Building a Dynasty: Land Units

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Creating Units: Land units in this SD are raised and operated in regiments. A regiment comes as a blank template without armor. Adding armor costs resources detailed below the list of units. Note soldiers still need to eat so keep that in mind when raising armies. Regiments have three numbers: Number of men/Cost in Huan/Number of Turns to train.


Levy Spear: 1000/200/1 Levy Spear soldiers are lightly armed with a whicker shield and a short fighting spear. They are the absolute most basic of infantry units quick and easy to train though with poor morale compared to more professional units.

Light Swords: 500/300/1 Light swordsmen are armed with round shields and a light one hand straight sword meant for stabbing and piercing. They are skilled formation fighters with decent morale.

Heavy Swords: 500/400/2 Heavy swordsmen carry a round shield and a heavy broadsword meant for hacking and smashing. Their weapons are not designed to be purely sharp but instead are meant to crush armor and bone with powerful sweeping motions. These men are good at fighting in tight formation or looser formations and have good morale.

Long Spears: 500/300/2 Long spear soldiers carry an 18ft spear and are trained to form tightly packed columns meant to present a hedge of long spears to stop enemy cavalry or pin enemy infantry. They are vulnerable to having their formation broken as the long spears they use are not suited for one on one combat.

Kwan Dao: 300/400/4 The elite men who wield the Kwan Dao in battle are skilled fighters capable of holding off numerous enemy soldiers on their own. Their easily distinguished weapon has the long haft of a spear but is topped by a large swordlike blade capable of cleaving infantry or cavalry with equal ease. These men fight in loose formations separate from line troops due to their weapon’s flowing and fast moving fighting style.

Ranged Foot: Levy Archers: 500/200/1 Armed with a light bow these men are good at dealing with unarmored or lightly armored foes by firing swarms of arrows into the enemy’s ranks.

Crossbowmen: 300/300/2 Armed with a light crossbow these men are capable of greater range and damage than the levy archers at a cost in a slower firing rate and a longer training time.

Repeater Crossbowmen: 300/400/2 Armed with the expensive repeating crossbow these men are capable of firing several shots before needing to reload. However this comes as a compromise as it lacks the hitting power of the crossbow but has a greater range and consistent firepower than a levy archer’s light bow.

Cavalry: Light Horse: 100/200/2 Light horsemen are armed with a large shield and a lance. Trained to smash into the enemy and wheel away rather than hang in a fight these men are good for skirmishing and running down fleeing foes.

Heavy Horse: 100/300/2 Heavy Horsemen are armed with a large shield, a lance and a broadsword. Unlike light horse these men are trained not merely to hit and run but to also be able to hang in a fight for longer.

Horse Archer: 100/500/3 Horse archers are perhaps one of the most elite forms of soldier, capable of riding a horse while still being able to aim and fire their short powerful bows with deadly accuracy. These men are feared on the field of battle though they are vulnerable to light horse or massed enemy formations covered by their own ranged units.

Armor: A player may choose to add armor to any of the above regiments. Armor comes in 3 levels with costs varying slightly dependent upon materials used.

Leather: Leather armor costs 10 leather units per level per regiment (example a regiment of level 3 leather armored infantry would cost 30 leather in addition to their huan cost).
Level1: A thin leather vest and reinforced shield.
Level2: A lacquered leather breastplate with a leather cap and reinforced shield.
Level 3: A lacquered breastplate, greaves and bracers, a lacquered helmet and a reinforced shield.

Bronze: Bronze armor costs 5 units of bronze per level per regiment (example a level 3 armored regiment will cost 15 units of bronze in addition to their huan cost)
Level1: A simple bronze breastplate
Level2: An bronze breastplate and helmet with a reinforced shield.
Level3: An bronze breastplate and helmet, a reinforced shield and bronze greaves and gauntlets.

Iron: Iron armor costs 5 units of iron per level per regiment (example a level 3 armored regiment will cost 15 units of iron in addition to their huan cost)
Level1: A simple iron breastplate
Level2: An iron breastplate and helmet with a reinforced shield.
Level3: An Iron breastplate and helmet, a reinforced shield and iron greaves and gauntlets.

Mages: Unlike other units mages are not raised in regiments but are recruited as individuals from the mage tower. All mages cost 100 huan and 3 turns to recruit + 100 huan and 1 gem per field of magic.


Fire: Fire magic ranges from simple fireballs to a blazing wall of flame if multiple mages link their abilities.

Water: Water magic can be used to create ice walls, freeze ponds, create waves or summon torrential rains if several water mages are working together.

Earth: Earth magic can be used to shape the very land digging great ditches or raising hills within hours. A group of linked earth mages can even create stone walls in a matter of hours. Spirit: Spirit magic can be used to great effect against demons or undead or to heal the wounds of the living.

Air: Air magic is perhaps one of the most flexible forms of magic, it can be used to create winds to move a fleet along at greater speed, or to still the air and leave a rival’s fleet to their oars. Mages can use air magic to wrap enemies up in nets of air, or even steal the very air from their lungs. Due to the chaotic nature of air magic though it is very difficult to link air mages powers.