combat Frame to feature the new Trans-Phase Laminate armor, as well as new Forced Fusion Propulsion; all in a package that was around the same size as the Puma, and Easier to control. The Ocelot was rushed into full mass production, and remains the standard mainline combat frame of the EFEF.
=== Military Ranks ===
All three branches of SAFE (The EFEF, The Ground Forces, SAFEGUARD), all share the same ranking systems. The commanding officer of all three branches is the President, serving as commander in-chief.
All three branches have the same enlisted ranks: starting with Soldado, then Cabo, then Terceiro-Sargento, then Segundo-Sargento, and finally Primeiro-Sargento. NCOs have the rank of Sublieutenant, which ranges in grades from fourth class(lowest) to first class(highest).
Officer ranks are also the same, with newly graduated officers having the rank of Aspirant. Above that, the scale goes as follows: Alferes(Ensign), Segundo-Tenente(Second Lieutenant), Primeiro-Tenente(First Lieutenant), Capitão(Captain), Major, Tenente-Coronel(Lieutenant Colonel), Coronel(Colonel, the highest rank of SAFEGUARD), Brigadeiro(Brigadier, EFEF)/General-de-Brigada(Brigade General, Army), Major-Brigadeiro(Brigadier Major, EFEF)/General-de-divisão(Divisional General, Army), Tenente-Brigadeiro-do-espaço(Space Lieutenant Brigadier, EFEF)/General-de-divisão(Army General, Army), Marechal-do-espaço(Space Marshal, EFEF)/Marechal(Marshal, Army).

=== Resources ===
=== Resources ===

''Ship Listings, Corps Listings, Etc...''
''Ship Listings, Corps Listings, Etc...''
====Military Purchases====
:Route A
Remaining Military Points: 9,580
:Military Vessels
::EFE ''Humaitá'', EFE ''Marquis Tamandaré'' + Craft(Humaita Class Battleship): 4690+4690=9380 Points
::EFE ''Riachuelo'', EFE ''Duque Caxias'' , EFE ''Marquis Erval'', EFE ''Conde d'Eu'' + Craft Compliments(Riachuelo Class Cruisers): 2320+1930+2320+1930=8,500 Points
::EFE ''Esterro Bellaco'', EFE ''Piquissiri'', EFE ''Jaguarão'', EFE ''Caseros'', EFE ''Mato Grosso'', EFE '' Corrientes'', EFE ''Yatay'', EFE '' Paso de Cuevas'' : + Craft(Esterro Bellaco Class Destroyers)= 1360+970+970+970+1360+970+970+970=8,540 Points
::EFE ''Avai'', EFE ''Defensora'', EFE ''Constituição'', EFE ''Liberal'', EFE ''Independência'', EFE ''União'', EFE ''Bosísio'', EFE ''Barroso'', EFE ''Macaé'', EFE ''Macau'', EFE ''Piratini'', EFE ''Pirajá'', EFE ''Pampeiro'', EFE ''Paratí'', EFE ''Penedo'', EFE ''Potí'' (Avai Class Frigates): 6,500 Points
::Total Number of Military Vessels:
:::Total Number of Spaceborne Military Craft:
:Route B
Remaining Military Points: 26,040
:Military Vessels
::EFE ''Humaitá'' + Craft(Humaita Class Battleship): 4690 Points
::EFE ''Riachuelo'', EFE ''Duque Caxias'' + Craft Compliments(Riachuelo Class Cruisers): 2320+1930=5250 Points
::EFE ''Esterro Bellaco'', EFE ''Piquissiri'', EFE ''Jaguarão'', EFE ''Caseros'': + Craft(Esterro Bellaco Class Destroyers)= 1360+970+970+970=4270 Points
::EFE ''Avai'', EFE ''Defensora'', EFE ''Constituição'', EFE ''Liberal'', EFE ''Independência'', EFE ''União'', EFE ''Bosísio'', EFE ''Barroso'' (Avai Class Frigates): 3,250 Points
::Total Number of Military Vessels:
:::Total Number of Spaceborne Military Craft:

[[Esperançan Military Equipment]]
[[Esperançan Military Equipment]]
==Important People==
===Military Personnel ===
:Coronel Amélia Teresa Pascoal Alvares, Commanding Officer of the X
:Tenente-coronel João Miguel Belasco Espinoza
:Major Juliana Isabel Mascarenhas Gusmão

== Statistics ==
== Statistics ==
Line 196: Line 241:
:[Military|Beta Carbon Samurai] Mecha +3 [23], Propulsion +2 [27]
:[Military|Beta Carbon Samurai] Mecha +3 [23], Propulsion +2 [27]
:[Skunkworks] Power + 5 [30], Materials +5 [25]
:[Skunkworks] Power + 5 [30], Materials +5 [25]
:[SP] Mecha +3 [26], Propulsion +3 [30], Stealth +2 [27]
:[SP] Railguns +3 [23], Propulsion +3 [30]

==== Applications ====
==== Applications ====
Line 203: Line 248:
*Shipbuilding VI
*Shipbuilding VI
**Capital Ship Construction
**Capital Ship Construction
**Carrier Construction VI
**Carrier Construction III
*Aerospace Construction III
*Aerospace Construction III
*Mecha Construction III (108)
*Mecha Construction II
*Ground Construction IV
*Ground Construction IV
*Craft Power IV (188)
*Craft Power III
*Ship Power V
*Ship Power V
*All Tier 1 Railgun Applications
*All Tier 1 Railgun Applications
*Rhenium Railgun Fundamentals (105)
*Craft Rhenium (68)
*Infantry Rhenium (8)
*All Tier 1 Particle Weapon Applications
*All Tier 1 Particle Weapon Applications
*Synchronous Acceleration Fundamentals  
*Synchronous Acceleration Fundamentals  
*Naval Synchro (80)
*Craft Synchro (45)
*Naval Armor II
*Naval Armor II
*Aerospace Armor II
*Aerospace Armor II
Line 228: Line 274:
*Aerospace Propulsion IV (80)
*Aerospace Propulsion IV (80)
*Forced-Cycle Fusion Drives (120)
*Forced-Cycle Fusion Drives (120)
*Hypercatalyzed Fusion Drives (240)
*Agile Electronics
*Agile Electronics
*Swarm Formatting
*Swarm Formatting
Line 235: Line 282:

==== '''Final Stats''' ====
==== '''Final Stats''' ====
:SP: 29
:SP: 39
:SP Limit: 15
:SP Limit: 20
:Population: 450 Base bonus: 225
:Population: 450 Base bonus: 225
:Trangene: 0
:Trangene: 0
:Morale: 8
:Morale: 14
:Wealth: 800+225 (1025)
:Wealth: 700+225 (925)
:PIP: 850+225 (1075)
:PIP: 900+225 (1125)
:CIP: 800+225 (1025)
:CIP: 1110+225 (1335)
:Fabbers: 0
:Fabbers: 0
:Delta Dust: 350
:Delta Dust: 100
:Theta Dust: 0
:Theta Dust: 0
:Military: 40000
:Military: 40000
:Doctrines: 104
:Doctrines: 41
:Logistics: 70
:Logistics: 70
:Global Tech Level: 20
:Global Tech Level: 20
:Applications: 730
:Applications: 740
:Stockpiles: 0
:Stockpiles: 0
:Debt: 0
:Debt: 0
:Covert: 3
'''SP Expenditures'''
'''SP Expenditures'''
:Additional Limit: 0
:Additional Limit: 0
:Wealth: 0
:Wealth: 0 (0)
:PIP: 0
:PIP: 0 (
:CIP: 0
:CIP: 11 (110)
:Dust: 0
:Dust: 0
:Theta: 0
:Theta: 0
:Pop: 0
:Pop: 0
:Mil: 0
:Mil: ()
:Tech Indices: 4 (8)
:Tech Indices: 3 (6)
:Apps: 13 (130)
:Apps: 13 (130)
:Transgene: 0
:Transgene: 0
:Doctrine: 12 (24)
:Doctrine: 12 (6)
:Logistics: 0
:Logistics: 0

:Remaining points: 0
:Remaining points: 4
::Line 1, Skirmish 4, Superiority 4, Strike 4, Combined Arms 3, Ramparts 1, Electronic Warfare 4, Recruitment 2, Reserves 1, Individual Excellence 3
::Line 2, Skirmish 2, Superiority 4, Strike 4, Combined Arms 2, Ramparts 1, Electronic Warfare 2, Recruitment 1, Reserves 1, Individual Excellence 2

:Morale Points: 20
:Morale Points: 0
:Public Order: 7
:Public Order: 3+3
:Taxes: 5
:Diplomacy: 3+3
:Military Discipline: 7
:Military Discipline: 4+2
:Societal Closure: 1+1
:Societal Closure: 3-2
:Taxes: 1

'''Exploration Era'''
'''Exploration Era'''
:Garden World: Population Boom (+ 120 pop, +100 wealth)
:Garden World: Population Boom  
:Precursor Relics: Extensive (+ 250 dust, - 50 PIP)
:Precursor Relics: None
:Drones: None (+ 60 population, + 100 Wealth)
:Drones: None
:Posthuman Footsteps: Untouched (+20 SP, SP limit for options increased by +5)
:Posthuman Footsteps: Untouched
:Location: Hub (+60 Population)
:Location: Hub (+60 Population)

Line 297: Line 345:

'''Breakdown Era'''
'''Breakdown Era'''
:Economic Upsets: Communist Manifesto (+ 100 PIP, - 100 Wealth)
:Economic Upsets: Stability
:Cut Off: Stand Alone Complex (+ 100 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth, + 4 Logistics, +10,000 Military)
:Cut Off: Stand Alone Complex

'''War Era and Aftermath'''
'''War Era and Aftermath'''
:Sign The PACT (+ 200 CIP, +200 Wealth, +10,000 military, +5 Morale, +1 SP) 
:Sign The PACT  
:New American Millenium (+ 2,500 Military, + 200 Applications, + Morale, - Rim relations, +1 SP)
:New American Millenium
:Arms Production Center (+ 100 PIP, + 100 CIP, + weapon application)
:Arms Production Center  
:Beta Carbon Samurai ((+ 10 Aerospace Doctrine, + 10 Ground doctrine, + 100 Mecha application, + 100 Propulsion application))
:Beta Carbon Samurai  

:Multiparty Democracy (+ Morale, + 100 application (common), + 100 wealth)
:Multiparty Democracy (+ Morale, + 100 application (common), + 100 CIP)

Line 313: Line 361:

:Bombed Flat And Angry About It (+ Morale, - 100 CIP)
:Found Religion (+ Morale, - 100 Wealth)

:+5000 military, +100 PIP and +100 CIP
:+5000 military, +100 PIP and +100 CIP
== Fiction ==
*[[On Leave]]


Latest revision as of 21:21, 30 November 2011

Federated Communities of Esperança

Federated Communites of Esperança
Pacific Arm Colonization Treaty
System Info
Star Name: Lusitania
World Name: Esperança
Surface Gravity: 1.13 G
Climate: Varies
Atmosphere: Earth-like.
Other Bodies:
Population: 45 Million
Population Breakdown: 100% Baseline Humanity
Capital: Primeira Aterragem
Other Settlements:
Resource Index: 1125 CIP
1075 PIP
925 Wealth
Precursor Activity Index: 350 Dust
Military Index: 40000 Military
70 Logistics
8.5 Morale
41 Doctrine


Archetype: Liberation Theological Brazilians with Giant Robots .
Head of State: Tatiana Rosenfeldt
Government: Federation
Political Alignment: PACT

About Esperança

Officially the Comunidades Federadas de Esperança, Esperança is the ruling government of Esperança, the large earthlike moon of the São Galvão gas giant. While most of the population resides on Esperança, the planet's orbital infrastructure does contain a sizable population, mostly clustered in habitats at the top of the Céu-Coluna Orbital Elevator. The colony's fertile soil and vast, wide open spaces have made it a prime location for food production. Located at the hub of multiple jump-routes, Esperança has a fairly large population at 42 million people, and has extensive 0g and ground based industries and power infrastructure, as well as what some consider to be one of the top tier non-earth military forces in the Pacific Arm, a reputation gained from their experiences during the ZOCU war; the backbone of Esperança's military might is the Espaça Federal da Esperança(Esperança Federal Spacy, EFE). Esperança is one of the main voices of opposition in PACT to both ZOCU and the Libertadors, as well as one of the most diplomatically and involved nations of the pacific arm.

Climate and Geography

Esperanca is the largest and most habitable moon of São Galvão, and orbits in just the right way to recieve enough sunlight from Lusitania and enough background radiation from São Galvão to enjoy a temperate, vegetation friendly climate. Seeded eons ago by the Precursors, Esperanca's native life while not earth-related, is sufficiently close enough that there were no difficulties in habitation by humanity. The planet's gravity is actually slightly higher than earth-standard, but due to various environmental factors, it does not cause much problems for baseline humans. Most of Esperanca's soil is highly fertile, allowing the small farming communes which contain most of the planet's population to produce large amounts of food. The average Esperancan year is roughly 1.5 earth years, while it takes Esperanca three months to make a full orbit of São Galvão.


Flora and Fauna

Owlbears and DuckLions, holmes

System Astrography

Lusitania HD 37124 is a G4V yellow dwarf, approximately 108 LY away from earth, somewhat smaller, cooler and younger than Sol. It is located along the PACT arm of the Sphere; the interstellar catapult path reached it in 2178.

Da Silva (HD 37124b) is the first planet out from Lusitania. Massing in at 0.61 Mj, it orbits at 0.53 AU for a period of 156 earth days. Granma is classified as a Jovian planet, and has numerous uninhabited moons.

São Galvão (HD 37124c) is the second planet of the Lusitania system. A Jovian planet like its sisters, Sao Galvao has a mass of more than twice that of Saturn, and its position 1.22 AU away from the star means that it is directly in the habitable zone. Sao Galvao has 40 moon sized celestial objects in orbit, one of which is currently inhabited. The planet also has nine rings consisting of ice particles, debris, and dust. The lack of a strong magnetic field around the planet itself, combined with its position on the jump network and its easily accessible Helium 3 reserves made its moons a strong contender for colonization.

Vargas (HD 37124d)


Discovery Era [2083-2086]

The system that would officially be named Lusitania(After the ancient name for Portugal) by its inhabitants was originally cataloged as part of the Henry Draper Catalog as HD 37124, a G-type main sequence star similar to Sol, approximately 108 light-years away. Pre-determined in 2005 to have at least three planets all within the star's habitable zone(eventually all realized to be Jovian planets with large amounts of moons). The first human entry to the system was on January 1st 2083 by the Challenger-Class DSS Álvares Cabral. Although lacking any true inner-terrestrial planets, and with HD 37124 b and HD 37124 d being too hot and too cold respectively(according to ancient discoveries of exoplanets), and with HD 37124 c only having a slim possibility of having a habitable moon, the system was one of the first star systems explored inside the Brazilian-claimed sector. The truth of the system, however, was a complete shock.

Vastly differing from the expected barely inhabitable system HD 37124 was predicted to be, first hand exploration revealed that the system was incredibly habitable, and more than prime for colonization. Although the star itself was somewhat dimmer than Sol, evidence suggests that HD 37124c was actually nudged closer in the distance past, changing its believed distance from the star (combined with inaccurate data) from 1.64 AU to 1.22 AU, close enough for it's many moons to be habitable after terraforming and seeding by the precursors.

Officially named São Galvão, the gas giant's moons were explored for two years by the Alvares and the Galileo-class planetary exploration ship Rafael Perestrello. At the end of the initial survey, the results were in: out of Sao Galvao's 40 moons, the most habitable one was also the largest: Esperança, a roughly earth sized, terracompatible moon in a stable orbit. The remaining would be habitable with application of terraforming techniques, or were otherwise too hot or too deadly to be considered for anything other than mining. Following intense and heated negotiations and bidding on the colonization rights, ownership of the system was handed over to the Brazilian government.

The first wave of colonists on-board the colony ships Empress Maria and Emperor Pedro, accompanied by the General Secretary-class ship the Javier Pérez de Cuéllar arrived in early 2086, carrying one million and twenty thousand colonists. The two colony ships made landfall near the coastal equatorial regions of Esperança, founding the first city and what would later become the capital of the nation, Primeira Aterragem (First Landing).

Colonization Era & The Esperançan Civil War [2101-2151]

In the first two decades after the founding of the colony, more and more transport ships arrived in system, carrying colonists and equipment from earth. With its favorable climate and biosphere combined with its stellar position(Which offset the low amounts of Delta Dust), Esperança rapidly grew in population, with its industry and economy rising alongside it. Alongside the rapid population growth, there was a rise in anti-transgene feeling on the colony, leading to a series of laws to prevent the rise of any sizable transgenic group. During this time, Roman Catholic churches in Brazil also began to migrate to Esperança, with the first finished cathedral on the planet being completed in 2110. Like Brazil, Esperança has a large population of European, Asian, and African descended citizens,with most of them self-identifying as Brazilian or Esperança.

By the year 2140, Esperança was a rich and prosperous colony, with a burgeoning cultural identity. The Orbital Elevator that Primeira Aterragem was built around, the Céu-Coluna, had been completed, linking up to the Céu-Coluna Counterweight Station which served as the main center of orbital industry and commerce for the colony. The construction of experimental power stations in orbit, meant to harness power from the tidal stresses generated by São Galvão, were both fully operational and proving the feasibility of the process, with plans in motion for construction of additional power plants to provide cheap and clean power. A technologically advanced and mature system of orbital power, communication, and habitation satellites filled Esperançan space; and the new Estaleiro Novo do Titã shipyards had just launched the luxury liner Da'Cruze. However, heavy taxes imposed by Brazil's federal government, and a lack of representation were still problems that would soon boil over.

Unfortunately, all was not peaceful. As the colony's population grew, and it became more and more self sufficient, tensions between the Baseline Majority, and the transgenic minority began to boil over

Breakdown Era [2152-2180]

Esperança was one of the furthest of UNASUR's colonial holdings, and without a catapult, the colony was cut off from earth with the onset of the breakdown. Although the civil war continued to wage on till 2153, with mop-up operations continuing into the following year, both the PTL and the colonial government knew that things needed to change if the isolated colony was to survive. Negotiating a cease-fire, the PTL officially disbanded their armed wing, which was integrated into the newly formed Serviços com Armas Federais da Esperança (commonly referred to by its acronym, SAFE). Funding that was previously slated for military forces was dedicated entirely to getting Esperança on its feet. Already nearing self sufficiency before the start of the civil war, the colony was able to become fully functional within a decade, partially due to new breakthroughs in science and technology, and thanks to policies enacted by the Worker's Party, had managed to become remarkably self-sufficient and capable when recontacted by Brazilian Naval Vessels in 2178, similar to ZOCU (Albeit without the use of posthuman bootstrapping)

While recontact was initially tense, the developing situation with the Zodiac Outworlds Colony Union and the Alliance of Che and Liberacion proved to be the thing that saved Esperança from annexation. While independently-minded, the bioconservative and fairly liberal nature of the nation led to a rapid souring of relations between ZOCU and Esperanca, especially when more details on Kanon and other "Offensive" ZOCU nations, such as Haraway, became known to the general public.

ZOCU War Era [2180-2188]

As tensions between the core and ZOCU began to boil over, it looked as though UNASUR and its colonies would be left out of any conflict with the so called "Zodiacs". This perception was absolutely shattered when, in 2182, a military force from Che, with support from Zodiac nations, seized control of the colony world Carabellas, renaming it Malvinas. With what was effectively a Sword of Damocles hanging above its head, it was obvious that Esperança, with its strategic position just four jumps away from Malvinas would play a major role in any future conflicts. Starting in 2183, the Programa Federal da Modernização do Equipamento dos Serviços com Armas (Federal Armed Services Equipment Modernization Program) program was instituted to research and develop advanced weapons and technologies to place Esperancan forces on the same level as the ZCM and the combined militaries of Che, Liberacion, and Malvinas,; along with an increase in the military's funding. From 2183 to 2186, SAFE saw a massive increase in the number of FTL capable vessels laid down and launched. With the likelihood that aerospace forces would be required to operate on many fronts much like in the civil war thirty years past, it was decided to invest in the development of new aerospace fighters and combat frames. Formally rolled out in 2183, the CF-83 Puma served throughout the entire war, and is the basis for all Esperançan Combat Frames.

Small-scale skirmishing between the EFE and Che's military was a standard practice, with by 2187, kept from spiraling into a larger war by the perceived superiority of PACT's naval forces. However in late 2186 the campaigns on Kanon and Choson, which were both defeats for Core-aligned forces, emboldened Che's military leadership. With tacit material support from ZOCU nations (ZOCU is also suspected by Esperanca to have sent pilots and advanced frames to Che during the war), Che launched Operation Granma, their attempt to knock out Esperanca's orbital industry. While expecting the battle to be a repeat of earlier ZOCU successes, the more well prepared UNASUR Combined fleet in system was able to intercept and drive off Che's fleet, with Esperancan Combat Frames dogfighting their Cheian counterparts. The remainder of the war was comprised of back and forth fleet battles and skirmishing, with the occasional planetary raid.

Che's overt hostility to Esperanca, as a result of the history shared between the two planets, as well as the brutal back-and-forth fighting in space, and the inconclusive end to the war, created an attitude of betrayal and anger among Esperancans. Having only recently been recontacted by Earth before the war, and with most of the populace having no idea of the causes of Che's justified anger towards UNASUR, the second time that war came to Esperanca seemed to be a hostile act by not just Che's military dictatorship, but a coordinated move by the Zodiac Separatists to destroy a bio-conservative pro-PACT nation. This lead to, while the ZOCU war was seen in most other places as a reconquista, it being seen on Esperanca was a valid war of defense against the overt aggressive policies of both Che's government and the Zodiac Outworlds Colony Union; as well as a massive increase in Bioconservative and Hawkish leanings within Esperanca's populace and Government. Indeed, the common "on The Street" viewpoint of ZOCU is highly negative towards them, with most citizens in favor of preemptive strikes by SAFE to remove the threat poised by Che and ZOCU.

Postwar Era [2188-2195]

In the years following the ZOCU War, Esperança has seen moderate growth in both the size of the SAFE and in the capabilities of its native industry. Still sore from being politically restrained by UNASUR, but burgeoning with prestige from its performance in the war, Esperança is beginning to act on its new position in the expanse. Though considered "imperialistic" and "Expansionist" by some commentators, the actions of SAFE in ensuring the security of its neighbors, the Expanse, and the Rim is generally seen to be a positive thing by most people; although there has been some discontent on certain rim worlds at the attempts of Esperança to play police.


While classified as a Representative Democracy, the Comunidades Federadas de Esperança's democratically elected government is unique in its organization. At the lowest level of government, which under the Esperancan system is considered to be the local governments of small towns and other communities, decisions are made by councils composed of local community leaders which hold weekly meetings on important issues to allow members of the community to have a more direct involvement with local governance. A step up from that is County Governance, in which the various community councils of the counties send one member elected by their community to represent the people at the County Council. The County Council is similar to the small-town councils, excepting for the lack of public involvement in the bi-monthly meetings.The next level of governance is the March, which is a collection of Counties. The General Assembly of the Federation is a twp house body, composed of three different bodies: The Commons, which is made up of 400 delegates elected in a proportional-representative style election; and the The House of Representatives, which is made up of 100 elected representatives. The Populace directly elects the President and Vice President, who nominates his choices for cabinet to be voted on by the General Assembly.

Generally speaking, Esperançan politics tend to be strongly leftist-socialist, with a not-inconsiderate influence from bioconservative and populist factions. Currently, the absolute majority of seats in the senate and chamber of deputies is controlled by two major parties: the Worker's Party(Partido dos Trabalhadores, PT), the successor to the Partido Trabalhista para a Liberdade and the head of the Liberal Bloc; and the Christian Socialist Party (Partido Socialista Cristão, PSC), the head of the centrist-bloc. Whilst the PT advocate a softer approach to international relations, generally pushing to have the SAFE expand its commitments to protect ASEAN worlds and outreach to independent powers (namely Valera) in order to render the threat of Che and ZOCU nonexistant; the PSC prefers a far more aggressive approach, namely using the military might and advanced technology of Esperança, along with SAFE's considerable operational capacity, to strong-arm independents into siding with PACT and then engage ZOCU and Che in a final war, aimed at dismantling the current political structure of the ZOCU organization and Che's military dictatorship, and then replacing them with Esperanca-Friendly Regimes. While both parties advocate for Esperança taking a leadership role in the region, the PT pushes for a Pax Esperança achieved through using war as a last resort, the PSC pushes for a Pax through way of becoming the unchallengeable dominant military force in the region, similar to the United States of America on Earth in the 1990's.


Unlike the populations of some other worlds, Esperança's population is primarily rural, with an estimated 25% of

Esperançan Slang

Networks and Media

PACT Shows


Major Settlements

Primeira Aterragem: First Landing

Population: High
Main Language (s): Portugese, Spanish, English

Esperançan Federal Armed Services

(Serviços com Armas Federais da Esperança, SAFE)

Formed in 2153 as a merger between the armed wing of the PTL and the Colonial Defense Force(Força da Defesa da Colônia), SAFE barely saw any use during the breakdown, merely acting to deal with the occasional pirate. Following recontact in 2178, SAFE was soon given a much needed shot in the arm, with the threat of posed by Che's military force necessitating a build up in case of hostilities. With its central location, Esperança played host to large concentrations of PACT naval vessels who resupplied in system, as well as numerous defense contractors who were interesting in gaining a technological edge. The Naval wing of the Armed Services, the Força do Espaço da Federais da Esperança(Esperança Federal Space Force, EFEF) is the most prestigious branch of SAFE, and saw the lion's share of combat during the war.

In modern times, SAFE considers itself to be the most well-trained and well-equipped military native to the Pacific Arm. Still riding high off their successes during war, SAFE has a high degree of popular support, and is well funded by the government and private citizens.

SAFE is divided into three branches, each with their own purpose and duty. The largest branch of SAFE is the Espaço da Federais da Esperança(Esperança Federal Space Force, EFEF), which is responsible for defending Esperanca and negating the ability of the enemy to wage war on the planet. The EFEF is mainly a carrier fleet, operating one full size fleet carrier (the Primeira Aterragem, flagship of the EFEF), and two light carriers(Bahia & Nana Buluku); additional craft support is provided by the Humaitá-class Battleship Humaitá, the four Riachuelo-class cruisers Riachuel Excelion Harvest Joy & Conde d'Eu, and the four Esterro Bellaco class destroyers. The EFEF, despite a comparatively larger size to most space forces, is still in a process of rebuilding and strengthening itself: current projections estimate that four more Esterro Bellaco class ships are planned, along with atleast two more Bahia class vessels and another Humaitá.

The EFEF was the first PACT Nation to begin developing its own Combat Frames. This was done so in response to combat reports of Cheian Peltasts, and the rumors of much more powerful designs being developed on Kanon. A crash development program was started, with the end result being the first of the Big Cat series of Combat Frames: the FCF-83 Puma. Based on indigenous power-loader designs mixed with stolen Peltast parts, the Puma was a balanced and well performing machine-albeit one who's oversize fusion reactor made expensive. The Puma was quickly adopted by the EFEF, and then other UNASUR nations and colonies for their own defense forces, and can be still be found in service throughout the expanse today. However, even with the completion of the Puma, its successor was already being designed. Resembling an expanded and beefed up Puma with additional verniers and thrusters, the FCF-86 Ocelot(which entered service in 2186) was a step above and beyond the Puma. The Ocelot was the first Esperancan Combat Frame to feature the new Trans-Phase Laminate armor, as well as new Forced Fusion Propulsion; all in a package that was around the same size as the Puma, and Easier to control. The Ocelot was rushed into full mass production, and remains the standard mainline combat frame of the EFEF.

Military Ranks

All three branches of SAFE (The EFEF, The Ground Forces, SAFEGUARD), all share the same ranking systems. The commanding officer of all three branches is the President, serving as commander in-chief.

All three branches have the same enlisted ranks: starting with Soldado, then Cabo, then Terceiro-Sargento, then Segundo-Sargento, and finally Primeiro-Sargento. NCOs have the rank of Sublieutenant, which ranges in grades from fourth class(lowest) to first class(highest).

Officer ranks are also the same, with newly graduated officers having the rank of Aspirant. Above that, the scale goes as follows: Alferes(Ensign), Segundo-Tenente(Second Lieutenant), Primeiro-Tenente(First Lieutenant), Capitão(Captain), Major, Tenente-Coronel(Lieutenant Colonel), Coronel(Colonel, the highest rank of SAFEGUARD), Brigadeiro(Brigadier, EFEF)/General-de-Brigada(Brigade General, Army), Major-Brigadeiro(Brigadier Major, EFEF)/General-de-divisão(Divisional General, Army), Tenente-Brigadeiro-do-espaço(Space Lieutenant Brigadier, EFEF)/General-de-divisão(Army General, Army), Marechal-do-espaço(Space Marshal, EFEF)/Marechal(Marshal, Army).


Ship Listings, Corps Listings, Etc...

Military Purchases

Route A

Remaining Military Points: 9,580

Military Vessels
EFE Humaitá, EFE Marquis Tamandaré + Craft(Humaita Class Battleship): 4690+4690=9380 Points
EFE Riachuelo, EFE Duque Caxias , EFE Marquis Erval, EFE Conde d'Eu + Craft Compliments(Riachuelo Class Cruisers): 2320+1930+2320+1930=8,500 Points
EFE Esterro Bellaco, EFE Piquissiri, EFE Jaguarão, EFE Caseros, EFE Mato Grosso, EFE Corrientes, EFE Yatay, EFE Paso de Cuevas : + Craft(Esterro Bellaco Class Destroyers)= 1360+970+970+970+1360+970+970+970=8,540 Points
EFE Avai, EFE Defensora, EFE Constituição, EFE Liberal, EFE Independência, EFE União, EFE Bosísio, EFE Barroso, EFE Macaé, EFE Macau, EFE Piratini, EFE Pirajá, EFE Pampeiro, EFE Paratí, EFE Penedo, EFE Potí (Avai Class Frigates): 6,500 Points
Total Number of Military Vessels:
Total Number of Spaceborne Military Craft:
Route B

Remaining Military Points: 26,040

Military Vessels
EFE Humaitá + Craft(Humaita Class Battleship): 4690 Points
EFE Riachuelo, EFE Duque Caxias + Craft Compliments(Riachuelo Class Cruisers): 2320+1930=5250 Points
EFE Esterro Bellaco, EFE Piquissiri, EFE Jaguarão, EFE Caseros: + Craft(Esterro Bellaco Class Destroyers)= 1360+970+970+970=4270 Points
EFE Avai, EFE Defensora, EFE Constituição, EFE Liberal, EFE Independência, EFE União, EFE Bosísio, EFE Barroso (Avai Class Frigates): 3,250 Points
Total Number of Military Vessels:
Total Number of Spaceborne Military Craft:

Esperançan Military Equipment

Important People

Military Personnel


Coronel Amélia Teresa Pascoal Alvares, Commanding Officer of the X
Tenente-coronel João Miguel Belasco Espinoza
Major Juliana Isabel Mascarenhas Gusmão






Global Technology Level: 20


Shipbuilding: +2 [22]
Carrier: +12 [32]
Aircraft: +5 [25]
Power: +5 [25]
Electronics: +5 [25]
Particle Weapons: +5 [25]
Propulsion: +5 [25]
Stealth: +5 [25]
Transgenics: -5 [15]
[Garden World] +3 Civilian tech [23]
[Economy|Arms Production Center] Particle Weapons +3 [28], Mass Production +2 [22]
[Military|Beta Carbon Samurai] Mecha +3 [23], Propulsion +2 [27]
[Skunkworks] Power + 5 [30], Materials +5 [25]
[SP] Railguns +3 [23], Propulsion +3 [30]


730 Apps, 721 Spent, 9 Remain

  • Shipbuilding VI
    • Capital Ship Construction
    • Carrier Construction III
  • Aerospace Construction III
  • Mecha Construction II
  • Ground Construction IV
  • Craft Power III
  • Ship Power V
  • All Tier 1 Railgun Applications
  • Rhenium Railgun Fundamentals (105)
  • Craft Rhenium (68)
  • Infantry Rhenium (8)
  • All Tier 1 Particle Weapon Applications
  • Synchronous Acceleration Fundamentals
  • Naval Armor II
  • Aerospace Armor II
  • Ground Armor III
  • Basic Armor Formulations
  • Iridium Forging
  • Basic Laminations
  • Improved Laminations (100)
  • Naval Shields I
  • Aerospace Shields I
  • Early + Standard Scattering Field
  • Flash Field
  • Naval Propulsion II
  • Aerospace Propulsion IV (80)
  • Forced-Cycle Fusion Drives (120)
  • Hypercatalyzed Fusion Drives (240)
  • Agile Electronics
  • Swarm Formatting
  • Modern RAM
  • Chameleon Fabric
  • Cloaking Device

Final Stats

SP: 39
SP Limit: 20
Population: 450 Base bonus: 225
Trangene: 0
Morale: 14
Wealth: 700+225 (925)
PIP: 900+225 (1125)
CIP: 1110+225 (1335)
Fabbers: 0
Delta Dust: 100
Theta Dust: 0
Military: 40000
Doctrines: 41
Logistics: 70
Global Tech Level: 20
Applications: 740
Stockpiles: 0
Debt: 0
Covert: 3

SP Expenditures

Additional Limit: 0
Wealth: 0 (0)
PIP: 0 (
CIP: 11 (110)
Dust: 0
Theta: 0
Pop: 0
Mil: ()
Tech Indices: 3 (6)
Apps: 13 (130)
Transgene: 0
Doctrine: 12 (6)
Logistics: 0


Remaining points: 4
Line 2, Skirmish 2, Superiority 4, Strike 4, Combined Arms 2, Ramparts 1, Electronic Warfare 2, Recruitment 1, Reserves 1, Individual Excellence 2


Morale Points: 0
Public Order: 3+3
Diplomacy: 3+3
Military Discipline: 4+2
Societal Closure: 3-2
Taxes: 1

Exploration Era

Garden World: Population Boom
Precursor Relics: None
Drones: None
Posthuman Footsteps: Untouched
Location: Hub (+60 Population)

Colonization Era

PACT Arm (+ 5,000 military, + 100 Wealth, + 100 CIP, + 100 Dust)
Second Stage (+ 120 Population, + 150 PIP, + 100 CIP, + 100 Wealth, + 1 logistics, + 10 Transgene)
Our Blue And Pure World (+ 60 Pop, + 5 SP, -10 Transgene)
Warring Economy (+ 200 PIP, + 200 CIP, +100 Wealth, + 2 logistics)
GTFOing (+ 30 population, +150 PIP, + 2,500 military)
Warfare!: Full Scale War (+5,000 military, + doctrines)

Breakdown Era

Economic Upsets: Stability
Cut Off: Stand Alone Complex

War Era and Aftermath

Sign The PACT
New American Millenium
Arms Production Center
Beta Carbon Samurai


Multiparty Democracy (+ Morale, + 100 application (common), + 100 CIP)


Skunkworks (+3 Secrecy, +1 Societal Closure, +20 Tech Indices)


Found Religion (+ Morale, - 100 Wealth)


+5000 military, +100 PIP and +100 CIP
