Chessmaster Dossier

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I have prepared this information for you on the insurrectionist movement that refers to itself as the New Order. Knowledge is power, and I am certain that you shall need all that you can muster to crush the "chess masters".

Looking forward to checkmate, INTACT Censor Delaclaire


Currently leadership unknown, base of support in the inner band of colonies. Information gained from Space Fort codenamed "Zugzwang" has revealed that they are using a large amount of off the shelf components and isolated production facilities. The involvement of several major production firms and

Mobile Weapons

These are all listed under their INTACT reporting name.

NOX-1 "Pawn"

Occupying a role in between automated drone mobile suits such as the League Raptor and heavy bits like those found on the Jade Erelim mobile armor, the Pawn is quite well-armed for something so compact, but lacks AI beyond the basic Raptor or armor worth noting.

Melee - 2
Firepower - 2
Defense - 0
Speed - 2
Special - 1 (Super Bit)
NOX-2 "Knight

The most common human piloted suit in use by the New Order, the Knight is regularly fielded with externals and used for tasks requiring a sane human mind. Most knight pilots are at least decently trained, but they are usually the lowest skilled of the suit forces.

Melee - 2
Firepower - 3
Defense - 3
Speed - 2
Special - 0
NOX-3 "Knight-B"

The recent discovery that the New Order is mass-producing Aleph bioroids for installation as pilots is troubling, but the bioroids seems to be somewhat simply programmed. While amazingly competent at the technical aspects of piloting, they require external control to perform any complicated tactics, and are relatively easy to mislead.

Melee - 2
Firepower - 3
Defense - 3
Speed - 2
Special - 1 (Bioroid Pilot System)
NOX-4 "Bishop"

The Bishop is a mobile suit designed to keep up with enemy suits and hit them with punishing weapons fire. They function similarly to a mobile armor, avoiding melee and relying on heavy rocket and missile fire to destroy enemy suits while evading return fire.

Melee - 1
Firepower - 4
Defense - 2
Speed - 5
Special - 1 (ECM)
NOX-6 "Rook"

The Rook is the anti-capital ship strike craft of the New Order. Mounting a large array of particle cannons and missile racks, they are designed to pour as much firepower into the forward arc, relying on missiles and bits to cover their flanks. Their armor is extremely well reinforced.

Melee - 0
Firepower - 3
Defense - 4
Speed - 2
Special - 5 (Mobile Armor)
NOX-6 "Queen"

Assigned exclusively to proven combat veterans, the Queen is capable of defeating Medeas in combat with depressing regularity. The suit uses technology developed for the next generation of Federation mobile suits, which has been incorporated into the Royal Medea.

Melee - 3
Firepower - 4
Defense - 4
Speed - 3
Special - 0