Building a Dynasty: Character Creation

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Character Creation: Characters: Creating a character is a rather straightforward affair. Every player startswitha few characters as described in the Creating your House section. Characters have attributes and levels. Levels allow you points to spend (10 points per level) whereas attributes are traits you can spend points on to buff a character’s traits in certain areas.

You may recruit a maximum of 2 additional characters for each province you control after your home province. (Your home province can only support the 6 characters you start with).

To recruit a character you must send out a messenger from your faction leader or heir to seek a suitable agent and you must have the funds required to hire that agent.

Basic Characters recruitment cost is 1,000 Huan though there will be special events where rare characters will become available for different costs.

All agents start at level 1 unless started otherwise

Character attributes:

Intelligence: This affects your character’s ability to successfully discern plots or carry out covert actions or business deals.

Strength: Physical strength is a useful trait for any character that expects to see fighting.

Charisma: The ability of the character to sway his or her followers to their cause. In battle it boosts the morale of their soldiers, in politics it affects the likelihood of NPC characters having a positive attitude towards this character.

Acumen: The ability of the character to manage business, the higher the acumen the more likely they are to secure better business deals from NPCs and if placed in charge of a province they can provide buffs to cash and food income.

Physical Fortitude: Your character’s ability to survive injury, illness and starvation.

Mental Fortitude: Your character’s ability to cope with the horrors of monstrous or demonic creatures and keep their soldiers under control against such beasts. Also assists spell casting and resistance.

Mana: The magical skill of your character if any. Also increases their ability to resist magic.

Leadership: The better a leader in politics the more skilled followers they may be able to attract to their cause. In battle leadership means that you’re character is skilled in the arts of war giving a buff to your forces in the field.

Cunning: This attribute gives your character better odds at both avoiding and carrying out covert actions such as assassination or sabotage.

Loyalty: Loyalty can be both earned and points spent on it, this decreases the likelihood of your character joining another cause or fleeing should things start going poorly for them. If a rival agent tries to buy them off the loyalty is checked against the agent’s charisma and cunning.