Charlotte Sabotieren

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The bird of Hermes is my name, eating my wings to make me tame

Born in violence, raised in violence, awoken in violence. A consummate killer at a young age, Charlotte was trapped in a series of senseless civil conflicts, developing a reputation as the 'White Devil' - a pale eyed murderer who could cut down a whole patrol with a single knife. When human conflict intersected supernatural conflict, a man came looking for the child soldier behind the rumour, and took her away and introduced her to a new kind of violence. She was honed by the Order of Hermes into a weapon: cool, loyal, and precise. For years she was a favoured tool of House Janissary, aimed at the heart of many of the Order's enemies, be they mage or demon or massassa.

When tensions with the Tremere boiled over into outright warfare, Charlotte was one of many Janissaries on the front lines: in her case, disguised as a maid and serving as bodyguard for a prominent South American family, strategically vital Acolytes of the Order. The conflict was bloody and confused: vampire puppets seemed to be everywhere, in the government, the revolutionary forces, in other cartels. Maintaining her cover as a demure foreign maid became increasingly difficult as the conflict escalated. Past a certain point she didn't know if she was fighting vampires or just killing random people. Though she survived, Charlotte failed in her mission. The family - and many more Sleepers besides - were subject to brutal slaughter, leaving a whole town as an abattoir. The experience damaged Charlotte, and House Janissary had suffered severe losses and were in no position to fix her. This since lead to Charlotte being sent to Idol House on swotting vaction, in an attempt to exorcise her demons and make her useful to the Order once more.

Vital Statistics

Craft Name// Charlotte Sabotieren
Shadow Name// Charlotte Camille Raiserklinge Sabotieren bani Janissary; the White Devil, the Silver Lion, the Knight of Broken Glass, the Aeon of Blood.
Concept// Elite Hermetic attack dog.
Image Song// Heavens Divide, Donna Burke
Nature// Perfectionist
Demeanor// Machine
Essence// Pattern
Chantry// Idol House
Arete// ●●●●


Dexterity//●●●●● (Like Lightning)


Appearance//●●●● (Like Ice)


TALENTS/ 13 + 6
Athletics//●●●● (Knife Throwing)

SKILLS/ 9 + 4
Melee//●●●● (Knives For A Pro)
Martial Arts//●●

Linguistics//●●● (French, German, Spanish, Hebrew)


Though she sits outside the norm of the order, Charlotte is still a Hermetic at heart. She relies on carefully codified knowledge which she seeks to perfect through practice. Specifically, she practices a House Janissary school derived from Kabbalah, majoring in Notarikon and Gematriya, lending her magic a geometric air based upon linguistic puzzle solving. It relies somewhat less on rote understanding of large amounts of texts, and rather on a complex, ultra-fine understanding of a more limited body of work. Though it is a minor school within the Order, Kabbalah has influence modern Hermetic philosophy, and it is likely that the modern system of Spheres derives from the Sefirot.

Charlotte's magic mostly serves to enhance her skills as an assassin, which sets her apart from traditional Hermetics. She is a more subtle tool, a knife that slips through the ribs. Other Janissaries start wildfires and bring storms down upon their enemies, but Charlotte instead flits from space to space, using her understanding of words-as-numbers and words-as-other-words to create create intersecting, seemingly endless geometries of flickering knives. As though her enemies are trapped in spaces full of broken glass.

Sefirot and Foci

  • Chesed// Time 3 - Enochian, Nine Faced Pocket-watch
  • Yesod// Forces 2 - Enochian, geometrical shapes, knives
  • Tiferet// Correspondence 2 - Enochian, measurements, precise movement



Legend// ●● - The White Devil
Avatar// ●●●●

Merits and Flaws

Ambidextrous (1)

Nightmares (1)
Computer Illiterate (2)
Addiction - Painkillers (2) Sources: Poppy fields, Olivia and Electra, extra work

Maid: The Ascension