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Every year pay the 2% of the value of all your units in upkeep, paid in either money or industry.  During wartime or battles for each unit fighting, additionally its 1% per 2 quarter fighting.
Every year pay the 2% of the value of all your units in upkeep, paid in either money or industry.  During wartime or battles for each unit fighting, additionally its 1% per 2 quarter fighting.
Trade Power is (Wealth + Industry)/10.  That pool is your outgoing trade pool. Each point of trade is represented by single freighter who has route it flies.  Each polity can only absorb its Trade Pool*3 once filled it becomes saturated and no new wealth.  Freighters on the route earn 1 wealth per quarter.
New and replacement freighters can be built for 5 Industry 5 Wealth per 1 freighter
Mega-freighters can be built for 10 Industry / 5 , and give 3 points of trade run but are big juicy targets for pirates.

[[Category: Imperial Stars II]]
[[Category: Imperial Stars II]]

Revision as of 15:36, 5 September 2018


There is Military Industrial Complex Points [Industry Points]: To represent the defense industries your normal ability to build and maintain equipment. In peacetime the ability to increase is it built at 5:1 point spending wealth. In times of war you can liquidate your wealth for 3:1 increase of base Military Industrial Complex points or crash build at double speed a unit that quarter by spending double the unit cost.
Wealth Generation; Is your civilian economy, this is tied to your legitimacy and prestige. If you have over one hundred wealth in the bank, you gain legitimacy per quarter, if you have over two hundred its five per quarter. If you have less than fifty in the bank, you lose two legitimacy points and if you have less then 10 you lose ten.
Base Stats:

  • 70 Wealth (per quarter)
  • 70 Industry (per quarter)


Fundamentally this is a space imperialism simulator with a hypothetical second great war breaking out. The map is full of lesser developed worlds, to eat up like in the great age of Imperialism. “Winning” for the Great Powers is to developed greater and grander empire then their opponent, and to do so they need colonies and they need ships to conquer those lands

There are three type of colonies in the game. There are the resource extraction types, often type a trading post or mine with a guard. To have a working resource colony. Most colonies are are this, they give a reasonable return of investment and don't annoy the locals as much. There are the co-opted states, often on more developed worlds, there is some form of local government that is used to extract wealth and resources. Then there is settled colonies, where you move portion of your own citizens to build new cities. Such activity tends to draw the ire of the local

  • Colonial enterprises from history paths are 1 Colonial Enterprise = 500$ to buy colonial related items, and 200 for military forces to defend the colony. There is a starting limit of 3 colonial ventures per system. Each venture can only have a max 4 mining colonies. Colonial defenses can't be above 1G in terms of ships and can't have high end units (Royal Mortarheads, divers, ect) and is strongly recommended that they are not deployed away from the colony.

Colonial Construction

Resource Extraction Colony:

  • Build Time: 1 quarter
  • Cost: 30 Wealth

Fundamentally strip mining or poaching operations, space oil wells and such. Can have up to four sites on a single resource with diminishing returns.

Wealth per quarter:

  • 1 Site: Site 1 produces $4, $4 total
  • 2 Sites: Site 1 produces $4, Site 2 produces $3, $7 total
  • 3 Sites: Site 1 produces $4, Site 2 produces $3, Site 3 produces $2, $9 total
  • 4 Sites: Site 1 produces $4, Site 2 produces $3, Site 3 produces $2, Site 4 produces $1, $10 total

Mining Colony

  • Build Time: 1 Quarter
  • Cost: 25 Wealth

Produces: 3 Wealth per quarter

Colonial Landing Base

  • Build Time: 4 quarters
  • Cost: 200 Wealth
  • Generates: 1 Wealth and Industry Quarter for the first twenty quarters, and then goes up to five a quarter for the next twenty, and then ten after afterwards.

These are are permanent settlements for your own people. Not very cost effective but each one built will net you 10 legitimacy as this is an area of colonialism impulses and the people and the nobility love seeing more of their flags on the map. If built on inhabited worlds they will rub the natives wrong.

Fleet Refueling Station

  • Build Time 2 Quarters
  • Cost: 100 Wealth
  • Generates 5 units of Endurance per quarter.
  • 1 Weapons Slot
  • 1 Defense Slot
  • 1 System Slot

Fleet Anchorage

  • Built Time: 8 quarters
  • Cost: 300
  • Generates up to 20 units of Endurance per quarter
  • 4 Weapons Slots
  • 4 Defense Slots
  • 6 System Slots


Some features on a planet are obvious and in the write-up, like Enoch has Old Cathedral, or if locals are living in a Ancient Fortress. Others are not so obvious. Every year you can dedicate a ship to do a year long orbital surveillance over a world to find something of value for $40 beyond the obvious. Once discovered the nation has one quarter grace period to move in troops to secure it themselves without others realizing what it is before the general discovery is made. Of course nations can see that battleship carrying the royal guards is making a high g burn to a world and wonder why... Other means of discovery is espionage of NPCs and bonus given to good posting.


Every year pay the 2% of the value of all your units in upkeep, paid in either money or industry. During wartime or battles for each unit fighting, additionally its 1% per 2 quarter fighting.


Trade Power is (Wealth + Industry)/10. That pool is your outgoing trade pool. Each point of trade is represented by single freighter who has route it flies. Each polity can only absorb its Trade Pool*3 once filled it becomes saturated and no new wealth. Freighters on the route earn 1 wealth per quarter.

New and replacement freighters can be built for 5 Industry 5 Wealth per 1 freighter Mega-freighters can be built for 10 Industry / 5 , and give 3 points of trade run but are big juicy targets for pirates.