Atelier Diodochi

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Theme: Le Pays de l'ORB
Sub-Theme: Inexplicable Space Neo-Hellenism

The Maesters of the Atelier Diodochi

Midsized Polis (28): A fairly typical midsized Polis. Adds an additional 125 Military Points and 150 Military Support.

National Advantages:
Rank 1 (1)
-Nazi Superscience

National Disadvantages:
Rank 2 (+2)
-Very Super Weapons ARETE
-Barbarian Backyard

Rank 1 (1)

Rank 2 (2)

Growth Potential:
Rank 1 (1)

Military Size:
Rank 2 (2): 350 +125 military points

Military Support:
Rank 2 (2): 500 +150 military support

Military Quality:
Rank 3 (4)

Rank 5 (8)

Rank 1 (1)

General Advancement:
Rank 2 (8)

Les Immortels

Les Immortels are not merely weapons, military units or designs but visual memes and concepts of weapon design that became ingrained within the imagination of the Atelier's craftsmen. Their internal design, functionality and power has varied greatly over the years as the Atelier lost and then regained its great technological might as the Nemesis came and went, each one is visually recognizable as the story it represents. Sometimes when a unit from the regular military does something incredible, it's enshrined as a new Immortel, these events are rare enough that the last was out of living memory.

Tactical Superweapons

Apollon (25 points)

Firepower 6
+Solar Wormhole Cannon: Gates in a small amount of solar mass, causing a huge discharge of heat and radiation.
Defenses 5
+Reflective Bullshit (Gold) Armor: Reflects any beam weapons not strong enough to penetrate armor.
Speed 6
Solar Sail 1
Electronics 6
Dazzle Camo 1

Arès (25 points)

Firepower 5
+Sparti Anti-Infantry Drones: Constantly sheds droplets of red liquid metal that rise as hunter-killer robots.
+ DEIMOS Ultraheavy Plasma Sword: Rumored to have sliced the original moonlet Deimos in half.
Defenses 7
+Self-Regenerating: Red liquid metal hull coating will constantly regenerate any non-disabling combat damage.
Speed 8
Ramming 1
Electronics 4
-Drives Pilots Insane With Rage: Needs to be remotely shut down or operated until the pilot goes unconscious.

Artémis (25 points)

Firepower 8
Gatling CIWS 1
+ARCHER Metric-Altering Railgun: Allows for engagement from virtually any range where FCS linking is possible.
Defenses 3
Stealth System 1
Speed 6
Electronics 6
+M.O.O.N.S.H.O.T. Fire Control System: Links to any allied FCS within an arbitrarily large distance.

Athéna (25 points)

Firepower 4
Defenses 8
+Aegis Shield System: Wide-area shield allows the protection of allies.
Speed 5
Electronics 8
+ACADEMIE ECM/ECCM System: Greatly boosts effectiveness of allied units on the field.

Hadès (25 points)

Firepower 7
Metric Alteration Scythe 1
Air Defense 1
Defenses 4
+Cocytus Stealth System: Causes shrieking agony and hallucinations for unshielded organics and low-end electronics.
Speed 4
Electronics 6
+ELYSIUM Nanomechanical Revival System: Allows Hadès to temporarily repair and control disabled or downed mechanical units.

Hermès (25 points)

Firepower 3
Gattling CIWS 1
Defenses 3
Stealth System 1
Speed 9
+Zero Shift: Allows for point-to-point teleportation within the same planet-sized gravity well.
Interplanetary Transit Capability 1
Electronics 6
+Gravity Control System: Creates environmental hazards, damages enemy craft and other sundry effects.
Propaganda Suite 1

Poséidon (25 points)

Firepower 7
Light Positron Beams 1
+TRIDENT Intercontinental Positron Container Missile Launcher: Strategic-level bombardment! On a tactical unit: because it worked in the 2050's, right?
Defenses 6
+ATLANTIS Dimensional Dive System: Allows Poséidon to 'hide' even in space by diving into lower dimensions and avoid counterattacks.
Stealth 1
Speed 2
Oceanic Movement 1
Electronics 6
Planetary Survey Equipment 1

Zeus (75 Points)

Firepower 7
Gattling CIWS 1
Beam Cestus 1
++FOUDRE Positron Cannon: Long-ranged, rapid-fire anti-shipping/fortification positron beam. Has a wide-area spray mode for close combat.
Defenses 6
+Mantle Shield Array: Advanced personal shielding. Allows for survival of the Jovian climate, when coupled with the gravity control system.
Speed 4
Electronics 5
+Weather Machine: Allows Zeus to actually control the weather in atmospheres.
+Gravity Control System: Creates environmental hazards, damages enemy craft and other sundry effects.
+AUCTORITAS ECM/ECCM Suite: Allows Zeus to steal control of enemy drone weapons and efficiently command allies.

Achille (50 points)

Firepower 4
Phased Array Laser CIWS 1
Metric Alteration Spatha 1
+ORESTES Positron Lance: Rapid-fire light beam cannon lethally effective against drones, fighters and mecha.
Defenses 7
++STYX Hull Reinforcement Field: Achille is virtually immune to damage while active but attenuation of all forces that interract with the hull make it reliant on its Myrmidon drones for sensor data.
-STYX field is disabled if drones are destroyed, or else Achille is blinded.
Speed 7
Electronics 4
Advanced Sensors 1
++Myrmidon Anti-Mecha Drone Force: Supported by a unit of mecha-scale combat dolls with similar capabilities as the Achille but lacking the ORESTES and STYX systems.

Héraclès (50 points)

Firepower 8
Phased Array Laser CIWS 1
+ACHERON Attenuator Fists and Knees: Disintegrates mass on contact when charged, using innovations borrowed from the STYX system of the Achille.
++Advanced Gravity Control System: Allows for severe environmental hazards, precise and powerful control of gravitational fields so that Héraclès can seemingly perform great feats of strength.
Defenses 6
+Mantle Shield Array: Advanced personal shielding for the Héraclès unit. Combined with AGCS, allows for operation even in solar corona.
Speed 7
Electronics 3

Strategic Superweapons

Gaïa (100 Points)

Firepower 15
Air Defense 2
Tactical Bombardment 2
Defenses 10
Deflector Shields
Speed 5
Electronics 20
Mecha FCS Assistance 1
Mobile Suit Complement 40
+Gaïa Gear Regiment: An entire regiment of mecha pilots are stationned aboard the Gaïa, living aboard the vessel and training to one day attain the status of Immortels.
+Rapid Prototyping Facilities: Constantly produces new units, prototypes to be enshrined as new Immortels if their designs and pilots prove themselves.

Ouranos (100 Points)

Firepower 40
Air Defense 5
Heavy Broadsides 5
+Massed Positron Cannon Array
Defenses 20
Deflector Shields 5
Speed 5
Electronics 15
+Enormous (Space) Weather Generator: Can generate an array of spatial phenomenon and aberrant weather patterns both in space and in atmosphere.

Thanatos (100 Points)

Firepower 30
Air Defense 5
Heavy Forward Fire 5
Giant Ramming Scythe
+Massed Positron Cannon Array
Defenses 25
Deflector Shields 5
Stealth System 5
Speed 5
Electronics 15
+Combines with Hades and turns into a sweet-ass giant robot.

Chronos (100 Points)

Firepower 20
Air Defense 2
Tactical Bombardment 2
+SICLE Harvest Beam: A large towing array that can physically drag enemy craft out of the battlefield for capture.
Defenses 10
Stealth System 6
Speed 5
Electronics 20
Mobile Suit Complement 35
+Les Cannibales Mobile Suit Regiment: Aggressive technology thieves who gleefully indulge in false-flag operations using stolen and retrofitted equipment.

Hypérion (100 Points)

Firepower 20
Air Defense 2
Navigational Lasers 1
Mining Array 3
+Solar Array System: A solar collection array that can also be turned into a lethal anti-fleet heat ray. Less effective against individual units, but large masses of ships and structures can be boiled away in minutes.
Defenses 20
Impact Tolerant Hull 2
Speed 10
Transorbital Capability 2
+Rapid Intersystem Transit: Can swiftly move between gravity wells in Sol proper.
Electronics 15
Planetary Survey 1
Ansible Array 3
Mobile Suit Complement 10
Interstellar Capability 10
Cold Sleep Bays 1