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Revision as of 08:02, 31 August 2011

Possibly may run semi-weekly with Aberrant dependent on the playerbase. Uses Corporation rules and a modified version of the setting.


All markets have booms and busts even the war market. The corporate wars have always been high-intensity skirmishing of various sorts followed by extended lulls of peacetime. Generally, the latter means extended prosperity, except for people like you.

Corporate Agents, you have been downsized by your owner megacorps for various reasons. Maybe you were a loose cannon. Maybe you've been investigated by the UIG a few times too many to be cost-effective. Maybe you just pissed off the wrong higher-up. Maybe you parted amiably. Maybe you had an ideological disagreement and quit before you could get fired.

Whatever the case, now you're a cyborg who needs to pay the bills. And well, serving synthsoy doesn't pay for maintenance on combat cybermodification. So you found others like you, maybe others you knew from previous lives, as friends or often enemies, and here you are. With your combined savings, a small startup, and no goal.

Maybe you'll change the world. Maybe you'll just see it burn. Maybe your goals aren't as grandiose as that. But even temporarily resourceless, you've got a fair amount of pull.

Setting Details

Corporation is very grungy and edgy a la its primary inspirations, Syndicate and CP2020, while in this case we're talking more Ghost in the Shell or Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Everything is sleek, high-tech, shiny, but at the same time there's a reflection of the war economy underneath. Reflective black plastic, absurd fashions that celebrate the now, combat augmentation as a fashion statement. There are no Cults of Machina and mutant creatures running loose in the poor quarters are more rumor than fact, and someone probably put them there on purpose instead of turning into a horrible mutant from radioactive waste.

The world is in a gilded age, and although the lower classes can't achieve that level of prosperity they see, they're so close as to be able to almost taste it.

Chargen Stuff

Later if people show interest. People will start out more experienced than starting agents, and a fair bit richer.